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>Be Hungry Clicker
>Have almost 700k followers, including prominent indie, comic, and manga artists
>Hasn't followed a single person in almost 10 years
>Exclusively posts their work, and doesn't talk to anyone
What mode is this?
pretty based but his yt videos are not doing that well, I dont know what else he do tho..
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>be brand account with blue checkmark
>get paid to do fanart/sponsored posts
>attract a bunch of normies
>bunch of clout chasers want to network with you as well
>all the bots and other spam accounts follow suit
>some fag on a clay pot painting forum ask how it be like it do
it just do
A guy who just draws and doesn’t care about followers, just post and logs off to draw some more.
if I want someone to just draw without doing or saying anything else, I would use AI.
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>Hasn't followed a single person
why that matter tho not like he would get extra likes if he followed someone. At his level people would just like and retweet his stuff anyway.
now EO85 who doesn't post anything, doesn't do fanart only live stream, is in a weird mode
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>nooooo I need my virtual friend simulator
>What mode is this?
Egoless. He's using twitter the way the way Jack and Elon intended: As a tool for marketing.
>fan art energizer bunny automaton is the role model under social media realism
I want off this planet
/g/ has been telling you for years:
there's no way he draws amazing original portraits every single day. HOW
I love his channel, hopping from work to work is the most professional thing to do in any field.
shut up consoomer
maybe he just doesn't like talking to people online
I'm led to suspect "hungry_clicker" is a joint account not only due to their output but also their variety of styles. Is there a single interview Q&A or job role that can be traced?
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I can imagine a good half of those followers are bot accounts. Even though I have just a few thousand followers one day like 600 of them disappeared. Same thing happened to my friend that has hundreds of thousands of followers. She lost like 100k in a purge.

Twitter is botnet. There's gotta be a reason so many ai accounts have a shit ton of non engagement followers too. Even based on my numbers I would say most of them are bot accounts based on engagement when I post something.
how do I achieve this sigma grindset?
schizoid personality disorder mode (giga based)
I will be called permabeg but I don't think he's nowhere good enough to warrant anything over 200k followers, especially when much better artists than him are under the 10k
He won the Twitter algorithm lottery. That's the only real way to gain followers on Twitter.
Name them
He’s been on twitter for nearly 10 years, no shit he’ll that have that many followers. There are people he double his following in just 2, so not really
So this is the power of "just draw."
I know really good artists that have been working awhileand had accounts since 2012 and only have like 30k followers. I've seen postpone that have been brand new accounts that have 4x that and their art is mediocre at best.

Twitter is like YouTube. Every now and then it'll just choose some random asshole and promote the fuck out of them. Quality isn't what determines who sees your work anymore.
That was suppose to be *some. I don't know how my phone autocorrected that to postpone.
start naming those that works just as fast and as consistently
look >>7243427 >>7243418
Every single online socialization is absolutely worthless and artists who actually make money know this. Social media is a necessary evil this age for artist, and you should treat it as such, and only play it, but never give it any form of attention or respect or its users.
>Q: Do you use references?
>A: No, he usually does not, he will show on screen if there are any references used.

@58mw91 on youtube.
"only" 30K followers
Yes, just draw and draw fast, forever pumping out mediocre comfort-zone crap.
>all this guy posts is fan art of characters striking cool poses
I don't get why people follow accounts like that
Guy draws. Simple as.
because people and non artist like it. That matters more than some retarded fuck like you and >>7243626. You can't even name better modern online artist, since you're just shitposters that don't even draw.
I wonder who he mains in FGs since it's pretty obvious he's into them.
Fucking love that artist.

