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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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Post your work and I a /beg/ will criticize it #7(I think)
I'm not a total beginner but I wouldn't call my self very knowledgeable or skilled. I will not post my work unless anons specifically ask for it
I will try my best to deliver a accurate criticism of what I'm seeing and hope that my limited understanding won't drag it down
I will also not crab at you for being on the lower end of the skill chart

Also last thread I couldn't answer a few requests and I'm really sorry for that.
I hope the anons I didn't get to will post again

OP pic isn't my art
Damn /ic/ post some work
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Fuck it, i'll take the bullet and post something here since no one else is.

For the past month or so, I've been doing some studies of anatomy till I switched over to experimenting with construction. And so far? Meh, its goin smoothly for a /beg/ such as I.

This is all just the dumb studies i've done, if any of you'd like, I could post some of the sketches I've done of the weird things I've seen in the corner of my vision lately.
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I read in another thread that rendering and good colors can carry pieces and I haven’t gotten it out of my head, I wonder how much better my stuff could look if I knew it well.

Still not hot, but I’m a little bit closer to it
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made a design for an OC
I think it's pretty good so far. Nothing too hit home about but also nothing bad. Its pretty decent for free hand
But a thing I think you could do would be either taking some reference, some kind of pose, construct it free hand after putting it away and then trying again but this time constantly looking at the reference
Or you could also try the reverse. Try to draw up a pose and then use similar reference to help out with
>I could post some of the sketches I've done of the weird things I've seen in the corner of my vision lately.
Yeah sure go ahead
Very nice quality of the stone face guy there
Pretty nice idea of only drawing the shadow
I think your line work could be a little more improved at parts as you have a bunch of unintentional lines in there
Pretty good

Yeah thats actually a big thing with some art and artists.
There are a lot of people who render so much that they build up such a level of expertise in the process that all the deeper work on the artwork happens only in the rendering
For example sometimes you have these render artists showing the sketch underneath and it's the most barebones stuff you have ever seen
Many of them aren't even that great at sketching

Rendering is something I'm more or less out of depth unfortunately. So far what you did looks decent but a little pale
Also I think you need to reconstruct the hand on the left. Her hips (on the left) are bigger on side than the other, making it look out of shape
Also very small head on the middle piece
But it's decent
Very stylized, pretty nice
Honestly I don't have all too many gripes
The design pretty busy but I think that can be okay.
I don't really like how the fingernails look
I also have a hard time figuring out if this is a man or woman I'm looking at.
On one hand the shoulders look broad and the face quite masculine, on the other the character got quite the hip wast ratio together with the nun outfit
Also I think a pose from a more side angle would be nice
Its pretty cool
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Help practicing hands do you think they look alright
Of course they look all right
You have a way of constructing hands that you're practiced in
It would be hard to mess them up at this point
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I drew this yesterday. What do you think ?
Why am I garbage?
Ignore the carriage in the background, because thats the real answer, but the actual answer isnt even related to that somehow which is why I ask.
Supposedly a bad artstyle will transcend anything I learn and make it obsolete. A lot of artists are like this, with good fundies but you just dont see them because their art looks unworthy, often making covers for unpopular bands or products, products you will never see if you dont dig the internet for it. C-tier would be the description for it, but it seems that C-tier is equal to no tier at all, because its not even considered artwork anymore
Its a pretty cute drawing but with a few little inconsistencies, nothing major.
The ears have a little bit of a size discrepancy going on.
I'm not entirely sure because the twin tails are blocking the sight of it a little but by the looks of it her shoulders seem to be quite large
That together with her small throat and the distance between shoulder to throat make her frame a bit weird
Hand on the right has the index longer than the middle finger and her pinky looks oddly detached from the hand with the way it bends
Her arm on the left has the elbow placed a bit too low. The joint should be sitting in the more middle of her arm
And lastly her shoes are kinda flat infront
But it's a good job you did so far
Anon your artstyle isnt even bad. But if you really are so worried about it then why dont you study established artists with styles you really like?
You know that a person is capable of drawing in multiple styles right?
Every anime moeblob artists worth their salt can draw normal stuff as well
Your style isn't bad, I think you need to practice a bit more making your drawings more readable
Some more kime confidence on the details would help that like the spikes and stuff
The framing on the guy in the center is pretty decent though he is partially obscured by the small guy infront
The jumping guy looks a bit funky with his giant head and really small body
And the small guy would be a good example with what I mean with readability.
There is a lot of detail on him but I have trouble making out what I'm actually seeing. You have good linework with his arm guard but if we go from the arm to the shoulder and to the rest it just disappears making it really hard to see what he looks like in a way
I think you are bit too hard on yourself
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Good to see you again critique anon, haven't done nothing interesting for a while except for this redraw
>and I a /beg/ will criticize it
You and the rest of this board buddy
>haven't done nothing interesting for a while
I know that feeling but today I want to get in some hours drawing so have something to show for again

