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>be 30yo oldfag
>want to achieve the art skills of my favorite artist
>too old
>set a goal to achieve within 3-5 years
>check his first pixiv art
>already better than what I'm doing right now
It's over for oldfags, do I really have to spend another 15 years to draw good anime art? a 45 years old man, drawing cute anime girls, as a hobby? WTF IT'S SO OVER FOR ME
who is your favorite artist?
You better start now then. What do you think you will be doing at 50yo? Climbing mountains, riding bikes and disco partying with the youngsters? No, you will be having the fun of your life drawing hot manga.
diminishing returns
the artist in question probably hasn't improved linearly all these years
you can be 80% as good as him in your 3-5years goal
Just give up then. And stick to posting this cringe smiling meme old man. Or maybe try AI art. It's easy.
if your only goal is drawing anime garbage you can easily accomplish that quickly, just look at pewdiepie
It takes 4 years to get good.
at least 1 for fundies.
Anime is better than your shitty realism
Yet a.l easily replicates it perfectly, that garbage is useless, weeb shitter.
Online resources for learning how to draw are infinitely better than they used to be. But if you give up that easily then art isn’t for you desu. It’s a really mentally taxing hobby.
Kids have spongebrain but can't plan, oldfags are calcified but wise enough to put together an effective study plan. The playing field is more even than you think.
I asked my art teacher whether he thinks his older or younger students learn faster. He teaches a lot of highschoolers but also some middle-aged like me. He said it seems about the same and it's mostly about who shows up to class the most and isn't on their phones.
What's the artist, retard?
I've lowered my standards to the point that all I want is to be able to match the efforts of ordinary children who have no particular interest in drawing, and even that seems impossible. I understand how to get better at putting lines on a page and copying, but actually drawing is such a complete mystery to me that I have no idea how to approach it. What are people even doing when they draw? Do they use some sort of mental process to transform the subject into lines, and then copy their mental image of those lines? I'm not sure how to try to learn something like that.
jesus wept anon if you think you can't do something you'll never do it if you don't at least start with the mindset of "I can learn to draw anime tits just the way I like 'em" then of course you'll never do it
I've learned that a lot of people tend to have a specific field or style they get really good at quick regardless of age.
>t. 30 year old boomer who spent 10 years grinding anime without much success and got to a pretty good level at landscapes and layout drawing in about 3 years
You're 100% overcomplicating the process. Take a photo or a piece of art you think looks cool and copy it with a pencil and paper, compare the two and note down which fundamentals your version hasn't matched, then try again. If that's too much you can just trace a piece of art you like to get a physical feeling for how the artist drew before doing your own study. Work big to small, do some light lines to get a feeling for the overall composition before you start going into forms and detail. Most of an artists visualisation happens on the paper, not in their head.
If you convince yourself it's impossible, erase every line a thousand times, punch yourself in the head while saying "stupid! stupid! stupid!" and scrunch up the paper before you're finished you'll never progress. Put down the eraser and just finish something even if it looks bad. Quantity is better than quality.
Menea the dog got good in 4-6 years
ah yes the good old "i'm gonna cram some books and get good in a year" plan
>Waaaaaa I'm so sad that I'm old and I don't want to learn or practice!!!
>Waaaaaaaa life's so hard because I'm old!!!!!

Just fucking draw. You're old, we get it, your brains slowing down, now fucking draw already. Less bitchy more worky

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