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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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How do I start trying to draw normally if there are such statements?
Realize the person who say those things are miserable fucks who gave up a long time ago and want others to give up as they have. Misery loves company. You know who goes pro? The people who don't listen to these crabs' worthless projections.
I had a really close friend who was a lowkey hater. They actually got emotional but in a "I was praying on your downfall but your success is a direct testament to how I never followed my dreams and it hurts me on a profound level" kind of way when I got commissioned by local dentist to create wall art which leads to multiple commissions from people seeing the art. Everyone's journey is different. Don't listen to the trolls under the bridge. They want you to drown in self pity and despair as they are. You have to keep your eyes on the horizon and believe your feet will carry you there.
You don't. Accept that some can do it while others can't and that there's nothing wrong with that. Perhaps you have some other gifts
I'm bad at everything else.
>I got commissioned by local dentist to create wall art which leads to multiple commissions from people seeing the art
Fucking sick! Congrats, dude
That's okay too. The world needs NPCs for people with talent to shine brighter in comparison
>a talentless hack that can only hope to be an art teacher but never a pro artist
Most teachers get a pension and are unionized. More stability than most professional artists these days tbqh.
>How do I start trying to draw normally if there are such statements?
Believe it or not, words on your screen do not have magical powers, and 7280470 is not casting a spell on you. What it, and any other post, state is completely irrelevant as to whether you draw.
No, I just hate you assholes and nits who are going to get fewer and fewer. You will devour yourself and there will be nothing new, you will not glow and after you they will not glow, you purulent creature
Reminder that OP made a whole thread crabbing on her younger sister.
Your words hold no power here child of the dark. May that which compels you to hurl such verbal punities forever serve as a reminder of that which you shall never hold domain over.
You were the first to insult me, you are an animal creature that only needs to pour salt on the wound, you will rot with the slops of other artists
Please ser you will not redeem at this rate
Kindly sir please do not redeem
They have no interest in redemption, they've forsaken the light
You're an asshole, you started pushing me first, you vile amphibious creature
oh this is such a big misunderstanding. I'm not the original guy you were replying to. They're probably sitting back laughing that I chimed in thinking you were the asshole
You're all assholes and rotten worms, go to hell
brother, you need to draw for yourself before anything else, otherwise you will set yourself up for misery.
Posting on /ic/ was your first mistake. This place is has a particularly vocal breed of users that are pretentious elitists who have very narrow ideas for what makes good art. I’m not even sure if these guys even draw, since they’re more interested in shutting down people who don’t fit their personal standards.

Their comments are throwaway at best. Just pay attention to the actual advice you’re given.
Nah this the the og fag trying to stir up a ruckus and hollabaloo
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t. Talentless hacks
Says (you)
>OP is picrel
OP there's nothing wrong in being naturally bad at art, or anything else, just have fun and enjoy the journey.
Case and point. These types of people think that pessimism makes them more enlightened and that ego is integral to being an artist. They just want to bring people down to their level.

Never lose hope or love for what you do, OP, because that will motivate you to improve.
Scumbag, bite your tongue, you rotten thing
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OP just quit drawing altogether if a harmless joke in a shithole like /ic/ make you this mad.
this is not a harmless joke, this piece of shit called me an NPC, this is deep, let them rot in the garbage of other artists, he is a scumbag and all who echoed him are scum
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>In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their selves and their work to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read, but the bitter truth that we critics must face is that, in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and the defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations, and the new needs friends.
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Original post:
>My Art(21) Vs My little sister's art (15)
>Although her sketch is very messy, It's leagues above mine. I remember being the one teach her how to draw a cube it's discouraging seeing someone I taught to draw surpass me. How do I improve quickly?

Grow thicker skin and draw anyway because you love drawing. Also stop drawing cookie cutter animu shit, that junk is crippling.
>called me an NPC
They called you a talentless hack and that's okay.
Just prove them wrong instead of sperging out.
>Grow thicker skin and draw anyway
Best advice in this thread.
Kek it really is over for OP.
I came to understand that some people simply do not have a soul. No matter what heights they achieve in technical skill, nothing they draw will EVER resonate with another human. They are on the same level as AI generated slop. Just one half-a-second glance at these 2 works instantly tells everything you need to know about who is who. You don't need to autistically analyze lines and shit. It so apparent even putting it into words is redundant.
These works are the same, but his sister's drawing is worse, with an ugly torso and neck, technically it's also terrible. He will draw better in any case. Your soul is a made-up slop. Anime is good, the main thing is to draw it correctly
Sovl does not exist, it's all just technical skill. The right one has a better understanding of form and line weight, shapes are more interesting too, but the composition sucks in both. Also these are just sketches, not finished pieces, so who knows what their actual skill levels are
i would still fuck the shit out of the one on the right
Is this what this retarded thread is about?
>OP had No teacher and had to learn everything on his own
>teaches sister how to draw and is surprised that she gets better

