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How’s the drawing thing going for you, /ic/?
Pretty good actually! Im 28 btw.
It's fun being able to draw what you want.
Whats with these people obsessing over their age, specially on hobbies.
To answer the question, pretty aight.
Alright I guess. I guess I’m slightly better than I was 3 months ago when I started?
age only matters if you plan on getting hired due to simple investment/return calculations on the employer side. notice that this does not exclude deriving income by other means
hag artist girl is cute
Because people at 31 already have a little 6 and 7 year old Timmy and Sarah running around and a house and a wife and 2 cars paid off with a stable career.
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Hello time traveller from before 2008.
A lot of people get married before 25. A surprising amount.
Even if you discount someone having a highschool sweetheart they marry, a 4-year degree + 2 years of working gives a lot of people time to get married.

It's not universal but it's not uncommon.
The closer I get to my goal the more I start to realize I might have fucked up. Lol.
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Advertising psyop that started in the 60s, but which has only gotten worse with the internet.
One of my first coworkers was like 15 years older than me (I was 22 and he was in his mid thirties) he was married and just had his third child the day I met him. He quit like five years later to work at Universal designing rides.

Now I'm 36 and I have no kids, no wife, and just have a bunch of one night stands. I have an old truck from 2001. I need to get my shit together. I just do contract work now.
Do you think the moment they quit to design rides they only had smooth sailing? It's quite easy to imagine other people are living life with no struggles or regrets, seemingly undaunted. Guaranteed if you found success tomorrow people would look at you and imagine that you're larger than life not recognizing the shit place you were in yesterday. My point is, perspective is a fickle mistress and life gives and takes with no rhyme or reason. You're on your way whether you can see it or not anon.
Try looking at those old men who do art as a hobby and are not really at a master tier, and you will feel that you are still young, I want to be like them when I get old, they are having so much fun
those are permabegs
Eternalbegs if you will
And permabegness is real my niggas, just look here
that's why people are preaching SAL SALVADORY to rebuke people like this instead of helping them because they already helped them so many times they have lost patience and faith in people like this and purposely want them to fail but also because they cannot help themselves since people say it's always you yourself who should help yourself first but some people just never change
lost souls longing for a drawing purpose
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Have you ever asked yourself why you desperately "NEED" to be good?
It is safe to assume the driving force behind that mindset is the craving for recognition/money/followers/attention, rather than the passion for the art and expression.

If one liked drawing, they wouldn't mind drawing like a kid as long as they express themselves; but "skill" which boils down to mimicking reality as close as possible, is what is demanded and worshipped by the layman and other artists who do not posses an ounce of creativity, nor originality.

Realize that even cartoons/anime are only considered good if they mimic reality to a certain degree.
Normies fucking loved the anime filter on their photographs, so that should tell you what they value.
age only matters if you plan on dying
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Imagine dedicating yourself to one thing and years later realizing youre still mid level at best.
The different roads you could have traveled.
What that time could have been better spent on.
It’s no surprise why an artist would have a mid life crisis
>Have you ever asked yourself why you desperately "NEED" to be good?
Yes. I enjoy the competitive part. I like comparing my progress to other people who started around the same time.
It's both funny and sad how delusional what you just said is. It's 2024 anon, did you just woke up from a coma?
>The economy is fucked
>The 2 genders hate each other
>The crooked noses own everything
>You'll borrow and stream not buy
>You're a lonely cog destined to die alone
>The birthrates are on the decline
>People work over 200 hours per month
>Everything is expensive
>Cars are an optional "luxury" now
>You can Uber & Ifood everywhere
>Houses are all bought by the elite
>Childfree movements are popular
>Divorce rates are through the roof
>Men are afraid of women
>Women act like femcels
>#MeToo is to blame
>Tinder and Only fans ruined dating
>Everyone is cheating all the time
Did I forget something?
>did i forget something?
Yeah, the majority of people are genuinely mentally ill, have no IQ and are not worth interacting with.
I really do hate this "I can't be this bad at this age" mentality. You can't start, and be good, at something - it takes time. This mindset just dissuades older people from picking up hobbies or doing things in their free time out of fear and shame that they'll suck.
Maybe I want to pickup skateboarding in my 60's, or programming, or acting, but I best give before I even begin because I'll suck at the beginning.

Do you guys really expect people to stew and stagnate after their 20's, with no personal development what-so-ever?
You're already supposed to have something that you can do by age 20. If you don't, and continue being fully checked out until 31 than you clearly just don't have what it takes to make it, you're not the sort of a person who does art or should be doing anything creative.

