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For 1 hr every day, i'll be going through each loomis book.

Starting with FWAP.

Any and all advice is appreciated
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It's one thing to copy a drawing. Try to simplify and copy real life and weep.
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Like that?
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Fun With a Pencil: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYcCSctp38kc8bJeWPs_xRqR1rpIujOE3 (Hasn't added all videos to the playlist but the rest are on his channel.)

Figure Drawing for All It's Worth: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG96VXAcX7tOD79VvsnxwI9Q9QQsQP6CX

You're welcome.
>1 hour a day
Despite what memes may have you believe, you're really going to want to invest more time than this if you want to get out of beg-tier in less than 5 years.
Good show, OP. After doing this myself I found out there are almost 0 Anons who've actually worked through this book themselves despite all the shilling it gets.

I've been drawing since June and just going through FWAP and drawing random screenshots from cartoons/anime I like had already made me improve tremendously. I went from a literal proto-beg to now approaching Int and you can do even better than that!

Here's some of mine from the beginning of working on this book for support.
I feel like you'll get same hate from crab bucket Anons so just ignore them. Remember to read what he actually says though and to always try drawing some of your own heads, figures, and characters, too. Don't only copy his.

You should be good following along the book until you get to part 3 then all of a sudden Loomis stops explaining things so good but the playlists above will really help for that
Last one for now
Oh, buh
I will join OP shortly damn
>starting with fwap
>fetty wap
They cover that in the book after you start getting the hang of the Doohinkuses
1 hour a day for 5 years is 1800+ hours
So you are saying that you need 1800 hours of practice to get out of /beg/ tier? Wtf?
Based OP. Gmi
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I'll just be doing practice drills until i can correct the sketches that i've singled out.

At least for me, i do beleive the progression in this book is just a little jarring so i'll be grinding a little until i can make my sketches presentable.

Also, cheers for the link and the advice.
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I really liked it! By the time I did the "Pretty Girls" faces, I was doing things like pic related
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Right there with you, op
Still a little beyond me, though I'm pretty good at anime girls's faces. After I get through Figure Drawing For All It's Worth I'm going to do Drawing the Head & Hands, though, so by the time I get through that I feel like I should be doing pretty swell if nothing else.

You do your angled faces (the one that's looking up and to the left), how did you get the proportions down? Mine always looks a little odd.
Many thanks
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The line in the middle of the sphere is the brow line and the nose is generally near the bottom. To get the eye proportion right try to think of the very middle of the ball inside of the skull socket. For the nose, I Think of a skull and how the hole for the nose is right above the jaw, marking the “end” of the eye/nose area. The ear is also attached to the ball and is generally from the brow line to the bottom of the nose
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Thank you!
Vast improvement anon, good work!
Loomis helps people improve fast! For the nose, when you do less cartoony faces, it is generally 2/3 down between the brow line and the bottom of the ball, and the mouth is typically around the bottom of the ball (a little lower if it is a man's face) But for those Loomis heads, I think he utilizes the brow line as the eye line instead
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I'm going to hold off on the grid work for now. At least for me, i always fall in the trap of trying to draw all the little details without any of the 'feeling' of the shapes, if that makes sense.

Regardless, i don't want to risk making symbol drawing a habit so i'll likely be leaving it to the end or not doing it at all
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>beg trying to learn
>entry level /int/ comes in to humble-mog him
why are you entry ints like this. go away
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I literally started learning to draw with Fun With a Pencil on July 27th this year, You can see the date of hte drawing is august 20. Fun with a pencil was a great tool to learn for me. But I still have a long way to go
I'm a complete beginner, is starting with fun with a pencil better idea than drawabox? I've been working through that
FWAP is bad for beginners. it's a showoff book to get kids excited to draw but it's bad instruction
just bingewatch some proko videos
or art and science of drawing
and most importantly try drawing stuff 100x as much time as watching/reading
oh my bad, you actually do kinda suck
FWAP is a great beginner book that takes you all the way through intermediate subject matter
(note: this does not necessarily mean you will be intermediate through simply copying this or any book).

Don't listen to that other guy, Proko literally just talks about anatomy, he's great for that specifically-maybe the best even-but not much else.
>refuses to do the FWAP
>hates having fun
Why are beginners like this?
I mean his youtube channel
every beginner topic has been covered to death and also has guest videos too
Its a weird beginner book to be sure.

