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>he was /int/tier at bes-

you're a lying sack of shit if you say you didn't jerk off to a shad drawing at LEAST once
Good rendering really boosts art.
Meant for >>7244568 but alright.
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I never said that
take it ez babe
I didn't. His style is repulsive
Looks like shit. Weak drawing, eye searing colors, mixed values. Really doesn't take much to impress nodraws and begs, huh, just a sloppy veneer of rendering.
saved by rendering
many such cases
mind posting your work?
Don't care about impressing begs (which you are if you're impressed by OP)
I'm not "impressed" by it but it's a nice piece even if it has easily noticeable flaws
I genuinely don't think so. Shad was more interested in drawing controversial porn than getting good, and it shows in everything he did.
Yeah he drew what he wanted to instead of letting an obsession with minor details kill his passion, womp womp
Why are pornbrains so content with mediocrity here? I just don't relate, whatever
Keep seething about it, it's good for your heart
>womp womp
Fuck off underage shitter
The power of drawing whatever the fuck you want leads to happiness and success.
Yeah, that’s why he’s a retarded mentally ill druggie that got sent to jail due to assault, his website is dead, he doesn’t upload anymore, and probably hanged himself by now.
I think his interest in matters of all things minor is what caused him some problems :)
It made his art better and successful but didn't compensate for anything else.
This is like the /fit/ meme where a dude gets jacked and is still sad.
Ironically that never caused him problems, being a violent junkie did.
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Shad is unironically the most influential and based artist of our time, fucking Hirst wishes he had Shad's notoriety and staying power.
Why would you hang up literal porn in your room, coomers are fucking weird
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>literal porn
kvetching a little too hard

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