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otter edition

>What is /fag/?
This is the Furry Art General thread, here we post everything related to kemono, furry, and animals alike.

>Rules & Guidelines
Please refrain from flaming, causing drama or replying/feeding those who cause such.
This is a SFW thread only, please take caution so you don't get BANNED for posting NSFW art.
This general is NOT and NEVER will be affiliated with any discord servers, DO NOT click any of the discord links that are spammed here!
As always, don't be afraid to ask for critique!


Previous Thread: >>7270968
Horny Otter General.
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Gonna start coloring this.
Otters are foolish animals that really need to get it together, imo
Yeah well I think YOU are a foolish animal that really needs to get it together!
This is the cutest shit I've ever seen. Good job fags.
There's three animals the jaguar doesn't fuck with.
The electric eel.
The anteater.
The otter.
Everything else is food.
Anteaters are fucking underrated. They're so badass for having no fucking mouth to attack with. Just big fucking claws and a chip on their shoulder.
We need more anteater OCs. Cute af.
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been tweaking the look of my artist sona. have some frog doodles
I mean, anteaters have Arthur, so there’s at least SOME rep
wish it was a goat edition. they need loving, too, you know.
Did a goat type this? Fuck outta here, no one likes goats!!
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Waiting for Braixen edition
killer design and in love with the line weight anon. looking forward to the finished piece
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I wanna give those boobs a hug in a non-sexual way.
God I love massive clothed bazongas that're straining against the fabric.
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she's fuckin adorable

very nice booba
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I figured it out.
Crazy how much a few hours of sleep can do.
Always take a rest between publishing or concerns.
Good job anon!
REALLY stellar work on this! nice job!
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>Get otter here
>Not today but maybe anotter time.
>I gotta be otter my mind
>I gave her an otter she can’t refuse…
>Otterwise it's not funny
>Ya otter do yer own research.
>What an otterly ridiculous request
>You're my significant Otter
>My dear, that’s otterly beautiful
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stick em up!
I don’t draw but here’s a sona I commission a lot
Good lord... she underage thou :(

I want to kill this thing
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Cool frog, i dig it. Blog?
You wouldn't like my blog, its all coomer shit
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I don't often do furry but here, have a mouse
No thanks, im good
Firstly: who cares, it's a picture. It's not like baby Olivia. She's clearly mature.
Secondly: if a wheelchair-bound gator can exist in media, then so can a legal wheelchair-bound gator, and you're free to make this pic from anytime after high school, so you can fap away without worry.

Very cute goat. Who is the artist?


Very nice mouse!
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'sup /fag/s
you guy like raccoons?
for sure. just being polite and putting up a warning if someone asks on a sfw post

@biggeroldoinks on twitter
EPIC but work on your hands plz
desu, I dont really give a fuck about them in these sketches, dont wanna waste too much time on the dailies.
the main attraction's the beef
too focuses on drawing boobs to draw hands
a classic mistake
And it's good beef, but are you really a /fag/ if you don't pay close attention to a man's big, strong hands as they firmly grasp a long, stiff shaft? You're better than that.

youre right anon
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style exploration stuff
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do more like that
we dont do scat here

you guys are doin' cats here
pussy pussy got me acting strange
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you and me both pal
>you guy like raccoons?

Oh anon, If you only knew...
Cool. Kind of fun seeing everyone horny for my Otter. She a hoe.
I hate Braixen!!
Sometimes I wish boobs were real.
Cute cat!
Cute sandwich
How does he not have a bathtub at his house?!
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Been a hot damn minute since I’ve posted here, been working on some NSFW material trying to learn all this digital crap
Looks interesting. I like her HUGE eyes
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Digging the black shadows.


No YOU'RE a hoe. Good lines! Cute girl!
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It's caturday
she's looking sassy
>I hate Braixen!!
Why does the tag sa "UM"?
I thought her name was offmodel
You're ottering nonsense
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loon warmups

it is! I shall cat then
Thank you!!
cute fella
mmmm booba
the gremin!!
hey /fags/ I drew a literal and metaphorical cougar woman and nutted
i’m too embarrased to post it, so I propose
draw a cougar cougar woman
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Post it, /fag/.

