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I'm convinced that the reason there isn't animated porn aimed at women is because they are into forearms and strong hands, things that are notoriously difficult to draw, let alone the way women like.
have you tried asking women about this theory?
>implying OP has ever talked with one irl
I will never get a straight answer from a woman if I ask. Shame is too ingrained in them for that, and I know too many women who talk a lot about preferences only to end up with a guy embodying the polar opposite of them.

From the cracks that end up in that facade I have seen some of the universal preferences they have. Strong arms, legs (muscular thighs and pelvis), big hands, collarbone and forearms.
not him, but neck, hands and forearms are the first things women check after the obvious first impression, ie frame, face and clothes
t. nonvirgin with sisters
I had a girl send me sexy photos and she wanted pictures of my forearms. Girls like muscular, veiny things.

I had a professor in college that was older but ripped and he had exactly the kind of arms girls love. He was always taking girls out to "lunch". Girls are weird.

Interesting. Woeman are perplexing creatures.
Wasn't yaoi porn (or which ever it is) aimed mostly at women, and being somewhat famous for the poorly drawn massive hands? At least for a period of time?
>I will never get a straight answer from a woman if I ask. Shame is too ingrained in them for that.
Not even close bro, man and women can't have open discussions about sex because men see it as an open invitation to fuck/rape them. Not discussing taste and fantasies with men is how we stay safe.
ywnbaw also he’s right. I knew a girl who was obsessed with shota and she ended up with some big ass football dude
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I guess there could be some truth in that. Dudes will jack off to a plant if you gave it boobs, but women have fixations on other odd body parts like necks and prefer the dudes being more angular, which will be a bit more difficult to draw and means you'll be spending more time on details
Though the market is probably also just smaller, since women don't necessarily get off as much as men and have different preferences in how they go about it. A lot prefer writefaggotry, hence being the driving force behind fanfiction

The hands wouldn't be poorly drawn necessarily, they would just be comically disproportionate and exaggerated. Salad fingers ass dudes
Yep, I remember hearing about a woman that was raped in IIRC the Victorian era, where her rapist got off/defended. All because she had the audacity to sing a 'bawdy song' at a party.

Women are even afraid of giving men complements, because won't take it as just them being friendly.

Unlike men (gay or straight) women don't even commonly sexualise men (or women) with their mates.
Oh my God you're right. That rape in the victorian England is exactly why women are afraid to give complements today!
I'm 99% sure you're pretending to be retarded, but you still got a reply from me. So well done
Large poorly drawn hands are to teenage girls what large poorly drawn tits are to teenage boys.
this is so true, I remember a rape in mesopotamia where the rapist just had to pay the victim's father the price of two pigs and a chicken, I always think of that when I see a man with nice shoes and I just bite my tongue so I don't compliment him on accident and get raped
no it's because women prefer reading about sex far more than watching
And how would you know that? I've never saw neither my mom or my sister or my cousin reading any of that bullshit.
and your mother never read a harlequin novel in her life, must mean nobody is reading them, meanwhile

>Harlequin issues 115 new titles every month, prints 500,000 books a day and close to 140 million books a year. While half of the company's global sales are in North America, Harlequin serves an audience around the world that, in aggregate, matches its North American readership.
and you saw them watching porn?
Women don't watch porn.
There's the goblin cave thing. I've seen females saying they liked the bad ending instead of the canon one iirc
well did you see them getting fucked by your dad?
No, but that's what they are for. That's what I mean. They are the receiving element. Men are the ones in need of "activation", they do the work. They need the porn and motivation. The women don't need it.
Man, I need to train my forearms more.
wrong and stupid
porn is literally the reason for the female sexual liberation
before porn, women were little meat holes pounded by stronger, bigger men, sex was an intimidating, vulnerable experience where women are used by men to drain their balls
then comes porn, and suddenly women are the centerpiece of sex
sure, they still get pounded, but now sex is all about the woman moaning and being sexy while the man is relegated to a prop
women see this and it changes their perception of sex, they stop being insecure about their sexuality and start making it the core of their projected image
gradually this glorified portrayal of the woman's leading role in sex shapes both men and women's perceptions and now were at a point that a 6/10 hick who talks about hocking loogies on cocks to a random fat nigger on the street gets millions of dollars
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99% of porn paying consume base is male
If you want to sell porn to women;
>romance shit
Women's sexuality is mostly expressed with and through emotions, not through physical appearances.

