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File: henry_antonius3.png (2.41 MB, 2542x2542)
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2.41 MB PNG
How do I find the horizon and vanishing points in my painting?
I don't really know where the two characters should be positioned in respect to the viewer.
I relied on eyeballing so far but it's starting to fall apart.
>how do i find
you are supposed to plan that out before you start drawing anon
especially when you draw from imagination
but a good and easy rule is that the horizon is always on the eye level, because you know the the "world" in the painting is observed by someone, so unless you plan out some out of the ordinary scene, you just assumed you stand on the ground and "watch" the scene
what you have here fits that situation

also in general, dont obsess over the horizon and vanishing points fitting perfectly, you wont find that irl often either
things are not perfectly leveled on one plane
sure architecture will generally by leveled, so it will always look "off" when you fuck smth up, but minor mistakes can be handwaved away easily
you don't find them you stupid nigger, you're the one drawing the image
that's like asking
>how do I find the head in my drawing
File: file.png (263 KB, 1129x807)
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263 KB PNG
don't quit your day job
Well, the building right beside them is absolutely tiny right now, they literally wouldn't fit inside. The bottom of those windows is literally at the height of their calves, while the top is somewhere at their chest. The tower actually almost seems to make sense, but not quite.
just saturate the foreground elements then go progressively desaturated or paler as you go background

I fixed your cartoons
yes @latinabaddies
Are you this coomer?
This is why your father left, Jeremy.

first of all, your scaling is absolutely fucked. Either the figures need to be lowered to demonstrate they are closer to the foreground and not standing directly next to the building or the building in the midground needs to be made a lot bigger

Also, I like what you've got so far otherwise. I want to see the finished piece anon

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