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Hi, any has uploading this pack reference???
I'll post a few I have to see if anyone else shares new reference packs.
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>Gesture Drawing Pose and Anatomy Reference [890+ Images]

Tainted belongs to the trash.
Please explain yourself better without irony or sarcasm.
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>1300 Delicate Female Poses Reference Pictures

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442 KB JPG
>1230 Art Female Poses with Colored Backdrops Part I

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373 KB JPG
>1230 Art Female Poses with Colored Backdrops Part II


>(All the files I uploaded and will upload are fully compressed without loss quality)
Anon, I have no words. I've been expecting this girl's packs like a Christmas gift. And you also compressed the files, you're a fucking legend dude.
deeply agreed.
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but now time to new sets guys....
tell us wich one you want free on the internet
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You're a fucking godsend anon many thanks

I'd like this one if anyone has it and cares to share
Are there male versions of this?
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I join the request and also if anyone has this, those packs are from mels mneyan
this are from GrafitStudio, right?
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>Femme Fatal + Bonus and Femme Fatal 2


>(All images compressed without loss quality)
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259 KB JPG
anyone have this?
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...or this one?
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>Ranessance Muse Reference


>(All images compressed without loss quality)
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>Tender classical poses 900 - By Obscura_29


>(All images compressed without loss quality)
High quality thread, I love you bros

BASED. Downloading these to paint later.
Thank you, anon!

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... and this one for originality and the model. but it s probably not very usefull for art so...
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we v got serious content here.
thank you guys.
This thread is important for my improvement
too many cuntoids. where's the men?
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Bless Op.
Anyone have this by chance?
why would u want this
Why not???
she is unattractive!!!
Nipples. She cute too.
i dont see the purpose behind drawing models like this (aside from if youre drawing loli maybe idk). models lacking strong curvature or definition arent as good for practice imo
>i dont see the purpose behind drawing models like this (aside from if youre drawing loli maybe idk)

Have we really come to this point in humanity? Have we all lost our minds? Check the file, aside from the fucking tattoos she is a very beautiful and shapely model. She's not even young looking. We are being led to a fate of extinction and total insanity.
>check the file
no ill just trust you that shes actually shapely. i still stand by my point tho
your opinion is dumb and you outed yourself as a beg.
Do you have any particular request?
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I was going to buy this but ended up getting something else. I may get it next week.

Thank you so much for sharing, these are lovely.

I'll return the favor with a burly man to spice things up a bit.
your opinion is dumb and YOU outed yourself as a beg hehehhe
you are gay right???
>I only draw proportions idealized for my personal taste

He doesn't know anything about art, end.
File: file.jpg (386 KB, 1800x1012)
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>A Figure Study-Reference Pack For Artists 281 JPEGs


>(All the files I uploaded and will upload are fully compressed without loss quality)
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379 KB JPG
>ArtStation - Grafit Studio - 920+ Warriors Reference Pictures


>(All images compressed without loss quality)
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>390 Classical Couple Poses Reference Pictures


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don t let theme dirt your mind bro.

The insignificant and bashful little man will mess with everyone.
Thank you for posting all of these.
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1.81 MB GIF
you WILL draw mids and you WILL be happy about it
I don't know if it'll be granted or not but whatever.
It is the same model of this package>>7287711
where are their willies?
>fake tits
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>Action Queen Poses Reference Pictures 900+

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209 KB JPG
>ArtStation - Grafit Studio - 1100+ Ultimate Dynamic poses


>(The images have no loss of quality or anything but they have a small gfx watermark, I don't know how to remove them, I know there are some that do it but since there are many images I don't know how to proceed, thanks and please understand)
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>Female Art poses weapons


>(All images compressed without loss quality)
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>1300 Art Studio Poses Part III

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>Pose Muse: Fully Turnaround Poses Female Nude Reference Pictures 750+


>(All images compressed without loss quality)

>(All images compressed without loss quality)
It's unfortunate, the watermark is really distracting on this one
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>Ginger Girl Reference Pictures


>(All images compressed without loss quality)