A woman might see an Adonis and not really bat an eye, but if you start describing how the man of her dreams will swoon her while giving her the safe existence she desires and the roller coaster of emotions she constantly craves, you will get her ovulating on the spot.
This is why women or overall estrogenically charged individuals are anal about words and get offended easily; because their insecurity and schizophrenia does most of the heavy lifting for them, so if you write material aimed at women, you need to exploit it.

Romance/porn novels and soap operas are the most cringe inducing, shallow, retarded shit there is, but women have been gobbling it the fuck up since time immemorial.
lol what a fucking retard
>women don't watch porn
This wasn't even true when I was in high school 15 years ago, it's definitely not true now.
Make up your minds already. Do women watch porn, or do women read porn?
Truth is porn is a men's thing. Women just want to hijack a men's thing as usual, even when they don't even like it.
Are women gonna be cancelling porn or endorsing it? What's gonna be?
>Are women gonna be cancelling porn or endorsing it?
Selling it; so they need to meme that women are huge gooners so that retarded pajeets, kids and boomers donate to their onlyfans.
Isn't that so hecking epic that a WOMAN also gets horny with the porn YOU like and then you could talk about all the epic awesome porn she watches? buuuut only if you pay for her private chat sub!
>hurr do men watch movies or read books
Both, you dumb nigger.
>women are le epic big brained jewish conspiracy
>I cannot imagine a woman being horny
>noooooo women aren't horny and enjoy porn that's why they single-handedly fund an entire industry of smut men don't engage in, to trick you into subscribing to onlyfans!!
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>strawman schizophrenia
>he doesn't know
2025 can't come soon enough
first day, twitter tranny?
>le strawman
You literally said it's a conspiracy to pretend they're horny to sell porn, virgin.
>also can't actually read
sorry bud i dont have any tik tok shorts to teach you how to IQ
Your dick never felt the inside of a pussy, what compels you to broadcast that fact on a drawing board?
Tell me you've fucked a girl.
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>tranny mad as fuck
love to see it
>he can't do it
slow day on r/asianidentity?
>inb4 I don't need to have experienced sex with a woman to have knowledge of women's sexual predilections, I have the internet
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>pls call me a woman
wait i got a meme for this
>gets called a twitter tranny
>n-no you're the trannies
>posts tranny twitter screencap
go back
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>showing again that he cannot read
>so mad he goes on announcing his actions like the freak he is
>n-no u
the tranny's broken again
>says the illiterate
didn't expect otherwise
oh oh, it's malding now
>doesn't even use real words
>it's going 41%
>it's having a schizophrenic episode
oh no, it's narrating his life now
You just know this is true based on butthurt it caused
lmao cope
The one reply besides yours?
they hated him because he was right
>the post that literally mindbroke a tranny so hard he transitioned back into a faggot
>literally one reply
>schizo starts replying to his own post
Male hands wrote these.
>troonschizo start having another episode

That should be your new @handle since you change it every month when you have a chemical imbalance.
>no im not a schizo you are!
>tells everyone about the schizo daydreams he's having
>he panics because he knows I'm onto him
>I'm unto you!
>posts nothing
yup, totally mentally well
Monkey-san it's not one or the other, they do both. They draw quite a lot of porn in fact
Women want to get off like anyone else, they're not aliens
you can't hind from me, idiot
It clearly seems you've been hiding during school hours.
who doesn't skip to hang out on the rooftop?
Why tf to women like hands? I've only ever had one gf who openly told me she loved hands and I just couldn't understand it. Like how tf does me typing on a keyboard or some troon playing guitar make you horny??
>insists women don't get horny or watch porn
>screams tranny at everything
I'm betting F2M troon doing mental gymnastics to convince itself getting horny is a male trait because it thinks it was a man in a woman's body
Because men grope and women get groped, retard.
>you can't say women dont get horny
>literally no one said that
jesus christ how genuinly mad did this post make you freaks? >>7244348
>tranny still trying to astroturf his tranny delusion post that nobody read
Of course, you're too fucking socially inept to talk to women you fucking incel.
>he's still trying to deflect he's been found with his pants down
I diagnose you with chronically online armchair redditard.
>t. ranny
If only you knew how fucking retarded you were right now.
>Large poorly drawn hands are to teenage girls what large poorly drawn tits are to teenage boys.
This is probably right, but it seems like tits will always elevate a piece, poorly drawn or not for men, but I wonder if that's the case for overly large hands for women?
if you only knew how much you don't pass
shonen anime exists thoughever
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>I remember a rape in mesopotamia
>I'm convinced that the reason there isn't animated porn aimed at women is
How about live action porn aimed at them? I heard it's extremely niche.
It's the complete opposite in written porn like erotic novels, it seems women aren't as visual as most men, they want an "experience" instead of visual stimuli.
>Men are glorified monkeys
>Men are subhumans except for the top 1%
>Women are classy whores
No shit pal? Want their strong stained fingers to rub you up too?
OP here what the fuck is going on
>they want an "experience" instead of visual stimuli.
it's called using your mental images to create whatever is appealing to you, people who read fiction do it all the time, it's still a visual stimulus, just custom-made.
>oh boy I'm sure this thread will yield quality discussion pertaining to the topic of art and/or critique
>try to have a conversation
>someone didn't like what you say
>he proceeds to shitpost the entire thread and spam every anon who tries to have a genuine discussion
Anon, just hope that internet IDs will be enforced so all these faggots can't post on the internet anymore.
you got visited by the local self-proclaimed evil poster because you put the word porn in the op

