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>You get to choose any artist (living or dead) to be taught by for a year
Who do you choose, /ic/?
Alex Flores, probably.
Alfons Mucha
Da Vinci, he would probably zero interest in teaching me anything, i'd be content just follow him around and watch him work.
Craig Mullins
Him or Chardin
I'd probably choose someone who was a well regarded teacher and had successful student as part of that portfolio.
So maybe Vanderpoel? Bridgman? Yes, maybe even Loomis.
Actually, probably any of the instructors from the famous Artist's Course would be cool, I quite like Al Parker's work, so probably him?
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>famous Artist's Course
Albert Dorne for me.
this is the closest we'll ever get to this premise (even if it's less focus based and more process based)
This is interesting, thank you, anon. I'll certainly give it a read.
Also, if you want something related, give Lixin Yin a look, his style is very similar.
If it's only a year I'd go for Frank Frazetta. His focus on gesture and appeal plus the shortcuts he used to churn out quality work would be invaluable. He'd teach you a bunch of life wisdom along the way too.
>he would probably zero interest in teaching me anything
Given how much he wrote, and how, he'd be probably be quite interested to teach anyone willing to learn
Todd McFarlane.
I don't really want to learn art from him, I want to learn his grindset.
every frazetta photo looks like a frazetta painting. he was born with good composition
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Are all retards here? There's only ONE answer to that question:
Leyendecker, funnily enough
/ic/ pixel art guy

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