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Figure drawing is a fun and good way to get better at drawing humans.

Some free resources:


Might as well check the archives and active /ic/ threads for references:


Previous thread >>7257044
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thank you, great figs
thank you
nice stuff, Steve Huston for sure
i love these expressions
nice booty
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some quick figs
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>Babe, wake up, new /fig/ thread just dropped!

From yesterday - felt like doing simple shapes.

getting there, but it's going to take quite a long time if you're just doing one fig at a time.
nice gestures
thanks! nice isolation studies
Hustin-anon is that you? been a while, if so. good to see your posts. If not, good to see your posts.
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Copy of a prud’hon. Finally bought some toned paper and I have some chalk pasted so maybe I can abandon graphite
I know this is somewhat off-topic and I apologize for shitting up the thread, but it's been a while since I last drew a figure of any kind (2 months I think) and I've recently been wanting to tackle some basic perspective (and maybe a little bit of construction) first before I try to continue with my people' studies.
Would anybody have any sources that aren't Perspective Made Easy? Like a course or a couple of videos that have helped you in the past?
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I finished the 500 figs in a month "challenge" yesterday. Feeling a bit burnt out. While I was doing all the short drawings to make the numbers (average time per drawing: 3.6 minutes), I felt like I wanna do longer drawings when I finish. But right now I don't really wanna do anything
are you looking to learn perspective, or how to freehand forms in space? (boxes, cylidners) because those are 2 practically different skills. You only need the 2nd one for figure drawing, really. Steve Huston explains all the perspective you need for figure drawing, you may as well just do his course and have everything you need taught to you
why doing silhouette with a pencil? can use a eraser to fill in
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Glad to see the thread is still alive. I finally managed to actually post something. Since I don't have access to my PC I'm trying to use my ipad.
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Did I do the anatomy right?
You're amazing
Also checked
I have a question for the thread: what is more worthwhile to study in terms of anatomy book, Loomis or Bridgeman?

I got both the books, but I'd like to know which would be a better use of my time.
how did you get so good at gesture and form, is it just practicing a lot? or any other specific tips? sorry for the spoonfeed, i'm trying to get back into drawing and im finding gesture the hardest part of figures. if anyone else has tips feel free to reply, any advice is appreciated
try both, use the one that feels better for you. you'll have to do stuff outside of the books anyways
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It's mostly about practicing it and seeing which methods and approaches work for you personally. Which instructor makes sense to you is really important, try a bunch of different resources until you find one the clicks with you. Teaching styles can be quite different. Michael Hampton is more analytical, Glenn Vilppu is more intuitive. I've found videos with commentary more useful than books.
For gesture, Steve Huston and LoveLifeDrawing were the most helpful for me. As for practicing it, short, timed figure drawings helped me the most. The short time means you have to focus on getting the essence of the post down on the page with only a handful of strokes. If the timer stresses you out, just slow down, think before every stoke and limit the number of strokes you draw. Use pic related to focus on specific skills when practicing.

well that /fig/ures
thank you so much anon! i've only ever looked at books before and couldn't really get it, these videos are super helpful!
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been trying to focus more on translating the reference instead of autistically obsessing over the details
it's really cool, maybe try to make her shoulders less wide if you wanna make her more feminine, unless that's something you want
It would look better if the outline was pixel perfect
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yesterday's figs

looks good
draw something else for a bit, then go back to figs
any port in a storm! good job getting practice in away from your normal setup
looks like you're getting the idea, keep it up
thanks anon!
pretty good face!
good resources
nice pixels
Very nice,
Is that Asuka?
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I am posting again, gonna try and keep up with the thread. I really gotta study hands and feet more lol.
Loomis (I'm assuming Figure Drawing for All It's Worth) isn't an anatomy book, more just a general method, very good resource though don't let that stop you. Bridgman is definitely more of an anatomy book, though it's very stylized for an anatomy resource proper. Also an excellent resource, I barely scratched the surface of it and learned a lot, Bridgman is definitely worth your time.
Nice job grouping + simplifying the shadows. Make sure to flip the canvas occasionally, her head is a little warped.
Classic as always.
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Gonna finally start posting my figure sketches/ artwork. Hopefully I get some traction.
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Yea I guess you're right. I probably will spend a lot of time with the ipad so might as well try to get used to it.
Good drawings as usual.
What's the best figure drawing book these days?
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thought I'd try my hand at refining it in my own style
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day off figs!

