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Why You Should Copy Anime:
Naoki Saito: https://youtu.be/8jsZGeaWkhE?si=6HZIvG9Bx3y9qoHs&t=12
AnimeShijuku: https://twitter.com/animesijyuku/status/1717415459778347358
Krenz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw

**Strive for quantity AND quality.**

Anime Studying:
>Copy anime references exactly and draw them from memory. Use illustrations, screenshots, anime figures, 3D models, etc.
>Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction, color theory, and other fundamental concepts to rehearse a drawing process that you can later easily manipulate for original artwork.
>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to. Create an art community that actually draws and improves together instead of just talking about it.
>Number your attempts and link to your previous posts.
>Critiquers should lead by example by posting their studies.

General Anime Style Discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Draw copies from good anime styled references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

Recommended Resources:

/mmg/ - Manga Making General:

Previous Thread:
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>Why You Should Copy
What's the link for Krenz's perspective course in the pastebin? Yes, I'm a retard and don't browse this board pretty much ever. I don't have internet six days a week so I need to actually download the files but can't figure out what website the link is for. Doesn't seem to work on mega unless I'm a retard and fucked something up.
It's encrypted decode it twice to get the link. https://www.base64decode.org/ The course got taken down anyway though.
Sucks it got taken down but I appreciate the info, anon. I know the course is on that one website but trying to download the files from it is so slow.
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i think i tried doing this kind of thing way too early.
back to drawing shapes i go
the krenz course link is down from pastebin, can someone make an updated one?
are these your drawings anon? post blog
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i feel like the far eye is wrong
I don't have one...
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it's not just the eye but the whole side is squashed. I wasnt sure what reference you were using. but something like this could work. but youd need to chose a style. either commit to anime or do realism. the realistic nose with the anime eyes feels weird.
When learning via copying is it best to copy 1 artist or multiple? What if the artist you're copying doesn't really have much in a particular pose you want to master?
just draw
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Should I stick to one figure or use different ones depending on the situation?
I quite like the first one but I feel like the third one is easier for me to draw lolis, but maybe if I mastered the first one I can still draw lolis with it?
Depends on what you want to learn. If you want to master an artists style, stick to one artist. If you just wanna learn beg shit like hoe to draw a pose, stick to fundies and it doesn't really matter what artist you copy from, as long as that artist understands what they're doing
2 gave you the best results, work on your heads and hands
If they produce different results, you use them for different results. Feels like 3 could do children, tarutarus and midna
Is this Rena? Super cute!
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I know the hands, but what's wrong with the heads? You mean like the neck?
My biggest fear is that I thought I did something right but it was actually wrong from everyone's perspective.

Just curious if it's common for an artist to have multiple figures, don't want to go down the wrong path.
>Just curious if it's common for an artist to have multiple figures
Yes. Happens most often in animation for characters. But an artist can have different proportions and shapes for boys, girls, chibis, etc
>as long as that artist understands what they're doing
Would any popular artist be fine for this?
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Anons do you even try to learn anatomy
stylisation > anatomy
good! just need to work a little more on the face balance and making the dress shorter doesnt mean it should be less dynamic
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hi anons
i got a serious question
i'm trying to explore a certain style that resonates with me while my goal is to draw in anime style but i can't figure out a term that is somewhat realistic yet still has its "anime-charm" if you will
for example in picrel
i'm not trying to draw the same as above like in "moe" style but somewhat has a balance between the two
anyone knows the term or is this a specific style?
Just looks like the generic popular twitter art style tbqh. I don’t think it has a name.
The eye on the left is floating away
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now that i think about it, i usually find more of these types of art in twitter
i guess because it focuses more on lines and fluidity?
Thanks, didn't notice the eye on the left was wrong even when I flipped the canvas. The dress was rushed because I got exhausted drawing the head.
i wish there was more resources for the splash art style you see in games, the only resources that exist are shitty chinese video courses where each video is just a 3 hour long live stream where they talk to chat for 2 of them
all courses?
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What kind of construction method do you guys use? Right now I'm just kinda winging it with the loomis method
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...Doing my best here. I never seem to get the circle of the head right. Any tips?
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keep a close eye in angles, look at the negative spaces, your picture has a much more vertical jawline, making her have a narrow and sharp face, instead of a wide cute one. Just widen the face a bit and adjust the chin and youll see its much closer to the reference, great job.
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I suck at art and even more at communicating, but i hope it makes sense
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Pretty much loomis. Read on hidechannel that you have to adapt it for certain characters so I dl'd a couple pics and marked some guidelines
How do you pick images/artists to copy? how do you know you're not just copying someones mistakes?
Define "Mistake" every stylized choice is a mistake if you aim for realism, and if you do aim for realism, copy from life.
If a style looks good to you, its "mistakes" are the point, grab art you like and want yours to look like that and copy it.
I've only studied from artists who are really consistent with their art
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I wasn't able to remake this in under 1 hour...
It's over...
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Tried making an original character. I think I am finally climbing out of /beg/.
How did you improve anon.what did you do?
>I think I am finally climbing out of /beg/
Depends on how long it takes you to finish and how many references you used for this.
looks heavely referenced, some parts seems to try to make sense and others utterly beg
Who are you quoting?
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for later ;
(person) (action) (object)
1- winged goddess of nike raising an eyebrow while swooshing a basketball in the basket = eyebrow shape

