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Is tracing over AI shit cheating? Not with the purpose of learning, of course, just producing a piece. Theoretically no one will ever find the "original" artwork from where I trace from so it's safe from legal problems. I would like to hear your opinion, /ic/.
I encourage you to trace the "art" of prompters, say you made it, then tag them. Rinse and repeat.
Don't call it tracing. Call it "humanizing" the artwork.
Without objective morality anything is permissible.
This is how lower beings operate.
it's really lame but who cares if it's 'cheating,' it's not a game
you objectively sound like you get no pussy
If you don't care about getting better, go for it.
The issue is that once you see how much attention you can get online just by tracing AI art and pretending it's completely original, you'll eventually join the dark side and start creating your own AI art to trace.
Happened to a discord friend.
What's immoral about it?
the sad demise
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No. Professionals call it using reference.
Now go draw. Stop wasting time.
Tracing is a tool.
Copying is a tool.
Prompting is a tool.
Is having AI trace my shit cheating?
Is the old thread dead pajeet-kun?
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Ownership of images is a spook and just adds cost to artists by making those who are overly cautious have to jump through hoops while other people are using whatever they can to the ends of making what they want to - whether it be for personal or commercial work.

Here's an old scan from a book where one of the guys who worked on MTG and some other things does special effects by just pasting in photos of objects he took and filter/paint-smudging them.

This kind of shit is what the people who actually know what they're talking about say "artists can use AI as a tool" (not the tards who parrot tribal talking points and don't understand fuckall.) You can generate bits and bobs to help add texture and other things without needing to waste time, money and energy snapping photos and shoving them in a material folder or paying the handful of monopolies for stock crap (and then realizing you bought the wrong ones with the wrong licenses for the work you do.)

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the scan is shit but I'm not destroying my book for a better one.
god the salty tears from ai morons would be great I should do this
This is hilarious. Do this.
Unironically if you create an account on X name it something like HumanizedArt and buy the blue checkmark you'd be able to engagement farm and probably make a few hundred maybe even break a thousand dollas from engagement. I'm legitimately considering doing this. Even make TikToks showing your workflow. Lmfaooo.
>pull up prompter page
damn i gotta start doing that texture import.
There's nothing worth stealing from AI
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>waste hours to trace and render 1 prompt that take like 2-3 min to generate
> Tag them so they get more exposure
> Get sperg artists to shit on you for using ai art
I don't see how this is feasible no wonder you encourage retards to do it not yourself
You really don't get how to farm hatred do you? You don't think crazy twitter artists wouldn't jump at the chance to "own" the AI artists?
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Making the nodraw anti-ai cultists seethe is a valid way to promote yourself.

Eventually we will live in harmony. Coom artists, postmodern artists, AI artists, vector artists, 3D artists, photographers, collage artists, glitch artists, meme artists and many more all hand in hand, while all the "that's not real art!!" faggots who all hate some particular genre or another are dying of self-inflicted stress anyeurisms.
i encourage you to ask the AI to trace AI for you.
>making the anti-crowd seethe
I don't see it. How will this make them seethe exactly? I highly doubt these people would care about this shit considering they're already generating images to begin with.
If anything, this would make artists mad because "you traced over AI art, how dare you"
>One group is outraged because of perceived injustice
>Other group is indifferent
>Present the group that is outraged with a form of an eye for an eye
>Create captions that bait reaction a la "I'm taking back art from the robots! If they make their "art" by stealing I'll steal it back!"
>use hashtags that the schizo anti art crowd frequent
>plant your art in art communities, say you're a modern artist making statement pieces
I mean you literally get paid to troll in this day and age. What do you think Andrew Tate is? He's a troll. He's getting paid to troll. Hatred and outrage = engagement = money. If there's a group of very reactionary people it's literally free money.
You misread my post and are agreeing with me. The "anti-ai cultists" are just one flavor of retard who spends more time crying about AI and rapidly rotating between
>we're back
every time some grifter posts an article that has some "AI killer" program or lawsuit (which ends up going nowhere and
>it's over
every time there's either some new advancement or (heavens to betsy) someone makes something actually cool using AI in the process, like that one scooby doo fan animation
You are against AI for some moral crusade. I am against AI because it looks like shit. We are not the same.
Okay but this isn't trolling. You're not "owning" the AI group. You used your time to trace over one of their pictures alright well they'll just generate 5 more. Like, again, they probably don't care. And based on the OP of this topic, this would have more ramifications on the artist side than it does to the other side. Are you "based" for tracing someone else's AI art or are you taking the lazy way out?
I probably did. All of this shit just sounds unnecessary. Just draw.
On the contrary, I'm fine with AI. Difficult to use for my own work beyond ref material though, since I'm a /trad/iot.