BEAUTIFUL Juno!! What brush is that? Just an aliased brush with a paper texture on top or something? Looks nice.
I don't recall if its a default pencil brush on csp but I did use a noise material overlay.
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'sup /fag/s
i return
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I appreciate all the encouragement. For the first time, I've been doing gestures with Steve Huston. I had never taken a gesture course b4 but these are some of the ones I've been able to pump out with part one of the course.

I still have a fuck ton to go. I'll report back after grinding part 2 of level 1.
blog please
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suggestions for making this boy more handsome. i think he's a deer but it's pretty loose at this stage.
His facial structure is attractive but not his facial features. Try to give his eyebrows a visually appealing shape, more than the rectangles they are now, or try to make them move in a consistent pattern that moves the eyes along the eyebrows. What may also help is moving the eyebrows along the shape of his eyes to compliment them. As for the eyes, I think they have a nice shape, but I think a more established eyelash presence wouldn’t hurt either. He doesn’t have to look pretty necessarily but they’d add to his handsomeness bc as of now the shape is nice, the anatomy is just incomplete. I’d also take away the skull line you’ve drawn under his eyes, I think it sort of ages him
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i love your art style, do you post anywhere else? i wanted to add that people have also accused me of either being a female artist or a tranny artist, and one guy still apparently thinks i am a chic
cover those nips up boy
>Why does the tag sa "UM"?
>I thought her name was offmodel
her tag used to contain 3 letters. i dont think you need to be a german rocket scientist to figure out what it originally said
cute work. junos design looks kinda derpy, but i think it adds to it. (still seething about legosi picking rabbitwhore over aryanwolfgirl btw)
great tips, was playing with the eyes/brows a bit. I have a biceptember sketch to finish tomorrow but time permitting i'll post another spread of the deer.
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i wish i was better at copying jap artists
i spent way too long drawing this, but whatever. i like the racoon design, so i replaced the homo-erotic undertones with homicidal undertones
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what could drive a grown ass nigga to spend hours drawing animal people?
everything's @professorpicke
and thx :)
File deleted.
More specifically, AUTISTIC BONERS.
Speaking of which, y'all fags shall bear witness to my first ever furry art. I'm one of you now. GOD have mercy on my soul.
id fuck the shit out of the one on the right

Pretty good anon!, I am glad to see some art of him finally. I don't think anyone else has ever taken a shot at him.
I absolutely adore his design, raccoons are fucking adorable, but there's something about this one that drives me up the wall...
>file deleted
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any new suggestions for deer oc?
i was lazy and skipped drawing them. >>7292600
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Kinda don't care. Also, does your sona have a name?

Proportions at the right one looks sick
finished up a new comm! finally got to do some sfw stuff and had a lot of fun with this one!

wow! that is so awesome! i didn't expect fanart of my lil guy
its just a self insert for me, so my artist name. bigoldoinks, or BGLDNKS or just doinks

Hot rat babe in a bikini.

holy shit
>wow! that is so awesome!
Thanks. I like your pic as well!

>finally got to do some sfw stuff and had a lot of fun with this one
Do you thinking about do an alt account? Your sfw works looks really charming

>bigoldoinks, or BGLDNKS or just doinks
I will personally call him Oliver Donks

Yup. I saw that above and follow you

Damn, that rat is thicc!
That's very impressive, dude! All the rendering is very nice but how'd you do the clouds? I really dig all the textures.
TY! procreate has a cloud brush so that part was very easy.
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(these arent my ocs i stole them)
WHY. It's just a lactating goat girl, is that too fucking much for /ic/ of all places?!?!
>listens to whitehouse
>how do OC
find animals you like, draw a person except like the animal you like and then boom.
Struggling with understanding how I should be shading her ears.
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Hey! For the people that understand Twitter, does retweeting your own post actually work, and if so, how much should I wait before doing it? Wanna improve my Twitter game.

