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I kinda feel bad for Rob. He had everything to be where CSR or Nyantcha are now, but he was too much of a lazy bum to live up to any of his obligations and spiraled as a result. You hate to see it.

He's still a scammer and a bum though.
i used to enjoy his daily rants, too bad i unfollowed him and then he privated his ig. Is he still posting wildly insecure rants on his stories everyday?
>Artists who crashed out
me. I'm about to make a comeback though.
Who's this bozo

Likes dont pay bills.Most of you twitter incels still farming for likes and dancing around the algo hoping to be seen
Literally fucking who?
>Likes dont pay bills.
But that's all they care about, they think having 100 k likes will lead them to a job or something. That's why in that other thread they were bitching about farms stealing their work they only do art to feel validated through social media, not to eat.
Robert Porter, AKA: Robaato, AKA: Negarobo, is an artist who tried making a comic, Rat Rage, over a decade ago but gave up because it was too much effort. He then started a Kickstarter for a videogame, Cryamore, but gave up because it was too much effort but he still pocketed the money he had raised, earning him the reputation of a scammer. Then he started an Indiegogo for an art book, Skabrous Skratchwork, but gave up because it was too much effort. He also pocketed this money too, further solidifying his reputation as a scammer. Finally, he settled for being a porn artist and filling out commissions, but even this was too much fucking effort, so he shut down everything except his Subscribestar and now mopes about being a fraud while smoking weed all day.

Somebody actually made a mini-doc about how much a failure he is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znnKTgJt72k
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Takehiko Inoue kinda counts. He was such a perfectionist it literally destroyed his passion and crippled his ability to make art anymore.
Doesn't that nigga pretend to be a girl on Twitter still?
Oh a self-destructive loser. Too many of those already I do not feel bad for a grown adult that can't keep his word
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Nyantcha being a woman isn't completely off the table. They occasionally draw yaoi and feature a lot of handsome male characters in their artwork instead of faceless or nerdy self-inserts. Those are definitely more female ero-artist traits than male.
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You forgot several key factors:

>His wife left him and he became a huge MGOTW incel that tries way too hard to be a thug. He would constantly rant about how "Women are always BSing" and this very weird post, which I couldn't find, where he opened an application for women to come at his place as "drawing models" and the whole thing read like a request for a hostage situation

>Burned all bridges with the president and editor-in-chief at UDON by posting a long ass rant over payment DESPITE the fact that they noy only paid him a good deal more than their other artists but were actually giving him a chance to work at a Capcom title

>Accused several twitter artists of ripping him off over the Rosalina Luma Bikini art and even demanded that he required monetary compensation over it.

>He was the character designer for the new Boondocks season before that fell through due to a myriad of reasons that have to do with either the cast members dying, like Grandpa, or falling to depression, like Huey and Riley's VA Regina George having her only son commit suicide.

This guy had the opportunity to be much bigger than Nyantcha and CSR, almost LeSean Thomas level, but fame and a messy divorce got over his head.
Someone found his Artstation account and it confirmed he was a bald nigga from Canada.
Nyantchabros he's not a 6 foot 1 bulky woman... how do we recover from this
Holy schizo did anyone try to get him into therapy
I always feel bad for the guy because he had such a rough start to life. He was like a Jehovah's Witness or something crazy I think and his whole family had cut him off when he split ways with the cult. I think we underestimate how important being mentally well is to making it.
His old backup alt still has a selfie on it. https://x.com/ThiccWlthaQ
This cringey faggot gooner deserves all the hate leveled at him. Complete piece of shit.
>do a kickstarter scam
>it pays off
>"earn reputation as a scammer"
>do another kickstarter scam
>it pays off
The real Q is why is it so easy to scam people?
>Burned all bridges with the president and editor-in-chief at UDON by posting a long ass rant over payment DESPITE the fact that they noy only paid him a good deal more than their other artists but were actually giving him a chance to work at a Capcom title
That's seriously crazy
Robaato was on top of the world, and then he ended being a lazy fuck scammer.
I used to look up to him in my DA days
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The closest equivalent I can find to this guy's story is Spoony: Talented creator who's personality and shitty work ethic destroyed themselves.
Oh he's just a black dude
>The real Q is why is it so easy to scam people?
Have you tried being smart in the current year and how animals, i mean people, react?

