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In an old Monastery that is often booked for seminars and things...

Previous thread >>7221414
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St. George's Abbey (German: Stift St. Georgen) is a monastic complex in the village of Sankt Georgen am Längsee, Carinthia, Austria. It celebrated its 1,000th anniversary in 2003.
The convent was founded between 1002 and 1008 by the Countess Wichburg, the wife of Count Ottwin von Sonnenburg of Pustertal. The founder's daughter Hildpurg, a nun in the Nonnberg Benedictine abbey in Salzburg, was blessed as the first abbess, and brought the first nuns with her. Count Ottwin and Countess Wichburg were entombed in the crypt of the convent.
At one point during the Protestant Reformation the community was reduced to the abbess Dorothea Rumpf and two other nuns. They later received support from the Göss Abbey, including the Abbess Afra von Staudach (1562), which helped renew the community. By 1683 the convent had 31 nuns and 16 lay sisters. It had an apothecary, and cared for as many as 500 invalids each year.
The convent and the church, with its crypt, are built on stone foundations that date back to Roman times.
Today the former Benedictine convent includes a church where services are still held, an educational establishment run by the diocese, a hotel and seminar facilities.
Please fuck off already this is not your personnel blog
You can draw too in the old monastery book. Here you have clean pages to use:
I know, that's why I posted the clean pages for you to draw as well. Post your work, or let it slide.
Well anon, where are these so called 18th century drawings?
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> The Abbess tightly secured the screws in the chastity device, with a little screwdriver with a special "key" shaped head... And She would keep to herself that special screwdriver key that locked all the chastity devices in the monastery... The poor nun will not be able to unscrew the tormenting device locking up her excited sweet pussy, forever...
>The Abbess finally left the room, leaving the two nuns alone.... She could safely go now, leaving them alone, with the certainty that there was no "danger" anymore... from now on, sex was out of the question for that sinful nun...
Continuation from this page>>7254253

I keep finding nasty drawings in that unholy profaned book. Very interesting shit. I wonder how many pages it has tho...
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hem burgar
Nice juicy hamburger he he he
> lord please forgive for op knows not what he does
Maybe the lord is testing me, and I'm failing... or maybe he's using me to test others... I dunno what I'm doing! ¬‿¬...

Nice nun! She's in the book now! heh heh
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> The disgraced beautiful nun rested on the bed exhausted... but her little moment of peace was interrupted by her tormentor again, rubbing and poking at her chastity case, sending shivers through out her lacerated, naked body again... The sadistic nun then began to play with her nipples... toying with then, and licking her erected and excited appendages in such a disgusting and luscious way...
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> Next, she sucked on them , hard, making the sweet nun to convulse all over the bed... The evil nun let the hard swollen appendage to drop out of her drooling mouth, jumping out, and spilling her hot sticky saliva all around... She maliciously kept stimulating her elongated nipples tickling them frenetically with her hard and hot tongue... The young nun was hyperventilating, shuddering full of adrenaline...
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> The tortured nun began to reach for her crotch... desperately scratching the soft and excited skin between her legs... her tormentor observed this, pleased with her handiwork... cruelly taunting the poor desperate nun: " I know, dear... I know..." ... " But I don't have the key..."... " And you won't have that key ever again... that's too bad... isn't? "... The young novice was starting to revolt on the bed out of desperation...
your larping could be a fun idea, but why so low effort and photoshop your digital drawings on the paper, instead of doing the work on actual paper?
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> She kept talking to the hopeless and defeated nun, playing with her hard erected nipples again... " You're mine now... and you better behave, or the mother superior will take out these puppies away from you next... and that would be a real shame ".... " You already lost this thing down here, don't make it worse "... She said drumming her fingers on the metal case of the chastity device... making the young excited nun to go insane.... " I better secure those little excited hands of yours "... said the nun in charge, tying her arms to the sides of the bed.... to finally leave the poor nun alone, to suffer on the bed with her erected nipples pulsating in the air, and her agitated sensual body shaking on the bed... ... and her aroused sex, pierced from side to side, encased in a metal tomb, sealing her fantasies and feverish dreams forever...