And I hate Otters!!

That looks amazing!

I would love to help you, but I barely shade my drawings so I barely understand how to shade
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like this?
Idk if I'll continue this or leave it as a setup/color practice
I bet she has a male trainer
good job anon

you sure you want to trace it? i think pencil sketches gives it some nice texture
is it just me or are furries the only ones that draw guys good
To be fair, most furries are stricken with some form of the ghey in one way or another
Also because it's easier to do more aesthetic men when you aren't limited to just humans + most regular human artists for some reason are into bara and shit I guess?
He looks so handsome now good job anon

> you sure you want to trace it
head looks off I want to fix it and a few other areas
I came with the force of a thousand suns, you owe me a new monitor.
If I notice that my Post isn't doing so well, I'll repost it one or two hours later, I don't know if that really helps. Sometimes I feel it does, sometimes not so much.
Other than that I'll repost everything about 8-10 hours later, so followers from other timezones have a higher chance to see it.
Post? Like on twitter?
erm jaaa?!
don't you ja me!! >:(
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have some starfox
hell yeah! can you draw him dicking down crystal or falco? either one would be fine
sorry dude, i dont do explicit stuff
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Been doing some OC redesigns starting with my goat girl here.

Topless version:

You've really leveled up, anon, impressive work! Glad to see you finding success.

Your work is really good! Would love to see how you draw the rest of the main cast and vehicles/arwings, if you feel like sharing.
not gonna do the entire crew, sorry
this was a suggestion i got, and by this point ive received enough to last me the entire month
Never really did anthro stuff until I looked at some asian artbooks and saw them do it in a fun style. Here's my guy I drew.
nice dude
understandable, I'm sure you get a lot of requests, lol. I'll be watching for your stuff!
thx anon
cute goat girl btw
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Is it wabbit season yet
It's breeding season, anon. I like your one for totally normal reasons.
Do you have blog?
FA is OhItsDan
Cool Ivy. You've inspired me to continue drawing more feet.
Sounds like you know what to do. Time to move on from Braixen, and draw the superior pokemon!
What?! There's a boobie version of this goat? Well damn, holding back on us, I see.
what's the superior pkmn?
Obviously it's Snorlax
see >>7291759
Meowscarada more like Yikescaradumb
You mean Awesomecarada!! >:(
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i was thinking lopunny
lets compromise!
More like Pisscarada
Toxoplamosis-havin ass kitter
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coming back to this for more warmups

happy to help anon! Good luck again with the studies C:
thanks for the interest! https://x.com/E_Banne
thanks! Cute frawgs!
if you post one more braixen im going to die from the adorable

as for self-reposts eehh idk ive never tried it
Chubby bunny....
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bro will probably get his shit rocked
more like
bro, this shit ROCKS
Gonna try and hold the course on the secondary light source. Still dunno how I should do the ears.

>I would love to help you, but I barely shade my drawings so I barely understand how to shade
That's okay, thanks anyways!
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>You've inspired me to continue drawing more feet.
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Cute character!

Gonna try to retweet a couple of times after like 12 hours to see if there's a difference, thanks anon!

ONLY BRAIXEN!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

A man of taste
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Probably gonna do knockoff Dr Suss pics next
Finished :)

