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Previous Thread: >>7196009

This is a thread for those who want to go study dynamic sketching as a group in an effort to improve their drawing skills starting from the very fundamentals. Here we share the tedious grind, crit and encourage each other.
Please specify the week and course you're on when posting your work.

>What is Dynamic Sketching?
The Dynamic Sketching is an approach to sketching that focuses on:
>Closely observing life to inspire sketches.
>Breaking down complex objects into simple forms.
>Building confidence using permanent mediums like pen and toned paper.
>The importance of conveying ideas visually.
This method helps artists create expressive and energetic sketches.

First developed by Norman Schureman, an influential teacher at ArtCenter. Many of his students, including Peter Han and Charles Hu, continued his teachings at various schools.

Peter Han's class is intended for beginners, but the second class can be useful even for /int/. Charles Hu's course is probably better suited for /int/s. They both cover a wide variety of subject matter, but the approach can be applied to any subject matter.

>Where to get it?
(Large torrent, use qBittorent and select only this folder)
\Course\Form and Construction\

>Peter Han says to get a lot of material, are they needed?
Your choice. Honestly, just draw. Use what you have. But if you want, you can get it. You can do it digitally, but try to refrain from using ctrl+z and other features. At the end of the day though, do what you want. As long as you put the work you're gonna see progress.

>I'm /int/ (as if, pyw faggot), should I bother?
If you want to expand your range of subjects, I recommend it. It also covers a lot of fundies that doesn't hurt to revisit. I suggest you start with DS2 though.

Mess up a lot, get that mileage in, but most importantly pyw
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Dynamic Sketching explained and a comparison of the many different dynamic sketching courses. Useful to see which one suits your goals and personal preferences.

Dynamic Sketching - Peter Han
Short videos for those with low attention spans:

Visual Development: Dynamic Sketching by Charles Hu
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Remade the OP, feel free to post anything else helpful now at the start of the thread if you want.

Forgot to post last night. Continuing with Week 8: Drawing Trees, Plants, and Landscape Compositions of Charles Hu's course. I find the color ones much more fun.

Nice cacti.
just wanted to say I appreciate your work OP. Not going to post my own work because it takes too much effort to take decent pictures with my piece of shit 88 euro phone. Good thread and thanks for the torrent.
Fuck, was the original thread really two months ago? I haven’t started shit.
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more landscapes
I'm kinda struggling with the shading (using the marker). It doesn't really look good, except for the top left one, but that one looks like a hairball which wasn't my intention either. (I believe this was practice for lesson 3, but I went further and also tried to learn shading in general, using https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQ5QF0q4QqQ)
I looked up shading, studied this video, practiced a little. The organic shape is the result of that. With pencil it seems that I understand it mostly. But not with marker? pls help. Also for the cones and cylinder it worked out very easy first try. (my shapes are shit but Idc) (my camera is also shit so the shading on the organic turd looks different and not as nuanced)
If you're gonna use hatching like that for shading then make sure your hatches follow along the 3D form, otherwise you're flattening your image.
Yeah, like the other Anon said, the lines should follow the forms of the objects, pic related. If you can, try taking photos in a well lit room.
anyone have the torrent for charles hu's dynamic sketching course?
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Thank you gentlemen. Another mistake I realize I made was overshading the light side ("dirty lights" as he calls it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vapw6n6FyU)
it's still not great but I think that will improve by just practicing it more. (my organic turd from before was also greatly overshaded)
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Starting Week 9 - Drawing Costumed Figures
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Yeah, that looks more round already. The wrapping lines could be a bit more round. Excuse the Japanese image, but this pic illustrates it well. Notice how it bends a lot at the end but shouldn't come to a point. Take a spherical or cylindrical object and wrap a rubber band around it to observe it in real life.
>I think that will improve by just practicing it more.
That's really the only way to improve.
i'm already getting filtered by week 1 lines, it's going to be a rough week...
Be strong brother, I started today too.
I wouldn't spend too much time on the line. Do it, but don't get hung up on it, line confidence comes with practice anyway + it sucks to do just that.
anyone have the nma files for charles hu or are there not any?
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Holy shit, after struggling with doing the "go over the same line 8 times" excersice on my wacom, I tried it with a real pen and it's 100x easier
But I have a fucking Cintiq Pro 27
Is that just the nature of tablets?
It almost feels like cheating, like I turned stabilization up to max.
On the one hand I was worried I would suck if I tried traditional, so I'm happy I can do it, but on the other hand I don't want to throw out my expensive wacom
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thought I'd change it up a bit, tried some new brushes and copied some infographics too.
I am aware it is a silly question, but how long have you been drawing? Just wondering, to get a better idea of what's ahead for me.
Yeah anon, drawing on tablet is actually way harder and ask for more control
about 2500 hours of actual drawing, over 4 years or so.
The only thing I’d add is that if you’re really struggling or feel too /beg/ for either Dynamic Sketching course, or if you’re brand new, then give DrawABox a try. That’s where I started out when I first learned construction. And the things I learned from DAB do still apply directly to (especially) the earlier bits of Dynamic Sketching. DAB is a fine way to get started doing this constructive drawing stuff if you’re a beg. It has its problems like the optional challenges can be autistically grindy, and the materials rules are a bit rigid (and I might skip the texture part if you’re beg and find it too hard to wrap your mind around. It’s introduced too early in DAB imo.) …but otherwise it’s great, and it holds your hand step by step as if you’ve never held a pencil before. It assumes zero prior knowledge or experience on your part, which is ideal for begs. It also covers little details like this >>7284734 that DS glosses over because DS assumes you already know them.