>works a 9-5 in an office
>only streams on weekends
>absolutely no social media except for a twitch and youtube account
>you can't find his art anywhere
>draws great, stylish characters after character
>never posts work, just thanks you for watching and logs off until the next weekend

This man is on a pure sigma grindset.
>You can't even name better modern online artis-ACK
Then WTF is this? https://x.com/click_burgundy/status/1727161227543982202/photo/1
Either you're baiting or he only did it poorly on purpose to snub the chink company, which is unlikely as its just about on par with his other works.
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Why so angry, anon? I just genuinely don't understand what people see in this story-less artworks. Here's work of one fanartist I like.
This is also a good point. Of course I'm going to fixate on your mediocre technique if you aren't going to offer anything else.
He simply posts what he likes regularly, wherever it tells a story or not it does not matter as long you are consistent with it, people will come.
[spoiler]that and he won the algorithm lottery[/spoiler]
He only draw fanarts for popular IPs 2-3 times a week and is good at what he does. there may better artist around every corner on twitter but not many better salesmen.

My brother in Christ that is better than 100% of current /ic/ what the fuck are you talking about?
That is the most generic weeaboo shit I've ever seen. How many anime games do you own on your psp?
>that and he won the algorithm lottery
Well, of course he's going to fucking win the 'algorithm lottery' when he makes consistent good artwork for years and years daily. It's just a matter of time someone gets noticed if they post good artwork online consistently.
you don’t even have 100 completed/rendered artwork or even draw
Generic =/= bad art you fucking mental midget. Now use your big boy words to explain what is poorly done about that picture that doesn't boil don't to you being a jealous faggot?
>2500 artworks and that doesnt include the ones the danbooru faggots didnt post
fuck that shit he can keep those 600k followers
>all SFW shit
how the fuck do you live like that
Kek let's stop here, no use trying to convince you dime a dozen blind suckers.
>no argument
That's what I thought bitch. I accept your concession.
you can chat with him in his youtube pre-streams
>draw SFW shit
>drew like 2500 drawings of nothing but SFW safe horny shit
>algo saw this and boosts him because he's the kind of artist that are advertisement friendly
>retard surprised he got half a mil followers
Generic makes it completely mediocre and indifferent which is worse than it just being bad.
You know what they say. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference.
to be honest, considering the type of art he makes and how relevant it is, I am surprised he isn't over 1 million, but its probably because it doesn't look like he doesn't express a personality or social interactions. The account effectively simple repository for his commercial work.
No skill permabeg crabs hating on someone's great successful art and yapping about how great technique means nothing, because it's generic and lacks the SOVL, will never not be funny.

Good technique will always be impressive and will always make for appealing art. No one gives a fuck about your soul, your big ideas and deep feelings, and no one will unless you can express it masterfully.

Everyone has fucking feelings and anyone can come up with an idea, that doesn't make you special or interesting. Being able to express that idea well (even when it's not very original at all) is what fucking does.
I knew he posted a lot but holy shit
No. You see this art and immediately forget it. Meanwhile Picasso painted shit and will forever be remembered.

I would rather be technically unskilled (though I'm not. I can render like crazy) but I would rather hammer my balls than be unoriginal.
I've seen a lot suckers on /ic/ but this one's the most unhinged by far. Keep dancing you clown, whether or not it's just bait.
>you can't find art anywhere
His blog has been posted before. https://blog.naver.com/fkzjfahs
Love his work.
>coomer in disbelief that people just like to make art
Safe horny is extremely underrated. You can show it to kids or even make it with kids and no one but shitbag Republican soccer moms will complain.
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>cumbrain assblasted
>Safe horny
go back troon, tired seeing this twitter term being used here a lot more now.
lol, the rest of the quote goes
>The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
Which is exactly what these motherfuckers are.
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Why the fuck are so many people just so trusting in the platform's algorithms that they are arguing over the content as if it's the primary factor?
You need a minimum level of skill but the major factor in success like this is just not being a retarded socmed monkey.

