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1. Art trades should be directed to the Verified Art Trade thread.

2. Critiquing designs, lore, and writing of characters and character designing are welcome.

3: Avoid off-topic discussions and DO NOT respond to bait posts.

4: Be sure to thank Drawfrens for their hard work as soon as you can, it's just common courtesy :^)

Previous thread: >>7204888
Praskovya is 18 and a freshman in community college. She spends her free time reading manga and vaping nicotine. She has never tried to quit vaping. Praskovya is lazy in the extreme but hides her laziness behind a depression and adhd diagnosis. Her fave music genres are breakcore and 4th wave emo.
Do you do something with these characters? A story of some kind? Comic? Game? Novel? Anything? And if not, whats the point of creating things only for the sake of existing in a vacuum?
You can shut up now.
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Thanks for the advice anon. I agree i over colored it, i could have easily gotten away with flat color and no shading. Going forward I'll have to find a way to color pages much faster or I'm going back to black and white. Also I never draw vampires, you're confusing me with a other anon. My previous comic was about Irish witches and bards
You're supposed to wait until thread hits page 8 to make the new one, OP. Thread didn't even hit bump when you made this.

>Write a story for your characters.
>Nobody reads it.

So, what's the difference between drawing a character for a story nobody cares than drawing a character that exists in a vacuum?
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answer the question faggot >>7286872

woah! Thank you!
oops, meant to thank >>7285828
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Stories and comics yeah. That's just a lot more time-consuming and I don't think my art skills are up to snuff yet.

I made a music video with this character once though.


I keep responding to the wrong post, damn
Majority of these people have no ambition outside of cumming to pictures of their low res anime waifus
What's the difference between this and the other OC redraw thread?
I don't give a crap, I just like drawing others people stuff, great practice and pulls me out of my comfort zone. A little backstory comes in handy for how I draw them.

And there of course there are people like Oi anon >>7286747 who actually does stuff with their characters
Have you, I do not know, ever thought of sharing that story around? Maybe that way people would read it.
Thats very interesting anon, keep it up.
I pray this is not true, but it might be.
I see.
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Her name is Cyanida
She is a lesser demon who came to the human world because she just likes the human lifestyle, the ambient, the junk food, and their rock music.
She resides illegally in a semi-abandoned town, She came via summoning and doesn't have enough money to acquire an human realm pass (very expensive).
Her personality is brash, rude, and impish, likes to spook and make pranks at people using her powers (she can travel through shadows and manipulate their shape).

What do you think about her?
made some tweaks and tried to actually draw her good
thanks for the name
would love to make something like a comic but i don't think my artistic skill right now would be enough, so i guess for now i will focus more on the lore
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And then what happened?
this is a pretty decent character. I'll say that much.
I've posted Plemin in another thread , but this is Darker Plemin.
*I've made Darker versions of all of my OCs. who are basically just a black silhouette, and much edgier than their already edgy counterparts.
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Thanks! hopefully I keep being motivated enough to draw her more.

Eh? I don't have an established story, I mostly draw her doing mundane things and interacting with my other OCs
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This is my Spongebob OC that I use purely to self insert myself so I can bang Bubble Bass.

Her name is Penny. She's a dumb octopus that owns an icecream truck.

may doodle a few people's ocs once I have time.
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fat NEET DJ with a stand

looking at your posts brings me joy, I want you to know that
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I'm glad, anon. I love being cringe on the internet.

Looks sick. I love the colours
i respect the autism
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Thought I'd share my guy Arden here too.

I'll look through the thread as I have art block and want to be a Drawfren but I'll see as my tastes very much lie in /cm/ territory.

Old art btw, I drew Arden lately and he looks pretty different? Trying to be more consistent.
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I think I like it. Nickelodeon fandoms OCs are generally super cringe, but yours is cute, I think the key is that you used your own art style instead of directly imitating spongebob's style, you could even remove the association to that show and your character would still be nice to see.
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thanks, I worked hard to achieve this level.

I think the biggest thing that makes cartoon ocs cringe is that inexperienced children made them. My benefit is that I'm a grown ass adult that still watches cartoons for children.

Here is my first OC I made when I was like 10 and had a crush on Tobi from Naruto. Her name was Neko and she wore blue jeans- My magnum opus. I'll never top this.

I'm curious to see other people's first/early characters they made when they were kids. If they still have access to them.

>I'm curious to see other people's first/early characters they made when they were kids. If they still have access to them.

