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>another retard who doesn't understand the loomis method isn't a fucking lego manual
lol yet ANOTHER permaprebeg youtube """"artist"""" with typical clickbait crap. took a look at xis/xem insta and it's all unfinished sketchcel crap
where the fuck are these retards spawning from??
>retards still trying to be e-famous by trying to teach others how to draw
i fucking hate this time line
Wow. He looks like me.
andrew loomis is my savior but drawing the heads book is wildy overrated, fdfaw is underrated.
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his stuff could unironically be something you'd see in a beg-int thread
So for the "Why loomis doesnt work" part of the video, He says it's because sticking to the 1/3 rule doesnt work for everyone and also depends on angle.

But loomis says this in his books. You base your measurements on how people's faces are built and go from there, not the "everyone is one thirds equal in the face no matter what" stuff.

The "how to use Loomis" section of the video is also knowledge that isn't new and stated in vidoes of other artists using the method.

"What else should you learn?" portion is just one long skillshare sponsorship.

"Practical Drawing" is him going "It's better to learn how to draw things in different ways, especially if you're going for an art career."

He's not saying anything new. It's less "Loomis doesnt actually work" and more "Loomis isn't the only method you can rely on." Which is, again, what many artists on youtube say.
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I don't get where this meme is coming from where retards think the Loomis method doesn't allow you to draw differently shaped people. They see a basic guideline with easy-to-remember proportions and believe it's the only one they can use. Do these people not realize that you can adjust the guidelines??? Are they legit that low IQ that they can't make a chin smaller or a nose longer? 100% people like him haven't even studied Loomis or read any of his books. Of course, this fucker is also selling a course with not a single finished artwork to show for. It's just gesture vomit.
There is legitimate criticism of Loomis. It's not the holy gospel contrary to what IC/ wants you to believe.

But it's not for the reasons permabegs like the OPs think. Loomis books are top tier in theaching drawing theory. But they are very poor in other areas. Loomis is guilty of overestimating begs for one.
from "fun with a pencil"
>2nd page after Loomis introduces ball and plane method "these measurements are only ideal Goblinos"
>3rd page, first sentence "this method good because flexible, don't adhere to the ideal measurements"

the chink literally can't read
You can't seriously expect me to read the whole book. Im not a librarian
mate the book is 120 pages of mostly illustrations. It probably has like 25 pages of total text.
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moderndayfaggot being a retarded nigger
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what whiny little faggot. EVERYONE was "fatphobic" as at the time fat people were appearing in circus as an performance you laugh at you fucking onions boy nigger faggot
>video about a head method
>starts doing some shitty gestures at the end
bit ironic
You have to understand that gesture fags think they're the pinnacle of art with their noodle arms and inability to draw hands >>7245946
>shitty lineart and bad composition being covered up with texture and shading
god please don't let me end up as this kind of artist
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I think you lost your way to the politics board new friend
As long as you don't become an "art" youtuber pretending to know what he's talking about then you should be fine
Wait a fuckin second, isn't this the pedo?
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It's crazy how many mid-as-fuck artists genuinely believe they have any constructive or worthwhile advice to share with beginner artists. And it's even crazier that thousands of these beginner artists actually listen to these people. You would never take bodybuilding advice from someone who's a pudgy fuck and eats fast-food almost every night. You would never take relationship advice from a divorced single mother who can't keep a man. But, for whatever reason, people will eagerly take art advice from people who are high-/beg/ to low-/int/ tier at best.

There are professional artists who post videos, do streams, and give courses online. There are books from masters spanning back centuries that are public domain and you can find on Archive.org right now. So, why would you listen to a nigga who draws like >>7245946 when you could listen to or read about literally any of the countless artists who are better than him? I just don't get it.
>So, why would you listen to a nigga who draws like >>7245946 when you could listen to or read about literally any of the countless artists who are better than him? I just don't get it.
Because the actual professionals don't condense their knowledge into easily digestible 10-minute videos that you casually stumble upon on the recommendation page of YouTube. Just see it as a convenient filter. Many will get frustrated with the bad advice and quit art entirely. Less competition.
Pick one
Zoomers can't read. I've fallen to the same trap too
> stuck on problem in my illustration don't have time to research and do studies
> look up ten minute video to "teach me" and get something good enough for now.
> Turns out shit inevitably
That’s not gesture. It’s just lazy drawing
because they want to git gud quick
>spend 120 hours on Keys to Drawing to learn observation
>30 min on a youtuber explaining observation
They wish for the grind to be as painless as possible, but unironically the more painful path usually yield better results.
When I say painful I mean in what they temporarily need to give up to achieve it.
>WTF cut down my gaming hours to spend it on grinding loomis? fuck that! a few drawings in the weekend and that's final!
I look like this and I say this>>7246153
You know, this thread got me to re-read fun with a pencil and I reconsidered. The book literally explains everything everything I need to draw the anime shit I want to make, I just needed to want to understand the point Loomis was trying to make.
>gave up drawing
>rides coat tails of successful people
everyone connected to proko seems to be an ingratiating prick
He’s not mid, he is literally a beg.
yeah, the only easy way to nitpick his drawing method is to pick on the 1/3 rule and compare it to real humans, and ignore what the book says.
There are real criticisms for the method that Steve Huston pointed out (Loomis cranium is too small compared to average people)
but his mid-tier ass can't point that out
he just wants to make a clickbait thumbnail
that's his gimmick content and shill skillshare
that's a brain issue on you. probably one of those adhd disability that starts you off as a gifted child then being a useless anxious adult years later.
>You can't seriously expect me to read the whole book. Im not a librarian
current state of education is grim
Yeah, the skull is more egg shaped, but I swear I think he mentions that you should a bit more volune to the back of the head in one of his books
lmao I could somewhat understand racist accusations (not that I agree) but fatphobic, sexist ? You have to be on a whole level of retardness to make that statement
>tame racial caricatures in fwap
Well, it was a progressive book for it's time tbqh

