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I've been dedicating some time to learning art but I've slown down significantly in recent months.

I feel like I can learn whatever topic if I apply myself hard enough, but actually applying them to a study or, god forbid, my own work, even if it's as mundane as trying to draw X character in Y pose, almost always comes out shit.

If I could figure out how to apply what I learned to something half decent within reason of what's possible, that'd be sick, but I feel like half the time I'm either failing miserably or putting random shapes down on paper and hoping it turns into something.
Draw from memory
There is a lot of value in finishing a piece you think is terrible. It teaches you to constructively ignore your inner critic. The truth of the matter is your expectations for yourself are higher than your skill level is. Let me put it like this. If you're an athlete you go to the gym to do specific exercises. Why would you beat yourself up for not being an expert martial artist the moment you step onto the mat if you've only been working on getting your body in shape? Learning the fundamentals is a life long process of refinement, but if you only ever focus on learning those and not trying to create pieces with what you've learned you'll never learn how to actually "use your muscles". As you complete more full pieces you'll learn how those fundies work together, what you need to improve on, what is strong, what you'd like to explore next. Also, 9/10 times you'll be somewhat proud you stuck with it and completed a piece. You are what's holding you back bud.

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