2- gru from despicable me in profile smoking a pipe while a man with an open mouth salutes the loch ness monster being cut in half = eye shape split into halves

be back later to explain this all, but this is basically how i remember what ive actually practiced and find myself practicing more because ive embedded the otherwise nonsensical shapes into funny images. now i just have to go for a walk and imagine those two images at different places/landmarks and viola! thats the method of loci in a nutshell. If you think it doesnt work, you can try it for yourself butni guarentee even years from now you wont unsee gru as half the eye and since you have a landmark associated with it, where you memorized it, all you have to do when you want to recall the info is seriously imagine the scene, engaging as many senses, what does gru smell like, sound like, etc. your brain will have that many more hooks to latch onto when you ask yourself. “who was smoking that pipe at my mailbox?”

i can expand on it more but if you want more read “moonwalking with einstein” by joshua foer
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render study
Holy mother of crabs, this is why /asg/ is the shithole of /ic/
>anon actually tries to apply his knowledge and posts an original
>crabs immediately spring up to tear him down
>looks heavely referenced
As opposed to the 1:1 copies that this general pushes?
This is why everyone that becomes even half decent leaves and the overall skill level of the general never improves. It is tiring to watch.
is this a copy?
i like the idea, but it feels like a sketch, I'd say one thing you can fo to make it look instantly better is to add more to the back of her dead that or add a ponytail or something, as it is it feels like she shaved the back of her head or something weird
make a drawing about it
This is prettt bad image to learn or copy from, find something with lineart
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Jesus christ, this took you an hour?
Yes my child, my hands still bear the wounds from the nails, making the work take longer than anticipated.
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Now I see that keeping the reference on the separate monitor was a bad idea. A lot of proportions are fucked up. Should've placed it next to a drawing like a normal person
Is there some sort of resource for different hairstyles at all angles?
i think your problem is another, maybe you should try doing the krenz accuracy thing at least a little bit
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You mean the envelope method? Yeah, I kinda forgot about it. It was a long time ago the last time I watched the krenz video
Traced a screencast from Urusei Yatsura.

Things I wanted to practice: mark making, color choice and shading. I did my best to trace in one line without chicken scratch or second guessing myself. I also did minimal cleanup to practice not overshooting. Then, I eyeballs the colors and compared them to colors picked from the screenshot, and then colored in my lineart with my colors paying attention to shading.

