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I'd say at a given week, i do probably fifteen minutes of actual, real practice.
>Well now anon, would you be a good sport and indulge us- and just, tell us a bit more?
Oh yeah, let me tell you something about Loomis.

The thing is /ic/, it's not that i'm lazy, it's just that i don't care. Now, if i work my ass off, and grind and grind, i don't see a single gain, so where's the motivation?
And there's something else, /ic/. I'm posting my work in eight different threads right now.
>Beg your pardon?
Eight threads.
Eight, /ic/. Now that means, if i make a mistake, i have eight different threads worth of anons coming by to tell me about it.
That's my only real motivation, is not to be hassled. That and the fear of Not Making It, but you know what /ic/? That'll only someone make someone work hard enough not to drop off completely.
>Bear with me for just a second here.
>What if, and believe me, this is a hypothetical- but, what if you were promised some sort of uh, i don't know, guaranteed gain, an ability to take pleasure in the process itself, would that do anything for you?

I dunno, i guess... Listen uh, i'm gonna go, it's been really great talking to you guys.
Good luck with your crabbing, i hope making people quit goes well.

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