It's not about doing anything to the pro-AI group, it's about making the anti-AI group argue with each other like lolcows and give you interactions.

Only the most moronic of the pro-AI people actually would be upset since most of them are also in favor of Open Source and piracy lol
Considering their art was trained on artists work without permission pretty based thank you.
>generate AI image
>use projector to projector onto canvas
>Infinite money glitch

no draw aitards logic.
You reminded me that I saw and overhead some dude who was legitimately having an NFT painting of his framed at hobby lobby one time I was there. The guy seemed so enthusiastic about it. Looked like a normal, if slightly spergy guy (loose bowlcut, brown sweatshirt in fall, think like a less-cool Alec from Technology connections)

I don't know if you're a real artist or just another ai user that wants to derail as many artist as possible by suggesting them ways to boost AI accounts. but if you're a real artist here's my thought on this. using ai even as a reference has been known to degrade artist skills. I've heard this on multiple podcast from professional artists. you're only going to hurt your progress as an artist because whether you want it or not you're consuming something that is made through an algorithm. the human touch is lost within the billions of melted data. real human art contains the artist intentions within every line and strokes. you don' get that with a machine learning gacha image. get inspired by real work of art and ignore the ai hype.
>human touch is lost within the billions of melted data
Magical thinking is a sign of mental illness
You first mistake was thinking people that use AI for tracing want to be artists, their sole goal is to grift money out of paypigs. They do not care about "art".

This whole thing is about money, not about art.
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Funny, but they will never leave you alone after that.
They will spam your account with bots, maybe even try to doxx you, going as far as believing they are the ones making you seethe, because they are that miserable.
Any and all interaction they get they will see it as a "win".
They are the true definition of bugmen.

Best you can do is just mass report their accounts and ignore them.
The risk of inciting their inferiority complex or giving them the attention they so desperately crave, is not worth it.

Someone should make a general where we collect AI spam accounts and we mass report them.
This will really make them seethe into oblivion because they can't cry about an invisible enemy and if they try to blame artists, they will just show how mentally ill they really are.
Legit never run across any of these, but I have seen that anti-AI cartel of like, Jon Lam making his increasingly-unhinged takes, the guy who "worked in the industry doing 3d" (his claim to fame is some tiger that looks like it belongs in Food Fight of all fucking things), the greasey neckbeard who blocks anyone that points out his hypocrisy but still replies 2-layers deep, and that one shotatard who never draws but is always cheering on the others. Oh and Karla Ortiz whose entire MO has been about hamfistedly trying to enclose art into artificial scarcity in the vague hopes she can rentseek off it (she dabbled in NFTs too lmao).
Interact with Indians repulses me, the H1B kinds even moreso. Even baiting their griftposts for engagement on Xitter would result in an anaphylactic shock from me.
Those clout goblins are also part of the problem.
I would also like to see them removed as much as ai tards.
RJ Palmer can go fuck himself.
If you think about it, it is ironic how the internet has gone to shit exactly the moment when India got internet.
oh please, use AI, the less people know how to draw the better.
You know that special effects and screen effects and shit in manga were literal art assets you could buy in art stores right? Not just those, but even fucking stuff like flowers and shit that you could find in romance manga that they use to frame important panels. Then that became digitized in the form of brushes and digital art assets pros could just copy and paste or apply with a brush. Even stuff like impact effects and textures (including but not limited to screen tones). Not to mention the abundant use of 3D backgrounds and photos that they just throw filters or trace over. If AI helps a human do a better job, whatever
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>Is tracing over AI shit cheating?
Not my problem. I don't trace, and I don't use AI.
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A permabeg lacks the self reflection to pursue true self change, man cannot change without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor.
a /beg/ shakes in his boots, but depending on the age this /beg/ will be when they first start makes key differences. Younger /beg/s tend to over inflate their perception of their own skill, while older /beg/s tend to overly minimize their own works value and can become paralyzed by their own analysis.
Neither guarentees a future as few prodigy children grow up to make successful adult creatives, and there older people who take up art who do in fact overcome and find their audience.