Because that's not my book. It's a real book, in a real monastery that some other anon posted i the earlier thread. The real OP. Simulating those drawings on those photos of the real book it is an important part of this larping "experience", lol. It has to be digital, there's no other way.
But also, I was thinking, if some artist guy in 1890 or 1920 had some good gel pens, in those colors, you know, pink, red, brown/black, I wonder if he could do that sort of "art-style"....
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> I had enough of all of that lustful and dark world swallowing my soul like a hungry demonic beast... I walked outside of the monastery, I didn't realized that it was still night time... ... I walked a few steps with my mind in blank... when I saw it... a figure, dark, walking slowly.. in a weird way... like a reptile... in a subtle movement, like a very slow otherworldly rhythmically step... and I knew who it was... but I didn't wanted to acknowledge, it... him... If I did, he could know... he could acknowledge someone invoking his, name... presence... him... I was petrified, like those rodents in front of a serpent seconds before to get eaten... I wasn't even breathing... some primordial instinct took over my body... I didn't breathe... he kept walking, he was going towards an old entrance, maybe part of the ancient roman foundations of the monastery... I just wanted him to go in... to keep walking... he didn't acknowledge my presence... ... Now, I think that he knew that I was there, and I wasn't interesting enough for him... I was nothing, just another insect there, no different from a rock, a plant, or a worm in the soil... Now I know that He was there, in the room with us, he was going back to his realm after the show... maybe he was still thinking or tasting what we all performed in that room, for him... maybe he was already thinking about his next depraved "party"....
> He went inside the catacomb's entrance and I stood right there like a statue, awaiting, till something told me that I was safe.... and I walked back, almost running, but it was like in those dreams where you can't run, or walk, you just "move" somehow.... I get to my bed, and I prayed to god trembling in fear...
polite bump
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> I didn't see her again, and I didn't go back to her room to take a peek neither... because that other nun was always around there, she became her handler of sorts... ... Until one day, she showed up again... She walked into the resident patients area, and I saw her... She began to walk towards me...
>She came to my bed, and pulled up her robe unveiling her sex to me, she spread her leg placing her crotch on my bed... and I saw it... the chastity device they put on her... She came to show me that... her pierced sex, her beautiful soft sensitive sex crucified in an eternal penance inside that metal cuffing... for the first time, I wanted to touch her, to touch and feel that tortured trembling tight skin, with my shaking nervous hand...

Thanks anon! Don't worry, I keep an eye on the thread, I let it sink to the bottom on purpose, I don't want to be a nuisance. I realized that I may have overestimated the "schizo tolerance level" here... I'm trying to be more "discreet" if that's even possible in a site like this, lol...
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> I was mesmerized by her sensual body exposed before me... I could not help myself but to place my hand on her toned abdomen just above her sex... and feel that tight silky skin hot and sweated, feeling her arched torso breathing under my hand.... she was breathing deeply and slowly.... her whole body along with her fleshy full tits were shivering like jelly... and I grabbed her trembling, meaty, and hot, naked ass...
You should keep this going, its really great. The "grotesque" artstyle works with the story. If the pictures were generic animu shit it would be nearly as effective.
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> I was lost fondling that beautiful naked ass... It was the first time that she exposed herself like that outside of her room... and I was taking full advantage of it... though in my mind, I was wondering what was her real intention... she shouldn't be there doing that... she could get punished again... even more harshly than before... that evil Abbess could remove something of her body for real this time... and I was touching it, touching her... trespassing and abusing that forbidden sensual body, knowing that I could be condemning her to the most unthinkable horrors...