By the time you get to drawing semi realistic heads, its feels like one of those tutorial books that gonna tell you that step one is drawing circles and step 2 is to draw everything else.

I figure that the author assumed that, by the point you got to doing expressions on your cartoon heads, that'd filter out all the people who were never going to take drawing seriously so he just upped the anti.
For a beginner being consistent is the most important thing.
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love that profile shot. also please rotate your shit!
I’m guessing you’re on phone. Take screenshots of the pics before posting so they aren’t rotated . Also nice drawings. You’re improving.
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Will do. Thanks
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Won't be back till tommorrow
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Just practicing how well i do applying loomis to references i find
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I've been getting especially lazy recently. I'm gonna up the work load tommorrow
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I'll be looking back on loomis' instructions on drawring more realistic faces. I'll be just doing drills i can find for the next few days.
you are doing well anon I can see steady progress each day. Keep it up!
Good for you. I still feel like I'm symbol drawing when I try the cartoon heads. The nose and cheekbones are especially confusing for me. I don't know what that dark line is, it's was in the book so I coped it.
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so if i'm being filtered by literally the first exercises i should just hang myself right
like >>7285518 is very clearly what he's imagining people will draw but without him actively explaining it i have no clue how to get from random ass circle cheeks to that
This thread is oainful to look at
Yeash. That bad?
Thank you!
You have to be very observational when you do these drawings.

Firstly, you aren’t incorporating that into your drawings at all. This is one of the first things he mentions, so try to internalize what he’s saying. On each of these large circles, draw contour lines to indicate form and volume to make it appear as a sphere, and then you build from there with lines for the eye line, mouth, etc. Your ears for example are very misaligned because there’s no line indicating where they should be placed.

Secondly, try to consciously think about relationships between the features and how each one affects the overall face. Take the cheeks- look at Loomis drawings, you’ll see that the cheeks are all present when looking at the contour of the head. Why? Because it’s a presence of fat on the jaw. Also analyze how the ears move along the facial structure, they aren’t so flat.

Lastly, slow down. I may be wrong but some of these look rushed. Incomplete shapes, some scribbly lines, no contour lines, inconsiderately placed proportions.

It’s good to ask yourself “what is Loomis doing in these drawings that I’m not doing in mine?” When you finish these studies to really assess why he makes those decisions and how you can make those same ones to learn from him properly and apply it to your own work
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Recently, i feel as if i have regressed more than improved.

I'll be moving back onto the tasks in the book but i just want you to keep that in mind.
>fun with a pencil
>its actually agonizing torture
yes. draw a box is boring and mostly useful for int level up if you think of the boxes as bounding boxes for an object in 3d space. I've never gotten horny over the idea of drawing a box.
if you just want to draw some goofy cartoons then fwap is fine. I got a lot of it just by drawing a couple hundred heads and playing around with different shape combos. just keep in mind it's written for young White kids so there's an assumption of a baseline iq starting out (asians should be fine).
The feeling of regression is really just your eyes getting better at recognizing your faults. You are still improving
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tried drawing a girl and I realized why Loomis starts with old bald people- hair is so hard to draw
1) regarding the third face (not!Wario), did I mess up the perspective of the eye on the right side?
how do I add eyebrows on the right side as well? is the left side eyebrow too big or unbalanced?
2) the hair of bottom girl sort of looks like she's wearing a hankerchief hat. what is the hairline/ hair silhouette from that perspective suppose to look like?
ty for reading
i started doing drawing the head and hands and it's actually so helpful, i regret not doing this years ago. only thing is he doesn't really cover the skull, anatomy for sculptors is great supplementary material + googling whatever else. i don't think i've ever thought about eyes in the eye socket in my entire life until today
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I'll keep that in mind, thanks
Take what i say with a grain of salt but, look to casts and statues and draw how they do their hair. Its usually done in clumps
Nice job anon
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My necks and chins suck. On second thought, most of it sucks. Oh well, practice makes perfect.
lines looking crisp
Thanks anon.
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Thank you!

I gave the women quite masculine features, you'll have to excuse that
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Those are hard, but I repeat them every 20 hours of drawing practice, and it is cool to see progress. They are my favorite part of the book
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been following this book too, so far mostly copied the silly cartoon faces (with some laughable attempts at trying to make my own)
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Nice going, anon

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