Then comes the /int/ who tries to suffer for his art, not quite possessing the aptitude that comes from being /pro/.
/pro/ is simply being able to do more in less time because of the grinding hours one did as a /int/. You make a lot of ok art, but the best part is every failed drawing is one step closer to being able to read the room and maintain your cool against your real enemies, yourself, time and the canvas.

A pro tennis player can already tell where his opponent is going to run based on his body and feet positioning, and adjusts his serve accordingly. A beg misses the hit because he doesn't know what to look for.

My point is, as long as you possess the skills, you can and should do whatever the fuck you want. you only are going to be judged by yourself when you look in the mirror in old age, did you really spend your life the way you wanted to? If i want to trace and steal your OC and repaint it to the point that my skill begins to outweigh your original contribution, then it's no longer your art. Thats the game man, I'm decent enough to where I drew pic related over AI. The thing is, I'm not trying to trick anyone, I just did it for fun. If I needed the money from art I would cheat and stab anyone in the back to win. The creative arena is darwinian. I've never been friends with other artists, I've been only rivals.
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It went to shit in 2007. It just took a second nosedive once everyone started trying to appeal to india in the mid-2010s due to facebook and others handing out free smartphones. Because all the big tech companies cared about was more bodies online. "Open bob" and all that shit was because Indians had no concept of "Netiquette" in their culture before then to temper anything. It was like millions of old grandpas getting sudden access to the internet, not knowing how to operate shit and not associated the text on the screen with another human, except they were in their 20s and 30s.

But really, 2007 was the fucked part.
This AI situation now is similar to anime situation in early 2K, the art grifters will do what they must do to grift and call themselves artists, a bunch of them already switching gear, and it's just the beginning, give it a few years.
>and not associated the text on the screen with another human.

For them, it's a cultural thing rather than the internet asshole thing, just look at the amount of scammers that come from there specifically, scammers are precisely the sociopathic type who don't see you as human.
That's a large-population problem. Most of the phone scammers I encounter nowadays are filipino for some reason. I know this because they respond to me going "Pinoy ako?" and they have a distinctly different accent.
It's a natural reaction to disgusting parasites.

Nothing ironic about it, when 2 billion turd worlders came online that's also when the internet was flooded by braindead slop posters. The two are connected. The dead internet theory is in fact the result of this coming online of countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria, Mexico, Brazil etc. They killed all small websites and communities because they couldn't deal with the flow of diarrhea. A similar thing has/is happening to online gaming and every thing they can grab their hands on. 4chan didn't have a single street shitter poster for a decade since its inception, yet if you go on /pol/ now, even with the range ban, you'll see a ton of brownoid posters.

AI art, almost always pushed by the talentless, smelly hacks. We need a great firewall and for them to be completely cut-off from our internet.
>Dead internet theory
That's not about braindead people you interact with. It's about how site owners monitoring traffic have found that 2/3 or so of their "users" are actually bots who are just collecting data and running analytics, for the most part. Everyone is running data collection, it's big fucking business.
you will never draw hands

My mom was following an artist on facebook. I took one look and explained to her how they were all ai generated and had her generate a prompt on bings dall e3 and she was instantly disgusted and very typical "wow so whats the point of drawing then?"

sad that people are just, yeah data collecting instead of talking to other people.
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Yes. Things only got worse after that.
I keep hearing about the "village idiot" meme; where if irl it was just one, now thanks to the internet they can come together, and i find it to be true to the current state.
Add smartphone access on top of that.

Internet access really needs to be kept away from the mentally ill and minors now that, unfortunately, the internet has become an extension of real life.
>dead internet theory
actually this >>7245585
but i get your point.

Nowadays everything is so much shitposting, baiting and trolling, it's unreal.
Everyone seems to just come on the internet to jerk off or "win" social interactions.
Arguments always devolve into one side trying to lie or just wasting time disagreeing, and it's always the same tired copypasted posts over and over.

All this and more really makes you believe there are no more people on the internet.
idk, from personal experience, the Indian kind is especially mental
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>Everyone seems to just come on the internet to jerk off or "win" social interactions.
That's how normies act IRL. Everything is a mask and people only actually give a shit about a small circle of actual true friends and family, the rest is just posturing and sucking up to try to gain status. Which often involves disingenuously shitting on people those the normie looks up to dislikes. This level of extreme inauthenticity is also why normies make shitty art. It's both disgusting and pathetic how they act and no wonder psychopaths manipulate them so easily.