Oh shit I remember Cryamore. So it was all for nothing? Kind of makes sense. I always thought kickstarter was stupid desu, Why do you need money to do something? I'm sure there are exception to this, but most people who end up making shit do it on a dime, like Cave stories creator. The games world is darwinian, you can't win on "muh love of wetwo gyaming" but obviously over funded monopolies of the big 3 kinda sucks too.

>>Somebody actually made a mini-doc about how much a failure he is

As for that mini video doc, I give the creator credit, but goddamn, talk about an underage voice. If you want a raw vocal feel of Gen Z, this is fucking it.

Also at 10:00 minutes in, you pronounced defamation incorrectly. Be careful linking your yt to 4chan btw you totally not underage anon.
>could've had his own videogame, comic and artbook
>could've worked on boondocks
>could've worked at capcom
>decided throwing tantrums online and scamming people for pocket change was a better choice
what the fuck
The fact that any of you know this is worrying
>So it was all for nothing?

Alot of shit happened and the game was finished you can even listen you to the OST if you wanted but I'm sure most of you want to continue dogpile right
yo Rob thanks for joining us today
where can i buy the game dawg
Where can I play it then?
>google game's name
>only links to sites in 2015 show up
>search in jewtube
>videos are 11 years old
>dropped from kickstarter
>only xitter link
>Implying I'd create an accout to follow your vanity project or getting blocked for no reason
It's dead, Jim
Hell his porn is half-assed too, the guy just isn't trying anymore.
>Riley's VA Regina George having her only son commit suicide.

Holy shit, I didnt know about that happening at all. Jesus...
I feel like on some level Rob realized he fucked up but he doesn't want to fully admit it to himself. His ego got the best of him when it came to the kickstarter and owed commissions, and he basically got chased off twitter and ran to Instagram. His subscription sites never last long because he doesnt update as often as he promises.

His current thing is a discord server you have to pay to get into but he can't advertise anywhere but instagram. So when he tries to leave the site, he always comes back because he has nowhere else to go. He can't even rebrand because people would instantly recognize his style.
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Chris is ironically a more studious amd prolific artist than Rob is.
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Surprised he wasn't posted
another who??? thread?
another cucked nigger thread, actually :)
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look at what you people did, you made him "quit" social media again
This is gonna sound autistic but I can feel his hatred of women and thug attitude in his recent smut. Every girl he draws nowadays kinda has this LA Hooker look where they have pierced nipples, oiled up, stockings and fishnets, etc.
Sure, I could be looking way too hard into it since it is porn, but his older porn art is wayyyy tamer than his current output and the characters usually were more on-model or varied than they are now.
Oh no.
Anyway, why is it the ones with talent that cause the most drama
That's the dumbest part. They stood by him when the rest of the community turned on him and let him do whatever he wanted. Now Kajinmann and Reiq are doing all those Udon covers.
Cryamore was a game? Every time I'd look into it it just came off like he was trying to make his own personal Subscribestar service, which is probably pretty telling alone.
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> gets all these opportunities only to squander them
> was friends with hot cosplayers
Don't relate Chris to AMD...
What a fucking loser.
Literally had everything going for him and winded up being his own worst enemy.
many such cases!
Hr made a big show of leaving instagram a few months ago and came crawling back


All of his antics reek of severe mental illness to me that hes trying to ignore via mind numbing weed instead of getting help. It can't JUST be arrogance and poor discipline especially when he managed to put enough time in to become good at his craft in the first place. My money is on some combination of adhd and bpd
his wife divorced him a while back, he probably had some sort of psychotic break
I love this nigga
he is an entertaining punching bag but it probably messed with his mentally ill brain too much
we could have a Lowtiergod kind of art lolcow if he had that "mentally untouchable" power
Wife could have left because of said mental illness
This person is not well ontop of being an asshole and I doubt a breakup would result in the sudden onset of it. If anything, there's one less person to help manage it/bear the brunt of it so it spills out and poisons every other part of their life.