Yeah she's standing on your shoulders of course she's gonna be taller. Momentum like that peters out over time if they aren't disciplined. Keep drawing and study twice as hard, You're in the best situation ever and your bitching about it. Don't be a crab, keep teaching her and humble yourself and learn from her you'll both benefit.
As i said in the previous thread you must be trolling us. Look at the original op work, he spent like one minute to draw that crooked chin. Give some love to your art because when i look at it i dont see any love at all.
First off, you have no taste if you're drawing a vtuber with such an ugly design when you have a hundred others to choose from. Secondly, you're doing it very sloppy and careless. Your sister at least draws for fun judging by her drawing, and you draw without trying to contribute something of your own, or vice versa to draw as accurately as possible. Pathetic NGMI
You're a blind retard, his sister's drawing is shit with a crooked body and an ugly semi-male face and dirty inaccurate lines that you all complain about, this is her drawing dirty and sloppy
Then it must be the genes fault because the OP is also a blind retard, he doesn't see the character he's drawing and mindlessly copies symbols instead of seeing exactly what the character design details look like
>semi-male face
Do they post their work?
No? Then you can safely ignore then. Talking shit is not a right, it's a privilege.
KYS then, you are boring "uuuh, i suck at everything, uuuh, i have no talent" go on kys then, what do you want us to do? stroke your ego? "noooh, you are actually super-duper good and talented, we will all miss you"

No one cares, go to a therapist or kill yourself
Nta but I just remember I used to spew vitriol like you. Mistakes help us to grow, and above all, most importantly, you must be kind to yourself. That's all. Call me a faggot, but I just see a part of my old self in you, and I know I used to speak to myself in that way. I'd vent that negative overly critical dialogue online to strangers. I believe in you anon. We reap what we sow.
Thanks anon, maybe I'm overly negative, but i just hate the self victimizing kind of guy, the "oooh how unlucky of me, please pitty me, please comfort me and make me feel better, no i won't hear any advice, no i will not make an effort to improve, i just want sympathy"

If op wants to improve more power to him… but yeah, i guess I'm overly negative and critical to myself, sorry i will be kinder to myself and others and stop projecting my insecurities and self-destructive ideas
>some people simply do not have a soul. No matter what heights they achieve in technical skill
They tend to be autistic or if you believe in MBTI (I don't) they're INTJ or something overly logical like that.
They put logic above emotions so their art is technically correct but sterile and boring, there's no human element, no fun, no "soul" in them.
They're the musician that know their music theory but can't make appealing music that resonate with crowds.
They're the professional concept art that have less than 1k followers on social media while a /beg/ cartoonist have hundreds of thousands.
They're incapable of understanding appeal or soul, they don't believe in it either like this anon here:
>Your soul is a made-up slop
They're hopeless and they aren't suited for the arts, because you need to be a human to create something emotionally resonant with other humans, which is why AI art and robots are so disgusting and unappealing, only coomers like AI, and they're subhumans so it checks out.
>OP's sister enjoys drawing for fun and OP is a technical schizo
>tfw autistic INTJ stemfag and in 2 years on /ic/ haven't gotten a single positive response to my art and 90% of the times nobody even bothers to reply
It's not just over, it never began
Idk man, I'm autistic and INTJ but whenever i post i receive at least 2 or 3 replies... I still suck at art and hate myself, but i cant really blame it on /ic/ for not answering
Also nta, but I'm proud of you. That is a very mature response.
pyw fag
You are one of the defenders of Ryukishi shit and the crookedly drawn touhou witches, you are a shit eater, you can be fed any slop just if someone calls them "soul". If such backward people can bite into /beg/ garbage, then they will gladly eat AI slops
And your 15 YO sister. I forgot to mention that.
>Complains about no one giving critique
>Wont post art
>Such many cases
Post your sister's ass
Some of those criticisms are fair if a bit harsh, but I'm pretty sure the anon in that post is that one weirdo who keeps having melties about talent in various threads. I'd take his words with a good pinch of salt myself.
Why did you start a new thread with a screencap from another thread that’s still active on this very same board? What kind of passive aggressive bullshit is this?
There wasn’t even a huge difference between the two drawings, they were pretty comparable.
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>You are one of the defenders of Ryukishi shit and the crookedly drawn touhou witches
Take your meds OP
>I'm pretty sure the anon in that post is that one weirdo who keeps having melties about talent in various threads
I'm pretty sure that (you) and OP are schizophrenic because some anon talked about talent with screenshots of some scientific journal or whatever and I started memeing about their talent BS in other threads and someone else is doing it unironically so there's at least 2 anons talking about talent, and I'm not serious about it so (you) think it's the same anon.
Ryukishi's drawings are crap, but they continue to be called sovl, like his sister's crappy drawing

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