They act the exact same ways online, the difference is that they can't use nonverbal communication to convey a lot of it so the subtleties get turned blatant. THIS is where the "greater internet fuckwad theory" comes from - it's not that regular people turn into shitheads because of anonymity, it's that shitheads have to be either more blatant to get their BS across or they have to clam up until they explode from others not getting the hints they fumble with. Autists also always seem rude to normies because playing these kinds of social-games is an exhausting act. I personally don't give a fuck anymore about their social dance and just recognize normie culture as some kind of psychopath-catering maladaption. Very freeing.

>Internet access really needs to be kept away from the mentally ill
If anything the mentally ill make it better, because it's a deterrence. The true lolcows (the kinds kiwifarms was built for documenting and laughing at) are like the weirdo at the end of the street who has 5 loud dogs, an unmowed lawn and car parts strewn all over his property. Yea you don't wanna interact with him, but his prescence keeps your area from being gentrified AND keeps thieves from bothering to fuck with your street.

This essay is increasingly-relevant as time goes on:

Normies ruin everything.
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AI can't do dog ears.
don't do this, this is grifting ai slopper bait. Doing this will have more art being proompted and seen as acceptable. Just take ai shitters proompted images and claim it as your own, WITHOUT doing anything, like the copy and paste shit for nfts.
>ai shitter telling anyone to pyw
fuck off faggot tourist.
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human intent

>magical thinking

machine learning algorithm

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Many artist are already using ai to draw, remember it's a tool. If you're against it, you're just another retarded luddite
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>Many artist

shows one
he means grifters who never learned how to draw properly and never really wanted to
People who just proompt are like the people on dA who copy-paste cartoon character heads onto anime girl bodies and bucket fill the skin/clothing colors. No shit it's bad art.

The "human touch" is achieved by actually putting work in to go from a raw lump of pixels that vaguely resembles something, into something with meaning and authenticity.

The assumption that there's some kind of mystical
>human touch [...] within every line and strokes.[sic]
Is absolutely stupid when we've already had artforms that heavily rely on automated processes for decades.
To be crystal clear: AI art is AI art. It is not drawing, painting, macrame, 3d art, woodcarving, or photography. It is its own thing.
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why you keep going


I'm talking about human intention pajoori.

what do you think about when you write on paper pajarreena?

if draw a circle do you think about a square pajoshijoshi?

when real artist draw we think conciously or subconsciously. we don't let our mind float in the shit filled flood water pajajatron.

stop relying on ai to think for you pajinino.

you're talking like a dumb machine pajeetrasaurus.
wtf Subuart? Was he from here?
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I'm an autistic non-pajeet non-AI artist. Half the time I just let my mind float around while "finding" things on the page.

You're just retarded, and I don't mind AI art. I want AI artists to improve. Picrel is one that is on the way to doing things decently, apparently he spends over 5 hours making a single image most of the time. Way way better than the slop that exists, still high-/beg/ for AI, but the artform in an actually-usable state has been around for only a couple years.
Is this bait
> I want AI artists to improve.

this is like wanting the wolf to become vegan
Fetish artists and fine artists are at the forefront of making better AI art, because the AI models tend towards generic averages. So they actually have to struggle and think to get things working, investing more of their time and effort and thus noticing more when things are super off.
If someone is spending hours upon hours doing all kinds of small adjustments (using AI, image editing, or a combo) then they would indeed be grinding skills and improving. There just isn't a whole lot of understanding how to "do things well" like there is in other artforms, so people are still exploring options.
Why don't you show them how to do it then? You say you're a non-AI artist yet you heavily fellate AI. Either your a falseflagging baiter or the retarded trip that shat up the place for months with embarrassing AI talk.
This is exactly why porn should get banned everywhere.
stop acting as if AI grifters not looking for the fastest way to mass produce and how AI techs don't look into how to do the fixing without artist input, because they know that's the only way they are going to convince companies to shill more for their slop.
Luddite has lost all meaning with you retarded shills.
I'm neither of those. I've messed with AI art but it's just not useful in my own process, at least not at the moment.
I guess I can say I've assisted some AI artists by pointing things out that look wrong, giving the thumbs up for things that look decent, and passed knowledge from different AI dudes to others.
It's not my area of expertise though (I can't even run SD on my PC, I have to use these gay limited-per-day sites when I want to explore things for references) so you might as well be asking me why I don't show 3d artists how to do it.