The consistent inability to follow through, the constant lashing out and declaring grandiose change only to reneg on it once the mania has passed. I've seen this shit with a previous partner of mine and had to go because I couldn't take the emotional rollercoaster and having to be a parent + partner.

I very well could just be projecting because I don't know this man but I hope he gets help.
I remember a long time ago on Deviantart he said that his wife was the inspiration for how he draws female characters. I wonder if that effected his turning wholesome vidya girls into disgusting instathots.
Yea, I've gotten to a point where I don't bother opening up his stories anymore because its the same shit. Talking about how good he is, posting screenshots of his personal group of dick riders on discord. Dudes legitimately mentally ill with an inferiority complex and a lazy bum to boot. Doesn't help that his closest art friends seem to just enable his bad behavior
>Talking about how good he is, posting screenshots of his personal group of dick riders on discord. Dudes legitimately mentally ill with an inferiority complex and a lazy bum to boot. Doesn't help that his closest art friends seem to just enable his bad behavior
It's what happens when you're a failure in an industry that welcomed you at one point and then all you did was burn bridges.
He's the kind of person you simply say "Meds" to and he freaks out.
>Doesn't help that his closest art friends seem to just enable his bad behavior

Some of them didnt even join the discord yet and hes ranting about it
Nah his wife cheated on him. She also hated that he drew sexy women. That combined with being raised with a Jehova's Witness community fucked him mentally.

That was when he started ego tripping and doing all that weed
What's his new account on insta?
basically his whole life is an Icarus story. Reached to far too fast and his wings melted.... sad. Very sad.
its the same one but private good luck grave searching
>pizza shirt
>pizza is a codeword for child sex trafficking
>blue bear alter ego
>bear is a homosexual slang term
he seems kinda based ngl
Nah 2025 is gonna be the year of the Spoon. I can feel it for real this time.
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>Draw some bomb ass video game waifus on pencil
>Some really fire bitches with a pencil
>Gain a massive following
>Waste it all by constantly posting about japanese politics, how much you hate immigrants and throwing a hissyfit over the age of consent changing from 13 to 16.
>Have your entire media tab bombarded with the same infographs about japan
>Last ever drawing was on JANUARY 8th

I don't care if you hate pakistanis, I want to see massive vidya waifu titties
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>Read post
>Don't believe it
>Check account
Never seen someone this mindbroken by immigrants.
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>black man who draws futanari
thats a first
That's an edit.
He did however make futanari of Cammy, Chun-li and Marina (only sketches though)
>had a wife
>he became a huge MGOTW incel
Ever heard of a dictionary, you bitch ass nigga?
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oh youre right.
he makes decent coom. what a waste of potential
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>Gain a massive following
>Some people are impressed that the guy can perfectly emulate Cutesexyrobutts
>Cutesexyrobutts gets fed up and shows proof he plagiarised
>Everyone goes against him
>Goes silent
>Comes back with Patreon
>Exclusively posts AI Images that are clearly fed with Nyantcha's style

