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Previous Thread: >>7223234

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others! Don't take anything personal!
Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 2000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

Completed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uwaXKU7ev6Tw_or__o8ARpUb6r2rCZYJGqwSFV9AD98
New collaborative: https://hackmd.io/UMnZVhNITW-T2wZpHw6d0Q
w/ic/i: https://sites.google.com/site/ourwici/
Hardcore: https://hackmd.io/7k0XRnIQR6SValR77TDfZw?view

>WHERE to get study materials
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I'm kinda wondering about my strengths and weak points are?

Please be honest : - )

This is already looking awesome, it would be baller when finnished!

You need a coherent vision

Everything seems nice except the stiff poses. I think having better line of action would help

Not gonna lie, this comes off as pretentious to me. I don't know what the point of the concept is at all.
Sorry for the bluntness.

Soul! You just gotta improve your comp and stuff like that. I'm not really smart enough to tell you how, sry...

Sick! Please finnish. I'm begging you lmao
I would say your strengths are in your use of color and facial expressions. Seems to me that perspective and composition are you biggest weaknesses right now. Looks like you are going for stylized illustrations so I'm critiquing it with that in mind. If your intentions were different then some stuff may not apply.

Maybe a bit more foreshortening on the sword would look better. The red phones and red apples with wings(?) overlapping make things unclear. Not sure what the red thing behind her is meant to be either. The bottom left one is very hard to read. The extreme tilt and wonky perspective make it hard to tell what's going on. Paying close attention to the silhouette (pic related) should help with the overlapping stuff.
Depends on the style you want but I think thinner lines and colored lineart would look better. The top right one without lines has nicer shapes than the others (although the shadows could be darker), combining both would look good.
Their joints look very strange. At first I thought it was just bad anatomy. Took me a while to understand that they are dolls. The wind-up handle and joints could stand out more to make it more obvious.

In general the backgrounds seem lazy. For quick and easy ones, just use compositional design elements like in these videos:
>tfw when you got two drawings in the op
Also I hope I didn't post this one already, can't remember.
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i'm chipping away at it. trying my hardest not to cut corners.
gonna take a while
Memorial Stones, Photoshop, 2024

Tried to make use of photo-elements and some advanced Photoshop techniques to give the image a psuedo-photographic quality.

In the end, I'm not sure if the effort was worth it or if a traditional approach would have been better.
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Nose study
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Another one.
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Pre /beg/ here and picrel is my first painting ever.
I'm a terrible artist but I did pic with a mouse...
>terrible artist
This is a bit too harsh a formulation for my taste. Keep up the good work and everything will be fine.
Reminds me of those old point and click games, I could picture a 3D character walking around this place.
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Frank from Dead Rising. Thoughts? Also how the hell do I draw leather?

Oh yeah. It does have that vibe. Huh. I guess those images were often made with a combination of photo elements and painted material as well...


Thank you!
Did the fotm thing
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Doing a Scottish Miku for the worldwide Miku hashtag.
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Key frames practice
This is just a paintover on AI shit
I love your stuff, anon. I'm pretty unaware of artists, but I'll assume Ayami Kojima is an influence. Can you suggest some others to check out?
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I'm not sure whether I should be flattered or not that you think my art was produced by a computer. Thanks, I guess?
Honestly just, thanks for the critique bro. It's really a big help!

The silhuettte / clarity thing might be my biggest issue I see.
But some nice things to work on for sure!

It feels like there's 3 different focal points, with the hand the hammer and the face.
I know making characters faces look at the main focal point is a pretty good technique.Ø
So I would makehim look at the hand for example.

Awesome! It's really a great style for yugioh paintings imo

Actually spooky! NICE

I'm no good with comp, but if I were to critique I would say put something very close to the camera for depth, or give some more space between the camera and the rocks for like a "I'm getting closer to these gross rocks" kinda feel... Hopefully that makes sense lol

I'm having trouble figuring out what he's thinking here? I wanna know a characters motivation as soon as I see the picture

I feel like she doesn't have much personality
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Thanks anon.
I'm doing some studies right now to try to improve my figure drawing and so far it's been a waste of time lol.
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I tried to redesign my original character and character design is really fun.
I feel like I'm a bit better at drawing but not much.
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oh yeah sure. i can trace back my art journey to the artists that influenced me.
Starting out reading manga i loooved bleach so i did alot of copying from tite kubo.
Then a major influence one me was Ayami kojima, you are correct, big turning point for me. both her and Yoshitaka amano have too very, "complimentary" vibes, i tried to take the aspects i liked from both of them and try to emulate them. i also love Kazuma kaneko.

