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File: tegaki (4).png (5 KB, 400x400)
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I have a not-terrible follower count (1000-1500) and my own drawings consistently get 400-800 likes, but my retweets never contribute more than 20 likes to the post. Why does this happen? I just want to help my friends get their start.

It's probably worth mentioning that I only recently started retweeting stuffs, would that have some implications to the algo?
>anon follower sees post from an artist they dont follow
>anon follower is unlikely to like the post
on a less crabby note yeah retweeting something isnt going to pull your whole fanbase to it they like you that doesnt mean they like whoever you rt
Because people are gay,
They become followers and turn gay.
Let guess. You're retweeting complete beginners with sub 100 followers.
>would that have some implications to the algo?
Yes, the priority of your retweets and presumably your own tweets too will decrease if you do it too often.
>Yes, the priority of your retweets and presumably your own tweets too will decrease if you do it too often.
You've got to be kidding me. Why would they design it to work that way? Then how's an artist who's new to social media supposed to even start?
>You've got to be kidding me. Why would they design it to work that way?
So you don't clog other people's timelines.
File: spaghetti floor.jpg (8 KB, 259x194)
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>my own drawings consistently get 400-800 likes
is this thread a humble brag? I struggle to get 5 likes. on a good day.
is this a humble brag? try 0-3 bud

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