Need to figure out if I'm doing more Ivy next, or Bug girl OC's

Adorable! Thanks anon! that's very cute!
How do y'all make things just so effortlessly cool.
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Anon, It's great that you are doing backgrounds, but for suggestive/sexy drawings the focus should be on the character. You're telling the viewer to look at her ass, but the Braixen is too far away and the only way to do it is to zoom in. No one does this. Besides, everyone uses phones, the drawing will look even smaller.
You should use the colors to guide the viewer's eyes. Add highlights to the thighs/ass, make the outside light shine her ass, etc etc.
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Update 2
Yeah, i feel like he could crop it and place the text differently
Like, slimming it down to just the door frame would improve the layout a lot, i think
Thanks for the feedback. Normally I do crop things, but I forgot this go around. I also always forget that most internet users/browsers do so via phones now instead of via desktop/laptops. It sucks because it was close to compositionally working out. I should have pushed the value difference harder between outside/inside to better frame her in the doorway as well.
Live and learn, I guess.
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next daily
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I'd like to know how to make stuff look more 3d.
I remember drawing your cat slut about a year ago. Can't believe I remember that.
what animal is this meant to be?
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he's a wolf but don't think about it too hard
Cool anatomy, I like it. Any suggestion about how did you learn it?
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Didn't improve much since then, didn't draw much either though.
Was this it?
It was!! You saved it! :O
>”he’s a wolf”
>pink nose
>pink paws
>pink ears
>ears way too big
>thick tounge
>feminine build despite being a man
nothing peeves me more in art than this
Please please please for the love of God until you learn how to shade better don't use soft shading. Unless you are a master it will always just make your paintings look dirty and gross
>Don't do thing until you get better at it
Can't get better if you never try.
thank you!
mostly from looking at bodybuilders, and mapping out the muscles
and, ofc, by studying the art of Taran Fiddler. THE guy for muscle anthro stuff. there should be a link to his speedpaints in the OP?

outside of that, the only tutorials i really used where David Finch's vids, and a bit of Loomis
yeah they don't walk on two feet either
Not that guy, but I think it's really helpful to learn hard shading first to get a feel for where the shadows go and then move to soft shading after.
If this is a statement in regards to my shading being lacking, all I can say is that I would appreciate a concrete "Here is where you went wrong, here is how you can fix it"
Shading human forms is easier for me, as the volume of the character is directly observable (given reference). But when it comes to characters covered in fur, I am kind of lost.
I know I am not great, but instead of being unproductive with the criticisms provided, say something that would help. Because otherwise you achieve nothing besides making me feel bad for attempting to improve my artwork.
I think that other anon did have good advice.
As for how to shade fur, you need to learn to think of hair not as individual strands, but as discrete forms. Each 'puff' or 'fluff' of hair is a form, and can be shaded as such. And if you can't discern those forms, it probably means you didn't construct the hair in such a way as to make it easier for you to later shade.
So I'd suggest looking at some art you like, or some other fluffy Pokemon pics, and try and redline the forms to kind of understand how those pics were shaded, and then you can apply that to your work too.
clearly you are unfamiliar with the rez at 2 AM
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your mouth
and say: "ahhhhh"
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Zoom zoom zoom
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Oh boy, time to post another Braixen!

>start learning art to draw chubby girls
>learn about anatomy studies
>discover bridgman, rimmer, richer, hogarth, etc.
>end up making bara furry men
Oh man that was a an amazing debate I ant wait for Election Day to play my part in earning America its first black female woman of color president.
>bara furry men
Post it
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someone said bara furry men
blog please :)
great stuff, we should start a bara general
Holy shit, anon. That's really cool!
What brush do you use for a line art?
i second that
theres a "cute guy general" thread i think? doesnt sound like theyre about beefy guys though