I have personally learned from this thread, skill issue
you forgot the part where you're shitposting in response every time because you're butthurt too
Yeah, whoever replies must totally be emotionally invested or butthurt about stuff and you're totally epic based troll because you got a reply and everyone is mad because they just are, right?
Maybe you oughta stop trying to farm ego on the internet and get off your smartphone.
you are butthurt
>hurr durr I'm trying to have le conversation and the other guy is a shitposter
>saves posts
>posts in another thread about it
>"hehe you are butthurt"
normally, someone like you who is totally not butthurt, would just let shit that happens in a thread, let die in a thread.

You must genuinely be an actual schizo.
btw last (you)
>what are post numbers lol
this is the thread, retard
no nigga, the reason for it its because gals like to READ porn. and thats a fact, the majority of female books are romances with a lot of sex. done thread ended now you can go fuck yourself dumb nigger, this is for ART discussion not your gay ass random deliriums
>btw last (you)
You come here every day for ten hours to have the same arguments over and over just like everyone else and you always say this without realizing that for literally a decade it has never once been true.
See you tomorrow.
This dude got rejected by his HS crush for being an anime freak lmao.
kys dork.
>Previous Anon talks about how women won't talk about sex in the company of men, as many men see that as an invitation to assault them and they wouldn't be at fault.
>Anon replying brings up a historical example, to say that nothing's changed regarding men's behaviour and why women are reticent to bring up any sexual content when they are there.
>Anon, then moved on to a new, but related topic of women giving men compliments and why a lot of women won't. Because, men may infer she's being more than just being friendly with them.

It's pretty easy to get this. You guys' reading comprehension is shot.
ummm anon just pointed out that women have been getting raped for compliments even longer and confirmed she's wary of giving compliments for fear of rape
when women talk, shut up and listen
You think you're funny, but you're actually retarded.
cool it with the misogyny
I would not be surprised if the venn diagram of >women who believe joking about sex will result in them getting sexually assaulted
>pit mommies
is a near perfect circle of idiocy.
why does every thread on this god forsaken website always end up like this
Most art "communities" are too full of orbiters and people walking on eggshells. People from these places sometimes come here, but they either drag the same worldview that led to said stagnation or let out what they were bottling up in such shitty places.
Thus, /ic/ has the unfortunate combination of being slow while also attracting tourists.
wow, are you seriously mansplaining the internet right now?
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it's out there, you haven't looked hard enough
being slow as in retarded?
because it ain't slow in making 20 bait threads every hour and spamming cope and seethe for days
Now that we're talking about what women like and considering off-topic threads tend to better than those in intended boards...
What about hair? Some older women (mother, hair stylist etc.) swear by giving me almost a buzzcut while female neighbor complimented my dense, bushy hair(no, not in broccoli style). I like my hair, I don't want to look like a typical street thug.

Other question: what about body hair?
It's also because women look more for an emotional payoff rather than a sexual one when it comes to erotic works. Of course, women love many physical aspects of men but they're not the sole reason for a woman to start shlicking, unlike men who only need two circles next to each other to become raging cavemen.

Another reason is that the majority of women can't self-insert into the women of porn. They're too tall. They're brunettes instead of blonde. They're too skinny. They're too sexual or too perfect etc... Men just see a dude with a vaguely similar skin tone to theirs and can perfectly self-insert. Have you ever wondered why Yaoi and BL is mostly consumed by women? Because unironically they can self-insert MUCH easier into the twink fag bottom. Not because of the physical appearance but because of the emotional side. They're relatable to them and don't have distracting features like f-cup tits or a BBL ass.

If you want to create porn targeted at women, you need to make it physically but most importantly emotionally relatable. It doesn't have to be realistic (most women are delusionally mentally ill and dream about kidnapping scenarios and even rape) but it needs to be easy to self-insert to like those y/n fanfictions.

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