Thanks anon! Yeah, it all depends on the feedback, to know that someone gets "stimulated" by this, works like a powerful trigger to keep feeding that xD But also I understand the opposite reaction. Maybe this is not the place to post it, but at the same time is the perfect place, lol. I'll keep going for the moment, we'll see. Thanks!
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>schlechte edgy "Kunst"
>bullshit von nem 12 jährigen gezeichnet
>non-stop spam
Ziemlicher müll aber 100% "Keiner versteht dich" du edgy hurensohn lmao
Now type that without sounding like a bitch
not OP but are you seriously complaining about "low effort" smut/porn? and digital is now apparently low effort on /ic/... this is a new level of entitlement
zero self awareness
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> Then, I reached for it, her sealed treasure, I wanted to feel her aroused sex inside that burial chamber somehow... I touched her soft skin on the side of that cruel metal vault, and she gasped, shaking away and rejecting my intrusive hands... telling me not to touch her down there... she muttered softly... "it hurts so much when I try to touch it"... she said, in desolate despair... I understood the cruelty of what they did to her...

Not me, I don't mess with Jesus.
Hey man, I'm just a beg trying to get good. Just doing my grinding here. This is supposed to be an art board.
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> And then, she put her hand on my book, but I put my hand on top... That's what she really wanted all along, she just wanted my book again... it wasn't just that I didn't want her to get into trouble again, but I didn't want to lose my book under any circumstances... What if that other evil nun took it from her?... I could not risk that... It was my treasure... She seemed to read my mind, she stood up, and she dressed back again.... and then, she told me to go back to her room that night... with the book...
this is the only active topic i keep coming back to 4chan to read
still really love your work, op
>and the story
Bro invented analog p-rn
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> She walked away in a hurry... I was still mentally locked on that incredible ass of hers, swinging around... up and down, side to side, clapping under that robe... that night, I would see that forbidden body naked again...

Woah, thank you so much anon! I feel fucking honored! Yeah I do it for the story too. I would like to do other stories at this point though. I wish that I had more time.

Pompeii (79 A.D. at the time of its destruction) had a lot of visual porn already. I wonder if the Ancient greeks had their own analog porn too. I should check their literature on that genre. Never thought about that. Then you have those japanese Ukiyo-e porn pictures (1814)... Weirdly, the same year of the death of the Marquis de Sade... Porn was always there it seems. Much of it must have been destroyed or forgotten in some locked old libraries or vaults.
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> I was still staring at her ass going down the hallway... and it came down on me... what they took out from her... they also took her away from me, that possible chance "to be" with her that night... they closed that door on her, on me, on us... I was enraged, a sorrowful anger...
> But then, watching her ass going away jumping all around, I started to have the most sinful thoughts... what about the other "door"?... "the back door"... I couldn't believe that I was thinking about that... Would she ever do something like that?.. I was starting to lose my mind... having such dirty and profane thoughts about her body... I entered in a feverish state, drawing her ass, hole... that fleshy tight orifice between those sweated, juicy and beautiful ass cheeks... such sinful desires were being scribbled on my book by my possessed hands... that ass... being offered... would she ask me that night to do that to her?... I was pushing the wheels of time with my mind... rushing up the minutes and seconds... I was being naive as usual... I was about to learn a couple of things that night about her incurable depravity, a level of depravity that goes way beyond "me"...
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> The night time came and I went to her room... I walked in and she was standing there, waiting for me... she undressed like before, but she was different now, there was a holy aura around her, she looked like a divine goddess, calm and in control of her inner demons... maybe that chastity device was working, sealing her lustful spirit between those amazing legs... and I immediately began to capture her divine beauty in my unholy book of profanities...
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> She kept posing for me, this time she was calm and beautiful to watch... like if she managed now to control the dial of "ambient lust" in that room... she controlled me, like when beautiful music control the beasts in the old tales...

Well, I finally got here. That took a while. I'll be grinding figure poses from references that I collect in ref/threads around the board.
If you're still here, are you gonna upload the original non-photoshopped drawings somewhere?
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Yeah I'm here. I thought about that. I could post the clean png's, (with transparency), but it would be a lot of work. I don't even know how many images I already posted counting both threads... 100? That would defeat the purpose though, I draw over the book images sometimes following the shape of the book pages in the photos to make them seamless. So I don't know.
The other problem is that I only trust 4chan when uploading files, I never used any other file sharing site. Catbox, mega, none of those. I wouldn't know where to upload a zipped file. Also, I do this to avoid that hassle lol, I just want to make a quick scribble, upload, and forget about it. I "would like" to clean this stuff though, fix the text and add it as handwriting to the book. But I know that I will probably never take the time to do that much work xD
I would like to start other stories though. But this one has a lot of stuff yet to happen. It's a shame that Pixiv force you to censor shit, I won't be pixelating my fat juicy pussies, no way.
not your personal blog, newfag
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Great style, but the fact that her nipples are as thick as her wrists is fucking disturbing to me.
Imagine seeing a woman IRL with wrist-circumfrence nipples, you'd think she had some sort of disease or something.
TLDR, shrink your fucking wrist-sized nipples dammit. Otherwise awesome stuff.