Asuka sneaks her way in to a good chunk of my sketchbook pages, lol.
interesting stylization
routines are a good way to build habits
people swear by procreate, I used my friend's ipad and I thought it was about as good as my surface. I like the texture on my surface pen better tho.
iteration and convention. Keep it up!
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VERY cool reference from last thread.
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Iffy. Every time I render something I just end up realizing the block in and sketch weren't so good to begin with. I need to be more careful

Also I gotta stop using the mech pencil for everything, regular pencils would work better than 0.5mm
she looks like onigiri
I like this. The way that pose is corrected into a character, plus the incomplete shapes as reference.
Good luck drawing.
Lol fig. Gesture is overated
gesture is a tool, some people use it, some dont
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Went to my first live model group tonight, really good time. Pretty new to drawing and especially figures
you can draw figures without gesture
Your style is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. I'm a beginner, was wondering how you learned to draw like this? is it just observation, or do you use a book/method? Also, do you find yourself drawing from your wrist or shoulder more? I've been told shoulder, but for these smaller, sketchy, angular drawings it doesn't feel right. Would kill for a video of you drawing these, see how you lay it out
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will I improve if I keep copying these mindlessly? I don't feel like paying attention anyway
brave statement
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a few of the dorky elf, tried using poses as a base, then added her outfit/hair. then a few regular studies. And the timelapse for the nice anon.
fun colors
it's good to take a step back after your initial sketch to do a few spot checks. If I really care about a face I'll flip on my light tablet thing and flip my paper over to get fresh eyes.
trips. pyw so we can see the power of anti gesture drawing!
pretty good for pretty new!
wow, thanks anon! Those are really kind words. saving your post for when I'm feeling crap about my drawings, lol.
Mostly just practicing, wish I could tell you who my influences were, but it's years of picking random things up, I think.
>wrist or shoulder?
shoulder if I'm drawing a circle/oval, I think elbow for most things, then wrist for smaller stuff.
made a timelapse, was going to do a record my sketchbook, but I don't have the right cord, and the camera position is tricky, so I just did one digital. Haven't used my drawing monitor in a bit, so I'm a little rusty.
you will definitely improve at copying things mindlessly, which is a skill. Why not draw something you feel like paying attention to?
how long have you been doing this? curious to see earlier work
>Why not draw something you feel like paying attention to?
wtf this bugged my brain, care to elaborate? I'm interested in what differenciates a droing one doesn't want to pay attention to to one that you do (imagine only drawing things that you know are worth your time, sounds sexy)
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Procreate has really nice tools for lines but Jesus I don't understand how to render in it at all.
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I've been drawing since I was a kid, varying degrees of dedication over the years. Fluctuations in skill level up until ~2016. 2020 I decided to apply myself and finally finish a sketchbook cover to cover.
I've never done a progress pic - so many pages to choose from.
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quick session today, work things calling me in.

if you are >>7287832 then what makes you copy things mindlessly? does your subject not interest you? Everything is "worth your time" if you see it as progress towards a goal. >>7288526
lookin good! foot structure looks good on that first one. changing mediums sometimes is a good way to shake things up.
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>what makes you copy things mindlessly?
do you ever feel like you don't want to draw at all? I struggle with forcing myself to do shit I don't want to do, so I only draw when I'm inspired, this is problematic to keep improving, because I draw like once every 3 days with inspo, I want to be able to draw every day so I mindlessly copy shit I think could make me improve
but your idea was interesting, maybe the times in which I'm uninspired it's just that I haven't found what's inspiring me at that particular moment, really makes me think
>Everything is "worth your time" if you see it as progress towards a goal
I haven't had any goals since years ago, I just draw to not stop drawing
What pen are you using, anon?
Naisu fokkusu
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any advice on how to get cleanliness going? my shit looks messy af
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I like these anon has a nice charm to it
I suggest trying to find a brush that makes it easier to draw cleaner, maybe up the stab up on it a lil bit too
i like the clean lineartlike liens
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Thanks amigo.
I am trying my best to make it a habit and follow through.
does someone got the name of magazines or books filled with poses? I remember them being mentioned a few weeks ago but I do not remember the name..
Even 2020 was good enough. While it's nice that you keep up the daily grind, you're really doing a disservice to yourself if you don't make huge inked/color illustrations or comics or animations or whatever genre you might like.

I mean, I'm not saying you have to, just that skills wise you seem like you're in a good place to tackle a more ambitious project than simply filling sketchbooks.

I wish the best of luck to you whatever you end up doing.
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1 hr practice.
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How to draw these poses correctly? How to draw the bent leg of a guy and the last girl?
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I tried my hand at doing that

the perspective of the girl is definately difficult but I tried my best
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a smattering of pages

>do you ever feel like you don't want to draw at all?
sure, but I try to find a subject that I find interesting, or I try to find something interesting about the subject that I'm drawing. There's nothing necessarily wrong with mindlessly drawing, but I imagine you'd get alot more out of it if you were engaged.
That one was an Asvine p36 using Pilot take-sumi ink.
I don't do a ton of digital, but either changing your brush, or changing your strokes would go a long way to making your shading look cleaner.
feels like I need glasses, is that your pen settings that makes it blurry?
thanks for the encouragment, but I don't really have any "grand works" I'm planning on doing. At the moment I just like the process of drawing, and trying to improve. I would like to get better at clothes/props/backgrounds tho.
hyper angle? super pose book? I think I remember seeing something like that before.
well done
tough poses, I didn't do great, lol.
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I changed brushes, hope it loosk more readablle now
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Any direction for someone who despises construction? I was gonna just keep drawing people till they stop looking bad but I figured I'd ask.
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Leg studies
Enveloping or blocking
more confident strokes. try using one unbroken line instead of chicken scratch as often as you can. might be impossible if you're using a mouse, in which case, just draw traditionally until you get a tablet
ur on the right direction nigger. keep going
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a few figs.

