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how to appealmaxx/soulmaxx?
i don't care about my art being professional or high quality i just want it to have this spark that makes me and other people enjoy looking at it
just draw >>7288858
"soul" = "I like this". people like different things, so if you truly tried to adapt your style so that it had "soul", you wouldn't be able to make anything because there's no one universally appealing style. just find a style you like which a lot of other people seem to like as well and work towards emulating it, making alterations as you see fit, experimenting.
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You want appeal? Learn how to use line weight . It’s a small yet super effective way to communicate various things and draw the viewers eyes to what does and doesn’t matter. You can make a drawing of a rock look badass by just emphasizing the lines near the bottom of the rock to make it seem heavy, as described in pic rel.

Also, proportions above all else. Doesn’t matter how simple or complex a drawing is, proper proportions are an easy way to establish appeal.
well first off you stop posting that heavily photoshopped garbage and then you copy pictures that you like and try to figure out what makes their stuff appealing to you.
seethe, femcel
this is the bare minimum to get an average man's attention
>retarded nigger animal can't see the warped curtain and wall
here's the unshooped version you dumb blind easily fooled subhuman
>how to appealmaxx/soulmaxx?
Just tell the AI prompt to make it soulful and appealing
>just find a style you like which a lot of other people seem to like as well
but like... how?
I like the version from OP better
>here's the unshooped version
worthless image
Look on what’s popular. Sakimichan is a good example, same csr, wamu as well. Look in this thread >>7290648 where the og artist have 500k+ followers. Even fucking shadman
Me too
Soul isn't about appeal. A lot of mainstream art has appeal but no soul. Soul is simply about being authentic.
If you look at an art piece and can tell that the artist behind was truly passionate about creating it, that is when you achieve "soul".

Soul is not about appeal nor skill, but about authentic, unapologetic, and unfiltered passion. Look inward, find out what you're passionate about, and draw it without worrying what others might think. That is SOVL.
find something you really really like and wallow in it like a hog! even (especially) if its weird or embarrassing! itll be niche as fuck and seemingly only appeal to you, but you should be doing it for you anyway! and one day maybe someone will come across it and be ecstatic to find the extremely niche shit theyve been looking for. at least, thats my advice. cant guarantee its any good, but youll have fun doing it! and in the end i think thats what matters; people will call me a troll or a crab for this but i dont see the point in drawing stuff you hate if its just gonna make you hate drawing. fundies are important yeah but you can treat yourself to self-indulgent drawings as well, and the self indulgent drawings are probably where youll see the most improvement from the fundie grinding because youll be applying it to something youre passionate about.

i know this makes no sense and im rambling but tldr find something weird that you really like and crank out as much of it as you want. also drawing in ms paint in a really fucked up artstyle doesnt hurt lol
follow this advice if you want your art to look w*stern.
Funny you saying this when those same west art get millions of views and followers. Your moonrune scribbles won’t get out of of the 3 triple digits, weebshitter
i would counter this by giving an example of a jp artist that makes good use of line weight but i gatekeep his game so hard that i cant. sigh.
Her body has a spark that makes me enjoy looking at it
Japs are way more subtle about using lineweight. W*stern artists hyperfocus and overuse it to the point it becomes distracting and ugly. They treat it like some holy technique that gets you from int to advanced if you spam it on every form and shape in a drawing.
Rangeban all women
>b-but I don't have any art styles I like looking at!!!1!
What the fuck is wrong with some of you? Do you guys actually like art or do you just want to say you can be good at something? If it's the latter you will never have soul or appeal, you're just drawing for external validation in a desperate bid for relevancy or money. Even the shittiest autists have artists they like or styles they want to emulate even if they don't have the skills to execute, that's why even fucking Chris Chan's art has soul compared to some of the garbage on here. Fucking pathetic
Try drawing different styles and stick with one you like the most
Shiiiet, they needed to photoshop even the feet (but not enough, they still dont look to good)
>you're just drawing for external validation in a desperate bid for relevancy or money.
You're brain dead if you think there's anything wrong with wanting to earn money or with wanting to be liked. And you're double brain dead if you think having a good reason "why" someone creates art is essential in creating interesting art.
>Even the shittiest autists have artists they like or styles they want to emulate
Literally wrong. Stop projecting.
Van Gogh was so unique and famous because he wasn't emulating anyone else.
Some people (unlike no-draws like you) prefer to spend their time ACTUALLY DRAWING rather than gathering and hoarding references and pics from other artists to learn from.

