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For the past two weeks I have been way too horny, I couldn't draw anything that wasn't porn.
How to fix this?
Grow up.
Bust, release and move on.
Don't bust too often though because then your body gets used to it and expects it even if you're not particularly horny.
But if you do the opposite, don't bust in a long time, you'll get used to not busting and less horny over time.
Don't fix it. Lean into it. Go off, king.
Don't be silly, use it to your advantage. coom mental fuel is the strongest boost to draw non stop. Use it while it lasts.
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I delete the art instantly after I bust tho
I can't believe people really jack off to their own art. I have good nsfw ideas when i'm horny but I don't think I could ever cum to them. I envy you
Its the only thing i still jack off to
Don't be a sub-human dickbrain?
I know you can't help it, that's just how nature works. Some of you guys simply have a lesser brain than intelligent people.

Just the mere fact that you opened a thread like this is evidence that you are not smart.

You can't fix this, sorry.
Are you saying that Frazzetta one of the most prolific and amazing artists of our era is a retard for doing some cuck porn?
>opened a thread
Nope. I'm saying that being unable to repress your urges makes you a retard.
If that was the case with Frazetta, then I would call him a stupid person as well, but I doubt that was the case. You need to be smart in order to become a great artist.
You for example don't seem very smart.
You realize there are 1st world countries where English isn't the 1st language, right?
I speak 4 languages. What about you?
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>If that was the case with Frazetta...
It seems that you're unaware of Frazetta's "stupidity". Adult people fuck, adult people goes to cabaret bars to see naked women, adult people watch dirty movies, adult people read dirty books (yes even your mom), adult people live a sexual life so you can born and shitpost about stupid shit you don't know shit about.
Not him but if you know that many languages then there's no room to learn the drawing skill. Permabeg. Right?
I am aware Frezetta drew por. I already saw these many times displayed on this board.
You seem incapable of reading comprehension. With every new post you make you display more and more of that low intelligence I was talking about.

What of
>I'm saying that being unable to repress your urges makes you a retard.
you do not understand?

I'm not saying OP is a retard for drawing porn, I'm saying OP is a retard because he says he's too horny to draw anything else.
This is literal sub-human behavior in my opinion. I'm sorry if you recognized in this and it upset you to the extent of being unable to understand words, my monkey friend.
Is it normal that I lost all my respect for Frazzetta after looking at this shit?
Not really, no. I draw for a living.
It is normal if you consider the fact that the majority of people have biases.
But it also shows your narrowmindedness.
It's a matter of point of view.
You being vocal about it is a great filter for openimded people to not mingle with you, so that's a good thing.
>People into interracial cuck porn won't mingle with you
I agree, that's a good thing!
It goes both ways, of course.
Anon, no matter how much you try to be smug about this, you can't win in a debate agains logic and rationality.
It's better if you give up since you don't have the tools to partcipate.
No, you didn't know about Frazetta's unhinged porn. You're one fragile pink snowflake, pearl necklace clutching faggot, seething about le bad porn in 4chan of all places.
Even your mom watches porn and laugh at porn pics, are you saying your mom is stupid? GTFO. This is a site for adults only.
Get a priest to exorcise the horny demons inside you.
Also, you don't have to be into something in order to respect people that are, no matter how much you disagree with them.
>No, you didn't know about Frazetta's unhinged porn.
Anon, this exact pic gets brought up every few months around here.
Also, I draw porn for a living.
You are simply not smart enough to have this conversation with me. You tried to be rational with your "adults do this and that", which is a fallacious argument, since age doesn't make people intrinsically smart, but at least you were trying.
Now the new fallacy on the table is personal incredulity. What's next? Ad homs?
>What's next? Ad homs?
You just did that:
>I draw porn for a living
You think that throwing out that improbably larping bullshit, will give you the upper hand in a discussion you already lost. You don't even know what you're saying anymore.
OP can only draw coom, you say he's stupid because of that, then you say you draw porn all day for a living... anon, I usually never say this, but, you may need some meds.
>You just did that:
Calling somebody names isn't an ad hom if it's based on facts. Your inability to follow a simple train of thought (OP being a dumb person because of his inability to repress his animalistic urges, which you skewed into me saying he's dumb for drawing porn), clearly shows your low intellectual level.

