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Yep. It happemed. Officially at the point where AI is indistinguishable from "real" art.
I saw it coming but not this soon
anime*, already happened long ago, anime is extremely simple to copy as is anyway. Ai still can't copy other styles as easily.
For now.
>Officially at the point where AI is indistinguishable from "real" art.
You put the quotes around the wrong word.
Speaking of officially, have you gotten the official diagnosis yet of what makes you beg for attention online in such a pathetic way? I realize this will probably fly completely past you, but I still wonder if it ever crossed your mind.
lots of AI tells, but you have to be a yesdraw to see it.
>Another AI shill thread
>prompt AI art
>overpaint on it
now it is both
AI isn't real because i can't jerk off to it

you feel satisfied polishing shit
The pinkies don't even connect to her hands.
holy shit. time to quit art and get a job at Walmart
the thing with anime is
no f is given, it's anime, it's mah style!
>consisten lighing?
no f is given, it's anime, it's mah style!
characters in void ftw!
>brushstroke rithm and consistency?
what is that? I just follow tutorial
what brush does x artist use? I want to be inspiredcoughmakemyartlookexactlyliketheirsbecauseattentionmoney

Obligatory disclamer: Not all anime art and artists are like this, but the majority is as evident by how easily AI gobbled it all and spit it out.
high tier symbol drawing was repurposed by the tech that only knows how to symbol draw.
Still having problems with fingers lol
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>being scared of dude using the same loras over and over again with similar results always.
YOu literally are scared of a slop generator. All you have to do is to stop drawing anime girls on a white void if you care about it that much.
>anime girl in void doing nothing
you weren't going to compete there even if AI didn't exist, are you niggers retarded?
>real art
What's with the AI shills recently this is like the 2nd thread I've seen seen in less than a day practically...
>but nigga got his last thread deleted at night, so who knows if they've been spamming more
You can always tell because the rendering isn't human
same story as nft, they're getting desperate because the general public's off the fad
progress slowed down to a crawl, normalfags figured out it's not "AI", and issues people thought were birthing pains still haven't been solved
the music ones are just dead and gay, chatbots bored everyone, new cards slowed to a crawl, all models are extremely repetitive and got boring, image gen threads are just the same handful of autists spamming, etc

I'm under no illusion the industry won't use them heavily, but the prompters got the short end of the stick as expected because no company needs a prompter when they can tell an artist or copywriter or whatever to type some shit to speed up their job, so promoters are the bag holders of the nft fad basically
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You're making him angry, /ic/.
Lmao those hard art style changes
fuck right off, this is the single most idiotic thing to come from fedora tipping mongoloids on the internet
>hurr durr a digital simulation of me will be tortured because I saw something and that is scary to me because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm very intelligent
sorry to burst your nihilistic redditard bubble but the real AI god will be more like Prime Intellect
He's going to remember you saying this bros.
the real kicker is that it reaching the point where it's difficult to tell if the mistakes as AI mistakes or artist's "intention"
luckily I'll forget we had this excuse for a conversation by dinner, so I don't care
I'm shocked the attention-whore with discord orbiters turns out to be an aifag.
Kek at the top left pic, is the guy a pissraeli?
A lot of them tend to be Ai"artists" for some reason.
We're suppose to keep it a secret!
This shit is literally Pascal's wager for neckbeards
Pascals wager actually has interesting questions beneath the surface understanding (is a life without God worth living?) while rokos basilisk doesn't. It's just retarded.
No, the retard insulting him is referring to Franklin "Totally Not Another Cripple Tyrant" Delano Roosevelt's internment camps during WWII.
The only thing i wonder is why ai is targeting artists and coders specifically
The elites that finance its development seem to really hate these two groups specifically
because they tried drivers first and turns out people react more strongly when a truck crashes than when a hand gets drawn with extra fingers
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It's not that deep.
Art is subjective so you can get somewhat passable/interesting results even if horribly imperfect. It happens to be that a lot of slop is out there from people trying to gain views and appeal to corporate jobs, so the AI art reflects that sterile nature.

For code, it's somewhat similar. There's a bajillion ways to do a thing, and if it doesn't work its' likely not going to work at all. The promise of AI is that it can "unify" code from various disparate contributors such that it's not a nightmare to debug, adjust, and extend things. Of course it's not reaaaally there yet, but you have to consider this shit is something that even braindead pajeets can do for sub-minimum wage (as long as it's java).

Other industries are experimenting with it. One of the first was NASA using AI to design a better antenna back in like 2011. There's some boutique bike parts company that uses AI to design things like strong+light crank arms. But you don't see a whole lot of this because engineering is all about riding the line where something "just barely works." AI design isn't consistent enough to be worth the hours of doublechecking all the measurements and testing it to ensure that it's within the design spec and won't accidentally kill someone.
Or to put it another way: In more practical industries, it saves time on design, but rapidly increases QA costs to make it not worth it in most cases.
You have achieved faggotry.
Hide all AI threads guys how many times must this be said
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>pajeet coding is safer
The directionless composition gives it away like always. Ai can't produce intent. So even if it looks correct, there will always be something "off" when looking at it.

And too be clear, it's not that most people can't tell the difference. Most people just don't care. As long as the results looks good no one cares.
>risque anime girl in a beige void
Bro I'm literally going to destroy Roko and his faggot basilisk lmao
Now generate her farting
It's simple, they're satanic child-eating-and-fucking bugmen. Artists and coders are among the enlightened who create things, and creation is the ultimate good per esoteric rites.

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