definitely easier to look at.
I don't really get the general hate for construction. It's just a tool for you to use as much or as little as you need to accomplish your goal. Even just laying down a quick line of action or gesture stroke would help you hit the posture of the pose better. But, if you're determined to paint without any form of construction, yeah just keep at it!
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Yea. shaking things up is definitely an interesting experience.
Well, we just gotta do our best.
Nice stylisation as usual btw.
How does this sketch look? Anything you want to tell me about it? I just want to know if it looks okay, anatomically speaking. I know it’s very rough
Forgot pic
are you using a reference?
Yes it looks anatomically correct. Keep doing figs. Don't worry about detailed "precision" yet, just get used to the basic overall human shape. You need to build mileage.
Would it be better to:
1. Pick up a book or watch a few videos to find a method to figure drawing I like and spend a few hours doing quick poses and longer figure copies every day of the week.
2. Pick up Bridgman and just copy. Copy copy copy copy.
Yeah, I'd say both. You learn different things from each. I'd start with #1, then sprinkle in Bridgman studies. Bridgman should inform #1.
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Got kinda lazy with this one, started getting sucked down the rendering whirlpool and took way too long.
These are really nice, the color adds a lot.
Really nice rendering on that bottom right one.
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thanks for believing in me mane. wish I could frame this post and put it on my bedside table.

I knew about blocking but I'll look into enveloping, thank you

I have no hate for the idea of construction and I'd advise any other new artist to get really good at it. I'm just bad at using it and it doesn't come naturally to me. Just blocking in with paint gets things done a lot faster and easier, which gets me drawing more. That said, I didn't consider the potential of just some loose gesture strokes to help pre plan, which I do sometimes have issues with.

[this piece is older but I didn't want to just post nothing.]
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warmups turned into a "draw whatever pops up on my random reference app"

great job on the render at the bottom, looks good to me
keep it up, a bit of anatomy knowledge (insertion points, and what overlaps what) will help down the line.
thanks! As long as you're having fun, but yea, if you're going for mileage, getting stuck on rendering probably isn't your goal.
there are many roads to success, but every one requires dedication and practice.
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Spent 1.5 hrs on this. I did the body and legs first then spent another half an hour at least on the head. It was at that point that I realized the whole thing looks silly and weird. Either the leg and torso is small and distorted or the head is too big (my guesses)

I thought about trying to fix this one, but decided to abandon it
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I've been out of practice for a while and fee like a slug, tried some freehand stuff to try and kick the funk
soul, so much soul
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no ref
really think like I’m starting to FEEL it, mr krabs
I drew this. Isn't it pretty :)

Compliments only
Your lines are so gorgeous. Love so much
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post-church longer study. I like using the 2mm 2B graphites since you get such a range of tones. This head angle remains stupid to draw.

it's good to practice rendering, but yeah your forms could using some more breakout studies. are you following any methods, or are you just winging it?
fun style!
the back one looks pretty good for no ref!
thanks fren :)
I seem to remember somebody on a previous thread asking for material about anatomical differences between the genders. Scott Eaton's Anatomy for Artists course has its last chapter dedicated to gender variations.
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After doing some animes, perhaps I'm getting less scratchy with figures
i decided to get back into drawing, but it's like im a noob again, does figure illustration really help improving ? I hade more fun drawing an hercule beetle desu
Sorry for the late reply, I was using this photo, but with larger breasts.

Now I think this is somewhat better
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about ~45mins worth of studies

pretty hard to see, but I think I can make out some good forms in there.
yeah, a bit better
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an interesting pose
care to post the ref by itself?
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thanks anon. nice capture of likeness on your own attempt as well. how long'd that take you?
thanks, about 15 min I guess
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I see. there is only so much you can do within that time, but I would say look more at relationships between certain features, both vertically and horizontally.
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Oh I do it more like a gesture so didn't really bother to check that much
no worries then, pay me no mind.
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I can put the gesture, and put boxes down, and I can put body parts down and label them, too. But it feels wrong somehow. It's like I ignored the boxes and just tried to get the contours. How should I change my approach?