There's no point in mass-producing things of 0 value. If someone can fix stuff without needing a non-AI artist then that means they have the skills needed to do so, no real problem there.

If nothing else it lost the meaning before now, and it's gained its actual meaning back. Pre-AI it meant "people who were unga bunga fearful of technology." Now it correctly means "people who use or seek to use a certain skillset for profit, being immensely upset at a technology which can produce results similar to that of a poorly-skilled person in the same field."
AI's pretty good for inspiration.
The only use I've seen AI for is for people to falseflag and use it as reference or trace over it. They get the gains of a decent artist, and the fame that comes with it without any of the work or baggage. That's the best use case.
>people who use or seek to use a certain skillset for profit, being immensely upset at a technology which can produce results similar to that of a poorly-skilled person in the same field."

Then obviously we should just be getting rid of drawing in every commercialized industry. Thank you for the insight
close to home?
I've seen people use it to make backgrounds and as "photo"bash material, or special effects like magical circles. Really not much different from grabbing or making assets.
Also toyed around with making UI elements before (buttons, bars, icons), but only did it a couple times so I don't know what the limits or possibilities are.

There's also things for auto-lining and auto-color now, along with some other tools that could be useful for bashing together inbetweens for animation, making longer films possible for independents and small-teams.

If people are doing shitty work for shitty pay then yea that should probably be reduced into less people doing the shitty work for decentish pay.
Tracing over 3D or AI is significantly more work than proompting or not drawing so you do whatever.
these are the images generated?
Yes and he ruined the current /asg/ thread
Your mom has good taste, anon.
He-he’s just having fun with this one piece, and this one only! If you think all his other artworks were AI traced, try to find the AI images among them. If you can’t, that means those are original art pieces!
Automatic image generation is here to stay. We were just at the beginning. It will be a respectable discipline in the years to come.
sure, as respectable as making booba anime girls in void and photobashing are.
>There's no point in mass-producing things of 0 value.
A technology is produced for something of 0 value?

>If someone can fix stuff without needing a non-AI artist.
Read again, not someone, no human at all. Your AI "artist" is not something a company needs. The ideal is to not need any human input at all, at the very least have someone unskilled and easily replaceable, dreaming that AI "artist" will have any sort of profitable job in commercial art when the only reason companies are looking into that technology is to cut cost is delusional.
Making shitty AI images that meet no spec is 0 value for anyone other than scammy mobile app and SEO-shitsite companies who just need any image at all to fill space.

>The ideal is to not need any human input at all
Images cannot just magically materialize to spec without any input. The buck always stops at a human somewhere.
If the only art job at a company is "art director" then that's still an artist btw.
"art director" will not be the one pushing the buttons, a person practically taken off the streets willing to work for food will

you mf really be unserious dreaming of status and being called art directors, when in reality all that is needed from you is to generate a thousand images for minimum cost and to be so replaceable that you can't negotiate your wages.
yeah that's another reason why AI is heavily related to pajeets, because they'll be the ones hired for peanuts using it
No I mean an actual art director.
If it becomes as easy (and to some level of quality that sorting between shit and decent outputs doesn't require much) as you imply, then it also doesn't need to be anyone besides the company owner or top manager. Because why bother having what you want lost in translation to someone that low IQ?

And at that point literally anyone would be able to do the same thing, no company needed. So the company would - again - be using art of 0 value and as such would have nothing standout to make people want to pay them.

You guys are really bad at understanding how businesses work.
>then it also doesn't need to be anyone besides the company owner or top manager
Because company owner or top manager actually has a very different set of responsibilities to be saddled with this layman level job.

>And at that point literally anyone would be able to do the same thing, no company needed.
All whales are mammals. All fish are aquatic animals. Therefore, all fish are aquatic mammals.

>You guys are really bad at understanding how businesses work.
Only because you think you are the smartest person in the room.
I tried doing that but I find it faster to just draw it myself. Colors are faster as well. I guess you could just use them as reference rather than tracing. But then you spend hours prompting without finding a good reference for what you have in mind (unless you want generic shit).

Basically, if you're at least /int/ just trust your skills!
>even with the range ban
There's a current range ban on /pol/? Which countries did they ban?

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