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File: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (68 KB, 1022x731)
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Bros what the fuck has happened to me? I stopped drawing due to lack of motivation for like 10 months and I've completely regressed to the point where I cant even draw a circle. I've been trying to get back to where i was at (being able to draw comprehensible image) to a fucking prebeg. should I fucking give up on trying to draw?
File: ass.png (220 KB, 1000x890)
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220 KB PNG
for reference here was where I was at before my "skill" degraded into nothingness.
File: 1720544717040503.gif (1.65 MB, 498x371)
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1.65 MB GIF
You were already bad. You don't practice enough. You didn't "regress", that's just the best you can do. Why do you expect to retain knowledge when you haven't drawn anything for 10 months? All your whining is an insult to people who practice every day. Learn to put in some effort. If you can't draw a circle anymore, crying to us isn't going to make you draw any better. You can either sit down and draw or give up and be a failure. It's not that complicated.

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