you have perspective issues anon, and i think you are not really capturing the chest and hips, i said that because you are straightening the torso and had to rotate the reference. Something that can be helpful is to use a 3d model, make the figure and then rotate it 90 degrees and check if your boxes make sense (draw the figure again), don't be afraid of tracing :)

well fuck, back to posemaniacs for me
you are doing great, part of learning is that something isn't working and change the strategy accordingly. If you are not satisfied with your figure another thing you can do is to copy already stylize figures , NMA has some videos from vilppu, steve huston and others doing figures you can learn a lot from those alone.

keep going!
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nta, but i'd still check proportions with subdivisions and plumb lines even if you're only doing it intuitively and not drawing them directly when doing a gesture
you did a really good job on that second one you posted, but the first one's compromised center caused her right leg to be significantly longer than her left
i agree that gesture shouldn't heavily prioritize proportion when you're trying to find flow and "mood", but if you decide to use your gesture for a more finished piece, you'll thank yourself later - you have the luxury of resizing and warping in digital to easily make it an underdrawing, and a photo never moves. but you'd have to redraw it larger and with more correct proportions for something more finished in a life drawing environment, you might not have time during those moments (the model needs breaks and snacks, after all). if your proportions are too off and the model is only doing poses for 30min/45min each, you'll shoot yourself in the foot when you're forced to ref what you have
might be a different mindset desu, but imo, it's the illustrator equivalent of "measure twice, cut once"
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More crooked shapes
Can somebody tell me where to go? I've been drawing gesture and quick figure drawings for a bit now and don't know where to go next. Is it just copying Bridgman? Morpho? Other anatomy? Or is it starting to focus on copying artists whose style I enjoy and want to emulate in my own?
why not all of them at the same time
I could probably do days of focused practice on each, but I wouldn't be able to do all of them in one day. My brain doesn't work like that, and I'd prefer to know which one is of most importance.
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close to finishing up this sketchbook

still good practice
fun stuff
lookin good
looking at old figs i drew earlier/last year and they look better than what i'm making now, i feel like i have brain damage
Post both
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starting off with some head studies today.

post em
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quick sketches, then went back with some lines

500 nice! any insights after doing 500 figs?
>500 nice! any insights after doing 500 figs?

Just keep going
Truly enlightening.
an anon from a past thread told me i should start with figure drawing to appreciate the drawing process more
where can i start and what book/video course can you recommend?
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try 5 min figure draw from imagination, I like it
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5 min scribble. Been drawing less for the past few days, but now figure drawing season is starting!

>are you following any methods, or are you just winging it?
I started watching Huston's videos, but didn't feel like they made much of a difference. I watched about 10-15 of his lectures in constructive figure drawing.

I did >>7284933 last month, just winging it.

Now I'm thinking about going through Hampton's book until the end of the year. I flipped through it and it seems quite similar to Huston's book though.

To be frank I don't feel super motivated to read books and watch videos when I could be drawing, but I need to make some kind of effort so that I don't end up as an eternal sketchlet.

I feel like I should try to set a bigger goal though, like a 1-year or 3-year project.

By the way, just to brag: one of my live figure drawings got selected for a local exhibition. Feels good to get that sweet external validation!
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Some 5-10 minute figures and a longer one.

>Hustin-anon is that you? been a while
Yeah, thanks. Been a bit busy with my other studies to post, sneaking in some figure drawing while I can.
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Still trying to learn how to render on this device. Also imagination.
Arigato. I see you're doing well! The blending tool did most of the job, tho I can't deny it was pretty fun.
Thank you as well!
good stuff anon. especially like the two left-most ones. care to post the refs if you have 'em?
Left is from Hegre-Art Flora Hard Light, shouldn't be too hard to find. The rest are from the NMA sets that have already been shared.
thank you.
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good advice, clever anons will take it to heart.
nice blocks
lookin' real good. Where do you normally post your other studies?
glad you're able to keep drawing away from your normal setup. Looks like her big toes are reversed.
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When I'm trying to doodle a pose from imagination, it feels like using boxes actually hurts the quality of the drawing?
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Progress with Hampton so far. Is my gesture decent enough to proceed to basic construction from now?
>Is my gesture decent enough to proceed to basic construction from now?
I welcome other anon's to chime in, but you could always improve this or that fundamental or technique. I feel like it'd be more productive to try your best at "leveling up" your gesture within x time-frame, accepting how far you've gotten, and progressing to the next thing. I would also recommend adding some variation to the size of your figures: do big ones, small ones, and medium ones.
>you could always improve this or that fundamental or technique
Indeed, as my main interest is to depict dynamic poses. I'm not currently aiming for the speed, trying to be more analytical, but things get a bit faster as practice builds up. Considering to do time limited sessions soon, maybe as weekly routine, alongside learning things further. Just a little tired of being stuck at the gesture stage.

