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title says it all
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my reference pack?
Look out your window.
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>this thread
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any references of people DOING THINGS and not just standing like statues?
anyone v got complete pack than just ugly pics?
if she is not pretty but graceful, share your pack. no porn please
solid pose, but the photographer really should have considered the sock against that background
>no porn please
You're not helping...
yeah it's up to you to start making screenshots from various videos you come across.
For the love of god dude, please stop. I'm about to throw up
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My hard drive die with all of my refs packs from these threads, If anyone can be so kind is to repost them here that would be great. Also here is a pack that I don't think was posted here.
okay I'm done, thanks to the other guy who posted pictures I haven't laughed like this in a while.
Thank God.
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there some good.
this one is cute. if a pack is associated, i m interested. >>7282854
I love fat girls and I'm fairly muscular. I like being able to pick them up sex feels like a fight y'know.

I did once have a biggun horse kick me into the wall because I was tickling her though, it's not for the faint of heart.
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That's the whole difficulty! To be muscular enough to lift and take your girlfriend with all your arms. futhermore, The bigger she is, the more flexible she must be, otherwise it is impossible.
btw, beware with google translate.
If they're like this what's even the point of putting on underwear. It just messes with the form of the breasts.
We've had some good ref threads recently so I guess we were due a porn thread.
go ahead post all the child model you like, you fucking pedo faglord
Stop requesting cheese pizza you sick fuck. This is an art board.
jesus christ
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just bumping this with old ref pack
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thanks bro!

I'll put in some porn art pack to help keep the thread alive

then let it die

porn is unusable for reference and we are treat like jerks idiots by the model and the photographer so... just don t!
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another legendery and big one.
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my reference pack?
Look at your mother
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there smiles are clearly fake, they could come from a country on war or economic collaps; it s typic pussy pics, we feel that they treat us like jerks;

<<< please share sets of models that they visibly have fun.

>>7283988 t hank you

i REALLY want this pose pack, holy FUCK
and more
question for web hackers: how to avoid hijack in the gofile link? it s script in the link.
To the anon posting the thicker women pics, thank you so much. It's nice to be have to some variety.
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How are those "casual morning poses"? Looks like classical poses with a book or pillow in hand...
most of these packs are good but if you guys want easy refs just go browse gravure models, they usually use better bgs than sterile grey backdrop studio bg and dont really do weird poses that you likely wont draw when doing imagination drawings
yo im the anon who started the thread, this should be everything, should be like 1252 pictures in total
i still don't know what "gravure" specifically is, and i've been here for a long, looong time
i know it's japanese and has to do with nude photography, but that's the extent
don't even know where i'd look for it
(yes, this is an implied request to spoonfeed me, please don't bully me)
can you zip these? downloading them individually will be a pain-in-the-ass and i don't want to pay for gofile premium
i'll download them individually if i have to, but it'll take a lot of time
you're a legend btw
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check out the gravure thread over on /jp/, there are a billion threads in the archives. most of the girls have twitters you can scroll through as well, just look up their names or reverse image search. lighting is usually softer and there are many cropped images, but i find it very useful. more practical than most artstation packs
ayy my bad, lemme know if this is better
ty senpai
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Someone have the pack of a kung-fu asiatic woman? I was drawing pic related and lost all my data. She also have some photos with a sword...
anyone have packs where I can actually use the pose as a reference? like standing/sitting poses a regular person would do? or action poses
>screenshotting camwhores for refs
this guy gets it
scroll up
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Need more Paris ref
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Anon, do you know of any more photo sets where there is one light source like this?
I'm trying to paint some "Academic" artsy-fartsy nudes, but a lot of the reference photos have too much light.

Also, thanks for these.
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Downloading these! Thanks!
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Something like that?
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Exactly, yes. Pictures with stronger shadows look really good when they're painted.
These look great!
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You are a scholar and a gentleman, anon. I am saving literally everything. Than you.
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sadly no more of her
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This is a king's ransom already, anon! I am super grateful. I'm thinking of painting her as one of the Greek muses. She has the correct face for something serene.
Wasn't there a monthly thread of this? What happened to it? Couldn't find it anymore
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>i still don't know what "gravure" specifically is
Gravure idols are models who pose in provocative swimsuit and lingerie photographs in magazines and photo books marketed towards men, similar to pin-up models
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is this pic from one of the sets in this thread? if no what set? I'll go buy it
and share it here please
Her name is Carlotta and that set is from the New Masters Academy. I'm pretty sure that the set is out there if you search for it.

Models => gravure => pin-ups/artists => softcore => hardcore
The further you go the more adult focus it becomes.
Carlotta Champagne.
many thanks fren
great shoot
i'll need a d20 to make up my mind about what to draw/paint
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With that face and that deformed alien head, he needs to get naked to get attention and yet...
I wanna pose nude for a artist boy
Old woman face
This is when artistic studies of anatomy are diluted like mercury, seriously look at that scrawny, almost alien physique, if I draw this figure as it is, the crabs here will tell me permabeg.
Upload more of this chick
you have standing poses of her??
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Emily Bloom, more please???
link to full pack?
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insipid giraffe, flat without ass or tits
shorty roastie detected
For the average I am tall, your cuckold castrated

any other really tall girls? preferably thin. hips, ass, tits unneeded. I need some planks
God, why is Ilias so perfect bros?

How do I find these models?
Go to any McDonalds
any of you gentlemen have a gravure pack or something? I checked it out on /jp and those models look a lot more appealing in terms of lighting (and I also don't want to stare at nipples al day long) + the porn packs posted here are photoshopped shit, only the lilias and carlotta ones are good.
Thanks for the tip btw.
>No you don't understand, I simply CANNOT draw unless I have another terrabyte of naked whores on my hard drive!
>I'm totally not wasting all my time gooning to said whores instead of drawing...
At any fast food chain.
because you have mental problems about the perception of reality
Flat flatness, my skateboard has more curves than this girl.
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>that thousand cock stare.
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oh wow. quite literally and unironically, the first set i've seen with actual twins
starting to feel like im just downloading porn instead of references
Hegre-Art is artist sofecore porn. If you want pure references without the focus on the junk there is the other thread that is up. Also if you don't mind paying for models there is posespace.com for regular model in all shapes.
gross ass bitch
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>she's a woman
>she gabs
>call her gabby
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This thread turned into a forum for poor quality softcore pornography.
Is a troon

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