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File: renaissance art1.jpg (184 KB, 660x660)
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Why are you not studying renaissance art? And making art in the renaissance art style? For maximum art gains? You want to be the best artist, right?
Impressionism >
Already happened, it was called mannerism
they werent even that good. reference painters are a dime a dozen now, and quite often much better
yeah the ability to capture the essence of something without drawing it realistically is totally gimmick
why not mix both?
High Renaissance sure.
I have done my fair share of Leonardo and Michelangelo studies.
it's a gimmick because it's based on technique, whiles still remaining essentially realism. the essence of impressionism is actually realism, but their fans pretend to be anti-realists, while doing the least interesting and laziest form of abstraction of realism. there's little depth to impressionism.
You mean naturalism, right?...
you assume they know what he is talking about, he is just seething over his perceived image of those who like it or pursue it

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