As for the rest, just more incredulity and stupidity. I draw porn because it's easier to sell than SFW stuff, not because I am like OP.
I can post my work, but in that case I want you to post yours as well. What's it gonna be?
>I delete the art instantly after I bust
Same. Which is why I can never actually never finish the comic I start
>deleting your art instead of keeping an archive in order to analyze your progress
I think this place has the most dumb people of all other internet image boards combined.
You simply don't draw enough, simple as. Anyone who ever says this shit to me is some teen who worships his art because he only draws one thing a month or has like one OC.
That post nut guilt gets me
You're drunk or something anon. You just talk about 'ad homs' and immediately after you say that you draw porn and that's why you're right about your dumb opinions. Maybe you need to check what "Ad hominem" means before talking crap lmao.
About exposing your work under the present condition you're in right now, better avoid it Anon. Let me give you at least that one advice.
Yep, me and my boys have been trying to cancel Frazzetta. He is clearly disrespecting white women with those racist men
>About exposing your work under the present condition you're in right now, better avoid it Anon. Let me give you at least that one advice.
I'm a working artist. I can create a sketch in 5 minutes. I don't need to expose myself.

Also, saying somebody is stupid, because your argument in the debate revolves around their intelligence is not an ad hom. Ad homs are a way of dismissing somebody for unrelated reasons. Stupidity, dumbness, retardedness are parts of the argument here.
>I draw porn because it's easier to sell than SFW stuff
Without passion for it you will peak early. OP is a retard who seems to be ashamed of his own work, but you are the same combination of lazy and greedy as pajeet scammers.
OP is literally me wtf
>he even likes the same things as me
>Without passion for it you will peak early.
Oh, I'm way past that already. I look for passion elsewhere.
>ashamed of his own work
a healthy sense of shame is fine
being unashamed of drawing pornography is how your parents find out you drew dickgirls when you die
>combination of lazy and greedy as pajeet scammers
Missed that. You are talking nonsense. I am aware of my own shortcomings and porn is a way of mitigating that. I'm just being realistic, that's all.
I respect my clients and put a lot of effort in each of my drawings. People want a service and I provide that for them.
Lazyness or greed has nothing to do with that.
Following that reasoning nobody should be working for money, because that shows greed.
>being unashamed of drawing pornography is how your parents find out you drew dickgirls when you die
If you aren't ashamed of that, then you tell your parents you draw it. Your sentence is incoherent.
who the fuck tells their parents that?
>unashamed people
the fuck they don’t
>who the fuck does that
People that don't live in conservative places where religion runs the show.
I'm so glad I dodged that bullet lol.
I mean I dunno man, there’s plenty of non-religious and liberal reasons to not like porn
>its bad for your balls
>it messes up children if they see it
>your brain is not meant to see boobs all the time
>kills braincells (maybe)
>makes you smell bad (depends on situation)
>objectifys and dehumanizes women
>inherently mysoginist
>pushes negative body image
>is a patriarchal artform
>ruins your artistic credibility
>you tell your parents you draw it
What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Do you have a blog ?
They just prefer the fact that I paid their mortgage and handle their monthly bills now that they are retired. They aren't stupid.
For real now, you didn't tell your parents that you draw futa riding shotas, right? I still have some hope in humanity left..
all of these are religious and not liberal
I don't worship my art. What I meant is that it doesn't make me horny enough
No, it's a normal reaction, don't let that other faggot try to convince you that having respect for cucks is normal or a positive.
I don't draw pedo or other non consensual crap.
Also, I told my parents I draw porn because it's more lucrative. They aren't morons and they support me, because they aren't brainwashed by idiotic religious cults.
Exaclty. This objective moral nonsense is ridiculous.

I don't like the whole thing, but as long as it's 2 consenting adults enjoying their sexuality, I really don't see any issues with that. I draw the line at non con stuff.
>I can post my work, but in that case I want you to post yours as well. What's it gonna be?