>do big ones, small ones, and medium ones
I will be adding some variety as time goes, thank you for advice.
this are very good, the sense of depth and movement in a lot of these is very clear
i'd take several that you like, and try to construct/refine over them without looking at your reference
just remember that gesture =/= construction itself, and you should spend the time as you move from gesture to construction to confirm your proportions that were partially established in the gesture phase (hampton goes over this in his book/lectures)
as long as you understand that, i'd definitely say move on to more finished work
are you working just from the book or his videos as well?
Thank you! Yes, he does state it clearly that gesture is a rough blueprint of a figure establishing overall flow, I understand that.

The gesture section in his book is brief (he works on a new book just about gesture, AFAIK), it teaches core principles about *what* gesture is, but not *how* to do it. So videos are the way to go. His learning method is well established, it is pretty much the same stuff in his old CGMA course as well as on his Youtube channel (which is mostly takeaways from his new Proko course), but he drops some useful hints here and there, and I personally found it useful to go through as many of them as possible, lectures and examples.
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I've been studying Mattesi's dynamic life drawing book and noticed that many of his gestures involve channeling forces through connections. Here I sketched the spine, torso, head and knee lightly before sending the force upward and following it from the feet up. It might be because I'm on a screenless tablet, but the mark making the force method requires is harder than on paper. Although I have no stabilization on, I have to exaggerate my movements or break them up to get it to cooperate, which sort of defeats the purpose. Is there a way to negate this so it's more like paper? It's a Wacom One.
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today's studies, the kakuno pen was giving me trouble.

might need to practice your boxes more if that's the case. boxes won't magically make you better at figures, but they are a good way of visualizing 3D space.
what's on her chest? armor? I like the knee
nice. I think you can move on to some construction, but I don't think it should be a replacement thing, build off your gestures. You're digi so it's easy to drop the opacity and construct on top.
the force method never really resonated with me, but if it works for you that's great!
>the force method never really resonated with me, but if it works for you that's great!
Honestly I should've committed to it a lot sooner.
>what's on her chest? armor?
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boxes, yeah, but Im tough one - no reason to draw withrow fun
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Watched the Hampton week 1 video + started reading the book alongside. I'm trying to focus on the "story" as he says, and I keep "asymmetry" on my mind constantly, but I can't really integrate his "repeating lines" stuff, it just feels alien

With that said I do feel like this is beneficial, and I will grind out the 100 gestures. I'm doing them untimed though and they are very tiring as I'm trying to actively design each line.

Feels like the figure drawing equivalent of "eat your veggies"

Good stuff anon! Hope we both make it through Hampton.

If you want it to feel like paper why not try drawing on paper? If you plan on doing longer pieces then the 5 seconds it takes to scan your paper gestural sketch can be a perfectly acceptable workflow. Of course if you plan on animating things it might get a bit tedious
>If you want it to feel like paper why not try drawing on paper? If you plan on doing longer pieces then the 5 seconds it takes to scan your paper gestural sketch can be a perfectly acceptable workflow. Of course if you plan on animating things it might get a bit tedious
Partially workflow but also because I want to put off getting a more expensive tablet, even if it feels more like paper. The tactile feedback from paper doesn't make up for unforgiving it is, even if you ghost the lines in. Placing lines feels smoother on a tablet. I do want to animate at some point but there has to be a way to get more responsiveness. Is it the settings? That I try to draw from the shoulder?
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It feels like im struggling with everything at the same time. Is this just a symptom from starting doing out?
you're a /beg/, a majority of what you produce is going to be mostly bad. lower your expectations not to making overall good stuff - though if you can manage, all the better - but to making ever less bad stuff. go through a book, a video course, some resource, and try to improve a fundamental one step at a time. then move on to the next one, repeat the process.
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Gesture, still bad but getting better. Reference from film feels so much easier than static models

Are you using AI as a reference?
How do I make figure drawing more fun? I only ever want to draw heads/faces
draw what you want
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You need to learn to accurately visualize the world in a 3d manner within your own mind. Analyze things by studying them, and try to re-draw them based on memory.

Humans seem to learn via rule sets rather than by iterating through a billion pictures of one thing, so learn rulesets that break something down into simple propositions and it should be easy to create something entirely new with generalized concepts that you know very well - that which we call ‘fundamentals.’ I just personally believe that being able to accurately visualize objects in a 3d manner in your mind will make it very easy to innately know where your mistakes are so that you can correct the problems as they appear in your work. Muscle memory will follow, allowing for you to make these designs much faster than initially, but without the skill of observation, you effectively have nothing to iterate upon.
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day 7,
yes, i dont care what to ref from
nta, but if you're gonna use AI slop to work on your observational skills I would at least try to be more faithful to the poses. your call ultimately, of course, but perhaps it'd be best to work on manipulating poses later, especially considering the nature of your references.
You should care because AI doesn’t exist in the same reality as us. It doesn’t understand what it’s doing. You should at least look into the artists it was trained on if you want to do proportions like those.
I observe irl, but ref what I like.
Also, life teach me listen to myself, so I listen my cock (heart), not left brain hemisphere.
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forgot to post yesterday's

