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>decide to make a socials account
>use as an avatar an oc made on pic crew as pfp
>experiment painfuly slow growth, but growth nontheless
>decide to draw myself a custom pfp
>its a character from a game i like
>the character is black
>growth stops
>well i guess i peaked with my first batch of drawings oh well
>post a few more drawings
>decide to change pfp again because my ass cant stand still
>another character from another game i like
>the character is white
>painfully slow growth starts again
Are you black?
If so, then they are racist.
Are you not black?
Then stop appropriating their culture you chud
Either because people are following you cause you’re a black waifu or constantly changing pfp can shadowban/slow growth(which happens)
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Your first avatar made people think you were transgender and you still got some growth, there are definitely other factors than racism at play here.
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cry about it faggot

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