Things I learned: ZOOM IN JESUS CHRIST THINGS GOT 100% EASIER WHEN I FUCKING ZOOMED IN. My color choices are less muddied/more saturated the the original. Did not do a good job on the shading of the dark blue.
>it feels like a sketch
Because it is, I actually did kind of give up at trying to get the hair to look good since I realised its a weak point and went back to studying hair from other artists.
Trying today.
muscle control is good, care to describe how zooming in helped with the colors? for me its the opposite
awesome, post results
Flcl in acrylics

good colors too


I'm sorry I was really high on amphetamines when I wrote that. But d-don't you think that half of the anime eye looks kind of like Gru from despicable me ? idk man i totally cant unsee it
What brush do you use?
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2 months into learning how to do this drawing thing
I don't think I'm doing terrible?
>I don't think I'm doing terrible?
Not at all!
One small fix I would make is to make the neck thinner and then move the head down a bit
Keep at it, anon-kun
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ye, tried to tweak it a little but I do see I should've gone even further with it
oh well, I'm happy with it as it is, gonna keep at it to finally figure out how to draw heads
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Careful not to place the eyes too close to each other
yeah I can see it now
need to make the faces wider, shorter too
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It's amazing how rendering can immediately make obvious the good or bad in a sketch
>find an artist thats literally my ideal style
>find his socials
>only a few pics and hasn't posted anything in 2 years
why must the art gods tease me
Disagree, lineart and render are dedicated skills, you don't render on someone else's lineart badly and make its lineart bad.
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not gonna bother coloring this one, but it does feel better than the previous one, face-wise
hair is bad but I just slapped whatever together because the yakub ass bald head was bothering me
I should just open a random anime episode and redraw what I see to practice rather than just running on imagination I guess
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I havent drawin in 2-3 weeks and when i finally have motivation to draw i end up being sick ugh... that just makes me feel even worse now cuz i got no progress in this time at all. The fact tat i draw worse digitally than with pen doesnt help and i still didnt get used to tablet
also resolution sucks, it looks like i better start using 4k*3k pixels when drawing just in case
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Well who is it? I'm dumb and can't find the artist.
Get gatekeep, fag
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redrew your drawing
what do, i lost every interest at drawing
i don't have any clear idea what to draw. i just can't imagine what's in my mind. i tried to forcing to draw but it doesn't work at all
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Combining references practice, wonder if it helps.
for sure it does, looking good
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good job anon, the head feels very pretty and 3dimentional, but the hair dosen't, it has the same volume as the skull, youre also repeating the same shapes one after the other, from the bangs to the back hair to the longer bangs. keep it up you have lot's of sovl
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it's an improvement all right, gj mate
thanks man, rn I'm trying to just get the faces right by drawing over pics and then redrawing them to the side, but honestly struggling with having them be facing the same direction well enough
I'm sure it's just a matter of time and practice but god damn, wish this shit was easier

anyways fuck drawing circles, fucking hate 'em
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idk i am the only one love this style
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the sphere splitting feels wrong kinda but also doesn't? idk if I'm at a point of lying to myself or not, but I took way too long on this one
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how does body work
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figured I'll at least do a couple rather than posting 1 by 1 but it does feel like I'm going backwards with every next one
I gotta get better at guessing where the head actually is under the hair I suppose
either way, too tired to continue today
please don't draw ears like that
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I see
lol lurk more
Has anyone ever ripped Hungry Clicker's full videos? I feel like they'd be a great resource for people, much better than speedpaints where you can only barely understand what's going on. Mostly just asking, since they seem rather popular, so I'd've expected some to be out there, but I've never seen them.

