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On this scale, where does /ic/ think cheating begins?
When you start typing instead of drawing you retard.
Wait a minute I think I made this picture
It's just typing word lmao
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There is no cheating because there's no rules dumbfuck.
>drawing on paper
just moving your hand across paper lmao
none of you draw, why the fuck are you here? no friends?
lmao fucking got him

god, AI shills are so pathetic. yeah, it very much is a legit drawing technique, same as digital painting

you know how when they invented photography, every photographer started saying it was just a modern painting technology, and were constantly trying to make their photographs seem like real paintings and cover up the fact they used a camera at all

the artists are all just orthodox bigots that blindly oppose technological advancement, AI's the future, sirs please understand
Drawing over 3D models (tracing)
I've been tracing AI for a year now though, even easier now that someone trained 2 Loras on my art.
So digital, because keyboard shortcuts count, right?
Cave painting? Nobody is going to see your work, inauthentic, but technically not cheating.

Pen and paper? disenfranchises people that can't afford pen and paper, also offensive.

Ruler? Yeah right, moving your arm while holding a pencil against a straight surface on paper is 100% illegal cheatsville.

Digital? Are you fucking dense? No. Using any technology is strictly forbidden, rules, not tools. Also offensive to 3rd worlders who can't afford a computer.

Drawing over 3d models? You might as well be cheating on your waifu at this point, jesus christ, lord have mercy on your soul if you do this.

photobashing? Did you even credit the photographer who's work (photography is actually also cheating but we'll cross that bridge when we get there) you FUCKING STOLE? CHEATING CHEATER FUCK

AI, sweet AI. but yes, also cheating. You can't just type words.

Breathing is cheating, typing is cheating, and finally responding to this post and thread is the epitome of cheating.
Coping this hard gotta hurt.
You need talent and asian genes (high Iq)
You can't cheat with art, but AI art is (arguably) not art
I think the scale moves inversely to your grasp of the fundamentals. A lot of professionals use those as tools to speed up their workflow, not because they don't know how to do it, conversely, most tech bros don't know how to draw and use AI as a crutch not an augment
>Nother AI thread
drawing over 3d models is where the cheating starts, but referencing models is fine
Who the fuck ever said it's a "drawing" technique?
Anon, I'm pretty sure that guy is taking the piss......
just moving your hand across paper lmao
it's a retard technique
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i think i tried to analyze something similar back in 2021

ignore the latter stuff
I think it's cheating to deliver messages to people around the world without using a single bird.
Keyboard shortcuts don't draw
Drawing over 3D. Pathetic, disgusting and noticeable.
I can accept it when you have a shitload of commissions and shit to do, but begs using it? It's the most pathetic and laughable thing ever. Imagine being so bad that you can't even trace a 3D dummy correctly without giving away you're tracing over one.
when you picture a pose in your head and you use that as reference, that's already cheating because you're copying your memories, basically tracing
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>when you picture a pose in your head and you use that as reference, that's already cheating because you're copying your memories, basically tracing

When the person you are cheating is your future self. did the cheat let you skip getting good at the thing you chose to cheat for?
You haven’t even tried opening PS do you? God AI tards are pathetic.
Photobashing is lame for final products.
I feel like the compass is cheating
Tell that to AutoCAD users.
there are so many technological changes when it comes to art between cave paintings and digital, wtf is this.
Is this really how digital artists think about art material history?
Using a reference is cheating.
I use MS Paint and an intuos 3, it's closer to the stone age.
When you're no longer creating what you envisioned and just putting together stuff others have made. So in this scale, drawing over 3d models.
it's so funny that photobashing concept artists are seething about AI being just a collaging tool
stop before ai shitter unironically use that as an "argument"

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