its traditional pencil and ink
im using mechanical pencils, and faber-castell ink pens
>its traditional
I kneel
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you may rise, peasant
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I like korean art, its underrated
I cant tell what is and isnt korean art. Frankly, this resembles the western anime-copy style. What's Korean about it?
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i return with more beef
>What's Korean about it?
I like the tick tomboy cat btw
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Not even a furry, but this is the best thread for anatomy reference.
you talkin about the fox girl shit, or the bara shit?
He talks about Vegeta
who is this artist?
I rike it
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a drawing of a cow
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another drawing of a different cow
can u draw that kow that rayman was eating sushi off the ass of
>rayman eating sushi off the ass of
>lmao WHAT
i miss the person I was before googling what the fuck you were talking about
it's a cartoon about some other fag captain laser or some shit like that, but people who made it also own Rayman for some reason so they put him in as a cameo, i don't really know or care, i just really liked the cow
she had very few fanarts though :(
Why? That cow is hot as fuck. And incidentally, I think Vivi-anon's style would suit her quite well.
no not the cow, the cow is great. i just mean why in the fuck rayman is in this cartoon and why hes eating sushi off a cowgirl's ass like, its just such crackhead stuff but its real. i had never heard of this until now and im losing my mind
It's part of some Ubisoft adult animated show featuring a bunch of their IPs that's also based off of Far Cry's Blood Dragon spinoff iirc?
>it's such crackhead stuff
Yes, he is also a crackhead.
And also goes postal at one point
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I will draw this cow
she looks cute, ngl
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She can’t keep getting away with this.
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Hawk Tuah!
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how many TIMES
Cute art, I like the cop on the left. Hope to see more of your work here
Nice drawings, I also like the frog cop. Your drawing has made me notice that drawing characters on character sheets seems overwhelmingly popular in this general, would love to see more characters in environments
What is the best way to start with bara drawings? I'm already studying Bridgman and anatomy, but I'm not sure where to go from there. Are there any artists besides Taran Fiddler that posts speedpaints or streams often?
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Good to see you around!

I love this. Very mid-2000's vibe, in a good way. I like the character design too!
tysm! my friend likes spyro and I decided to do something with this mood
the best way is studying bodybuilders' bodies.
i dont know about artists that do streams and such, but theres tons of people posting wips and sketches on social media. just gotta start interacting with the posts, and the algo will do the rest
What did I say to her?
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You're drawing today, right anon?
Thank you! I agree, it’s nice to see characters in their proper context.
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heres the wolf wip ive got, i want to pair these two in a comic
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sup /fag/s, did this for my daily. you guys like lizard men right?

woah, impressive work, anon! I need to get my anatomy and linework on that level!
thx anon
have fun looking at bodybuilders
Koetti_sketches on twitter!
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Reporting back in with 2 more drawings. This time I've got goth cats. Let me know what you guys think.
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Second goth cat
I love.

I think I forgot to say earlier but bomb-ass sketches anon. Great work.
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just cat)
thank you!
doing these dailies was a great idea. got me tons of follows
please for the love of god someone helps me with the eyes, I spent 2 hours trying to fix it and I'm going inane
you mustve finally snapped, bc they look fine to me
I agree with the other anon, I think they look fine.
I find it helpful to take a break and walk away if I've spent that long on one body part (and I have, many times). When you come back you'll probably feel better about it or at least see what you want to fix.
Actually it's a very nice sketch overall. I don't see many issues with anything, his eyes included. Cool dude.
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goth is such a vibe
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Puro got all the love but this guy is the real catch of changed if you ask me
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and a little bit of painting
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IPad doesn't have wifi so I have to take pic of iPad on my phone
Damn, kino shadin
I love this style... reminds me of 2000s, blog?
these are fantastic!
from the kino shadin anon
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Seriously, love how you do these, the vibe really slaps hard.
I love your art style! Very cute and clean. What brush do you use by the way?
Thanks! Its the tinderbox brush on procreate
procreate? gonna need you to give me your brushes my man
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Doodling out ideas and seeing what squeaks

"My Pet Mouse Glows in The Dark" took a wrong turn though!
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she's doonnneeee

>A man of taste
only the finest of pallets
these are lookin sweet anon! Keep it up :>
Looks more like a mix between 3 animals. Anyway, blog?
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no daily sketch today
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alright, here's the sushi tray!
Nice big shapes.
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high school girls
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you tell ME
gyatt damn
rape skunk and human male trainer, NOW! Or I will have to do it
are you dumbasses drawing furry for the money or youre genuine furries and want to draw furry art
I'm learning it so I can draw my obscure waifu no one else cares about.
>drawing furry for the money
most furry artists charge $60 for a full color comm and a lot of them are struggling to get commissions. the muh "furries are rich" meme is a stupid fucking lie i wish people stop it with that shit
Many furrys are broke fucks spending money they shouldn't be on their guilty pleasure (porn of OC's/ established IP's)
Most commissions also tend to go to popular artists, not because they are particularly good, but because of their name, social media presence, etc.
I don't commission anymore, as everytime I have, I've been burned. Would rather just support patreons of people who are productive.
I do because I couldn’t care less
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ahh gee anything but increasingly lewd fanart nooooooooooooooooooooooo DO IT you wont
dont know if id call myself a furry, but i draw them bc i want to