Please also share artstation reference packs or similar
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It is what it is, take it or leave it,hkpv okay, thanks.
I like watermarks because it makes it easy to organize in the right folder
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Thank you kindly!
Sharing this in return:
someone pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease
Amazing model but I'm noticing a concerning lack of clear pussy shots which is a real shame.
The images in the pack are not censored.
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I see that several are asking or making comments about the previews of the thread, THE IMAGES OF THE PACKS THAT I UPLOADED ARE NOT CENSORED
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these tits are fake?! if they are, they r particularly well made.

how you notice that?
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>>7288973 this one is particully good.
i'm not that guy but if you cant tell that they are not real, then you must have not felt a pair before. :( You can just tell they are full of plastic based on the shape alone. Zero sag.
these are particularly nice, firm and coherent with the all body so, for me, if they r fake, it's well done (and disappointing).
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Thanks to everyone who posted packs, always looking forward to these threads

Here's my contribution

110+ Glass Reference Pictures

File: Gotg (15).jpg (1.13 MB, 3648x3627)
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1.13 MB JPG

110+ Through The Glass Reference Pictures

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1.56 MB JPG

Obscura 29 - 320 Pre-Raphaelite Muse Reference Pictures

damn she's cute

File: DSC_9889.jpg (489 KB, 5214x3481)
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489 KB JPG

400+ PORTRAIT LIGHTING DIGEST [facial Emotions Bonus]




Grafit studio - 180+ Light & Color Study Pack

File: DSC_8746 1.png (3.09 MB, 1100x2000)
3.09 MB
3.09 MB PNG


(sample pic has lower quality)

Seconding this request. Pretty please.
Any chance of getting Picrel Pack?
How do i know there is no virus in the container?
they are too firm and stick too much outward compared to the rest of the physique. They should be smaller to have that firmness, or looser to have that size.
The artist is Lev Boiko but I can't find his gallery anywhere. Only some sketches at Grafit's artstation. Seems like he's fallen into a trap of slaving away at a soulles art studio. Too bad, I love the way he draws people so much
I'm more interested in the images of that model to be quite honest kek
I don't mind tattoos, but what compels a pretty young woman to mark herself like that?
Daddy issues (women with such tattoos fuck like demons btw)
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More portraits

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Duo poses

They commit suicide or die prematurely from some addiction or venereal disease.
I can save her!
Accept Christ as your savior and believe in the goodness of mankind.
I'm not completely convinced but okay.
Plus the areola surgery scars are a dead give away.
Analyze it with an antivirus and stop including Christ, you stupid blasphemer.
you stupid noob
Holy fuck those hips

Anyone have it?
Please any upload this
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3.38 MB GIF
yeah, you r right...
requested... please

I read the review that it's detailed and more hi res. I want to draw my man on point to fuck my already hot girls.
Both obscura and grafit is having a 40% off sale right now if anyone wants to buy from them
Does graft have a code for their artstation store? I see one for obscura but not for them.
Holy fuck you must be a giga virgin
not sure about artstation, but the site I linked just come with the 40% off
What is this, a pose for ants?
I noticed theme too late...
now it jump on my face every time.
Any upload this please, look this hips, are awesome
I'm with everyone else. Waiting on this to upload.
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750+ Female Art Poses [reference pictures]

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>Artstation - Grafit Studio - 2900+ Warrior Princess Pose Reference

What nice glutes the "warrior" has
I'm not used to seeing torsos this long. Average height for women in my country is like 63cm
Post dwarf physique or gtfo
Are you guys really using this to draw or just fap material?
I just used one of the portrait ones for a reference last night.
the gooning mind cannot imagine seeing a reference and not beating off immediately
Multitasking. I can do two things.
What image batch compressor are you guys using? I have a few sets and would like to return the favor to you guys but I'd like to reduce the file sizes a bit before uploading.
I would also like to know this.
I have some dude stuff I could upload.
i have two hands for a reason
I used FileMinimizer on the packages I uploaded.
Photoshop has an image processor
Look, if people here wanted to masturbate with any of the reference models they would have already done so, many of them have onlyfans and leaks of non-artistic erotic images on a ton of porn sites, so your argument fails alone.
Here someone uploaded it on a fan page of hers, in the message at the end they published a VIP link that asks for a password, I don't know how to enter, if you can download it later please upload it here.
>want to draw something
>need to find references and copy them
>learned nothing because the next thing I want to draw will be something even more difficult
>anatomy knowledge only makes it easier to COPY the fucking reference

