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Client refuses to pay redditor muralist for their work: https://www.reddit.com/r/painting/comments/1ebw6e9/the_client_doesnt_like_the_results_i_was_told_to/

What do you make of this?
this is why you get paid up front
It's clearly a work of modern art, and the client is a fool for not knowing this will only appreciate in value.
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Here's what the client asked for. I wouldn't pay either
The redditor took it too literally and did a subpar job. But they did technically fulfill the requirement and should be paid.
I get the feeling the fact that there wasn't an initial downpayment requested says all that needs to be said about this artist's experience. I'd imagine the commissioner paid for the artist's materials. That's their payment. Congrats. I wouldn't pay for this shit either. You'd get better results asking one of the drunken homeless dudes that hang around colleges to paint this.
This like a Mary Blair painting but shit
This art actually fits the space and atmosphere. I think the client didn't know what works in his.
? What do you mean? For starters the painter could have actually covered the entire fucking wall like how the image the commissioner provided is done.
artist should have drawn a bit more to the bottom, but the client is not realistic and didn't imagine how it'd look without the lighting and interiors
The vines in the reference are painted up a high ceiling that is off-white, so the colors and concept work better and the sunrise shape frames the seating. In the redditor's work there is nothing to go off of.
Help me to understand how you're justifying them painting the mural 3 feet off floor level? It's not rocket science. Anybody could figure out that the client wanted the mural to be scaled to the wall. Everything the painter had done suggests they're a complete beginner. It really makes you wonder how they were commissioned to begin with. I'm starting to think the client is just as much at fault here as the painter. You get what you pay for and I imagine this client is picking the bottom of the barrel for "realistically price art".
my man, look at the reference. the blank space under the mural is presumably where the seating is supposed to go
I finally understand why people hate artists. Do lazy faggots really?
After seeing their mock up I both understand that you're right and how completely inexperienced this artist is.
I had thought that was what the artist did in the end.
I'm a little confused though, how could they have done something like that, when it appears the wall they were painting on is so small, not a corner, not brick, and even has holes in it?
Just glancing at the reddit, they were to paint walls that were under construction, but how can they do that when the walls have literally not been built?
>unfinished wall with terrible lighting and bad ambiance
>the painting was clearly done after the building and space was already established which shows

lesson is don't fucking decorate until the building is finished, also the artist should still be paid. it's not their fault the client was retarded
I'm trying to understand if people here are defending the artist because they see themselves in that shit art or if I'm missing something. The amount of cope about how this was an impossible task. Holy shit. I understand why /ic/ is full of begs now.
This looks completely beg, awful composition and shit line quality.
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They wanted a beautiful mural and got begslop. I wouldn't have paid for, nor applied for a job I wasn't qualified to do.
permabeg tier "muralist"
i do think the buyer still needs to pay, their own damn for hiring bottom of the barrel trash.
The artist says in the Reddit thread that it’s 3 feet above floor level because the owner is going to put in booth seating for a restaurant. Read the thread you fuckin goons.

That said, it still sucks.
I did, retracted my statement and it didn't make their case better dumbass.
People who don't make things and only buy IKEA furniture and other packed items often think that things are pre-painted and then assembled, when in reality most things are painted after it's all put together.

This is something the artist, if he was experienced, would know he has to guide the client through though. But the client also has to pay what he agreed, assuming he did see the artist's other works and that corporate flat blob garbage is representative. If the artist was advertising way better than what he delivered though, then he could be in a pickle.

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