Note: If you are a super beg and literally never drew anything or have never done any “how to draw” study, then do Drawing On The Right Side Of The Brain or some other beg course like Eviston or Proko. You’ve gotta learn to draw what you actually see instead of what your brain thinks it sees.
Yep, looks way better.
Drapery terrifies me but yours looks breddy gud. I hope I’ll be able to get back to drawing soon.
grraaaahhhhh i cant draw lines
that magnet hasnt worked for me in a long time. anywhere else to get the han stuff
use qbittorrent, it's the only one that can handle it.
yeah i already do
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more sketching
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the line exercises are so hard digitally,feels unsteady. I have paper and felt tip pens but I am running out of ink
want the sketch brush pls, can you share? I have been looking all over for a really good digital pencil brush
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more drapery

conte square from Aalmaluar_PS_brushes_full pack, the whole pack is pretty good
is there an equivalent but for digital sculpting?
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week 4 I think. Drawing the shapes while keeping the future figures that you haven't drawn yet in mind is so dang difficult, especially the spheres always come out wonky because I have to draw them in multiple goes.

I am aware that the lighting is inconsistent and there are no cast shadows. Gonna practice some more and post results later.
Draw through your forms and ignore shading or lighting for now. Where the overlaps/intersects are, go over the lines a few times to darken them.
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I've got a hard time sitting down to draw at all, and the first few weeks of DS1 are strangely annoying despite having their justification. Even a few lines, circles, blobs / cubes and two animal sketches in ballpoint pen from reference are a success to me, even though it's very little. Both me and my buddy have been skipping a day here and there already, but he was then working on a commission or merch or hanging out with friends, whereas I just happened to be sick or choosing sleep over forcing a last-minute drawing session at risk of my health getting worse. I'm not going to expect quick gains, but I am learning instead of getting rusty for no good reason, and that's what matters. For now I'll draw animals mostly from reference, but I'll do the shrimp method soon enough, too.

Beautiful drapery. These renders are much nicer than the infographics from your previous post. Nice attitude on the girl on the right.
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Faces are so difficult.

Cute seal.
Thanks. That girl on the right was a copy of an illustration, so it was kinda cheating.
I wouldn't call it cheating because all of these exercises are done in private, and practicing to properly capture an attitude or likeness is simply part of the process.
>cute seal
Thank you. After how sloppy the secretary bird's head turned out, I paid more attention to the seal's face.

Thanks anon! Nothing in the world I love more than hoarding brushes. Your study on the right with the gentlemen holding the gun is really nice, how long did it take you?
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Did a long one to finish this week off.

Yeah, you're right.

You're welcome, I'm a bit of a brush hoarder myself. That guy went pretty smoothly, took about 45 minutes. Quick ~10 minute sketch then blocking in with big brush strokes and smudging/mixer tool to control the edges.
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Pufferfish + Piranha ds studies.
First some form and general sketches do get proportions and general features. Then some exagerated sketches to play with form and proportions. Then some mixing between pufferfish + piranha for creative fun.
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Starting Week 10 - Drawing Cars. Gotta plan out these ellipses better.

Looks great.
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started week 5. Some cacti.
Need help on this plant, it's defeating me. I'm not sure how to do it, the shapes and the textures.
(camera quality is really bad, sorry for that)
Thanks. Awesome work also.

I think it would help to first trying to capture small parts of the plants,observing the small details and simplifying form and structure. Doing some "exploration" sketches to get these details first helps a lot in the proper sketches.