is it just copying references all the way down?
They are exercises, if you don't want to use references, don't download them, nobody is putting a gun to your head, leave the others alone.
File: file(1).jpg (363 KB, 1800x1013)
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>1250+ Female Warrior Character - 360-degree and Weapon Poses

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192 KB JPG
>600+ Epic Female Fantasy Pose Reference Pictures by Grafit Studio

File: fdtt4456.jpg (40 KB, 640x360)
40 KB
>ArtStation - Grafit Studio - 280+ Female Art Pose Refences


Thank you!
I'm a /beg/ and I'd really appreciate if someone could link a pack with lots of closeups of hands, preferably female.
File: kjh4kf8jk4f69u8.jpg (339 KB, 1800x1012)
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339 KB JPG
>An Art Poses + Hands Photo Reference Pack For Artists 881

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>Photo references: Hands
Models: Noah Bradley and Rachel Bradley

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135 KB JPG
>3dsk- Simona D reference, Hands and others body parts.

It's just one link, I made a mistake and copied the same one twice.
Just want to say, this has been an amazing thread.
File: 700big_f5fddee813.png (1.29 MB, 960x763)
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1.29 MB PNG
> Grafit Studio 700+ Dynamic Male Pose Reference Pack:


Compressed from 6GB to 200MB, Lossless.
筋肉ピクチャーズ1.99 FLASH -瞬間を、切り取るー
Japanese Male Action Poses from BOOTH:


Compressed from 1GB to 150MB, Lossless.
I love you bwos, thank you so so much!
>anti virus goes off
>anon clicks on a popup window instead of the download button again!

Skill issue
Either you are very stupid or you just hate the thread, go to your own thread to annoy.
good pack and lighting, nonnude unfortunately
I like the non-nudes I use them for livestreams
non-nude are always worse, especially bra/panties ones, unless you're looking for drapery/material ref. you can always prep/censor it offscreen
speaking of drapery does anyone have good drapery packs
I disagree. You can still see important anatomical landmarks. It's just doing art push-ups for gains.
Any upload this please
meh I find it distracting
the important stuff is the limbs, torso, and head
if I need genitals I can always slap some on later from reference
How you compress 6GB to 200MB without loss of information?
That guy is a fucking manlet dwarf hahaha
Post more slavic women. I want to breed them with my white seed and create a world of half white half orcs.
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t. White person.
You will never be white slavoicouvzciozczvyzczvk.
me 7
>You will never be white
I use FileMinimizer
I'll feed all those poses to my AI model
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33 KB
>I am a pajeet
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1.8 MB
1.8 MB GIF
I tried File Minimizer, but it had a limit on how many images I could compress at once, so I used the freeware program IrfanView instead.

In IrfanView go to:
File>Batch Conversion/Rename
Navigate and Select Your files from your chosen folder
Choose Batch Conversion, Rename or Both
And then Select the Output format

If you want to Bulk Resize (for multiple images), check the "Use Advanced options" and then click on the " Advanced" button.

In the "Advanced Menu" check the "RESIZE" box. Then set "reduce image size" to "50%" for both Width and Height.

Below that select "Preserve aspect ratio"
"Preserve resample". These will keep you from losing image quality during the compression.

Ignore the rest the "Advanced" options in this menu and click OK.

Back in the Batch Conversion Menu, Select an Output folder where all your new files are going to go. If you don't see a place to put them, create a new folder in Windows, then navigate back to this window and select it by pressing the "Browse" button. Then click OK.

Now beneath the "Look In" folder menu that displays all your pictures on your pc, locate and press the "Add All" button.
This will select every picture file in the folder and add them to the engine for conversion.