If it was "your thing" you would've already been doing it for long enough to know.
people who were 31 when we were kids, sure. but people 31 NOW have none of these things. Even the biggest normalfags right now are living paycheck to paycheck while addicted to their phones and being pumped full of microplastics. Drawing is actually the best part of my shitty life.
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The age thing only gets worse. And worse. Technically. So you really need to have a good attitude about it.
>If it was "your thing" you would've already been doing it for long enough to know.
So don't form any new interests, hobbies, or try to learn anything new past 20? Got it.
>If it was "your thing" you would've already been doing it for long enough to know.

What if you've been doing it way before 20 but stuck with in by 30 and still draw worse than a 12 year old but refuse to quit because it feels like it's all you have left in this God forsaken world?
Most people form interests and personality long before age 31, yes.

If you have been completely checked out your whole life then you have no potential left to fulfil.
I'm sorry that you have to bear responsibility for your inaction
>Most people form interests and personality long before age 31, yes
And then stunt, and stop forming any new interests and their personality stagnates, yes?
People will always be exactly how they were as they are in their twenties, yes?
People who are 50 years old, or older, act exactly as they did in their 20's, yes?
Look, if it's not coming through, I think your opinion is just a little bit silly. You must be 16 or something if you think people just stop developing and growing, and don't form any new interests for the rest of their life at some point.
>Look, if it's not coming through, I think your opinion is just a little bit silly. You must be 16 or something if you think people just stop developing and growing
nta, but look at where the fuck you're at.
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idk i'm 19 and it feels like my brain is too retarded to understand this art thing, especially with the current course i'm following. i drew a god damn mother fucking platypus tho
They form the core personality early on. You will not be reworking your entire shtick at age 3.

But yeah i'm also projecting. Age 19 and super assmad that i wasted all of my free hs time not drawing and now i'll have to do construction site labour so no time or energy to ever get good.

Life wasted, just like that
im 20 and im better than most 20 y o artists so i think it is going well
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Supremely based post
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Holy fucking shit dude take a good look at what you're doing jfc. You're 19 demoralizing others here about what people at 20+ do. What you're seeing is the typical (reinforced by internet filled to the brim with media of "successful from an early age" people) "old people don't do anything life stops at 20" or whatever shitty image, but the reality is that there's people picking up new hobbies and changing their lives DRASTICALLY wayyy past that all the time. Yes when you've got work and other chores and life necessities piled on top of it plus a long streak of being a certain way, of course it is statistically more likely for a randomly chosen person to remain the same rather than change their ways, but that does in no way make it impossible or whatever to do if you are just determined and don't fall for this nonsense psyop that people like you, a 19 YEAR OLD are spreading about what 30+ YEAR OLDS can do.

It's like with losing weight, most people just can't be fucking arsed but when you try just a little, it's actually quite easy.

So stop crabbing and "it's over"ing and start working on whatever it is your heart beats for, I'm 23 and I'm not exaggerating when I say that 19 feels like an ETERNITY ago to me, the amount of things you can get done in just that time is absolutely insane, start chasing your dreams and in 4 years you'll be here wondering wtf it was you were on thinking life was over at 19.

to be fair it's pretty much over at 30 if you don't go all in
Maybe as a career thing, perhaps, but even just drawing for fun?
For fun, maybe. Can you take being bad for a long period of time while making it fun?
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Jon Foster didn't get started until he was 40. He was a carpenter/construction work while he practiced art.
There's a fair number of artists who only started or only took it seriously post-30. Monet is the most famous fine art example because he was a hobbyist until his wife died at 40.
Plenty of mangaka had some kind of early start with getting picked up in their 20s, but plenty more were like encouraged as teens/young adults due to even /beg/ being impressive to non-artists in a novelty (not "I'd pay for this" way), and only actually got serialized in their 30s.

The real gate is deciding to dedicate time to practice and having the mental fortitude for making low quality art at first.
Let me explain:
A lot of artists, as kids, don't have the body of experience to relalize what looks "good" or not. So they literally "just draw", and that's why artists who went down this path are often - but not always - shitty teachers. They did all their basic learning when they didn't have the life experience to second-guess themselves.
Someone starting in their teens, 20s, 30s, or even later has all kinds of other things nagging at them. Like any skill, it requires lots of dedicated time. If you prioritize your time for other things, it can be difficult to make room for something that is both hard and only has long-term benefits, especially with how many people are high time preference.

Think about it. After your shitty meaningless job where you're on your phone 1/3-2/3 of the day, making you a glorified security guard most of the time, you can be:
>going out, socializing, keeping at that social status grind
>veging out on media and consooming so you don't need to think
>dopamine from acting the zealot for an ideological false-god on the socmed of your age bracket
>working out, which gives both immediate and long-term (endorphin/health) benefits
>investing, being a parasite on socmed, or other forms of hustle (gambling)

Art in comparison is uncertain, and only long-term. The vapid normie mind has 0 tolerance for tasks that don't promise money or status.
>Two cars
Consoomerism truly is a mental illness.
>one car per family
Good luck getting anything done.
I spent all my childhood without my family having a single car. Everything went just fine.
that sounds horrible
If you can't try new hobbies after age 20+ I guess you can't change your career, move out of your hometown, go to college, or make literally any other decision that involves change after a certain age either. Do you people know how retarded you sound?
>Plenty of mangaka

I'd love to be a mangaka, too. Except there's not a single official pathway in the west for that. There's no school for it, so I can't come out at 18 right into vocational school to be a "manga kah". This shouldn't even be a comparison because of course they're going to give it their all in their competitive market in their country.