I will assume you are doing it from real life observation and the photo was just to kind show the reference to us? If that's it, it's fine. But if you use these kind of photos as reference, it'll make your job harder, because a lot of detail and clarity is lost.
yeh everything is from life. There are a lot of plants in my house, gonna draw all of them. Will practice more and post results later, thanks for feedback.
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I have newfound motivation to do this now since it ties into another course I can do. Time to sit my ass down and grind.
Rendering is sex
Perspective on the front bumper of the third car is falling into a classic mistake, the centre line should be closer to the left while you've drawn it dead centre between the left and right corners, as if you were viewing it front on.
When drawing straight lines should I focus more on them being totally straight (so no going up or down) or having the next 6 lines be perfectly on top of eachother? I know I should focus on both but which one is more important
Might need visual refence to know exactly what you mean, but generally speaking lines don't need to be perfectly straight as long as both ends and the centre are about where you want them to be and the line is overall fairly smooth. If you're going over the same line multiple times I'd recommend doing that twice at most to build accuracy/confidence
sorry, *once at most. Two strokes in total for a given line
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Picrel has two straight lines, the first one is at an angle but it's still technically straight. When training would you try to go over the line even though it's not a perfect 90 degrees or would you try to correct it?
>two strokes for a given line
I'm at week one and in the end of the video Peter Han mentions 7 strokes one on top of the other.
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Got sucked into rendering again, need to focus on the drawing more. Keeping everything aligned is quite difficult and wheels have like 10 different ellipses in them.

Thanks. Yeah, you are totally right. The mistake looks so obvious now. Tried to keep that in mind for this batch. These ones had over lapping forms so it was harder to tell.
Just speaking for myself:
>When training would you try to go over the line even though it's not a perfect 90 degrees
>or would you try to correct it?
i got a question im usually under the impression that most of /ic/ hates DAB but since peter han and DAB's lessons are similar, how would someone tackle DAB? with the purpose of eventually going to peter han's course after
should i ignore some of the lessons and skip out the grind or something?
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Fuck it, guess I'll join in too. I have Han's DS 1&2 and Hu's live class. Should I do both or are they basically the same shit?
I have Patrick’s class (1&2) and I think he’s better than Han’s old class but I’m doing Hu’s instead since he doesn’t seem to leave anything out. There’s 2 versions for Hu which is the live and regular version—do both. Live just seems to be more for critique and whatnot and you can just listen to the lives while doing homework.
Is there a torrent for the regular version?
I got it here https://cgpeers.to/torrents.php?id=77535&torrentid=77439#torrent77439

I don't know anywhere else
>secret club
Guess I'll keep looking and start with Han's class for now.
Looks like it's on online-courses.club. Just a pain in the ass to download everything. Anyone have a nice cardstock texture? I want to switch between trad and digital.
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I scanned it just for you.
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can you share the magnet link?
literally in the OP
What's a nice sketchbook? I'm coming from digital so I don't know anything
Also stupid question but I got the Pitt Artist Pen "fineliner"
I'm assuming they are the same thing as the Artist Pen Patrick recommends?
Sounds fine, pretty sure thats the same one Hu uses. Here's Charles Hu's recommended materials list. He recs Strathmore and Moleskine sketchbooks. Proko's video on Sketchbooks is a good overview.
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2 cacti for today. Will draw a lot more the next couple days, was busy learning to draw noses.
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part 1 of drawing all plants at home.
first plant is the one that defeated me previously here >>7295854
the tip of the other anon was incredibly helpful in general, observing the plant more thoroughly and doing multiple sketches of details before starting.
started using copic markers (sketching greys) , they are a lot easier to cover big areas than the staedtler fineliners.
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Starting Week 11 - Drawing Military Vehicles
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3 plants for today and 2 lil' mushrooms. I wish other anons would post plants too, It's just me and two other guys here who are way ahead of me. I should've saved the previous thread, there were plants there.
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More tanks. Back to the gimmick brushes.

Here's the link to the archive of the old thread if you want it.
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part 3
will probably not make it in time before the leaves start falling. Not that it matters, I like drawing plants that are more beat up like I did today.
The texturing on the big on on the 2 leaves closest by made it look worse. Probably should've taken a thinner one than the 0.3 mm used for all the rest, or textured it less (only on the part of the leaf closest by.

thanks. I guess in the charles hu version plants occur way later too.

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quicker ones today
maybe I should ask this some place else, I'm the plant anon. I've been starting to develop carpal tunnel I believe (pain in wrist and tingling in my fingers). It started since drawing these plants, probably from holding things in a cramped position, and the fine liners being pretty small. I stopped drawing the plants because of it, but it's recovering.
Asides from just taking breaks and minding posture, any tips to help avoid carpal tunnel?
accidental sage in name
I would like to see your lines intersect more. It gives structure to industrial subjects.
Post that paper texture and hex code for the color
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Yeah you're right. I'll try to do that in the next session.

This blog post about it is really good. A lot of the early stuff she tried made it worse so it's worth reading all of it. Letting it rest and heal is the most important part.
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was just Toned Paper (5).jpg from lane's pack, had to compress it a bit to post it here. all of the originals are in here
Alright guy I am sold to study this course for real. I have been grinding art for like 4 years and still no progress made.
>lane's pack
Are you using Lane's brushes, too? Procreate or Photoshop?
Yeah his brushes in photoshop. they are in here if anyone wants em >>7272682
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cleaned these ones up a little bit, fudged up those rockets.
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Starting Week 12 - Drawing Planes. Quicker page because I was busy today.

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