go go go!
looks pretty good for a beginner. That head pose is one of the hardest imo. I would look up different methods for that one in particular.
nice amount
good forms and iterations.
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Oh shi I didn't notice that. Well gotta keep drawin
Also very cool abs
Are you a woman, anon?
yes :)
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100% grade A male, why do you ask? Do I draw like a lady?
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I'm having fun with a pencil again bros
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The look on her face is that of suffering and dread.
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My daily gesture before and after getting tutored by a friend. Now i know that when i look back, there's definitely improvement over the past 3 months. But i can't escape this thought saying that "i didn't improve. The reason i'm at this point because i've tweaked the method so much to fit myself". And that's what i did. Unlike most exampkes on internet where everyone said that gestures should be done quick and in a short time, i did it slowly and meticulously. Is it alright if i keep doing it like this or should i do it with timer even though it may look like shit again?
You're thinking in terms of gestures for the sake of gestures. Go further and your method(s) will cater itself to your goals and your current worries won't matter.
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quick session today

these are great, love the style/energy. what is she eating?
breddy gud
looks like improvement to me. you have to think why you are doing gestures in the first place.
any one use grayscale markers? they look like they might make shading easier

oops missed yours. looking good!
Thank you anon!!! Your stuff is crazy good
>what is she eating?
big ol plate of chicken and ribs with collared greens and mashed potatoes

I was hungry while drawing
collard* lol I'm a retard
Not sure what you mean by right, but it's very cohesive , looks good, good deconstruct!
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How long should i pratice figure drawing until i get slightly better?
Is learning to draw clothes it's own issue or is it connected with bad figure drawing
Just to know so i can put it as it's own studies. Every time i have to draw either from reference or make my own work i get btfo'd by clothes and mess it up alongside body
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How do you personally start a figure? The head? The torso? I've heard some people do the hands and feet first and then connect the limbs.
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Haha thanks, same to you, nice as always.
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Just how hard is good hatching to learn?
cute Shuten detected
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Anything to say about this so far?
>How long should i pratice figure drawing until i get slightly better?
respectfully, it's simply wrong to think that time = improvement, so you're starting from a false premise. obviously action is linked with time, so *some* time will elapse as you get better, and more study is (generally) better than less as you have more opportunities to validate and correct your understanding, but what is primarily important is *how* you study. but figure drawing has multiple aspects to it - some depending on the particular medium(s) with which you work - so depending on the medium(s) and what exactly you're looking to improve can/will change what sort of practice you need to do. to get better at proportions, focus on proportions; learn/improve your ability to make measurements, draw from references and then overlay your attempts for comparison, see how other artists check their proprtions. study of the other sub-fundamentals work in a like manner.
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try siluette fig draw
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that method I like more than lines or its just me
these are spectacular
what/who's methods do you use?
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last one, brushes for krita if u need them: https://catbox.moe/
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one more page to go to finish up this sketchbook

good job
there's no real timeframe, depends on how much you are practicing. clothes are kind of their own thing, learning the different folds/how different thicknesses work to drape over the various body parts is kind of a different mindset.
these are great
I usually start with the head, but it depends on the pose.
horse girl is pretty cool
>how are is hatching
I think it's just like everything else. learning a method, then practice using it on different forms/lighting scenarios
looks pretty clean. I'd suggest focusing a bit on quantity
good start
>>7292911/>>7285491 here
how do you approach legs?
have this consistent issue where i can nail legs with ref, but i tend without ref to draw legs that have dysfunctional attachment to the pelvis, "upside down bowling pin" thighs, and calves/lower legs that are shorter than the upper legs
i have working anatomy knowledge of the legs, but i don't quite know what i'm missing, and maybe my gesture/knowledge is off - want to get those nice, slender, sexo legs i see 52MW draw on yt because i'm a butt and leg man, but his gesture process is really opaque and he only posts 8hr sketch streams that are hard to scrub through
ty if you have advice and willing to share, senpai
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Arigato, the horse was a study.
Very gestural hands and feet!
Look mom I'm in the OP!

I'm having trouble with twisting poses I can't find a way to solve it all my attempts don't read that well, any suggestions? here's one of my attempts (traced)

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I think what's throwing me is that the left cheek there is hanging and the right cheek is squished so it's hard to locate the pelvis. Normally I kind of imagine twisting a dish sponge but it's not quite working for me here.
I think figure drawing is my most favorite thing in the world to do

thanks fren. Very good output on your end, posting figures every day.

thank you <3 I don't particularly think who exactly you learn from matters that much. I got everything from Glenn Vilppu and Bridgman, but after that, it was tons and tons of master copies and copying my favorite artists that took that "fundamental" knowledge into a more appealing direction. I'm still working on this. I was copying Yon Hui Lee today, who was an outstanding storyboard artist at Pixar
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the legs are the single most difficult part of the human body to draw. fuck these fucking things
>captcha: PYWPR
ty for sharing
i'll revisit my old bridgman book, i learned a lot of my basics almost a decade ago from vilppu's lectures and book as well, i found bridgman really dry in my late teens/early 20s but maybe its time to give it another look now that i have more patience
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we do a little procrastination at work
and arms
and shoulders
and everything except the head and torso basically
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last page of this sketchbook! on to the next.