Can you show me the original?
I'm not enterily sure if her top is supposed to sit like that
Also her foot is a bit thin on top or perhaps too thick at the bottom. Not sure
But it's a very nice drawing
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this is a sketch

basically everything i post to ic in any thread doesnt get replies. I think my style is either too unappealing/ugly or too boring. What do you think?
I see, actual fairly accurate in that case considering the proportions of the doll are much different
I honestly think that on a second or third redraw you get the Miku doll to look even better
You did a good job

I wouldn't say it's unappealing or boring style wise but that's a bit tough to judge with just a sketch
But judging by the little I see you seem to be at least somewhat refined in some area
Btw her twin tail behind her head is bigger than in the front
My lesbo OC I have drawn a week ago (posted this on /cgsg/ but that general is pretty much frozen and I was waiting for a pyw thread anyway, so)
Cute, study fundies. Finish the drawings and finish the hands, if you don't know how use a ref. And study fundies
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you keep making those stupid threads instead of drawing, ffs, nobody likes this and you keep having to necrobump it, just drop it, this was fun for one thread but you need to move on and actually go grind and make some fucking art instead of baiting for attention on the internet.
also pyw.
Interesting. Don't know what that style is called with the boarder silhouetting the character but i like that
I think you could use some better anatomy work. Her firearms are very big, also one of her wrist is thin while the other isn't
There is nothing wrong with the general posing and body but I'm not so sure about the stomach lines
Its like you tried to draw some muscles but you didn't commit fully
Also the linework on the ear needs cleaning up
Good job

Nice little sketch. Good framing good pose. A finished piece by you looks probably very good judging by this

Did you make this? This very weird
There is alot of clipping going on with the hair for no real reason. You should look into that
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I keep these threads infrequent because they can be time consuming and engagement isn't guaranteed.
But I assure you I'm drawing very frequently
>also pyw.
Last noteworthy thing I did
Giving it a little necro bump, hope you dont mind
go back into the /trash/bin
No sorry, I like to give /ic/ more than just demoralization
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Actually amazing how little artwork you see for such a popular figure within mythology. Maybe I didn't seek her out enough
Very impressive piece, highly detailed and good lighting
She has a very nice facial structure and the golden shimmer of her scales add this nice (I can't really verbalize it) effect drawing your eyes to the whole piece
But I think the back of her head is a bit small. Rather id like to see more snake hair where you can see so much open space
Though this is a stylistic choice so you can just ignore what I'm saying here, i would have liked it more if the snake tendrils would have snake heads at their end
The tendril in the top left has its scales stretching very very long on the curvature. Shorter scales would look better here
Over all very nice. The lower part lacks the attention that the face got but every good piece is imperfect
Good job

The sphinx is missing her wings, also set her head to look straight so she will look like she has more dignity
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Welcome back, here's an older drawing.
Nice office lady
I think her forearm is shorter than it should be, or maybe you should have drawn the elbow from an angle to give the arm nore depth
Her left arm definitely looks on the shorter side though
The way you drew the jacked over her legs makes her left thigh look thin
It think it's an issue made by the jacked (I assume that's what she is holding) having no folds that wrap around her leg giving it a sense of volume. And perhaps the lineart also plays part in that
But it's a decent picture good job