What's wrong anon? As soon as you have to put your money where you rmouth is, you run for the hills?
it wierd because for me i have a idea i get horny by the idea too much horny so i bust now i dont to draw the idea anymore

any tips ?
>any tips ?
Sure. Stop thinking with your dick.
Based armorchad
disgust in degeneracy is perfectly normal
It's normal if you normalize it.
The proper question would be is it natural or is it rational.
No, it's not.
what makes something rational?
what makes something logical?
>got too horny and bought a sex machine

dont jack off to traps
You are clearly a f-word n-word individual. Logic is part of philosophy and mathematicians abuse logic. fact
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As I said, I delete from PC as soon as I bust, so I dont really finish them
and what/where's the mathematics in not finding porn like Frazetta's disgusting, thus being logical and rational?
Why? Post it somewhere. I'm sure there might be people who will appreaciate it.
But I dont watch porn
I exclusively fap to my drawings
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I am posting some here. Otherwise, nah
>frazetta drew blacked porn
Why they looks like monkey?
socioeconomic factors
The appeal of interracial is same as bestiality with extra-steps. That's why being racist and incel at the same time may not be a good idea.
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It's a drawing you, how can a drawing consent?
Here are two consenting adults.
They are consenting because I told you they are consenting.
this is what i do, i spent an entire summer in the crib fueled by pure horniness just learning how to do art and its all thanks to my dick and balls
>It's a drawing you, how can a drawing consent?
>I draw the line at non con stuff.
Are you guys aware about the concept of "ART"? The artistic expression of a situation or concept? Exactly that scene in picrel >>7289442 is used in the movie "SE7EN" wich won an Oscar academy award among other three oscar nominations. Artistic expression is what makes humans to evolve above any other creatures in this reality, giving them the ability to dissect, analyze and measure what is good, what is wrong, what is valuable for the human spirit and what makes us going forward. The artistic stage is essential for the evolution of the human soul.
w-what kind of sex machine?
damn frazetta was based
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Okay I'm over my horny phase
Time to go back to the half finished wips
the artist drew it as consensual and therefore this is a consensual sex with them doing some erotic play
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>Frazetta was into BLACKED shit
>Is it normal that I lost all my respect for Frazzetta after looking at this shit?