This whole thread wreaks of Lutheranism and heresy, burn them all, and i'll confiscate the book for.. for private vie.. burning.
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Thanks anon! Well, something needs to be DISTURBING in this pics. I can't just copy a pretty figure's pose as is. I need to add something weird for fun and uniqueness. I'm glad that those swollen profane and unholy nipples make you feel like that, lol.
>This whole thread wreaks of Lutheranism and heresy, burn them all, and I'll confiscate the book for.. for private vie.. burning.
You better keep it under 7 keys anon. If they catch you with this blasphemous book of sacrilegious sins you will be sentenced to burn at the stake.... or worse... going to hell... O__O
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What's the thing in her vagina?
+ what medium do you use anon? Is it superimposed ont he original book?
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Hi anon. She is wearing a chastity device, put on her by the Abbess of the monastery as a punishment for her lustful behavior. Right now I'm just doing reference poses from images that I found around the board.
Yes, I'm drawing digitally over the book photos. Here I posted the clean images in case someone else want to draw in the book as well >>7256262
I know that earlier thread ( >>7221414 ) is gone already, but you can search for it in the warosu.org archiving site, so you can get the clean pages.

I'm kinda bored with this thing though, if you had not replied I may have let this one die xD
I hope to get motivated to keep doing it a bit more. We'll see.
Shit blows sorry, Yuzhou did it better
Keep going anon. Unless of course it really is boring for you.
Don't listend to the 1 or 2 whiny faggots itt.
I personally think it's pretty cool.
I think it triggers some people because they don't actually draw.
Hope it's not too late, but this shit is really fucking good, anon
Keep doing what you're doing, ignore those niggers
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Thank you so much anon! I'll try.
Thanks anon!
Problem is that it seems the juice is running on empty on this one. I went to check how many pages I have posted, 95 posts (131 pages counting double book pages). That's crazy for being just some random shitposting. I guess that I was bound to get naturally bored of it at some point. Maybe if I get back to the "story", motivation would come back, but also, unhinged nastiness will enrage the anti-coomers. I dunno xD
These reference figure shit ain't doing it for me, I thought that I would find something "there", but it's just coping. I've already long past that figure grinding phase, it's like going back to your room in your parents house. You don't belong there anymore. I must go into those ancient catacombs and see what they are doing there... the guys with the black robes and the pointy hats... Maybe I'm not ready to see it...
Meanwhile have a couple more nuns being cute.
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Stop larping you utter faggot.
you shouldn't underestimate a conceited, shallow coomer's ability to double-down on his own faggotry and samefag his own thread. just wait for it.
Nah, you win anon. I would like to double down and continue this shit, but I don't have the motivation, and I don't have the time now. Maybe next year I'll come back with some other stuff or to continue this one.
>Maybe I'm not ready to see it...
I think you're as ready as ever to see those catacombs.
my thoughts exactly
I was the one you're claiming is a samefag.
What's your fucking problem loser?
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> While I was drawing her posing beauty, I was totally unaware of another presence in the room... that nun in charge of the other nuns behavior in the monastery... She was standing in the dark corner, looking at us, at her... it was a set up... I was far yet able to understand the deep intricate ways of those demonic minds... I was just a simple tool for their machinations and games...
> She appeared out of nowhere and snatched this book out of my hands... I was paralyzed in shock, watching her walk towards the bed, where my beautiful muse laid stretching her sensual forbidden body posing for me... She knew what was about to happen to her... and I was there to serve as witness and as a tool to save that moment, as a visual memory in this book...