But I guess impulse control is why so many people are perma/beg/ huh?
You can't stop us.
Back to your containment board newfag.
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>Troons trying to gaslight people into believing that hating trannies is newfag behavior
that mentality is what makes you a permabeg, it's not about skill dumbass
He hasn't posted anything in a long while but I think his style improved quite a bit since then.
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He can tell stories with his art when he wants to. He just prefers pin-ups.
Is this the new troon fad?
wow what a story
Pure distilled reddit
If you Google "ps vita anime game" you will find a thousand titles with images that look exactly like this.
For those who don't know, this is a reference to the current Smash meta where Steve is so OP even by top-tier standards that a lot of people want him straight-up banned from tournaments.
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What's the story there?
>it's game reference that character is good in videogame but its so heckin epic and awesome because it has multiple characters in generic battle poses in it and the colors are pretty
>2 of the characters aren't even focused at the big enemy and detract from the flow of the illustration
wow yes feelow gaymers so epic and storytellfull
This looks out context and makes no sense to retards not in the smash community. Still looks better than whatever garbage >>7243657 is though.
>that pic
You wouldn’t even know what good story telling is, isekai slopper.
Elaborate on how that isekai slop picture has bad visual storytelling
>bunch of monsters with devious faces ensnare the character with gold to do bad things to her
you can tell the context even without seeing the show

Ah, but wait, it doesn't have the epic references to already existing famous IPs and doesn't have epic based crossovers so its bad, am i right?
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I wish that were me
>safe horny
It doesn't even cross into any sort of horny territory.
Are you fucking complaining NSFW isn't the only way to make it?
I wish I was this silent as this guy but I can't for the life of me stop retweeting and comment.
he drew jacko and ramlethal showing some skin unlike in the game
Thats safe horny, you fucking retard
Depiction of females with almost ZERO sexual attraction ie. unfappable for gooners but okay for easily-triggered fragile pro feminist reddit retards
that jacko in the op pic is safe horny, dumbass
>"it's safehorny because character isnt showin bob n vegana"
i'd kill myself if i had off-model autism
I would sooner use that term towards hypocritical corporations that try to eat cake and have it too by pushing "innocent" fetishes.
Characters showing a bit more skin hardly counts as anything.
Does anyone know how they probably record their art? I was using the built in recording from CSP but it never zooms in so the video wasn't the best.
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All these niggas crying about how he only draws SFW shit and never interacts with anyone. I for one am glad there's an artist I can follow without ever having to worry about them spamming my timeline with porn they made/retweeted or shitty vlog content.
yo wtf anon you don't want to see porn 24/7? what are you some fucking puritan jewish priest from pol who likes prumt and melon usk? wtf fucking 45 caliber wielding texan religious nuts

i hate my parents!
Cope, seethe, etc.
Anyone have any idea how the "algo" actually is able to "see" the drawings? I'm not trying to be cheeky, how does it know and tag an account accurately if there are barely any comments or anything else other than random people and some artists clicking like?
Do these guys make any money from their art?
This unironically.
eo8 works an office job, he probably did in the past though. clicker gets commissioned by companies like arcsystem, capcom, etc at times. hungery does commissions, remembered he did that in the past, but rarely does it now, also he has twitter blue. Which he gains money from just posting art and with the amount likes and views he gets on each post I wouldn't be surprised if he he gets a couple thousand a month from just posting.
That's interesting, thanks. I'm trying to figure out ways to make some money out of art that don't involve the Patreon way.
soul but not the best example to please the elite /ic/ anons
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He obviously plays a lot of a Smash and hates (or loves) Steve, because he has multiple pieces similar to >>7244006
Wait , hungry and clicker are two different person?
it's a random screenshot
no they're the same person. not sure why he broker it up like that.
He’s been posting art/drawing for more than a fucking decade. That’s how, fucker has 2500+ artwork posted….
does he actually make money though?
how to download more than 1000 twitter media posts?
>@58mw91 on youtube.
Thank you brother.
send me the lora when you're done
Hews has 1.5x more followers though and draws significantly less
he also plays the social media game, the op guy doesn't, heck he doesn't even bother to put any text most of the time at this point
>complaining about off-model
Opinion: discarded
Go pose CSPs female realistic model faggot
>chatgpt ass post

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