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there is a small voice in me that says "dont study from 3d anime" but cant put my finger on why
needs hampton
face balance, hands, feet and legs could be improved, head is too tall, pose is okayish, could be more dynamic by tilting the head and adjusting her right shoulder, and the position of her right leg
a nitpick maybe, but I think making the very edge of the sleeves a bit sharper and darker could improve readability, maybe something you could try is looking at the drawing in different screens, phone, phone under the sun, second screen, tv, etc, if it pops in all of them perfect
>there is a small voice in me that says "dont study from 3d anime" but cant put my finger on why
idk, just figured myself that a 3d show would have the best consistency when it comes to sizes of heads for just getting the basic head and face shapes down
From that particular Anime is fine, they distort the models so they look good. Don't use 3d models tho, they always cheat anime somehow
aye fair enough
I suppose I'll also take more screencaps of stuff I'm watching this season as well to practice on
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did these face angle sketchs today. also is there a solid method constructing the side profile for anime faces that make it easier to draw?
Actually that was just me giving a paintover crit to the previous anon. I agree with you, but I have no need to work on someone else's work for free, have my own paintings to do. Main thing I wanted to hit was the face and creating more interesting of a color pallete and ambient lighting
Referring to my post here
Serial Experiments Pain
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ah I see, then kek
Quick practice today.
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thought i'd redraw your drawing
It's unironically worse at parts and you're also wasting your time.
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Today, I will remind them.
The torso is OK but canvas left calf is visibly much thinner than the other one. Only other thing that bugs me is the top of the head being maybe a bit large
Hide channel has some good videos on it
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I wish there's a character reference sheet website
Try this if you like mostly animation character sheets
Thanks saved, doesn't have the character I wanted, but it's undoubtedly a good extra source
The leg on the left is further back than the right but I could of done it better. And ya the heads big
Based, keep exposing this fraud
Doesn't look like traced, maybe he saw it a few months ago and forgot this was from AI art. Sometimes a good artist will have this really talented long-term visual memory ngl.
Fuck you subu
Drawing this pose, and youtube recommended me this cutie album, so I decided to draw her.
>>7294651 (me)
Whoops I fucked up, it's a cloak, I thought it was a sleeve.
It looks real cute anon
Here's what I noticed in your artwork that could use some work: The knee should be brought up to rest on the face, pay attention to the shape inbetween the face and the knee to see how the spacing should be,
ear shape isn't right, shoe is in a different position but I think it still works so, you should work a ltitle on the hands/fingers the thumb needs some work on its shape, I would break down the fingers into three sectionss if you aren't already.
skirt folds could use some work, with some more details on the hair it would be even better.
but other than that it really is endearing ganbare anon
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I tried to illustrate what I meant
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Guys I need help. I'm having a mental breakdown. I have no idea what the FUCK I'm doing. Learning to draw seems so alien to me compared to learning other shit. COPY DRAWINGS? WTF AM I SUPPOSED TO BE LEARNING WHEN IM DOING THAT? ISNT THAT TOO MUCH TO LEARN AT ONCE?

Shouldn't I focus on one thing at a time? If I'm copying something and mine looks like shit then I'm overloaded with trying to fix the eyes, my fucked up head shape, my fucked up body, the fucked up hair. WHAT DO I EVEN FOCUS ON?

