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How rich could I have gotten as an painter of girl feet in previous centuries?
As an painter of girl feet, not very seeing there's not a single example of a successful foot fag artists prior to the 2000s
So the fetish just appeared one day into our simulation a software update?
Foot brained retards have probably always been a thing, but due to the lack of content and spaces to proudly announce your mental illness there's little evidence of their existence prior to the advent of forums and social media
Man you are emissing out...
Bro footfagotry and scatshit have been a really SPREAD scene since the dawn of mankind, it's just that they havent been properly documented, hence becoming lost media
reminds me of that place, Sodom
Oh God, Sodom?
Reminds me of that tragedy
I get that footfags have a 1 track mind, but could they spend a little more time of the face? It looks so bad
What a terrible name for a city
Oh don't laugh at Sodom, I was walking through fire and brimstone, looking for my wife
Reminds me of a city that's good at fuckin.
And pillars of salt.
Either way, she was in Northern Gomorrah
Wrong. Footfags are a modern thing because of beta low test males that grew up looking down when they walk. In the past men always looked forward when walking so they never developed the fetish.
I reckon it's more like foot fags in the olden days were just guys who kinda liked pretty feet, but now when someone who likes pretty feet comes across some chick with pretty feet posting her oiled up soles on Twitter it quickly develops into a feverish fetish.
Haven't seen any fetish community as fervent as feet fags.
feet and anal and the like were less popular in times where hygiene was more difficult
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feet thread?
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Nah it's actually because women feet were treated like shit back then, pretty much only royalty would have the means to have pretty feet but I doubt it.
With the rise of technology and digital art we can achieve 2d perfection like this >>7245131
It's only natural that one feels attracted to such display of beauty.
tarantino memes existed before internet.
William Bouguereau among several others
No, they just hid it better, or left it in the bedroom.

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