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How does one manage to ink digitally at this level while also keeping this specific "trad detailed manga" style inking really convincing?
I've been trying emulating styles like those for a while but all my attempts look wonky and not as good/professional sadly :c
1. there are brushes that do so.
2. increase the minimum size of your brush on the curve, and decrease the maximum until you don't need massive pressure to get the full size. This makes your lines more even.
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Maybe it's actually mostly /trad/ and the guy just scanned it before fixing minor fuckups, some of those lines are aliased as fuck and others have weird value shifts.
I see that kind of thing all the time at work when I scan reciepts and such.
Why did digis want to mimic trad art so badly?
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>Maybe it's actually mostly /trad/ and the guy just scanned it before fixing minor fuckups
Sometimes I talk with him to chill, he says he does everything digitally those days. (Still did trad for years and learned inking traditionally mind you).
Will study trad comics inking and high detail manga after I'm done fixing my current style/work by master copies and fundies via proper figure drawing/life drawing.
what the fuck are you even saying, that's obvious mediocre digital shit
…just pick up a fucking pen and use it on paper. God damn retard
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Do you think I got close?
not even close, you need to develop your critical eye
yeah. You got pretty close
Textured pen/brush. That's really all it is.
Only brush-wise
Sauce please.
it was clearly a technique and brush question. I was talking about the strokes I've added to the original, not the doodle on the right. Since no one commented on it i guess it works well.

Download clipstudio, use the pencil/smoke brush/similar texture

everything else is a skill issue

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