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I haven't posted anything on my Instagram account for 6 months. Now I've decided to take my art account more seriously, but I don't know if it's a good idea to keep using that account or create a new one, as I think I might be suffering from shadowban or something similar. I don't want to invest my effort into something that might not be worth it anymore. Should I create a new account or stick with the one I have and stop thinking about it so much?
There is no point to social media in the first place if you didn't start grinding 10 years ago or suck discord dicks to get boosted.
You people and your ‘shadowban’
Seems to be once your momentum cools down on a fresh account, IG won’t promote it much, and by promote I mean show to more than ~10% of your followers. Most art accounts are quite stagnant. No harm in creating a new account I suppose. Are you just going to follow the same accounts and end up with many of the same people following you as did before? Do you think your art and vision have improved and solidified that you won’t wish to start yet another fresh account a year or two from now?

In the end, it’s all your art. Maybe you’re embarrassed of it now and all you see are the beg mistakes, but it’s nice to look back to see how far you’ve come, to document the progress and evolution for others and yourself to see. Maybe the artwork had less meaning and intent, but the lines have value. It was created in a unique context and reflects yourself as you once attempted to communicate.

Idk, do you, but I recommend against deleting all your old stuff. Just let it exist out there. Good luck
delete everything
don't post on the internet
Just post the same art on a new account and your old one, and see how "shadowbanned" you really are. Until you've proven otherwise you're just suffering from skill issues.
Just treat an art account as a portfolio. Put your best work up and show it to friends and potential clients. Don't pay attention to the algorithm or engagement or any of that shit, the gamified elements are just a skinner box to feed you ads.
There is literally no reason why a social media platform would "shadowban" you for not being active and then returning to post, why would they punish you for doing what they want you to do? Also, the platforms care only about your content, not your account, even if you post literally only once a year, if that content becomes viral and creates engagement the algorithm won't give a shit and will push that content regardless. Obviously posting regularly and creating momentum is important if you want to build a following, but a platform won't ban you if you're not constant, I've seen years old accounts exploding after they returned active. Just follow the rules and don't act like a bot, and you won't get banned. There's so much mysticism and illogical thinking surrounding social media platoons and algorithms, especially on this board, that it's going to make me insane.
If no one interacts with your posts, they probably just don't like your art.
>why would they punish you for doing what they want you to do?
Posting is not what they want you to do, watching ads is. And they'll sure as fuck punish you for not watching enough ads.
>I think I might be suffering from shadowban or something similar.
you aren't.
>by promote I mean show to more than ~10% of your followers.
they show to a % of your followers and no interaction = dud content and the showing stops. if you reach a threshold of interaction then you get shown to a further & and it continues.
the more content you post the more pieces get shown, and shown to the most likely to interact first. if you post sparingly then the same % of your followers get shown initially but what is their reaction to it?
Instagram is only useful for reels at this point and TikTok does it better.
Using Instagram, Facebook, and threads grants Zuck permission to use your words and images for his slop generator anyways.
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this reminds me i made an "art account" and it took months to get 1,000 followers the only times i would get any is when i made FREE RAFFLES and people reposted my art to win lmao

i made an "alt account" to literally post myself sometimes and rant about things and within a year i had thousands of followers, i stopped drawing and my original art account is now a wasteland literally no one reposts anything unless i bring it up on my main account or draw some shitty sketch doodle and its just people that want me to send nudes
Maybe 3 years ago

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