Not entirely sure what is happening but it looks intrsting, also your signature is hidden
You took a really nice pose and everything seems to be in order
I think your feet need a bit more work. Her right foot just seems to end at her ankle and suddenly the toes start
He left arm is shorter then the right arm and the thumb on the right hand seems to be misplaced
But all in all its pretty decent work
Good job
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Hey /beg/bro. How have you been? This is all I've got right now unfortunately, but I still like it.
I'm fine just hating my art the for a few days. But it is just like that sometimes, eventually i just make something that I feel happy with again
>This is all I've got right now unfortunately, but I still like it.
As long as you like it than it might as well be the best piece of art in the world right now. Very good on you
Some meaty legs. Far left has a smaller foot and calve starts bending earlier then on the other leg
I actually kinda like the hands. They are very scribbly but they resemble an actual hand close enough that you can just tell that you know how to draw them
Though crazy the facial expressions are good, the eyes stand out in a good way
Also some nice shadows
For unfinished sketches with alot of scribbles it's pretty nice. Good job
If I keep these threads into the future I think i will actually post my work as the OP
But so far everyone has been draco from puyo puyo, so I need to learn how to draw her first.
Perhaps my next thread will take some time then
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Have a bump.
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>why am i garbage
Your proportions are off
Your characters have different perspectives and skewed perspective making the whole piece look bad
Your lighting makes no sense
Despite working in black and white there is a lack of constrast.
You dont differentiate your shapes
You dont fill the negative space
>Your work looks bad, not because of style, but because you lack in every fundamental skill
I think this is worth redrawing.

Compose the scene roughly, then redo it carefully on good paper.
But why though?

Interesting piece.
I really like the colors you choose and how you lighten and darken the hair
The hoodie was given lwss of this attention but the light makes it look very stylized
For something that is the focus of the image, you really did not do much with the stomach mouth
It looks cool and gritty but it also clashes a lot of the rest of the image dou to its simplicity
Im not really into lolis but it seems you take your Loli studies seriously.
Good job
working on magik from xmen
>>7289060 wonderfully soft
>>7289623 very badass
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Most recent
Come to think of it, I've never read x-men or any American comics...
I think it's pretty solid. Though it looks like her body below the first belt points towards the pov despite it looking like she is walking to the left
Personally I also think there could be more volume on the shoulder pad
She also has some very pronounced neck muscles, and In general I think her neck is very long for how small the head is compared to the body
But anyway good work

