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>how to filter 90% of people learning art
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Tutorials are for retards.
If you can't copy straight from the source then you're ngmi
That's not a tutorial and I suspect it was only posted as engagement bait to funnel people to their goytreon where they can buy the actual tutorial.
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.
If anybody here actually wants to know how to quickly render material like this Synix has a video that actually shows how you'd do this.


You're welcome.
Dime a dozen but any good quick cell shading tutorials for digital.
If you breathe with your lungs you're ngmi
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unironically correct. sadly I was a child then and didn't know better.
so everything you draw is a straight copy of a reference? You don't retain any knowledge?
This is like learning a language, everything that can be said has been said by someone, by absorbing the language (by listening and reading), you will naturally become fluent and say anything you want, who knows, maybe you will also become a poet. That's why it is a waste of time to try to construct and invent sentences from your head; you won't know if they are even correct.
That's actually a really ingenious idea - I'll have to do it as well
This is the kind of thing where if you’re already good at drawing / painting / rendering but aren’t sure why a particular part of your rendering looks wack it can make things click. Another thing for the mental library to make your already good shit better.
Well obviously not, pros can draw on the spot at conventions and shit. They retain the knowledge
There is no real problem with the dress tutorial, all it tells you is to follow the sequence of colors showing on the left and apply it to folds like in the example on the right, what more do you want?

the only similarity with the horse example is that in both pics, the right example has shitty rendering.
>the only similarity with the horse example is that in both pics, the right example has shitty rendering.
Pyw. I don't believe you are capable of doing better, anon
It's more likely you are the one who can't do better, you don't even have the ability to tell that it's shit, that's why you run to defend it with pyw
is it shitty, because there are too many details all over the place?
lel so weird and quirky XD
I came to GOON
Pyw faggot
Tl;Dr? Or can I get that in a 10 second tiktok?
It's times like these that remind me of how I should stop browsing this board when there are retards like you on it giving away garbage "tips" like this.
My professors did both. They would bring in their freelance art and show a step by step process.

Go to a better school.
nta but yes basically. if you copy a lot of reference and also use your brain while studying it then youll intuitively figure out how things work. Take fabric for example, after pedantically trying replicate the exact folds from dozens of different reference pictures, you start to understand how it lays and how that translates into illustrating it.
I mean how do you think anyone figured this shit out to begin with? someone had to do the hard work for there to be tutorials

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