Just wanna ask something as someone recently quit keys to drawing, I've been doing it for 5 months and I couldn't even finish it because I just felt so burnt out from it.

I feel as if I'm justified because I feel as if I wasted 3 months to force myself to do something I don't like.
>inb4 you gotta go through things in life to get better
I understand that, but the way I approached keys to drawing wasn't to grind like pawell. I understand art can be hard everything in life isn't a straight line to perfection but I couldn't help myself to do so.

Did the beginning lessons help me? Yes
Did the later lessons help me? No
>It's crazy how many mid-as-fuck artists genuinely believe they have any constructive or worthwhile advice to share with beginner artists.
Don't think many do, it's more of "if he can do it, so can I" mentality, they don't do it to teach, they do it to get those clicks and views.

>And it's even crazier that thousands of these beginner artists actually listen to these people.
People are sheep, begs will follow the crowd and will prioritize listening to those who say what they want to hear instead of looking for actual information, because with influx of these tutorial guys beg is overstimulated and doesn't know what actual information is, who is the authority one should listen to, etc.

And with all the mentality of challenging the authority and pacifying speeches in line of everything is art, and it's ok to not know basic just copy the artist you like is it a wonder that guys like this has audience?
There's a law I like called the 80/20 Rule, also called the Pareto Principle. It says that roughly 20% of input are responsible for 80% of outputs, while the remaining 80% of inputs account for only 20% of outputs. The same goes for learning. Say you have a 500 page book you need to get through for an assignment. Only about 100 or so pages will contain the most valuable info. When reading art books, it's smart to skim and focus on the "vital few" pages that hold most of the knowledge you're looking for, because almost all instructional art books will be full of fluff you don't really need. You should only read the shorter books front to back.
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>Drawing the Head and Hands
>A Short Chat with the Reader
>Page 11
>How fortunate it is for the human race that every man, woman, and child is tagged with an individual and identifiable face! If all faces were identical, like the labels on a brand of tomatoes, we would be living in a very mixed-up world. When we think of it, life is mainly a continuous flow of experiences and contacts with people, different people. Suppose for a moment that Jones, the egg man, was the exact counterpart of Smith, the banker; that the face across the table might be that of Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Goldblatt, or Mrs. Trotsky - you couldn't be sure which. Suppose all the faces in the magazines and newspapers and on television were reduced to one male and one female type, what a dull thing life would be! Even if your face has not been your fortune, even if it is far from beautiful, still, nature really gave us all a pretty good break, for at least we are individuals and can each be thankful for having a face, good or bad, that is undeniably our own.
>This kills the weebshit.
Not many actually read loomis, the majority of those who teach loomis on yt, either learned the premises of it from someone else, or saw couple pages floating around the interweb, plus the majority of "pros" who apply it indulge in sameface faggotry, further convincing begs that this is all what loomis is about.
Um, do you have any factual evidence of this? Or are you just making shit up on the fly to make Draw Tube look bad?
Because the people I've seen on Youtube are mostly Art School graduates who apply Loomis 100% of the time as a standardized method of construction
>modern man
If the one you watch go further than the basic construction and show how you can use it to create a variety of faces, then obviously I'm not talking about them.
>Now here's how to use andrew loomis
also checked his word, he's shit
what a shit teacher
>just do this and this...
loomis actually gives you a method to manipulate which is exactly what this nigga is doing, you're supposed to change the proportion according to your observation and Loomis himself tells you that, he's not teaching anything new
I'm 100% sure he's a woke faggot
>least attractive dude in the back just trying to put on a friendly, calm facial expression for the photo.
This inspires an emotion in me but I don't know what.
Loomisisters.... VilppuGODS just can't stop winning
what is it with millennials always having to pull retarded faces when taking pics?
he left out the part where Loomis said 16 is the "perfect age for girls" lol
I'm pretty sure they just thought: "white guy from the 20th Century" and figured they could hurl insults unopposed.
I disagree. Loomis says that's just his ideal proportions but points out he used a bigger head on the previous page and that you should be adjusting the proportions depending on what you're drawing. I think he was just getting confused because he wasn't trying to draw Loomis 's personal idealized people.
he wasn't fat phobic. there just were not many fat people in his day.

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