KYS / 10
You're the one who asked how to find a style other people like, if you actually liked art you'd have a list already. Don't cry if you don't like the answer.

>You're brain dead if you think there's anything wrong with wanting to earn money
>Van Gogh was so unique and famous because he wasn't emulating anyone else
Van Gogh died alone and irrelevant. He only became famous after death. If your goal is to earn money, then don't try to be like him.
>Van Gogh was so unique and famous because he wasn't emulating anyone else.
have you seen a monet before
>Some people (unlike no-draws like you) prefer to spend their time ACTUALLY DRAWING rather than gathering and hoarding references and pics from other artists to learn from.
you can almost guarantee after every retarded take so too will be a nodraw accusation
Killed these coombrain lmao
not really, anon just looks like a jealous w*man doing typical jealous w*man things.
You are projecting because you are insecure. Just own that you like the photoshop slop instead responding like some petty little man.
you are mad because you are insecure and responding with things like "petty little man"
are you really so butthurt you shopped a girl you're threatened by to look average?
pathetic 2bh
More projection. control your emotions little man.
I don't think you understand what any of those words you used mean.
projecting what? insecure about what?
>More projection. control your emotions little man.
i could not imagine the lack of self awareness required to type this out
yes anon, the broke artist that made no money with his art that cut off his ear due to mental illness and only became famous LONG AFTER his death. waste of breath
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coomers are retarded, there are better shooped/lightly shooped gravure models. op pic was obviously done by a pornbrained westerner with beglet skills as well, it doesn't even look believable
> by a pornbrained westerner
Why do you retards always trash on your own kind?
Van Gogh got famous because his brother quit his day job to shill his misunderstood artist sob story after he killed himself, having spent his entire life penniless and unappreciated, most normalfags that cite him as the most famous artist literally can't name 2 of his paintings
also I doubt you are actually using those models/refs for drawing anyways, like most of the fags here. You would save this to jack off to.
>op pic was obviously done by a pornbrained westerner with beglet skills
by that do you mean by the woman herself? holy shit you're so fucking retarded
>if you don't have a list of bakers you admire, then you're shit at cooking and you'll never make a delicious cake
As I said, you're brain damaged.
>le food analogy
confirmed 60 IQ
I like how you used a food metaphor but are still wrong.
Everyone has art they like.
Bakers have bakers they got recipes from that got them into baking. I promise you there's no baker alive that just started randomly throwing shit together until it turned into a delicious cake.
I used an analogy, because clearly you're incapable of thinking in more complex terms. It's clear who's the nigger brain here as shown by your "no argument, just insult" style of post.
...nobody "just bakes", you find recipes by good cooks and emulate them, and authority worship is far more prevalent in the cooking scene than the art scene, even normalfags have favorite cooks
you copy sauces, good sauce = good food
>I promise you there's no baker alive that just started randomly throwing shit together until it turned into a delicious cake.
I've never said anything of the sort? Nice strawman, I suppose.
By all means, craftsmen should learn from others, go through courses and read books on the subject. But having a specific list of idols to follow is pure autism and unrelated to being either passionate about the subject or to being good at it.
Why does this board attract retards that like this? You can fuck off out of here you no draw faggot. You're too busy seething about money and making up garbage "arguments" instead of drawing. waste of oxygen.
Why does this board attract retards that like THIS?
You can fuck off out of here you no draw faggot. You're too busy seething about money and making up garbage "arguments" instead of drawing. waste of oxygen. Also pyw.
>having a specific list of idols to follow is pure autism
I think you might be the only one here that's genuinely autistic. It's very very normal to have specific people in a hobby you look up to and learn from.
>post this
>brings up van gogh because he's famous
don't bother drawing, you're just another shitposting tourist after all
Women, even sub average ones, get more attention than you ever will
Yikes. Spoken like a true incel.
Google what "example" is, bozo. I mentioned van Gogh to illustrate a point, not because I'm obsessed with him like you guys are with your lists of idols you wanna be like.
>comparing art idols to idolizing celebrities
what factory do you things come out of
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>wahhh you’re pornbrained and don’t draw!!!
not pornbrained and i absolutely do. do YOU not draw nude models?

