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I want to learn how to draw but I don't want to make bad drawings
>I want to learn how to creat thread but I don't want to be a fag
bad is a moral judgement, so as long as you aren't drawing the devil or whatever it should be fine.

but your drawings will definitely be low skill to start - don't give up, you'll get there!
What are you planning to draw anon? Are you into, "manga"?
>as long as you aren't drawing the devil or whatever
You're joking right?
you have 10,000 "bad" drawings in you. The pain can be brief or drawn out, better get cracking.
there is no pain if you are cool though.
One thing I’ve learned from /ic/ is that if you’re not immediately perfect you’re NGMI and should KYS and also YWNBAW.
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