Once you're sure you have all your settings and files correct, press the big "Start Batch" button on the left hand side of the menu.

This will begin compressing everything you've added and sending duplicate, lossless versions of your files to the output folder you selected.

It's faster than FileMinimizer too, so you should be done in under a minute.

I delete the original files after I check that my compressed versions are to my liking.
fail, fileminimizer has a limit of 500 images, but it is infinite, once you have compressed the 500 images you can compress the rest again, that is what I do.

What you did with the other program was reduce the quality and size and lose quality in the compression.
File: chadman.jpg (49 KB, 750x1000)
49 KB

Oh, very little information is lost post-compression with IrfanView when I check it in Photoshop. And I like the clarity I can get at very large image sizes.

With IrfanView I can just go through thousands of images, plus rename them *and* apply corrections to the output if I want, without needing to wait at an arbitrary number.

FileMinimizer isn't bad, per se, it just can't deal with the volume of files that I have at a pace I'd like.

But you do you, anon. All I did was answer the question. kek
>In the "Advanced Menu" check the "RESIZE" box. Then set "reduce image size" to "50%" for both Width and Height.

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any skulls packs?
Any upload this please, thanks
Rather unusual request but does anyone have a few compilations of women (preferably thin instead of muscular) holding spears in various positions?
you can use imagemagick or graphicsmagick for the same thing
You could just look up pictures/rotatable 3d models of real anatomical skulls, no?
I really want this set, please :(
not with studio lighting
i want this
File: QhPl.gif (2.01 MB, 400x225)
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2.01 MB GIF
Any upload this please
those hips. those damn hips. wish people leaked these packs
porn is free lil bro
ic reference pack corwdfund
no way show me how
>crabtards need to crowdfund to buy 10$ packs of naked slavic women
just open your commissions
This packs are amateurish crap.
The studio is too small, so he's too close to the subject. Because he's too close he's using a wide lens that distors the subject.
The light setup is also crap, so the shadows are flat and boring, barely any reflected light. To compensate for the lack of light he's opening the diafragm, so all pics are soft and some of them have depth of field problems.
Almost useless, a shame because the models are stunning.
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349 KB JPG
anyone have this? It was posted a while back >>7295088
Don't know if this is the right thread but are there any reference packs for historical fashion or clothing, or at least something equivalent like an artbook?
The packs are so blkated desu. Just ended up deleting 500 of 1000 pics in one for being too similar. Probably will do another pass to shave off useless ones. These should have like 300 tops.
Use JPG XL for lossless fully reversible compression. But you'll also need an image viewer that supports it which if you use IrfanView you already do.
What's the matter? Storage is extremely cheap nowadays.
Buy me 10TB of memory then, sempaii :3
You forget how poor and/or third world many anons here are.
All the sets posted on this thread amount to like 20gb. A $5 64gb can store the thousands of pictures shared itt, there is literally no excuse. Surely even the most third of third worlders can shell out 5 bucks, right?
lmao these files are so trash you have to resort to persuading people to download them even when they're free
Stop making excuses and start drawing.
A $5 64GB drive could store several times that amount of pictures with no loss in quality if they are correctly compressed.

It's more efficient, consumes less energy, and makes content faster and easier to share online.

There's literally no downside to use technology in an efficient manner and if your only argument against it is whining about poorfags you're retarded.
need small tits reference, anyone have a pack? like AA preferably, but A will do. don't care how the rest of the model's body looks like
Who's talking about compression? The og response was about a guy complaining there are multiple samey pics and going through the sets to delete such pics thus saving space but that shouldn't really be an issue.
Anyone happen to have this?