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I dont want you to take this the wrong way, and I'm just a beg myself, but I think you don't understand what you are trying to do.
You might unironically need to grind some boxes. Your shapes don't make much sense. After that, try drawing OVER the picture to get a better understanding.
And get a better brush for sketching.
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And this might be my begness speaking, but i don't like using boxes for the human form i much prefer a looser form. If I were to draw that woman id start like this. Which is more closely to vilppu i guess?
it didnt post my comment because I am retarded. This one was copied and then overlaid. The first time, the jaw was way to flat- the jawline angles up more than I thought. And the bit under the lips (the "cutaneous lower lip) should be way more in. I do wish I hadn't made the nose sharper, I like it better the first way even if it is less "accurate".
Hey, an absolute beginner here.
Should I start with this thread or go to /beg/ first?
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You picked bad reference. Grab some ref packs from another thread, something with good lighting and a nude lean model (so you could actually see bony landmarks). Or even better - pick an artist you really like and copy their works.
Thanks anon! all the relines really make it look better. I know about the knee part, but I'm too afraid to fix it and mess up all the proportions like a domino effect, so I chose to ignore it.
And I really like the hair strands above the ear, my fashion sense is just too bad to know they could be drawn that way.
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You couldn't have picked a worse way to practice silhouettes if you tried. Copy a decent artist like Deel if you wanna play that game.
holy shit lmao, human being retardation potential is truly unlimited
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Wish there's artist who still draw with this style.
So will I.
>Following 5k people
Nah, he doesn't give a shit.
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Practicing lines today
be the change you want to see, bro
Tryin another one.
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It just doesn't seem very finished: missing shading on hair, face etc
hope to see more finished drawings from you anon
I think Seishoujo had artbooks with sketches and shading planned. Large highlights and stylized ambient occlusion seem to be the main features.
He's not following (You) though.
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ugly one
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Experimenting with faces
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Is there anywhere I can get R18 anime character models to pose? I use clip studio paint, it comes with basic gray mannequins but I want something better that I can pose for reference. I found this anime model on the Japanese asset store some years ago and this would be perfect but I can't make her naked. Do I need blender or some other program? Should I be downloading H games at this point and if so, which one? I just want an upgrade from the basic grey mannequins I've been posing.
I couldn't figure out which book you mentioning in Exhentai or gelbooru.
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They're usually a series of images inside an artbook and you'll have to go back to find them, since new books prefer CG quality
Angel Halo Artbook has a bunch of girls with each color area clearly delineated
Active Art Book has a lot of old sketch-cg comparisons showing the process
Discipline Artbook has a bunch and Discipline Cover Collection has easily readable colors
LineArt has a short set at the beginning from the Cleavage VN
Can you share those here bro
Fuck you subu
Everything but LineArt is accessible on e-h. You can use a script for galleries if you wanna avoid cooming manually
Bible Black Box Set is worth checking too, crisp images on the first half
what does this mean, why im getting notified about uhhhh.... fans? getting notifications when i open request.... and why i should care lol
You know me eh
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What are some good hand tutorials? I'm currently studying taco1704, I like how he simplifies them into simpler shapes.
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her right hand is somehow worse than the aigen lmfao
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just recently got into drawing so will stuff like this help me learn?
If you're learning that lineart is about six drawings stacked on each other and that line quality matters, then yes
i startet with placing all the feartures, checking placement and correcting
but some meat on it, checking and correcting
than put clothes on it and some ugly lineart
proper sketch took over 1hr
5000px x 5000px
krita default g-pen 7-12pt
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>2 days of hating every single redraw attempt
>finally get one I'm happy with enough to start playing with it on top
probably shouldn't have taken around 2 hours but eh fuck it, I feel like I'm getting the shape of the head down a bit better now
You should learn fundamentals before you try to break them.
Good shit. It takes a while until your brain recognizes what "good" looks like
You'll get faster
I really love fuchitoro's anatomy
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how does this look?
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is she leaning, the torso and leg are in different perspective if she were just straight, neck n head aree too far to her right side, that hand is big too kek
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that's not what I was going for, I tried to fix things and added color for clarity
like the idea, angle of the hand in regards to the arm look weird, the face from that angle should have a more prominent display of the cheek/cheek bone
you could try custommaidorder2 if looking for a game thing
you could go the mmd route is the fastest one, you can find infinite naked models if you search well
blender is a good option too but more convoluted
I think another option is vroid and importing vrchat models and stuff
good stuff
keep iterating, youll get where you want to go
face and expression is good, I see you are not doing an exact copy, but I'd say the expression needs a bit more spice in a delicate way
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this is probably not the best place to ask but i'll try my luck here
what do you call this kind of video editing and where can i learn it?
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Hi folks
Drawing kiyohime
Would love pointers before I hang from trying to finish this shit would love some advice on how to properly texture the bottom parts of the hair
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add more filters
papermario, parallax, disney multiplane
>keep iterating, youll get where you want to go
I know, rn I'm trying for at least one copied head a day since I don't have time for much more than that
they did that birthday surprise thing for Mika Pikazo and all of them received a following from her as a thanks. In short, your post means nothing.
I genuinely fucking cannot figure out heads
Three fucking hours today and nothing fucking works, can't even place a circle correctly on another person's drawing to try and copy it
My birthday is coming soon. Draw something for me and my depressed OC. k anons.
You have to move on anon. There are far greater threats out there than him. Like me. I've created multiple persona's.