>it’s impossible for other people to edit pictures
are you retarded?
I love science btw
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>Yikes. Spoken like a true incel.
oh I just realized you're that retarded femcel that posts here and gets shit on every single time you post by everyone in the thread. it must be some sort of humiliation kink.
It's just another retarded tourist that came here to shitpost, don't bother. He using the board's terms to try to fit in, but it's obvious he doesn't belong her or even draws. If he did draws he would have obviously posted his work by now.
these are actual articles, I'm not even memeing
if you can't figure this out on your own through sheer practice and improvement, then you are too stupid/you have too little talent to make it.
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nope, mine's real yours is doctored. not gonna provide the link to prove it though.
>i could not imagine the lack of self awareness required to type this out
average roastie desu
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>Yikes. Spoken like a true incel.
You cannot be serious
Damn these modern refrigerators sure are getting lifelike
It's called talent. Yeah you can brute force appeal, but I'm sure you've seen plenty of popular artists whose works are riddled with obvious problems, yet people love it, and technically skilled artists whose works barely get a "cool." Why? One was born with appeal, the other without. You can try to mimic it, but unless you're just doing 1:1 copies it won't really rub off on you.
Chinks are really disgusting
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appeal is 80% drawing coherent and clear forms. For some reason the brain really salivates when you draw a clear triangular base for the foot and slap some toes on it (never beating the footfag allegations). The other 20% is line weight >>7290655

Here's a good example of how just fixing perspective and logical errors massively improves a drawing.
Still absurdly hot but ok
awesome guide, thank you 4 advice
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>appeal is 80% drawing coherent and clear forms
>draw a clear triangular base for the foot

Facts. Will Weston incorporates form/shape and anatomy really well, giving his drawings a lotttt of appeal
Ahahahahah women are pathetic for shooping themselves and men are pathetic for falling for it every time the only people worthy of respect anymore are the ones straight rawdogging life
I bet you love telling children that Santa isn't real.
>t. seething femoid
she's still a solid 6/10
this and switch your kill weakness energy to maximaze strenghts energy .but mainly this
she still looks insanely hot, though. and there's a 99.9999% chance the OP edit wasn't made by her, either.
>coping retard
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Her tits are even bigger now, K cups
holy fuck
no wonder the femcel is raging
The only people calling her ugly in the unedited image are moids and busted white women
Yeah, she's insanely hot
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Literally and unironically crafted to perform cocky teasing until the man snaps and rapes
femsisters... it's over...
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jesus christ what an absolute unit
Easy to stack when you're 4'6"
>i-i'm too tall to be hot
the absolute state
>proves that op posted photoshoped slop
Who's mad again?
>insanely hot
>that face
4chan will always have the shittest taste in women.
>fake tits
over for coomercels
>t. oasty toastie
holy shit absolutely SEETHING
why do incels post is if they're desired and that opinions matters? I can assure you losers that you are not him.
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Sorry you look 47 when you're 19.
Maybe ease down on makeup, having different sexual partners every 12 hours and doing drugs.
Maybe roll-up like the fatty you are and go find your daddy.
>I don’t get all the hype about Asian women
Talking about them like they’re a fad and not an entire racial group. Did you notice Mary at the local YMCA is latina now? She just does anything to get men to look at her.
silence, roastie
Women are the most shallow, racists, jealous, envious and bigoted retards out there and they always project that unto others. No surprise.
It's truly amazing how supple Asian women's bodies are compared to Western women. They're incredibly smooth, and I can almost visualize them squishing beneath my fingers. Western women are so saggy and haggardly in comparison.
I have yellow fever, but exclusively for these chicks:
>gaise i have yellow fever
t. eggless racist
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The femcels itt seething
With western women being hysteric methaddict looking lgbthiv positive blue haired lardwhales who will go fuck dogs at the first chance they get, it's no wonder men are seeking other races.
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The forget they are on 4chan because they unfuckable so they have to project like they aren't specimens that women come here to laugh and throw peanuts at.
watching femcels and incels fighting each other is funny
>femcels pretending anyone wants to fuck them as they seethe at superior asian jeans
NOOOOOOO but still would