Has real life poses in it that are really good for reference.
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That's an exercise book, here they upload photographic references, the closest thing there is is this:

File: 51UI0JZetyL.jpg (34 KB, 333x500)
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other similar

Do you have something like this but for "cute" poses?
Of the super poses, nude pose etc asian???
I have many but I don't know exactly which one you are looking for.
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196 KB JPG
Of this???
I need that maid one

Anon delivers
Thank you!
this you?
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542 KB JPG
Thanks broham.
You now understand.
Yes but unironically.
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What a hero, do you have this one too? I'd love to check it out.
Rich first world fag anon, buy OP's pack. It's 12 bucks, come one, you can afford that.
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3.31 MB GIF
the point is: never paye for picture ass.

we guys must pay for stay guys and loved by women as a real guy. and the price is a lot too mush high for most of people, even in rich countries.
if corrupted politics and economists doesn t offer us good quality way of living, and futhermore, take us everything with taxes, depts, stole our intimicy; I still have to pay for watch a naked woman on my screen?

trust me guys, it s soo easy to find girlfriends these days. glow up and get the 'good combination', get more than 2000$ in pocket and in a mounth of practice and little conversations, it s done. (unless you r a gorlock, trans or dishonest with poeple and yourself.)

personnaly, I'm poor but working on my crypto project for 2 years now and I bought a set on reference before and shared it here. Do the same for the fucking good cause please!
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you and your broken english are making this guy's point: >>7297456.

>lot too mush high for most of people, even in rich countries.
lmaoo I'm broke as fuck in the US and $20 here and there for a refpack is nothing. I've literally bought like $200 of refpacks since these threads started and made me aware of the grafit studio/mels mnyean/ satine zillah/ obscurea packs. I don't mind paying for a model.

Literally going to a figure session with a live model costs $25 for *three hours* with few poses and probably shit lighting and you don't get to pick the model so it's random and probably some saggy old fat or skinnyfat person.
lmfaoooooooooooooooooooo this was good
The need for sneed
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2.19 MB GIF
>the point is: never paye for picture ass.

wtf??? Look, I shared all these resources here as a barter to see if someone who wasn't so stingy could share the reference package of the big-titted woman, but I see that it is useless, in the end the people who have the least money are the ones who have shared the most here.
And still no one has published it, anyone???'
I have this, but the pack itself is 11 gigs. Is there anywhere I can upload the whole thing for free? I don't have a file minimizer.

Also everyone has to promise to draw at least ONE (1) figure of the slavic woman & post it here as payment for the download. There is no hoarding reference images without use in this house.
If you compress those fucking 11gigs into less than 1 GB, I'll draw all the slavic women you want.
Count me in, i got mad skills on figure drawing.
Upload it here, babe. https://gofile.io/
Ok, but my draws are wayfu style
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2 fucking hours wasted on uploading only to find out I can't get a link. Clicking on the file just makes me download it doesn't give me a link.
the web address of that tab is the link
You should have compressed the file, so at least then you would have avoided this shit being so hard on your ass.
11GB? my god, why the hell did you do that? Guys, Compress the fucking files for Christ sake. ANY reference image gallery file, shouldn't be above 1GB.
keep calm, just upload it, I'll compress it and re-upload it so that others can download it..
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64 KB
Any pack featuring tranny models?
use a mirror

Here's the address, it's on the account just says 0 download links and need to be premium


I do not have a file compressor.
did you set the folder to private?
It was automatically private for some reason, I just changed it to public try it now.
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268 KB JPG
Need models with pic related body type
it looks like it works now, thanks.
Go to >>7282845
i look like this
Look in the mirror and then put a rope around your neck, there you have your troon
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483 KB GIF
take a couple of photos of yourself, there you have your troon.
Because they look like large stiff half circles stuck to her body, rather than the soft and very flexible fatty tissue that they ought to actually be
>I don't have a file minimizer
Another anon some time ago recommended the online imagecompressor.io
I used it for some retardedly absurd file size packs with apparently good results.
Since you've already done your part, now it's my turn, here is the compressed pack:

