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Should you apologise for the stuff you drew in the past?

Especially during the edgy periods of the internet
Nobody even looks at my drawings.
Look. If faggots can tell me that I can't get upset by a black woman painting herself beheading white families because it's le art, why the fuck should I care about faggots wanting to cancel me? If I had the ability and mental energy I'd paint a white neo nazi beheading a black Trans person and say it's le art deal with it just to show the hypocrisy.
1st rule of cancellation the more you try to apologize for something the worse the backlash is going to be. If it was really that fucked up either address it clearly once or make a new account or tell people to fuck off and find out if enough people care (then see option 1)
mostly I'd agree not to bother apologizing though
Post this on X
No balls
If you genuinely regret doing something, delete, apologize and move on.

If you're apologizing because you're concerned about what people might think of you and you're trying to save face, you're a disgusting hypocrite and I despise you.

If you have some edgy art that you wouldn't make nowadays, but you consider it part of your artistic journey, leave it as is and move on with your life.

I've never allowed anyone to shame me for my art or who I am.
Only ever apologize if you're doing so directly to someone (not on social media publicly) and only if your actions actually made you responsible for what they're upset about, and even then only if you personally give a shit about having made them upset, like if you drew their OC in a way they actually hated and this is someone who you want to be on good friendly terms with.
If anyone ever does this cancel shit to me I'm drawing their OC getting brutally raped and murdered and posting it on main.

One benefit of not being financially tied to your artwork is you can fuck with people. Every artist being a wannabe small business owner has made them cowards when they should be able to tell normies to fuck off
whyd you erase your Twitter username faglord
No. The crowds who demand these things tend to smell blood in the water and keep going. If it's a single piece of work that was a problem, now it's that entire decade of work that's the problem, and that's only before you yourself become problematic.

Just ignore them, or respond with one word message; "lol".
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>If anyone ever does this cancel shit to me I'm drawing their OC getting brutally raped and murdered and posting it on main.
pictured: you
It's pretty accurate, spite is the only thing keeping me going.
>One benefit of not being financially tied to your artwork is you can fuck with people
yeah, but doing that on things you're finically tied to you get you fired, every single time, unless you live in some 3 world shit.
> mixing your online and irl identities
i mean you deserve it if you don't practice simple opsec so employers cant find your shitpost/art account.

the equivalent of putting out death threats with your social security number attached.
>"mixing your online and irl identities"
It doesn't even have to be that, you can be some faggot that caused some shit storm somewhere and get fired from a high position job because you got recorded.
Come to think of it, aren't these people leftists? Why are they pro-firing someone from their jobs, when worker rights are literally the defining point of leftism.
youre construcitng boogeyman, its not that hard to forego irl cancellation. Hell Trump was friends with Epstein and is running for pres, the occasional autist rage is easily explainable (I had a bad day, my dog died, im in therapy now).
good friends actually
>Hell Trump was friends with Epstein and is running for pres, the occasional autist rage is easily explainable
it's almost like people in power can get away with shit a lot more easily compared to a regular person.
Because being a Marxist or a liberal isn't as important as social issues to these people. You can be an economic liberal that wants to flood countries with h1bs, loosen restrictions on corporations, and scoffs at UBI; you're still able to go to the same parties and have basically the same friends. Whereas if you disagree with any of the social dogma, then you will be excluded. Thus, that is leftism. It is easier to tell if someone hangs out with leftists and self identifies as such by their support of gender transitions than by their position on worker's rights.
its actually on you to produce an example of your totally made up scenario happening.
oh watch out the leftist explainer just showed up, thread iq just dropped by ten points.


I see a lot more exclusion based off of "this guy wants to genocide transfolx!" than "this guy doesn't want to change the minimum wage." It may not be 100% accurate, but it's a pretty good heuristic.
>Replying to an unironic dimwit
Don't give them attention.
People like him just want to start shit and they'll never relent.
that was years ago, driving people to suicide for not being the one ideal human without any chance of repent is all they care about now
>Should you apologise for the stuff you drew in the past?
>Especially during the edgy periods of the internet

No. They'll never actually accept your apology and if you draw something that isn't as edgy as the old stuff but still something they dont like, then they'll rake you over the coals regardless. Hell, they'll use your apology as ammo and word it like you didn't change at all.

Most clown ass people wanting an apology for that shit are just looking for control and moral superiority.
these are videos of people harassing others because they can (service workers), it's a totally different vibe than a human who is having an emotional crises bad day.