terribly shooped garbage

>roastie damage control
A lot of artwork and critique being discussed itt...
asian girls
>exhibit a
>if I reply to myself and act like someone else, they'll think I'm not just a retarded hag!
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Meds. Now.
Tbf, yes, too many shit skin apes wanting cartoon women (and I mean fake irl women to be photoshipped into cartoon propertions) instead doing real studies to know how to then exaggerate what you want to exaggerate

Skipping this step makes you do hypershit instead of actually attractive art for sane people.
>Tictok censorship
Kill all zoomoids
how do you end up drawing instead if nasturbating
Wow this thread went to COMPLETE SHIT the second someone posted a webm of this thot
It's very very likely 2 anons spamming rule34 tier comment posts as well. Kinda sad when the upper half of this thread was at least worth reading through.
go back to sleep grandpa
it's hard enough being mogged by asians artistically, imagine them being more sexually valuable too lmao
no wonder ch/ic/ks are losing it
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Any tips on practicing sexiness / appeal?
I know that old adage about just copying what better artists do, but I don't even know why their art looks more sexy and appealing, I just know it does. And that's hardly good enough to use their methods in my own works.

>You want appeal?
>Learn how to use line weight
Then explain pic related.
I think your tip about proportions may be legit though.
I'll try this while waiting for tips with a more deliberate way of practicing this.
>appeal is 80% drawing coherent and clear forms.
How to train myself to draw better forms? How do you practice this?
>explain this drawing with clearly different lineweights
this is a drawing without lineweight
Men seethe so hard over over women preferring attractive males they kill other men over it, lol
lots of aspiring "want someday" hags itt
Good lord, what's her name anon?
>bump pointless thread to seethe about men
>bump pointless thread to seethe about women
>bump pointless thread to goon
No one and I mean NO ONE is ever going to breed with you. Pick up the fucking pencil now.
>bumps pointless thread to seethe about people bumping pointless threads
I'd love for you to kill yourself. Or actually talk about the subject OP asked about (appeal and how to achieve it) - then maybe, just maybe, this thread wouldn't be so pointless.
Appeal comes from novelty so if I come up with an idea, then its not novel, so I don't want to draw it.
>don't allow anything else to take place or you're le mad jelly puritan crab because you didn't worship the epic porn of socmed famous artist #165165416541
>reply everything and anything with nothing but inane personal insults
>"yo wtf why do people only shitpost and want to comment about porn?"
Flandersanon was right.
do you think she would sex Indian?
Yeah, probably: she doesn't look strong enough to resist a gangrape, as Indians do.
middle pic looks like ntr
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Actually this is a good case study for appeal.
The real pic is appealing to some extent but the shopped version cranks it up to 11.
Try to make your drawings look like the later if you want them to be appealing.
To be honest she really is not THAT hot, there are better looking asian women.
>t. seething roastoid
>how to appealmaxx
Do you know of any books on this subject?
I'm so tired of shallow youtube videos pandering to zoomers with an attention span of a gold fish, I want to seriously study this
I disagree with the change made to her stomach in the side view. It looks like she's sucking it in, which is very unsexy.
You're still posting here trying to convince us she's not attractive?
you studied the wrong image and you made her white and lost the appeal anyway
Looks great. Have more drawings?
>and you made her white
kys you racist nigger
real racism is pretending niggers have the same intelligence and white women have the same aesthetics as asians, DEIcuck
chill, I simply didn't bother coloring her hair black
thanks homie, my @pedrogferreira_
Parasite. Cluttering up the internet with derivative images that you had no part in creating. You will never be considered an artist. You don't even belong here.
You're part of the midwits that keep going along with every new trend without ever realizing that this shit wasn't meant to benefit you or me. Doing the bidding of megacorporations in their pursuit of increased profit margins. Yet too stupid and arrogant to ever realize your own shortsighted thinking.
Bunch of lazy, entitled, braindead, greedy, mediocre oportunists imposing themselves into a community with codes of conduct that you step all over and that you'll never understand.
Yet demanding to be refered to as our peers or even an "evolution of artists".
Hated by everyone except the naive, ignorant and the rest of your parasitical grift collective.
Words cannot begin to explain the ammount of disdain that I feel towards you creatures.
Don't feed the trolls.
this but unironically
Draw by pulling your pencil towards yourself and never pushing it away
I'm planning on writing a book about this eventually. I've shown a few people how to start having fun with their art, I've also been lucky enough to talk with skilled artists and find out what they have to say about the process.