I don't have any of my anime edgelords sadly, but I still got these goobers.
This is cute. The furries got to you early.
This is so cool I love it
Thank you so much for drawing her!!
I'm writing my first novel starring them right now and I intend to turn them into a series of james bond-esque disconnected but still sequential adventures thoughever
>This is my Spongebob OC that I use purely to self insert myself so I can bang Bubble Bass.
that's a cute character. but you want to bang >>7296291
this is Dremlen. shes a dumb warrior girl. I think I've posted her around here before. But this is her winter outfit
here's Minzerb, from the another comic I was just doing. shes a weirdo
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She's cute! I like the first panel. The blue shadows are really nice.
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At the moment I am focused on drawing the characters of my original story while I alternate time writing the chapters.
I'm trying to design the characters to reflect his personality, interests and social role.

This is one of the recurrent characters.

>Model student poster girl at an elite private school.

>Ranked 11th highest scoring student. Hard Worker, but she is just a normal student. The first 10 ranks are occupied by the true natural geniouses.

>She likes to act classy and smug, she is actually Well-meaning, smart and self-confident, but with a snobbish know-it-all bossy personality. Try to force high standards on others, gets comically angry when things don't go her way.

>Proud to be part of the student committee. However, the other students make fun behind her back and consider her just an annoying fatass bootlicker. Has no real school friends.

>Likes imitation fashion jewelry.

>Uses a big men's watch. It was a gift from her dad who had no idea that there were watches for women and men.

>Has an active life and eats healthy food. Never loses weight cause continues eating a lot of junk food, specially desserts.

>Her secret identity is the magical girl Mach Pink
She was originally supposed to be my own take on what Imu could have looked like but I basicly made a OC at this point with her. Her names Habib and shes the Ruler of the Desert my other OC Asenath comes from. Shes about 9,38 feet (2,86m) tall
Absolutely perfect.. This a first class work and back story .. Wow
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Rival of a character i posted previous thread.
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The other one, since last thread is gone
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My butch lesbian OC.
(She is supposed to look more androgynous than here btw)
Also her but she's sad here
Type of shit you'd see in a deviantart cringe compilation

Thats cool. The exaggerated stylization of the body and bio armor, makes him look like a character from a mecha 80's OVA.
That is what i was going for so it means alot to me that you think that. Thanks.
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i sorta like the soft rendering here, reminds me of that extinct early 2000s anime style rendering like pic related. also cool oc
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Weirdly enough, this is kind of intentional - I did use the acidic 2000s/2000s inspired internet culture as part of inspiration for her
Thanks, I will use this sort of shading more in future
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and now she's a Sonic Riders
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I Love Bunnies
i know a blame fan when i see one.... I LOVE THIS. can i see more?
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Her name is Vaski
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Thanks, and yeah i do love BLAME!, funny thing is i cane up with this guy >>7305242
Who is both the main character and the most BLAME! looking one yeaaaars before reading it in my head, i once read that BLAME! resonates with so many people because they all imagined a similar world in their subconscious and the manga just materialized it, that rings true for me.

Pic rel is an old design if an OC in the same universe, I'm only gonna keep her head and color scheme, gonna completely ditch her humanoid frame for something more alien.
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Ancient sketch of my 2 dudes from before I had a tablet
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Woops wrong file
if u dont mind, can i have ur social or something? id love to follow and keep up with the oc lore
Not at all thank you for your interest.
I love black women so much it's unreal! Thank you for sharing your oc, anon.
started writing again after a few years, just wanted some general thoughts on if this seems fine. no frame of reference on whats good, ok, and rough.

purposely formatted lowercase and white console text on black
>first person perspective
didn't read.

That’s not what this thread or board is for anon…
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Did these yesterday. They're the main cast of the manga I'm making. They're all space mercenaries.
yeah wasn't too sure, it seemed like the best board and thread to try. seems 2d art is the main focus here, since OP said discussing of writing of original characters figured it was the closest?
The literature board may be a better suit for you.
I don't know if theres an oc general there, but you could make one.
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vegetable themed villains for my comic
tammy mato anon is that you?
Yes of course
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Newest drop for Ayumu: The Spooky Asylum Ghost!!
Quick lore dump he's a schizophrenic who his family abandoned at some shitty hospital. Rip Ayumu but also not really lol

BASED, nice to see you're still working on your veggie world!! Hope you are doing well. Very fun guys too, Daikontana is my fav for obvious reasons but Plantain and Karol are lookin' hard af. Plantain ESPECIALLY, I just know that mf has tricks up his sleeve
heheheh this rules, i love it
Thx <3
Cute animation too

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