if someone asks me "why does it have to be furries?", i tell them that, to me, its rather "why does it have to be human?".
when i have a pencil in my hand, i have the power of creation, i can make whatever i want, and the only limit is my imagination. at that point, why would i stop at humans, when i could draw "humans+"?

like, what sounds more exciting:
">that guy has a slightly bigger nose, she is a bit taller, that one has different skin tone, ..."
>"this guy is a completely different species of humanoid, with multiple arms, horns, mandibles, a unique musmwvs2cle anatomy,..."
*muscle anatomy
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I hate these kind of styles. The perspective is fucked up, but I don't want to look it for long enough to give you a proper critique, sorry anon
lol, I wish people liked my art enough to pay me for it.
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>are you dumbasses drawing furry for the money or youre genuine furries and want to draw furry art

>what could drive a grown ass nigga to spend hours drawing animal people?

After taking commissions from furries for 10 years there's a lot of variety in prompts that you get that really challenge you. It challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and helped keep things fresh. You don't settle on one type of human face, you don't spend your whole art career drawing VTuber girls with the same face and body but different hair swapped out like a Mr. Potato Head. You learn to draw fur one picture, then scales, then maybe slime, latex, anything. The 'furry' umbrella is large too and isn't strictly just Renamon or Krystal the fox pinups. It can be fantasy, monsters, etc.

You know that picture of the iceberg that shows varying levels of depth to show how "in the rabbit hole" something is? Furry shit is just the water's surface. Anthropomorphism's been around for years. I'm actually surprised people act like it's some foreign thing.

I've had my phases of being "anti-furry" out of shame, I'll admit it I tried to become a human / FFXIV artist, but I never clicked with drawing people (including Human But Blue, or Human Except Grey With Horns-type species) nor their designs. Bores the hell out of me.
tl;dr it's fun.
character's pose is bad
try giving it a more interesting silhouette and a line of action
maybe spread his legs, and raise the hammer arm above his head? not a blacksmith, but i imagine that youd have to put in a lot of your strength into each swing to bend the metal. try to reflect that in your pose

the overall anatomy is fine

perspective looks fucked.
the thing on the right looks like we're in a top view, while the character, anvil, and the weapons to his right look like we're his eye level, and the shelf's top looks like we're in a low angle view

in my opinion,
give him a more interesting pose, define a horizon line, and get rid of the background so you can focus more on everything else
then keep the anvil and the weapons on his right, and give it some depth by overlapping them with your character (like anvil in the foreground, him in the middle, and weapons at the back)
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Do you have a blog or Twitter account?
i do!
also cute
eyes look cute, trust me
very cute
You do talk a lot, but cool, blog?
Thanks for the tips, im a big dumb since I forgot I can set up a ruler but my autistic goal of not using many references or help kinda fucks me.
Ill try to fix it today with enough time.
Also the hammer isn't striking the sword, hes just holding it since hes cooling the sword after striking. Moving the hand back so it doesn't seem so seems the better choice. Also the pose wasn't meant to invoke action since I was thinking it should be casual with something simple. Fixing the above should also by default fix the second but spreading the legs seems like a good choice
ALWAYS use refs

yeah, realized that after i posted. my b
my point still applies, theres ways to have a casual, more relaxed pose, that has an action line and interesting silhouette
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I did, bish!
I did trust the process, it does look better after some cleaning and coloring
Looks good.

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