I mean you could not want to hang out with the guy, but this doesn't effect how great his art is. Also we don't really have the context of why he drew those things, he could've drawn it as a joke or some cuck was gonna pay him good money for it but decided against it. so he never finished it. Besides that point white people tend to have hard on for black dudes, it's the weirdest form of racism I've ever seen.
>but this doesn't effect how great his art is
nta, and sure, but he's more than his art ability
>Also we don't really have the context of why he drew those things, he could've drawn it as a joke or some cuck was gonna pay him good money for it but decided against it. so he never finished it
can't speak for the other anon, but for some people the context doesn't matter. perhaps in an extremely rare situation where the pay off of it would go to a noble cause people would make concessions, but that's extremely unrealistic. whatever the likely reason was for the drawings isn't worthy of respect.
What kind of fetish is this?
Penis inspection day traumatization as a child
>prolific career painter of big nordic white guys with hot babes grabbing their muscles while they slay goblinoids
>loses all respect over three pages of goofy ass BBC porn
Unless he secretly drew nothing but cuck porn in his hidden folders I don't see this as a huge deal. I lost a little respect but have some perspective
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follow your fucking muse. there's a reason why you're drawing just porn. I've been drawing porn nonstop and I've never been so productive as an artist in my entire 7 years of drawing.
>renowned artist is a pervert
pic related, the greatest artists are horny motherfuckers.
woman touching ur pp fetish
The penultimate one isn't touching any peepee
perfectly. porn is unquestionably the most shallow form of "art" there is and isn't conducive to a flourishing society.
Nigga, Tezuka drawing cute little mouse women is way more palatable than Frazetta's degenerate BLACKED drawings.
Have you ever had mice in your house? They eat any food you left out, and shit like crazy right where they ate! Mice are really fucked up.
Whatever draws line after line
Have you ever had blacks in your house?
They will do a lot worse
Ohp! I forgot! The art I drew is actually non-consensual.
I must have forgotten, silly me! You see it was always non-consensual, it just slipped my mind.
Unless I get pushback or something, then I might remember that it was consensual the entire time.
I'm glad there are people out there who only draw the line on art whether or not these completely fictional characters consent or not, and not what's being depicted instead.
I like your drawings, OP. Great stuff.
Please consider posting them on a blog or something.
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These are just sketches not worthy of blog though
You can bust to your own art? That's a rare thing.
These are awesome and unique. I like your sketches a lot.
Might open one where i dump hornyposts
Stop believing trolls, you fucking dumbass. No person with a functional brain would ever consider your stuff to have any value.
Ah okay, sorry
Don't listen to him make a blog NOW. I want to see more of this shit
cool stuff Its worth 200k+ twitter followers, so you know what to do)
Stop trolling him
>worth 200k+ twitter followers
Lol no, but i am opening it as a dump account for you anon
Didn't have xitter but I just made 1. Been meaning to make one for following d/ick/s.
Not trolling he sovlmaxxed his porn. So based
why do you have to? just keep drawing porn
Not everyone is a gooner
It's not even finished
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>TFW no medieval tomboy gf
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Thanks for the follow
Will keep it as a blog to post occasional horny sketches
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Anyone who thinks your sketches wouldn't sell is retarded. If you want to make it big give them a bit of backstory and names, normies love OCs
Pic related.
>All women clothed
>All men with dicks out
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IMO imagination of the beholder is better than what I can put, and I also like to tease and 'force' the beholder to imagine what will happen after the scene, so that's why I draw a 'preview' scene
Thats why I jork it to my own work
This one is kino
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what about it do you like specifically?
Having a sexual moment in the midst of a dire dramatic situation. Like an executioner giving a last moment of pleasure to a condemned innocent lady accused of witchcraft, in example. A distressing set up makes an intimate moment so much more epic and intense.
I see.
Yeah, that's an interesting situation
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Did this just for you anon
FUCKING HOT!... She's so fucking beautiful, I hope they have mercy on her, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like it. Life is tragic like that.
Thanks for sharing anon.
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>I hope they have mercy on her, but unfortunately it doesn't seem like it.

Well, anon...

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Maga Anulum, anon
For non/his/-obsessed guys here, it's an oriental concept connected with djins, where with a ring you can tell a djin to do stuff for you, but in Europe was connected with alchemy and demons and witches.
>clothed enthusiast

I wish more art anons drew clothed sex
Btw guys, my new twitter account doesn't appear to some, and it is marked as spam when I reply.
How do I fix this?
Some said get more followers, while others said 'stop posting for a few days'
Anyone have any idea?
I cant stop laugjing holy shit ahahahaha
I saw your account, and I think the great following/follower difference for such a new account might trigger the spam marking. Maybe wait a few more days??
It's impressive how he hasn't improved at all
Oh, I see. Clever girl. Anyways, knowing the outcome kinda ruin it for me, for some reason. I prefer to be left in the uncertainty of her terrible final fate. It keeps emotions activated and "tingling". Like in the "1001 Arabian Nights", every night she was supposed to be beheaded, buying one more day of pleasure just by chance
Well there's still a chance she didn't get knocked up and after a month when no change in the belly has happened, she might not have gotten pregnant, and the 'execution postponed' rule doesn't apply anymore. They won't make the same mistake twice after that
Interesting story, If she keeps seducing any guards or handlers near her, she could keep arguing that she would be pregnant "any moment now"... and keep avoiding her execution through that loophole. Of course they will command to leave her alone. But that's the exciting element of the story, men can't resist the temptation. And if a guard gets caught fucking her, he could be executed for disobeying the order, but no her, since she could be pregnant. A guard could even give up his life knowing that he will be caught, but by doing so, she will live on if she gets pregnant, or at least to have that one more month of living spared. Ah, So romantic and tragic. The same ol' tale, always re-told again and again, since the dawn of times.
Stop following people for a while
Log out of browser, install the app and post from the app for a few days
Art is supposed to portray such stuff retard
What about Berserk?
Get over yourself
Very normal actually
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OK >>7304105
I saw some post on forums saying same thing about new account so I will not post for one or two days

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