I create mass paranoia towards people I dislike. I am the vergil waiting at the top of the tower. Ready to test your abilities.
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take ur meds anon
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okay I think I overreacted a little back then
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Mmm, how do you guys do like, swordwoman poses?
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Gave her hip another go.
Alright, last one. Probably shouldn't have worked in the same low res as the original pic but I was lazy and also figured it would be an interesting challenge.
And that's it. Moving on hopefully.
heres a wip drop a crit
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it's ya boy the sheikh of /beg/dhad with yet another shitty head
the eyes are fucked 100% in terms of where they're looking but hey I'm starting to feel somewhat good with the overall shape of the faces I get these days
idea is good, just need more care in details
screenshots of games
what wip? isnt an image downloaded from the internet?
if you fix the eyes it would look funny cartoony
To begin with, you picked a bad drawing. And please just take a few hours before posting, there's no point in posting if you, yourself, can see mistakes after 15 mintues
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I'm trying make a GK figure but I'm not sure if the pose is right. I feel like the character's spine would bend so he can rest his cheeks with his hands. I've looked up several references and did my best but I'm still not sure.
No one sits perfectly straight against the wall of a chair, the seat is the problem, make it longer so he can slouch and by slouching he can rest his cheeks on his hand.
It doesn't really matter.
Doesn't matter since the original drawing is beyond his skill, and most probably beyond yours too.
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>still trying to make dynamic poses
Do you find more inspiration from pictures or drawings? I've been trying to find poses and make them into characters
>Post mainly NSFW on pixiv
>10 bookmarks, a couple of likes
>Meanwhile my SFW stuff reaches over 1k and gets comments.
Does this mean I have no talent for coom.
>GREENGANG TILL THE DAY I DIE!!https://on.soundcloud.com/gVNZj82rM5fbYVs47
>gang goes hard!
I think it depends on tags, nsfw oc and sfw fanart?
It’s over….
coom is gay anyway
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Bruhs. I think I am NGMI
you're a dirty westoid so that's a given.
Why do you study boxes if you are not going to apply them in the construction of the head?
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Not being able to get the face right has nothing to do with perspective, use the krenz method.
Why is krenz not Japanese? Is there anyone else who can't listen to Chinese?
mmm wouldnt taking screenshots be tracing?
Where should I start as a total begginer?
If only you had grinded 5000 boxes starting from the beginning instead of falling for the 'just draw bro' meme.
sang chinese is really cool, spooken chinese is annoying to listen to
first chapter of draw a box for 1day and nothing more than 1day, then krenz for like a year or so
use them as references, study the poses and stuff no need to trace anything, since its unusual to see women wielding swords and doing acrobatics in everyday life
and to answer your question, just take screenshots of games, post them on twitter and say that is your drawing
I already did some of drawabox but I burned out lel
Where do I start with krenz?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbKqIJcIUCw (EN sub)
I love navigavi's style but I can't for the life of me piece it together his construction when Im drawing full anime.
Could anyone give me a nudge on the right direction? What am I not seeing
Head shape is wrong, you are doing 1:1 copy so just stack on it and you will see most of the fault
I kinda gave up on doing 1:1 I were always terrible at that and I absorb very little. Im trying to incorporate it on a simple fanart and try to assimilate the way he draws the face/style into it.
But somehow I feel like it starts looking less and less anime
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Anyone have this one in better res?
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>>Post all of your anime studies. Post even when you’re told not to.
As you say, senpai.
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How do I paint like he does? Any tutorial recommendations? I just want to use simple brushes...
>Any tutorial recommendations?
The one where your reference is from, you dumbfuck.
Anons. Help please, I want to start drawing in anime style, can you tell me what courses to watch? Or where can I download on the tracker what courses?
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It sucks doesn't it
you fucked up the perspective mate
come home lsg soldier
He speed paints thou the girl
Can someone give me the source of the right Frieren in the OP's image?
That line, that thickness looks really good.
The left one looks great too, less dynamic but more on character.
you are in the right track Anon, you just have to pay more attention. Compare more the reference to what you drew. look how different the face of the third drawing you did is from the model. Invert more the image when you draw and spend more time only observing anime illustrations in general.
Also, spend more time looking to the model you're drawing like, ten minutes. Study it with your eyes. I wish you the best. Keep going you're getting the hang of this
measure more
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Need help
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Some ideas, hope it helps
kys snow
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I think I'm starting to understand the shape of a womans legs... not if I could just draw the proportions correctly...
thanks for the precious feedback, i will use it.
my faces suck i know i will focus on it now. and measuring is useful, thanks. Time to improov
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Tried to improve the faces. It seems to be a little bit better. will continue to watch tutorials on it
Thank you, the gradient hair looks cute. I wasn't expecting that.
Why would snow kill itself? You have some serious problems mate! If it's a person that you dislike? Maybe you should talk to that person and solve out your differences like how grown adults would. Instead of being a bitter bitch on a image board website. Filling out captcha's just for hate speech is really sad.
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Do you all just copy 2D stuff? Got an anime figure recently and it's been a lot of help, so I also ordered pic related, along with the male version, and I'm thinking of picking up other body types from this series if I like it.
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no but I have this
it's AI slop
What brushes did you use, for the opacity lines? and coloring?
Also considering buying one of these for office practice. Whic one did you get and how has it been¡?
(OR) What did you use to draw the accessories?
I'm so fucking bad at drawing the head. Please, I beg you, retard-tier tutorials at head drawing. A process mangaka use. I'm desperate.
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None of the following is my art,just something that wound up on /b/ a few years ago. In a sea of sameness,these were innovatively refreshing.
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just an anime head attempt
For the love of God tell me she keepos inflating until she looks 15 months pregnant.
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And a couple more vignettes follow this.

