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File: IMG_5685.jpg (42 KB, 331x293)
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Thoughts on Cara? I’ve started posting a while ago and it’s pretty cool, there isn’t really anything I can critique about it
>Run by a shithead photographer who is super pro-IP in a bad way
>she has sold NFTs
>she rants on twitter with pity party threads all the fucking time about how hard things are for her boo hoo
>she blindly picked a hosting company that is very pro-AI
>did not set up the site properly to throttle down against high activity
>went 90k in debt to said hosting company when traffic spiked from the instagram refugees
>site is so fucking badly coded that it's already being scraped by people for the lolz because pissing off pearl-clutchers is funny
>had no ability to jump to comments when people reply to you, over a year since the quiet launch
>no workable plan for monetization btw
>not open-source either

It's a dumpsterfire attempt to replace artstation. Its entire purpose is for people who bootlick the industry to try to network and portfolio-host. But the problem is that the people who are using exclusively Cara are never going to be picked because they don't fall in line as good industry drones, and Mr Chang or Mr Ivan on artstation can paint to similar quality with less ego and cost.

MAYBE it can connect you with people doing industry projects, but you run into the problem that Cara is filled with the insufferable idiots who thought it was wise to delete their entire following elsewhere and start fresh on a shitty, buggy site with money problems.
DOA platform.
>Provides artists a safe space
>Uh oh, but normies don't give af about artistic integrity
>Le market regulates itself
>No engagement, no growth potential, purely there for mental masturbation
Dead platform only worth anything for the usual industry artist circlejerks and clout goblins.
what is even the point of an anti-ai corpodrone website when pretty much all companies are getting into ai now?
AI is turning out to be snakeoil and companies are already starting to divest from it so that doesn't matter.

I use Cara just so I can look at art without aislop popping up. But yeah the UI and features are shit.

But yeah, the owner is a hysterical retard who won't be able to handle it. It's obvious that there were never "a million users" as she claimed, the most popular pieces get only a couple thousand likes tops.
Oh and Caraglaze isn't even up.
It was up at launch but they had to take it down because they severely underestimated the server costs of running it. It's just a custom-made stable diffusion img2img that lightly puts a warping filter derived from various random public domain artists over someone's art. It's noticeable as hell unless you only look at art zoomed out on a tiny phone, damages the colors, etc.
The Glaze people are also grifters, because they don't actually believe in strong IP - they lifted code from other projects and then when people noticed they went closed-source, and also have clearly stated that Nightshade is "an attack" which means - if it actually worked instead of being snake oil - they would have opened themselves to prosecution the moment it actually caused some damage.

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