You aren't that shitposter who always posts that one bird and then complains about his lack of talent are you... No ? Okay good
You are very good at drawing realism judging by this, but you probably don't need me to tell you this
Good eye for detail as well, I think many people don't even know that dogs have black lips
Im also impressed that you positioned human ears in a really accurate way, that being that the ear hole lines up with the eyes
Eyes are also not top big so is the ladies mouth
Something i may see you make a mistake with is the jawline but honestly I don't know who this woman is so I can't check
Honestly very nice realistic style, almost reminds me of the headshots in JoJo's that aren't drawn in a cartoony way
Good job for a bunch of doodles, be sure to leave your socials because i had that before in one of my threads that someone skilled came ajd people were asking about that
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I've been trying to really get into drawing again recently, this is where I'm at currently. Really messed up the nose on the rightmost one, probably should have had less detail.
It can't be helped, I need to force myself to practice regularly instead of sitting on my arse all day browsing the web.
Yeah that's the attitude you should have
You should try making drawing a habit. For example I draw everyday now for quite some time and i have noticed visible gains (though I could be better if was more serious about it)
The issue with the nose on the right is that you drew it as if the tip was pointing skywards
A good rule is to just look at your own features and take into account what you see. The nostrils are very small from a neutral angle
I agree with your assessment of way to much detail. Heads themselves are very small so a simple nose that's just one or two lines would have been better, you don't try to draw photorealistic after all
Something that is very noticable is that you tend to draw limbs thicker than they should be. Especially the underarm where it goes over to the elbow
Its a thicker part vut try to be more modest with how much you add
Left the feet look very small both in length and in volume. Middle they look like she tiptoes because the ankles are so far above them
Also beyond that you have a lot of issues with your lineart. Stuff looks one side very different than on the other like the jaw on the right for example
But it's a good start, we all have to go through drawings like these are first.
Don't be afraid to use reference, seeing how a more skilled artist draws something can give you this little "aha" moment in your brain and you will adopt it in future artwork as well
Good job
Why do people like shit like this? I hate it.
Did you draw it? Its very small you should post a bigger version
To answer your question, because it's in the realm of simplicity and the known
Most people don't like the surreal, the monsters or abstract fantasy and science fiction
That's why we get a million stories about some asshole living in the city with a hint a nature to she something grander outside the scope
The piece is very well put together
Its very grounded to realism though the light needs to be better
Her hair is way too dark. If you observe read haired women against the light you will notice that their hair isn't as thick and light penetrates easily
But I'll be honest, I may be wrong since the sun is setting in this image
Personally what I don't like at all is that her mouth is open in this image
It makes her look rather stupid while reading a book, like she is reaction to some YouTube video rather then calmly reading out in the open
Also the way her head sits is uncomfortable. What do I mean by that?
Take a book or pretend you hold a book at the hight of your mouth. Now read from it while holding your head straight
You will find that your your eyes are pushing really hard downwards and that it feels uncomfortable
But aside from that it's a excellent image
Good job
Not mine I just hate it.
Then why did you post it
Cause I hate it
Fuck you
Also check em
check who
These dubs
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I have this one that i made for a friend that is fan of Vtuber Mori Calliope, but i need to say that i just can't understand color theory and all those things, so i normally just use colors that i like until i feel satisfied with it, but after some time it always looks weird.
no u
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Ah,Second Life.

The Eye thing is part of SL history...

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ok have this :)
Sorry I was unavailable for a few days
I will start in a minute
I honestly I don't know what color theory is either but in my mind it should be translating to what looks good
The figures themselves are very nice
Quite erotic but I think the yellow eyed ones foot isn't be bending enough to the side but instead you have her toes pressing into the bed
Some good attention to detail as well though I can't figure out what the chain on yellow eyes is supposed to look like
The pink and the white veil are very similar colors somi thought at first it was part of her hair.
Maybe if the room is so dark don't go with white for the veil
But that's the only extent I can think of it
Pretty good job

The uniform and the looks of the character are badass
I think the chest emblem could placed better. It looks too much into the direction of the viewer despite the chest pointing away from the pov
I think this for the pointy cloth thing right next to it in the left. I don't know what's it called though
But I really like the perspective work though, irs very cool

Its a decent sketch, not much to say about it because of how simple it is
The woman looks cool and the guy looks like he is strapped to her hips haha
But even with a sketch like this there is a lot of nice detail here with the accessories
Very neat
I don't want to watch this...
Are you just bumping? You are just bumping this miserable thread aren't you?
Well the colors blue on blue are nice and the bird butterflies are cool
Don't know what to tell you, it's not drawn...

Ohh hey that's pretty fucking cool
If I wouldn't know better I would say that you tried drawing eyes in the sky but didn't made it too obvious. But I could be wrong
The background posses an interesting challenge. How.mucb detail are you willing to put into it and how do you go about it? Because it can very easily obscure the point of focus
You choose the white outline for the smelly man and the low quality detail background
It sort of works against itself though.
The walkway that the guy walks on looks very tangible, very indepth and 3d. But then to the left you what I only assume is grass that looks like someone put up a white wall with black stripes
Same goes for the tress. They are also very flat
But front and center you have the undead guy who looks excellent and would be the first thing of focused for most viewers, unfortunately im not most viewers
But the undead guy really is excellent. He looks like he is decaying and lively im his unliveliness
Though I dislike the size of his pike. it's very thin, and also his boots af some not so clean line work making them look furry
But it's very good anon, great job
Honesty I love this, I want to see more

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