Would you hire these people, and arguably this still falls under opsec. It's literally impossible to get cancelled irl unless you are a complete moron or trying to get cancelled. Hell even if you protest less than favorable positions like Palestine genocide just wear a mask everyone who organizes will tell you this.
literally doesn't happen except by psychos bullying lgbt kids in schools, which has led to multiple deaths. you lying sack of shit.
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>Should you apologise
Not my problem. I've done nothing to apologize for. Also, I'm a literal nobody.
Every now and then Omar Dogan starts babbling about having to draw things he didn't want to in the past, which makes me think there's a bunch of hentai drawn by him somewhere.
does this nigger think he's some sort of special little snowflake or something?
that's all I'm getting from your shitty xitter screenshot thread
>modern "left"
The movement got coopted during Occupy Wall Street. Now it's all about being an annoying faggot in order to distract everyone else from the fact they're being robbed blind by richfags and politicians.
Theyll only get my sktechbook full of Yoko's tits over my dead body
>Hell even if you protest less than favorable positions like Palestine genocide just wear a mask everyone who organizes will tell you this.
Cops will just follow you or falseflag to make you look like a violent rioter/nazi and then just beat the shit of you.
that's op's tweet and account or the screenshot is faked.
I thought at this point people would've figured out that the way to deal with internet mobs and outrage bullshit is to ignore it
the only people who get hurt by this are terminally online idiots who think they have to protect their image
just ignore it
don't mention it
move on
let the psychopaths come to your tweets with "so we're just gonna ignore that he (...)" and let them look like the deranged lunatics they are
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>If you're apologizing because you're concerned about what people might think of you and you're trying to save face, you're a disgusting hypocrite and I despise you.
Isn't this the sole reason why people apologize - concern about how people think of your actions and a willingness to do better? You sound bitter for no obvious reason.
I mean that is true. Cops are bastards.
i probably would not address it, if you have a real concern with past content i did then you can talk to me personally and we can have a real talk. fuck this posting on social media where people will find the tiniest thing to blow up out of context and out of proportion. waste of time
No. A lot of people apologize simply because they're concerned about their reputation and see themselves at risk of losing social status, so they do so to save face. They don't actually regret anything besides accidentally setting themselves up in the past to lose status today.

If you've ever had someone hysterically demanding you apologize when you don't think you did anything wrong, and a friend or family member was like "dude man just apologize come on", it's because they care more about stopping the conflict and preventing a potentially-status-lowering situation than anything.

Abusive shitheads also know this btw, it's why some will bully people into disingenuously apologizing and then continue to rake them over the coals later on by keeping "reciepts" instead of playing by the rules. Some ways this happens are
>"oh so that apology was fake then?"
>"you're a liar, you lied about apologizing back then to save face"
>bullying the person into apologizing again and again and then getting them to start lying, as a power move
>"I will tell Jane you were lying when you apologized to her if you don't do this"
And so on. It's worse when it's crowds.
Weird how I kinda respect Dobson now.
No. I was brain washed back then. White washed. Brain hacked. Possessed.

I just accept people go through fazes. People have personal problems. Forget about it.
No. This only matters if your life and personality is greater on the internet. And you dont apologise to internet mobs. They will still crucify you and then foeget about it 2 days later (really)
You mean that time I drew big tit's and Disney born. Lmao he'll no. I've been completely brain washed since a child. I'm still healing from the past.
>Do something controversial
>Publicly apologise
>The people who don't like what you did don't believe you, don't accept your apology, and double down
>The people who do like what you did think you're a pussy now
Wild that anyone would consider publicly apologising. Save apologies for your personal life when you genuinely regret your actions.
The mistake is thinking that your audience is a monolith whose opinion goes up and down like a single reputation bar in a videogame
But if you don't let them have their "righteous vengeance" they will never move on, and they will keep double down on your ass for ever and ever.. If you let them have that "win" they want, as you said, they will forget about you next day.
You just use them for engagement. Having haters is free advertising to the people who find such haters annoying.
The problem is, that percentage of your audience who will back you up on your chud opinions is a tiny percent of your whole potential audience. So it is a justified "gamble" for a guy in that position to take. If his apology works for those SJW, then he could save his place in his little corner of influence, if not, anyways, he was doomed all the same with that one percent of maladjusted chuds wich were willing to "back him up". lol.
Only people who have a say on what I draw is people who pay me to draw what they want me to.
Everyone else can go fuck themselves.
If you're offended, I'm glad, I hope you get so pissed you fall sick.

I DESPISE fake apologies. I just hate them.

I especially despise apologies made when the person apologizing hasn't done anything wrong and is just apologizing to get the mob off their back, because that empowers and encourages moral busybodies and rabble-rousers.

He went away and stayed away. How many lolcows can say that?
I would say no other than some rare and personal circumstances. All of the people who are complaining probably look the other way for some Zionist, rapist celebrity that's their pet favorite because "I need something! There's no ethical consumption under capitalism."
They won't. Internet faggots will grow tired at getting angry at one thing. There's a million other things they will latch onto to get mad at instead.

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