Now here's the most important for me, When i started more seriously studying art, a Biiiiiiig turning point for me was an artist called Jun Suemi/Gen Jun Miya. Painting never made sense to me until i started analyzing his breath taking work, if i had to point to an artist and say "i wanna be like him" it would be jun suemi. if i ever forget how to paint faces or something i just take a glance at his art book.

And now currently i just look at my twitter feed and bookmark the stuff i find interesting, plenty of good artists on twitter. here are some of my favorites : wendys008
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Fairy of clock
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Finished i think.
I personally think it's like 90% finnished (aka not enough just yet, but basically there)

Alot of things still seem very undefined, as in unreadable.

But I think simply just making more defined edges / silhuette on stuff would take it to 100%.

And a lil extra thing I would do is to make the cloth more blurry at the front.

Here's a overpaint I did to show what I mean:

I barely touched it but to me it already looks alot better. Not alot of worked needed to be honest
Also, if you drop your @ I would love to give you a follow :D
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~3h. After uploading and flipping it, the discrepancy in shoulders and issues with left titty become more apparent. Gotta use the mirror more when drawing.
What the fuck is that finger?
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Quick sketch with cheapo markers from Ross.
those legs look a little short and thick for her frame
This guy is not even TRYING to crab, what are you even doing? You can't even crab properly... So useless lol
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How are these as initial design sketches? Should I pay more attention to the way I'm drawing them, or do something differently?
How good are the designs? What should be paid more attention to? How would you improve the designs?
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Please give me tips
Copy manga everyday 1:1 for 3 weeks then try again
I mean, in terms of the body
Thank you very much for the in-depth reply. Like I said, I’m really ignorant of artists as a whole, and more unaware of Eastern artists than your average /ic/ user. You provided a lot of art to explore, thanks.
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Did another set, trying to keep it looser
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Im talking about this. Im not saying its ai Im just curious if youre a weird troll.

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Hi, yeah giving my works that "finished" feel is something i always struggle with. I know it mainly has to do with edges, i get that part, i just struggle to implement it in practice.
Tried polishing it and applying your suggestions, thanks.
Thank you for your interest.
No problem, you're asking the right questions imo.
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How can I improve the anatomy of the older girl here?
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I thought your style looked familiar.
Cool Magia.
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Yooo someone remembers my big guy. You're so real for this anon
Did some further concepting, narrowing down the designs, thinking more details and actions.
How good are these as secondary stage concept sketches? As point from which I could do fully detailed final concepts?
How would you improve the designs?
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just posting to share
this is something from inktober's cue list last year that i just finished today. got into a pretty bad spot last year, and this was the picture that stonewalled me and made me stop. glad i at least finished it now. will try to do some more from last year before this year's cues come out
Love the shapes and colors on the right
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Old Lina Inverse sketch
This is pure soul.
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not that anon
Love your work, orta.
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tried making it more on model. it's difficult adapting yugioh hair into muh style.
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thank you for the compliment

heres some other ones ive done recently
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finally i can have some fun again
>i got into uni AND i have to work FULLTIME
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I love this.
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Ive never really had any of my work actually critiqued.
Nice. Kind of reminds me of Amano in a good way!
I wish there was a separate containment thread for us mouse users. We are in a different reality compared to trad and tablet users
Hello I have a question about your picrel. Why is the curvature of the ground curved like that on the ground from the bottom perspective but curved the opposite when the view is on top?