Some might say that he hasn't "crashed out" but considering how big Shexyo once was, I say it fits the thread
Always killed me that he would constantly take photos of himself hanging out at the park by himself.
That wasn't his fault tho
>Be Masamune Shirow, creator of Ghost in the Shell and Appleseed
>Be arguably the most influential sci-fi mangaka after Osamu Tezuka
>Work achieves international success, accolades, and even a Hollywood film starring Scarlett Johansson
>You don't give a fuck about your legacy at all and only draw bizarre fetish hentai from now on
The funniest part about this is that Shirow is obviously rich off Ghost in the Shell alone, so he's making all this weird coomer shit exclusively for the love of the game.
honestly his art is good enough if he shut the fuck up and just started DRAWING again he would be fine
people lose their inhibition as they age, he's 62 and dgaf anymore. this is what he wanted to do from the start
Incel doesn't mean virgin you absolute fucking retard
>draws the same thing over and over again
>unhinged rants
>constantly complaining
>won't do anything that takes a bit of work
>wears a Sonic shirt
>smokes weed

Might be Autism/ADHD to me. He needs to seek help.
>He needs to seek help.
Seek help... Ha!
he's still making 3k-5k a month from the lowest, he has set up an extension where if you trashed on ai slop, said anything about him, or following people that trashed on ai you get auto blocked by him. Who knows, he probably paying some 3rd worlder to mass block people saying anything about ai or him. I didn't say anything about him on one of my accounts and got blocked somehow. Then again i'm seeing more ai slop accounts that are appearing on social media and twitter that gaining 100K+ followers and doing the same thing shexyo is doing.
he’s more successful than you’ll ever be

Anthony Bourdain was way more successful than a lot of us will ever be. Didn't stop him from committing suicide.
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same energy

Isn't he like in a Paul McCartney/Nicholas Cage situation where he has tons of money but so many debts to pay off that he can't ever retire?
I remember reading that he lost his house during an earthquake and his father had a case of dementia that was very expensive to cope, so investing in doujins was a safer alternative to him since it means he can draw at the pace he wants without pressure from editors.
Taking advantage of the fact that erotic artists or similar have already been mentioned, there is a fetish artist that I followed, she even had good strengths but she stopped. Olympic-Dames, like, I think she still continues with her authorial work of the same name, but that's it, today she only continues the work to reach the end, her art was limited to pregnancy fetish (the kind that was practically a woman + big belly + doing anything while dealing with the size in front of her), she may not have drawn so well or had good coloring, but man, she was good with concepts, she stopped because she changed her interest (being a 30-year-old woman at the time she stopped for good explains a lot, I suppose), the problem wasn't stopping and just trying to finish the work, the problem was that she NUKE'd the gallery of more than 20,000 pieces published in more or less 18 years of work, to this day I miss a lot of things she did that many other artists in the field didn't dare to (drawing older women or even black women, the latter has been common for a while, largely due to the fact that other artists like her use third-party characters)
Kek, wonder how butthurt he got the day Japan announced they're taking in a million indians.
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He deleted his instagram good luck finding him now
>I kinda feel bad for Rob.
Lmao how? He's a fucking creep
>You hate to see it.
No, I love to see it. He's the guy that sounded like he wanted models to come by so he could lock them in his sex dungeon
Except ghost in the shell was basically softcore yuri hentai, and anon is just a fucking retard that's never read it.
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Like we already had a thread about this. The dude always drew coom.
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Dumbass, that's like saying Berserk was hentai because of all the graphic sex scenes and casual nudity. That's unironically a more puritan opinion than what that anon was saying.

Also, if YOU read the manga, you would know Kusanagi was obviously bisexual.
I'm confused, you're trying to disagree with me while literally just showing that he's always drawn stuff like this.
Anon's post predates that thread's creation.
Oh what the fuck this is a week old post
I just saw Wednesday and thought it was today
Sounds based to me.
i'm curious on that sperg's reaction when swimsuits were changed in schools in japan.
Didn't his family die which mindbroke him?
And the earthquake destroyed a large majority of work he had done.
Is there a place where I can find all of Rob's artwork? Shit seems scattered all over the place.
his discord mostly likely
fake news lmao
meanwhile: >>7304074
oh so that's why all those retarded jap politics xeets kept showing up in my For You feed
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How do I gain a work ethic so I never get this lazy? This is honestly terrifying.
don't do weed

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