Fuck, I needed to stop this and do other shit. I want to read a whole bunch of books and stuff that I have pending.... I guess that I can do one more of these...
Thanks anon. The problem is that I know the whole sequence already to get there, and it's going to take a lot of pages. Now this two bitches will have another nasty party together. Next the evil nun will punish her some more. Next the evil nun will take another nun to play some games with two nuns at her supervision. Next the nun with the chastity belt will become evil and have fun with the injured male patients. Next, one of the nuns will be found having forbidden sex with one of the male patients and both will be punished (I really want to see that one)... I'm thinking about one of the nuns would be crucified (not nailed) at the monastery inner square as punishment too. And then, after all of that, a first visit to the catacombs. It's a lot of stuff to go through. If I could tell all of that shit to an AI, I would. lol. If I could throw these sketches and turn them into a style similar to Gustave Doré that would be awesome. One day maybe.

Lol, he assumes there's nobody lurking this thread. I know there's at least a couple of anons interested xD

I don't need to samefag, I'm the only one posting images here. lol. Sorry anon, I fell again. Just one more post. I'm trying to quit, but I can't yet.
The artwork is stunning.. She's beautiful, besides making her super manly at times.. Otherwise phenomenal
>just wait for it
the oracle of Delphi, over here
>this is what TG's up to after having a kid
this nigga fell off HARD
thats not table guy permabeg
They say that having a child is among the most meaningful things you can do in your life. I guess tableguy realized he needs to reel it back on the explicit content and go for something a bit more tame. Hats off, tbqh.
this guy has years until he's on TG's level
>Thanks anon
you're welcome, but please anon, use spoiler tags next time... I had to stop reading one sentence in.
I'm not even in it for the coom material, since the whole nun thing and huge nipples freak me out. But I really do enjoy your style of art.

lol, captcha:
newfaggot here, who's tableguy?
Anyone got an image from him? Checked and there's no /ic/ on 4plebs or desuarchive.
>who's tableguy?
>Anyone got an image from him? Checked and there's no /ic/ on 4plebs or desuarchive.
check warosu, perhaps /dad/ threads especially. or just look up his name on the /dad/ website. but I think you need an account to look up usernames.
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> The mother superior's assistant was in charge... she lay down on the bed with this book, and she ordered the submissive nun to stay still on the bed exposing her sensual body to her, while she flipped the pages of my book... The cruel nun toyed with her victim's naked body, rubbing her erected nipples and tapping with her evil fingers on her chastity device's metal case, teasing her desperate entombed sex inside... The poor sweet naked nun could only quiver in hopeless excitement... her sex will not be set free to get any enjoyment or release that night, or any other night... she was destined to suffer eternal desperate sexual frustration between her legs... the tingling of her trapped sex inside that metal casing was a torture worse than any other punishment she ever could imagine...

Thank you so much anon. Sorry for the spoiler, I wrote that because, most probably, I won't be able to draw all of that. So, if I leave this project, at least you know what was in the plan xD
Thanks anon! Yes the body shapes will vary randomly depending on the initial "gesture". I never use references. And even if I do I tend to exaggerate anatomy details and poses, I like to see bodies in extreme or tense poses and situations.
You can tell the future, cool trick!
That's true.
I'm not Table Guy by the way. TG only post trad work, pen on paper.
Trips checked =)
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> That demonic bitch then lay down on top of the sweet docile nun... she placed the book on top of her big excited breasts, and kept going through the pages while rubbing her dressed body against the obedient naked and trembling skin of the nonresistant young novice... she was on top of her talking about the profane images in the book, asking questions to the poor tormented nun trapped under her malicious stimulating humping....
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> She kept teasing her, scratching the book over her excited tits, driving her crazy.... Only God knows what kind of perversions the poor sweet nun had to endure already during those days of isolation, at the will of those devilish hands...
don't need oracular abilities, just need to recognize basic self-centered coomer patterns. tableguy got in a spat on /dad/ and had to rebrand himself.

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