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practicing lineart but i dont get why it looks so shitty compared to my sketch? i tried adding a bit of line weight but it seems like im doing it wrong
looks like you forgot to enable pen pressure
Line weight is too subtle
Because you're more focused on tracing over your sketch instead of also thinking how the lines should be. Fun exercise: try making the intersection between lines thicker. Like from the sketch ypu could clearly see the difference the thicker lines at her shoulder. Just copy it.
Well, use your eyes. There are parts of the sketch with thicker lines and parts with thinner lines and your line work does not reflect that. Don't draw blind, actually look at the individual elements of the drawing.
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ok thanks! thats what i was thinking but wasnt 100% sure since i wanted to go for thinner linework vs the thickness my sketch has.
like whats the difference with this drawing that has more consistent line weight?
your sketch already lacks form where it is easiest to show, what did you think you would get out of your line art besides lumpy trash?
Ditch the lineart, use the sketch for the final piece.
The important areas of the face have varied lineweight.
have you tried putting effort?
Lineweight is such a meme
Lack of line-weight, lack of detail compared to the sketch, you focus too much on copying the sketch instead of drawing over it. Honestly the biggest thing its line-weight and the lack of form.
1 line that needs to look right is harder if you suck dick than throwing down 20 lines, one of them is good enough, you just suck so bad you dont know how to make good looking linework so you spam a bunch to make up for being utter garbage. its why you fags like gesture drawing so much, it gives you the braindead impression that you arent actually what you really are: complete fucking dogshit
Effort is a /talent/let cope
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Because your brain autocorrects sketching lines, thus give you an overall picture.
>>7246877 is right. Lineweight is western propaganda. You can immediately spot a westoid, who is imitating the japs without understanding the style, by their heavy usage of line weight.
The average jap grandmaster does not give a FUCK about line weight and focuses more on silhouette and striking poses.
You're trying too hard
Nice lines chud
be better at rendering so you can hide your shitty lineart (that's how I do it)

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