imagination is just tough for me in general, I think that's what I'm going to try and focus on next. But for legs, tapered cylinders, and learn the connections between the pelvis and the legs. when in doubt, grind it out.
for the twist, simplify your torso into a box, your shape is a little unclear at the moment.
learning a bit more about anatomy might help. remember to use your landmarks. in your purple example, we're seeing the bottom plane of the pelvis box, but in the ref we'd be seeing the top plane
>I think figure drawing is my most favorite thing in the world to do
technically you're a professional artist now, congrats!
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my shit's all fucked up
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not too bad, your front foot is too low, and your head structure needs work.
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I think the scapula changes the volume and shape of the back, at least I think that is why it looks both flat and twisted at the same time. But in your work there's a line on the back that helps me see better.

>For the twist, you simplify your torso into a box.
I don't think it's a construction problem (but you're right that what I posted didn't read well), but a language problem of how to abstract and communicate the idea of twisting.

I will go back to Bridgman, but I would love more contemporary examples.

Thanks anons
Stop mass replying and giving free compliments, youre annoying.
>t. the guy he didn't reply to
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nice. good job getting your point across, you just missed the apostrophe in "you're" - Keep it up!

>Verification not required.
I don't do any art for work if thats what you thought :( I'm beginner but Ive been working really hard at it lately.
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Go go power rangers! Honestly I wish I could take a good look at people's works but I'm, using a smol laptop with a very poor resolution so it's pretty much a torture for the most part.
Keep up the good work, bro. Also your replies sure do help.
Idk why youre seething, your replies are worthless, its your problem man.
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I like how it's getting on. I know, I'm doing this fairly intermittently
Not that guy, but I feel embarrassment when I read your posts anon; very edgy teenager. I can tell from the try-hard tone when it’s you too. Grow up retard.
Ok, I can tell by the tone that its you defending yourself too.
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going through morpho, today is page part of page 11

i like your replies :)

cute faces
Usually finish my render in ink, but I did better in pencil than usual.
whats your problem?
You are losing control of how the different body parts relate. The head is getting a little too small.
The torso getting big and the legs thin.
the left arm looks short, look for example f the inclination of the upper and lower arm in the ref compared to yours, yours is way more "open".
Get the basic structure right before you darken things, maybe working with a lighter touch can help make things easier to move around.

Keep checking things and you will get there eventually.
>smol laptop
>poor resolution
No issue with tablet and cpu load? Own an old laptop myself
stop replying and posting no work, you're annoying.
>going through morpho
His anatomy book?
is there a morpho book that isn't anatomy?
Go study the skeleton, anon.
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I'm drawing on an ipad. That being sad the laptop seems to handle even somewhat new games like HSR. With low settings ofc but hey.
Arigato! Very good studies btw.
Be specific
I think they mean generalized anatomy vs skeleton and landmarks.
There's a book about clothes.2yjt8
the human skeleton
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drew a bit on the surface today, the idea of figuring out twisting the figure sounded interesting, so did a study. not great, but learning!

Haha, I knew what you meant. I was joking about getting paid for drawing while on the clock.
these are looking more confident to me, good job anon. One thing that stands out is both feet can't be standing on tippy toes while one leg is bent, and the other is straight.
so much energy wasted on not drawing.
lines look clean
solid study! and your faces are great too
not bad, hands are a little small
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switching to big paper to mitigate wrist pain, hopefully drawing traditionally helps me retain more knowledge

yes simplified forms, i'm also looking at/copying anatomy for sculptors for parts i don't understand
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Another attempt, paying more attention in the gym to how the twist feels. Looking at the landmine barbell twists I see how gestural the latissimus dorsi really is in describing the twist of the body, I'll get there eventually and challenge my new thesis, but for now I'm happier compared to my previous attempts.

>drew a bit on the surface today, the idea of figuring out twisting the figure sounded interesting, so did a study. not great, but learning!
great anon I'm trying my best too!, the knack I have with boxes in this case is that it implies that the spine allows for rotation when in fact its very rigid and doesn't like to rotate and the second is that emphasis skin rolls and you end up with a bunch of lines that look ugly (at least to me). But your twisting nut sack at the top looks great, really readable nice.
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a two-pager for the new sketchbook. I think it counts as figs.

good studies. I've never opened up a Morpho, looks like a good book.
>nut sack
I remember seeing something years ago, and it was showing that two tennis balls in a sock makes good fabric twist reference. So, I was just trying to imagine what that would look like.
good stuff
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this is one of the only redeemable threads on this god-forsaken board. keep it up, anons.
I know I was just joking because I immediately thought of the testicular torsion meme.

