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I want to improve my video game art portfolio.
Should I improve/redraw older paintings, or start new ones from scratch?
Also Is it wrong to improve an old commission, post it, and then erase from my portfolio the older version I was paid to make years ago?
you haven't said anything wrong
can't make heads or tails of the rest.
>video game art portfolio
add 3D models character or background props. Literally got me hired faster
Limit it to what kind of job you want and be very specific on what field. Unless its indie (you have to be good at everything in indie at minimum) If you don't know which then seperate your portfolio into categories. Even better if you have one for each category.

If you want to be in assets
Design objects in various angles and states such new old damaged. Be it a water tank, a cabinet, a car etc...

If you want environments.
Do biomes and landscapes like hills, grasslands, rainy forests, medevial cities, or tall skycrapers, futuristic utopias, etc... in different times of day and weather conditions, maybe even passage of time over generations.

If you want to do characters.
Do multiple body types like stick tall elf, round ball dwarf, a slimy goopey alien to even an angular flying drone andriod. And when doing characters do so in character sheets and not as image peice or portraits. The devs need something to work with and they wont know what to do if they do not know what the back of your character looks like. The same for mob design enemies, when doing animals or even fantasy creatures.

Also do match the eplmoyer's needs. You cannot use a 2d portfolio for a 3d game and you cannot use alien sci-fi on a fantasy setting, you cannot use guns on a slife-of-life baking as games tend to be usually very specific and niche.

And add a last part/section on your portfolio that carters to the employer. This will be the swappable part of your portfolio that you can just replace and swap out when you get rejected so you can try again for another employer. This section will contain a sample of the above in the style of your desired employer's games. This section of art must match at least one or more of your employer's already launched game/s so you can show them that you can work with and add to their existing IP. And then try to make some of your own ideas on your own in that design to show them that you can be creative all while also using their style.
Same Person

This is what I did when we finished our indie game and then I moved into a company. Tho I bet it was the experience in the indiegame plays a big part on what got me hired.

Thanks man, it's good to come accross advice when so many have this "I shouldn't help my competition" mindset.
Employer here. We're genuinely more interested in things like sketchbooks and older work because it shows us better how you got to where you are and it reveals a lot of your thought process. Trashed more portfolios than I can count because I didn't have a way of seeing someone's older works through a website or Google search.
But what if I only got serious recently and have improved over the last 2 years... after 10 years of Deviantart-tier MSpaint garbage?
You can pick and choose but have some of it on hand.
Your mention of baking games reminded me of a funny story one of tutors told me.
>Studied hard, worked hard
>Built a portfolio of tough dudes with swords, space ships, hot babes, and dragons
>Got his first job at a game studio
>They asked him if he could draw cartoon food
>Dude mindblanked, said "sure", then went home and spent all his free time doing anime food studies for a month while working for the company in other capacities

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