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What do you guys think of Shane Frost?
I like it
New from today
kinda gay
Ugly art, prolly ugly soul
Feel free to post your work? Lol
I like the shape design in some of those, but the highly saturated colors hurt my eyes.
I like this one a lot
>lol they will never post their work incel chuds owned-
i said it’s gay
I like the visual concepts, but Im not a big fan of ultra saturation, nor the flat aesthetic.
At the very least the dude has a good imagination
I like his porn
Not a big fan of the pastel cutesy style, but he's got skill. I can tell he has a clear vision and executes it well. I can also tell at a glance he probably draws the nastiest, freakiest, most rancid fetish porn. Either that or incredibly vanilla pinups like Dr. Seuss.

I see your erased anime girl, sailor
>erased anime girl
thats a dude
>I can also tell at a glance he probably draws the nastiest, freakiest, most rancid fetish porn. Either that or incredibly vanilla pinups like Dr. Seuss.
His porn is exclusively straight human x monster romance smut. In fact he's probably the most prolific monster fucker artist out there.
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wow looks like gay globohomo "art"
I don't know about gay, but globohomo was also my impression. It kind of feels like it should be more appealing than it is, like it's got some kind of pseudo soul.
They're both "flat" but this dudes work clearly has some heart behind it
>show snek vagana
>bootiful bodeé
>wiggly arms
This is so 2010.
it was a better time
pretty hard on the eyes
>pseudo soul
If you change pseudo with ugly it makes more sense.
dont know who that is but if what you posted is his stuff then he sucks ass OP
Jesus christ I was right, this is rancid as hell
As far as fetish porn goes that is incredibly tame. It's weird but no where near rancid
on the surface it’s not that rancid but honestly, this is a lot worse than it seems.
Look at the artstyle, flat colors, cartoonish, simplistic. What does that look like?
>a cartoon for children
which is a problem, if a kid sees this (or more likely shown) they’re going to not realize that this is fetish porn. The kid might then think it’s NORMAL and have his whole mental state ruined
This is some EPI shit, and is insidious in nature. it’s like that poodle
Anon did you forget to take your medication today?
I do not take any medications and I am not diagnosed with anything; you are ignorant to the evils of the world
Anon I think you're barking up the wrong tree on this one. Not every piece of cartoon porn is some kind of tranny pysop, especially not whatever kind of crazy this stuff is.
Shane likes hags, and I don't mean like pedo speak for any woman over 18 or something, I mean literal, Wicked Witch of the West, Toxic Avenger but female, Ganondorf with tits, style hags. This is not a dude making porn for kids.
>furaffinity filenames
I knew where this thread was headed after the first 2 images lmao
I like his regular art too. It's comfy
Don't hate it, don't love it.
Story bits are too wordy.
Don't see anything I'd save on my computer.
At least hyper inflation prolapse smegma NTR porn is honest, this shit just feels greasy and unsettling
Anon I think you've been in the internet a bit too long
>being so mind broken by hardcore porn that basic romance now disgusts you
Holy shit anon, go outside, get some fresh air, see the sun.
Kek. Have a (You)
i don't get it
Pale can also mean a bucket
My god
>funky artstyle
>oh boy what else has he-
>it’s all fucking porn.
>those are some cool pants I wonder what's in them
>it’s all fucking shit
Most of his work isn't porn. He's been doing art since the 2000s and only started doing porn like 2 years ago
Brother it's a kid getting seduced by a snake, you're off your chops if you think this is normal
Where the hell did you get "kid" from? He's a young man leaving home, not a child.
What is this special strain of mental illness that makes someone see everything as pedophilia? Yes, it's fucking weird, but "adult human male falls in love with an adult female monster who repeatedly confirms his consent before having sex, after which they commit to living their lives together as a couple" isn't exactly the final frontier of degeneracy. It's a basic romance plot where the female love interest happens to be a musical snake. How is this your first time being exposed to this kind of media? Have you somehow gone your whole life getting all your literary knowledge from /pol/ schizo posts and discord honeypots? Is this seriously your first time seeing the trope of "sheltered guy meets outsider woman"?
i love her
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i was the guy saying that this was EPI, even I agree, it’s very clearly not a child. Anon is just dumb
>look up name
>child molesting arrest
checks out
It's not that either. I've been following this side since he was doing black and white comics and his stuff has always more or less been pure stream of consciousness style insanity. There's no agenda behind it, he is one of those artists with turbo ADHD who sketches every idea that pops into his head because otherwise he'll forget it or lose interest. His actual comics are just the stuff he managed to hunker down and refine into something substantial and he has a ton he never finished. He really is just a dude who really REALLY loves monsters and weird creature women and feels compelled to draw them.
Different guy, there's also a gay pornstar with his name too
File deleted.
Storytiming one of his old comics
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Sorry forgot to order the pages
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Remember forest demons can't eat you if they're too busy kissing you
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The End
I love shit like this
what...what is she?
i think either a hippo or a dinosaur like barney
yeah I'm leaning towards cartoon dinosaur
This man is deranged
>Poor Diabolica. A great and powerful hell realm succubus now trapped on the other side of her realm. Even worse, she's just about lost every bit of power that gave her form. Now nothing more than a meager hell hound, this demon will stop at nothing to reclaim that power. Only problem is, the one who summoned her isn't quite on the same page. And he's the only one who can give it back.
Everything other than these two causes eye bleeding
I do like >>7285316 and >>7290368
He does cute girls
But I'm rock hard.
>inb4 shane draws a rock girl tomorrow
Reminds me too much of Corporate Memphis style
Beyond the flat asthetic there really isn't much they have in common. Memphis is more about abstraction/exaggeration and simplification where as this guy's stuff is clearly defined with specific characteristics.
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Well i do have a lot of experience cumming in socks
I wonder if she's machine washable
this is nice
I fucking love Nah Nah
Found this on YouTube
yea i guess i would a talking snake

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