Congrats on the new sketchbook, what a great start!
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agree, as a beg I came here a few months ago but this is pretty much the only general I check anymore
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Pretty cool. I need to learn how to paint like that as well.
Also I recognise the reference hon hon hon.
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Oh some of my drawings are from imagination and since I don't consider feet to be of great importance I fuck them over all the time.
Also gratz on finishing the old sketchbook.
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posting here for a change, any advice or resources i could be looking at to get better at figures?
I think you're on the right track you just need moe gesture and huh probably faces
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From reference

What can I focus on to get better?
I feel like my drawings are always flat, despite using construction.
>What can I focus on to get better?
>I feel like my drawings are always flat
I would focus on that, honestly your line language looks pretty good and at least to me reads really good, actually probably going to steal the iliac crest abstractions, I think you should define the core shadow that should help with giving more information about the shape.
great job I like it a lot
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Is it right to practice this way? I can't observe, I can't get the gesture, I can't get the forms right. If i keep practicing like this will i get better? or is there any way to observe and draw things differently?
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Can someone help me find references for poses similar to pic.

I'm specifically looking for this pose viewed from a higher angle (showing the inner thigh and quads) but it's been hard to find
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>>7308067 busy today, quick session. figs and some outline practice. wow, nice job all, lots of posts over the weekend.
>>7308329 looking good for beg
>>7308420 this looks dope, the only thing that stood out was the seam from the lower leg to the ribbon of the shoe feels a bit disconnected.
>>7308655 overall looking pretty good on the forms, head structure is a little off, but good progress.
>>7308661 the persp on the cat lady looks good to me
>>7309520 4chan things I'm spam, had to split my post.
>>7308699 looking good anon. some poses might be a little stiff, you might want to throw down a few gesture lines before diving into the details to keep everything loose.
>>7309038 the low angle pose looks nice. the girl on the right of the two interacting might have a long torso.
>>7309061 these look great, they don't look super flat to me. adding shadows would definitely round out the shapes.
>>7309164 the colors hurt my eyes a little, but this looks decent. her facial features could be scooted to the right a little bit since we are seeing the left plane of her head facing towards us a little.
>>7309200>>7309212 Looks like you're doing what you are supposed to. Maybe try going back and writing in the differences you see after you finish. give yourself notes.
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God damnn, whos the artist?

This breakdown uses mostly Morpho-style connections - it's definitely got a few problem areas, but nothing you couldn't work out / eventually finagle through if you had this as a starting base at least
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Oh shit here we go again
Keep it up bro!
I like your figs and would like to know how you pick and fill those shades
Just pick whatever you think is important and tryto make it into a cool shape. Second one I ignored the ref and just shaded what I liked.
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Hello /fig/, been a while. Came up with this pose and liked it enough to draw it from different angles over the weekend. No reference used.
Might attempt line art with it later.

If anyone could give me some criticism I'd appreciate it.
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a little bit more refined ver
thanks guys!
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Banged out 100 gestures for Hampton. At first it felt like a chore but then I got the hang of it and it got kinda fun.

Some of them I like so much that it'd be a shame to just let them rot in my sketchbook. Maybe I'll scan them down the line and mess around with them on the PC, I dunno
kill your darlings
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Got busy last week so things are moving a bit slow, but finally managed to get the practice done after finishing the lecture and the book section on basic construction. It felt like these boxes, despite being helpful to learn, are not very handy to use in regular drawings, unlike more organic shapes suggested in many tutorials on drawing the torso. Anyway, would appreciate the feedback.
share reference pack pls
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alright enough figure grinding time for bridgman
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just 1 for now today, work getting busy.
>>7309605 forms look nice
>>7309606 got pretty close, missing a bit of volume in the ribcage
>>7309619 >>7310599 >>7311482 you're a machine!
4chan thinks I'm spam again

>>7309891 >>7309938 nice depth
>>7310676 nice
>>7310836 looks nice and loose
>>7311396 keep it up
>>7311488 lookin' good
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Today's work

looks cool, but I don't like the helmet shape too squashed
How can I understand 3d forms? I tried to train sense for it but it never clicks in my brain and I always end up drawing only the outline/contours of photos and drawings. Is this because I have schizophrenia? Ist es over fur mich? I have been always permabeg because of this and I want to break the wall.
Have you tried construction
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What is this style of figure drawing called or based on? I see a a lot of artists draw construction in this style. Is there a common inspiration or is it just a coincidence?
Something something asians
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I'm trying my besht!
Sometimes it's hard tho.
I need to do a small break probably.
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gotta use them pens so they don't dry out.

this guy knows what's up
anime-esque stylized figures? dunno
nice. fight that burnout. careful with the breaks, I did a break once and before I knew it, I hadn't drawn in 3 months :P
Maybe switch things up and draw something other than figs for a bit. it all helps with observation.

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