Kids get 2 whole months off and a billion holidays (official and unofficial) off. Some days they're not even learning at school; I'm sure you all remember this. And there are more resources than ever before. Your time to make it was between 18 to 25 as a student. After that it's going to only get harder and harder without some major risk taking.
Oh, and then there are the privileged who get to go to private middle and high schools that are solely dedicated to the arts. So they're not in public school doing useless shit.
>be in public school
>just sketch in every class anyways
it's not that fucking hard.
drawing takes longer and longer now that I'm 30. I spent a precious, precious hour sketching and all I have is something that really took ten minutes of drawing. The other 50 minutes was ctrl Z, looking at references, and trying different poses. Every time I finish drawing I feel like I got older and I'm running out of time, I compare it to if I had spent that hour gooning or doing something else pointless and sometimes drawing was worse than gooning..
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Not the same. Poor kids go from 8AM to 2PMish to learn bullshit for 6 to 7 periods straight while the fortunate are actually enrolled in a visual arts program for a whole year, each grade.
Reminder that the netherlands is built in the same sort of shitty-thru-traffic twisty-turny bullshit that american suburbia is, just with all the distances and properties shrunken.
>This shouldn't even be a comparison
This is a global website, there's plenty of SEAmonkies, ameritards and yuropoors on here. A sign of low intelligence is being unable to extrapolate from one person's experiences to apply the meaning to your own life.

>After that it's going to only get harder and harder without some major risk taking.
You should only be spending 30% of your income on rent. Move if you are spending more. Trailer parks are also rather cheap to live in and have more room than an apartment. They're like a step between an apartment and a condo and often cost less per month (mortgage + lot fee) than renting.

But your excuses really are just because you ignored the rest of the post, like a true normie shithead. Artists are outsiders to the usual social hierarchy, you either accept that or continue to gamble on trying to luck out into becoming some rich person's court jester with your /beg/ shit.

Those art programs are mostly useless. Art isn't taught, it's the shit around the art that's taught. Your comparison would be more apt if you pointed to rich kids whose parents pay for them to go to private art lessons after school, instead of the things public school offers a select few (football, drama, debate, chess, maybe robotics if the school had enough money).

That's the point though. You have opportunity costs. Are you going to spend it making art, or are you going to spend it playing gacha games, drinking and feeling sorry for yourself?
It isn't when you have walkable cities and proper mobility infrastructure :)
Public transit sucks. I feel deeply sorry for your upbringing.
Nah, it's alright. I'm not from a culturally enriched country so that might do the trick.
It's not alright...you were stripped of a family staple in this modern age. Parental bonding during road trips is something you'll never experience because you had to be quiet for others on a public bus.

It's tragic but I suppose not all countries are like the United States.
>to learn bullshit
Again, you don't have to learn fuck all. You can just sketch and ignore the teachers. No one forces you to pay attention to them. I graduated highschool with a GPA of 3.5/11 (is a weird scale I know) because I just sat in the back and sketched the entire time. Instead of doing homework I taught myself how to paint in photoshop 5.0. I also learned source engine and made my own maps and mods. I never did school work.

Art is a self learning process. Beyond a few basic things you can only learn by practice. You'll learn proportions and anatomy just by observation. The only real thing you can be taught is perspective but the basics can be taught in literally a few hours.
I spend more time gathering references and deciding what to draw, than actually drawing. I haven't drawn in 2 days because I just can't come up with something worth constructing for hours.
Greetings fellow 19 year old
Very nice platypus
Go to hell asshole, not everyone lives in cities, not everyone has a car, not all are faggots like you, the offspring of a creature, no one decides who to be born, leave him alone, you nit
holy shit he's 83? He used to post on conceptart.org and I thought he was like 30. I guess he was 60+ with 20 years of practice already.
*I knew something was amiss. this dude was not born in 1941 lol
>no one decides who to be born

Jesus chose the place and circumstance of his birth, so why can't we? Were we not granted free will? We were, so aren't we free to choose just like Jesus where we go on Earth just like him? How would we know we keep coming back here to learn different lessons?
Stab yourself, troll

Hey back off. That anon was equally being sarcastic to me. Reread the chain of posts.
lmao the zoomers are NOT okay

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