Then I will upload my drawing for you
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Why the hate?
I think they bring a unique perspective.
Nothing against trans girls, but you should stick that AI shit of yours up your asshole and jump from a bridge you cumbrained little fuck.
this is not actual trans, this is ai.
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Ah, I don't think this will pass as Slavic. Well, I tried. Thank you for the pack, anon. Hoping your initiative will give the extra push to other kind anons to get the rest.
reported for posting shit in my thread
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I'm ultra beg so that's what it is
This girl is really tanned, she looks like a roast chicken
Lovely! I'm glad I could get people drawing.
You are drawing with a tablet with a screen or a tablet without a screen, because my strokes are crap and I think it's because I don't have a screen. I have a normal tablet without a screen, and I have a hard time adjusting to drawing without seeing the whole panel like on the physical sheet, zooming in takes away the general view of the drawing.
That was done on a cheap Galaxy Tab S6 Lite. But I also have Wacom Bamboo One and feel the most comfortable drawing traditionally with pencil on paper. As for your issue, you'll get used to both drawing with less zoom than you initially thought and just continually zooming in and out to see how everything stands as you draw. Eraser and abusing of Ctrl z are your best friends. I see people using the navigator or duplicating their canvas, but none of my screens is that big and I don't have extra displays, but you could try.
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an attempt was made. likeness is tough, and it tricky keeping her feminine with such strong features. fun challenge. will do better next time.
Good work desu, keep it up.
He's been posted several times. someone might still have a link.
Fantastic stylization, keep it up!
not the model, the specific packs.
>>7300184 Here >>7287711
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Does anybody have iiniku ushijima’s photobooks?
They all got taken off e-hentai.
sorry anon, I just did a search and posted here without noticing it's ai
Lara Croft cutie
Thank you for the reminder anon, this is gold.
Does anybody have the Scott Eaton Bodies in Motion pack? Thanks!
Requesting someone to download and repost this on gofile as I hit the limit of free download because retarded IDM capture it and caused conflict to the parallel download despite it just returned a HTML file and not the zip file :

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i'm /beg/ as hell, and also lazy. but here.

thanks for the sick pack though.
I can't download anything above 5mb from there, it's depressingly slow.
For my future reference once this thread archived, his name is David Cihacek
found this on archive, thanks for this anon for keeping this folder alive
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Thank you very much, I'll wait on my quota to refill and pray to god the folder is still up. I managed to get the one I wanted but I'd really like to see the other ones too.
don't have a mega account? you can just copy the folder to yours
Oh I don't, I just made one and cloned the folder to my account, thanks!
Will it stay there even if they take down the original folder?
yeah, just make sure to copy the whole thing https://mega.nz/folder/IJMymAaY#o5F8UVjgO2w-d96JuZojPw
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I've downloaded 6 zip files from this thread and this is the one I only liked.
Please tell me you have mooooore like this.
Thank you anon.
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Does anybody have ref packs or other resources for lingerie? Need the really nice stuff, most of the pics I can find looks like shein crap.
I've spent almost days slowly downloading 8 parts of this from nitp and someone just posts it perfectly. Thanks
In 40 years the only thing that grew in Japan was Hindu migration and the low birth rate, the Japanese do not fuck
she a baddie fr
I hate how the covers of all these always look better than the content.
This is a lie that’s used to push for mass migration. It’s nowhere near as bad as they’re telling you it is.
Keep in mind that they’re also telling you to not have kids because the world is supposedly overpopulated and its supposedly bad for the environment.
My ironic comment is precisely criticizing the woke agenda of creating a world of ignorant immigrants. Japan theoretically has 126 million inhabitants, so why does the government say that they have birth rate problems? Also, why did they allow so much Indian migration? I understand that the average Japanese don't care about politics and don't even go to vote. They only voted this year in Tokyo to prevent the opposition to the current governor from winning.
anyone with high res photos of heads/upper body? Almost all the heads in the reference packs are too pixelated when you zoom in on the head.
Godlike fat distribution.
What, you gonna draw all the pores and wrinkles?
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yeah. skin texture is interesting too
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someone have this?
do a little bit of digging and you can get the images.
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thnx for the packs I got to do some values practice with them
How is it Mels Mneyan gets the best looking models creates great promo images but then when you get the pack it's some of the poorest photography you've ever seen?
They are called photo editing, the photos are the same, the only thing that is done in the promotional ones is to remove the background and mount them on another cleaner background.
It also gives you an idea of how to use images for editing and montage.
Grafit Studio and Obscura 29 products look so much better is all I'm saying.

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