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File: Giant Cricket.jpg (448 KB, 2008x1006)
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Anyone else draw monsters and exotic creatures? I've been tryin to get into it and I've been havin a bitch of a time tryin to draw somethin that don't feel derivative. So far my three big inspirations have been studyin actual animals, Wayne Barlowe's work, Yoshitaka Amano's monster design for Final Fantasy, and the weird shit that Midjourney occasionally spits out that needs work. Any artists or theories on how to approach design would be appreciated. Here's this giant cricket I did, ain't happy with it. Wanna take it further, make it weirder and even more grotesque.
An example from Midjourney. Normally I got reservations about takin right from it, but goddamn I really like these bats, especially the spiky black one.
i do but am not very good at it D:
I'm a beg but I like aaron blaise's videos.
Great job friend! I love drawing monsters and the like! By derivative, do you mean as in inspired by someone else's work, or in thst it too closely resembles a creature from reality? Because i see no problem with having a bit of inspiration!
>Any artists or theories on how to approach design would be appreciated.
Maybe you would find Bogleech's monster reviews useful. He also has a monster universe designed by himself called Mortasheen that you might be able to take inspiration from.
Cool cricket anon. If you want to draw monster animals, as cringe as it may sound you might want to get one of those concept artbooks for the Monster Hunter games. Might get the noggin joggin' for you.

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