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>post doodle
>what sort of things do you like to doodle
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Here is what im doing rn, i dont want your thread to be brutally ignored <3
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Just trying to get used to the drawing tablet really. I've never used one in my life before.
Old Thread:
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the other day, a few drinks with friends
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Trying to make more doodles that are just for fun
I have had to make so much "marketable" shit that making stuff just for me every so often is interesting and freeing
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i like drawing thick women
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Horror game designs. They don’t need to be exactly “correct”, in fact it looks better if they’re a little off, so it’s fun to loosely sketch out something creepy.
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I like doodling porn
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All I ever do is doodle.
frazetta over here
I don't usually post on /ic/, but I don't normally draw genitals unless I got bored. Anyways, don't ask why I drew a masterkey strapped on there, just accept it as is.
only works if aroused
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> be me typical beglet can't draw for shit
> try this whole figure drawing loomis bridgman studying your favorite artist
> its boring, looks bad, feel bad
> try to turn off my brain and draw whatever
> come up with a gnome asking a cat like creature to bend over
I wanted to draw generic anime girls in frilly dresses, not this, what's wrong with me
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Tears of the Zoomer
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I used to doodle mecha and/or monsters
Nowadays I don't doodle cuz I don't have situations in which wasting time with a sketchbook is the most interesting thing because now I spend all the day on the PC looking at stuff I don't care about.
I am trying to get back into drawing or at least doodlan tho.
>>Captcha: G0PTYK
you're supposed to both train and draw whatever, not simultaneously ofc but cut yourself some "me" time for drawing for fun.
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i like your mice :D
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Ferb if he Listened to Morrissey
>waaaaah im drawing for fun
welcome to the club fag, that's the main drive that keeps me going.
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Eldritch plate dinner ED
If only
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I doodle stories.
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>>post doodle
>>what sort of things do you like to doodle
idk figures & action i guess
action and fighting is cool. shading because i want to reach a level or i shade well and can shade cool looking drawings
Animals. Kind of my comfortzone I guess.
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My recent doodle arc consists of these lil guys. I like filling small books with small drawings.
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I've Been forcing myself to get better at drawing animals. so thats what i been up 2 when i need somethin to doodle
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I doodle my one of my OCs or do organic forms while drawing at work. Sometimes I do cabins or landscapes too but I'm still /beg/
Doodle of my OCs that I’m making into a full-fledged drawing
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i draw face
i like this
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I Loooove doodling
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thanks! your animals are rad, the fish is especially cute
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nice face, very expressive strokes and the way you blocked in the shading is pretty rad too
Thank you so much!!
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This is really fucking nice, it reminds me a lot of Dishonored’s art style
Aw yeah if you drew that from the dome this fag us going places. Cleannnnnn
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Been trying out making erratic scribbles and trying to make things out of them.
Portraits are fun and a fun way to warm-up
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just letting the pen go where it goes.
More creature doodles
i doodled some of your cadds anon
i normally open pinterest and just start drawing shapes or stuff that I find inspring
are you bridgman anon?
this is way to detailed and planned out to be a doodle. Its cool tho. Maybe try posting it in comic making general

Thats fucking cute anon. Do you have more?
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i am
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Oh neat someone started a doodle thread I didnt see, I'm glad others are taking the mantle.
I was too lazy to start another one :v
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>what sort of things do you like to doodle
roricon desu
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I like doin these funny guys
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Pads of these CRT TV storyboards were fun things to doodle in...
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Why mask the pre/beg/ thread under the "doodle" label?
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>Why mask the pre/beg/ thread under the "doodle" label?
Very creative. Good art too.
very smol caddes!
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I like doodling animals and stuff. I sometimes just try to fill a page like this
Why don't you contribute to /lsg/, those /nodraw/ faggots don't even do a prompt just talking about the new game.
I understand you.

He top right is so awesome
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Because i am drawing. In fact i am making something interesting about both games at the same time.. You will see today or tomorrow.
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I just doodle stuff on Photoshop
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test nacho pen
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>what sort of things do you like to doodle
I have pages of ass
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I doodle what comes to mind, usually when I’m at work
Share a page nigga, don’t leave us hanging
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It's a doodle, or what I call a Rough.

And the comic diary thing that I was doing this in was an inch bigger than my hand,so the lettering is illegible, but the story was fun while it lasted, about 20 strips. As "notes to myself ",getting the story on paper in any form was important enough to pursue it.
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i doodle various stuff, my hand itches to do it
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check this guides and drawing faces 1000% much easier:
(head lower angle)
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Do you know who this is?
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dark evil twisted snail
File deleted.
I know I should doodle on paper so I can save them without needing to fiddle with taking a photo but something about these LCD drawing tablets just clicks with me. I really love drawing on them.
Favorites ITT
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Phone cameras are so retarded I swear
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Anudda one
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i wish i could draw instead of scribbling all over pages
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Trying to figure out how to draw myself on postcards I'm gonna send my friends for the holidays.
Adventure Time style is working but I just gotta figure out how to make it both consistent, quick to draw, and small enough to fit in a postcard.
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Something from today, just a crack shipping that i loved as a child
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Post moar
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Ignore the smudge
fuck yeah this rocks
That's just their deadly aura dude
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I like doodling clowns and animals, but I decided to doodle some yokai these past few days
Doodles from work
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try make loomios head
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First time doing the shape thing, simultaneously hate it and had a ton of fun doing it.
incredible niggas

Excellent storytelling style.
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Hey! Follow me on ig and I'll follow back! I'm trying to make art bros
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>what sort of things do you like to doodle
It helps me express my emotions
dont press so heavily
Lol. Sorry, that's those emotions...
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Capturing emotions is what doodling is good for.
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first thing i drew that I liked since I burnt out 6 months ago
nice album cover bro
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I went exploring the paths through the woods of the Jersey side of the Hudson River. And I found an old building, possibly a fort on top of the Palisades, with doodles.
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trash made by garbage who were offended by seeing beauty and allowed their self-hate to be unleashed in order to cope.
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I feel like this just became worse the more effort i put into it
that's the nice thing about doodles, you fuck up just scribble it out and move on
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Little beauty left after a century of the elements.
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And,unusually, this was at the site too...

Someone brought a dozen plastic white roses and hung them on the bushes,then painted them red. Alice in Wonderland stuff.
Supposed to be working but there isn't much work to do :^)
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i like these girlies, i like drafting up their outfits and hairstyles
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Testing brushpen

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