Good day
its got yoji shinkawa vibes
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>I wish there was a separate containment thread for us mouse users.
>We are in a different reality compared to trad and tablet users
Ikr? lmao
Drawing with a mouse is slow and hard but when I draw with my finger on my smartphone it's even harder and more painful.
Anyway I'm trying to improve my skills and I heard that drawing boxes help somehow...
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I can see now why boxes are useful.
It's easier to break down references with them.
Even when clothes hide the body like picrel.
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>I give up on drawing
I don't have talent for that and I don't enjoy it. Bye
You can do it brother. I'm going to finally buy a drawing tablet next month. I don't even draw boxes like you do.
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just waffling around a bit, trying to put color on something because it's been a while. desu any critique is welcome, i don't really have an eye for high contrast works or lighting so im pretty lost on what to do to improve overall.
Made my day thank you
Somebody please comment on my work
which is it
the more you post your work the more likely someone will see and comment on it.
so go draw more.

And the final product.

This kicked my ass. Perhaps I'll go back to a more traditional technique for future pieces.
Here's a drawing done with my fingers on my smartphone...
Anons using mouse and finger are crazy.
why subject yourself to drawing with a fucking mouse of all things, pencil and paper is cheap and intuitive.
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meshed disney and anime i guess
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Ink woman
I like the idea of this character, but what does she do?
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She's like a wannabe performance artist that does graffiti with the ink her body produces, but she's completely gutless and used her squid body to hide and sneak around, squeezing into tight spaces and contorting her body
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Fnaf sktech commission.
I don't know a damn thing about fnaf but the guy gave me refs to work with.
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How to do perspective guidelines for something like picrel? It's supposed to be a spaceship tilted to the side. I keep drawing the doors and windows all wrong because their orientation isn't right
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would love some criticism/suggestions/comments on this before i consider it finished. have a colored version too but idk i think its better just b&w
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version with some color
Cool stuff.
it looks a bit cramped i feel like you could probably widen it a bit so that negative space between the castle and the owl look good
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Color change to make her a little more dowdy and less flashy
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sketch study
still feel like I'm too slow for my liking, wish I knew how to get faster.
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I redesigned her again.
Now she's an elf.
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Maybe I should give her a bow and arrow.
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Working on some Forever Winter fanart, testing my drawing from imagination muscle
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Height comparison
You need to go to /beg/
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OC Referebce sheet all done, sorry for spam.
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Began drawing a few days ago
I can tell.
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Any big issues here? Not entirely sure on the values/shading
by learning anatomy. like seriously idek where to start here
pretty good start, could use higher dynamic range though, probably through more confident use of highlights
I want to post them online and I would rather draw on tablet than get a scanner or take a pic through my phone.
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Stronger lighter values
Rough and ready concept sketch. Didn't spend much time prettying this one up because I was just trying to figure out the layout.
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these look unaligned to me
Kazuma kaneko study
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5th work in a series of drawings I was working on earlier this year. These are just the pencil layers.
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My bad, here is the PNG.
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Workin on a style for a comic, do you find this appealing? If not any tips on making it more so?
>Kazuma kaneko
looks good anon, you've definitely captured the expression and kaneko's weird off skin tones.
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Had to move some elements to the right, but otherwise my fine motor movements are getting better. Drew the clothes at 50% zoom level.
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You're right. I think I fixed them but I'm working quick and dirty right now as I'm trying to get the idea down on paper.

I'm going to do the final version digitally.

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Photo bashed a bg from a bunch of videogame covers
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In love with tile designs recently
hey /draw/,

working on this sketch which will be finished with pastel. cant figure out how to do her lips with her teeth poking out between the upper and lower lip, looking for advice or help on drawing this

also looking for critique on this WIP

thanks anons
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I didn't know how to solve the breasts and the separation of the eyes was too big, advice T.T
Saw alot of people on my TL doing MSpaint + mouse and it sounded like fun.
what software?
i really like it! i think the only think i'd do differently is make the outer line around the character a little thicker to make it stand out, but this is super charming
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Tried bashing a background in there, but I feel like it doesn't really work, how could I make it more tolerable?
Tone down the "fog" effect and try to make the figure pop out more since it's the focal point. An easy way to do it is to just lighten the area around in another layer then just lower opacity.
Do all this while zoomed out.
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I drew this
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another anon in /trad/ said my angles were off in this pic, so was looking for specific examples of that. also, how are my proportions on this piece?

was also recommended to do master studies which i intend to do with the work of Ramon Casas
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