off for a smoke

more in 20
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and here we go...

...down the rabbit hole....
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fujos are something, man.
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This is the last I have,but not of what's floating out there. Threads in /b/ vanish easily,and i decided to save them way too late.
Maybe make it a gif instead of spamming
That was very hot anon.
reminds me of resident evil 4
AHAHAHA these are so autistic, I love them
sure that escalated quickly
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I prerordered the newest sport ones since I have other things to work on in the meantime so I'm not in a hurry:
I think only one other version was available in wireframe:
but some of the non-wireframe ones are cool too:
>Got an anime figure recently and it's been a lot of help
I meant this one. Mind posting fig and studies?
does anyone have any good male head turnaround tutorials?
I'd also like to know
Hope someone answers
It was more important to post the individual photos, to allow the technique to be studied properly. I find these fascinating, and something that I would never think of myself.
Retarded question since ive only started recently, but when it says, "Don’t copy recklessly. Use construction". Does it mean that i should roughly draw over the original with ONLY construction, and then try to replicate that drawing as best as i can with construction aswell? or should i just skip the 1st step and attempt drawing it with construction immediately.

I attempted copying without it and it looks meh, the inaccuracies are easily visible, so I'm not sure if theres any value to copying that way. Also is measuring proportions important? i assume not if i want to draw from memory or imagination later on, but im still unsure ofc.
You can draw over or copy. If you aren't confident with anatomy or perspective, construction using boxes and shapes will help you remember the angles in a figure.
>Also is measuring proportions important?
Proportions make things look better. You can grind figures and get some instinctively or measure and get the details of a character just right.
Let's say I am an NPC, is there an algorithmic way to improve quickly? I want to know that what I'm doing is effective towards my goal and I'm not going astray on the path.
Do you know of any good tutorials explaining construction using boxes and shapes?
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good evening anime study general do you like my OC?
In this method, how much should one focus on 1-to-1 copy studies? I think he is saying that drawing characters in the style of an artist and studying the different aspects you want to improve should take up most of your time?
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Study of today, fail to separate the eyes and i could not solve the breasts, any tips or red line?
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I think your facial features are too much to the left. Like mouth. Also the hips and legs on your drawing are off
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I'm doing figures instead of drawings.
w*man "Artist" ngmi
Looks like a dude, shoulders too wide. Not very Anime, way to western
Her shoulders arent too wide she just has non-anime proportions
>Mfw boxfags were right
I want to fucking kill myself
Does it look like I have a fucking idea what I am trying to do? I get lost between Box -> Face
What if I want to draw the face in perspective from all angles? Beautiful redraw btw.
Im a guy retard. theres no women on the internet
>What if I want to draw the face in perspective from all angles?
Even some /int/ artists on Pixiv use references for unusual angles and poses. What makes you think you need to master perspective to start getting good at drawing? You are learning the wrong way and you should change.
If you can't draw a face from any angle you're not getting into /int/. sorry anon ngmi
anyone has a link to the discord server?
You have to go back.
>page 9 still no new thread
/asg/ is so dead
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