It's hard to do anything useful over a 4chan post but a useful reminder is that a drawing is only ever a 2D record of your time spent in front of the paper, If that time is spent in agony the drawing will speak agony, if that time is spent in joy, the drawing will spark joy.

I just came to /ic/ to ask this exact same question, lo and behold this thread was at the top of the catalog. I too feel my art is missing a certain something and I fear that 'something' may not be learnable...
>I too feel my art is missing a certain something and I fear that 'something' may not be learnable...
Because it isn't. Appeal and Soul are synonyms for authenticity combined with skill. Get good at the technical side and use your heart to guide you for what you truly want to draw. The more you cringe thinking about it, the more afraid you are, the higher the soul potential, and the more genuine will it feel to people who'll look at your art. Be authentic and express your thoughts, feelings, experiences, or even tastes within your heart and soul that you are too afraid or too ashamed to face yourself. Expose yourself. Let people get a glimpse, a peek at your core and who you are as a human being. Be cringe and be vulnerable.
Let me feel something when I look at your (he)art.
Skill is the vehicle for the soul's self expression. Everyone has their rhythm, their internal tune. If you do not refine your tools you will never be able to realize that rhythm in the way your heart and soul desires. What draws you to certain styles? Why it's because it aligns with your soul's musicality, your internal rhythm. Your shape language, line confidence, brush strokes, the colors, from the composition to the perspective you use. What speaks to you, may not speak to someone else, but you must stay true to who you are and the rhythm you feel within and you will find your people. If the fundamentals are your instruments your soul is both the composer and the audience.
>>and I fear that 'something' may not be learnable...
>Because it isn't.
PYW. This whole "hurr durr talent can't be learned" bs sounds a lot like crabbing done by overly jealous beginner dunning-krugers, who spend more time on 4chan theorycrafting than actually drawing.
>fell for the shitty bait
still based
>you are not him
Go back to tiktok niggerskin subhuman.
The next step is changing the torso:legs ratio.
I've been getting more into this mentality lately, but am still pretty early in on it. Mind sharing a couple paragraphs with me on it?
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>If that time is spent in agony the drawing will speak agony, if that time is spent in joy, the drawing will spark joy.
This post was made by an egg-deficient, seething, white woman
what does you are not him even mean? who the fuck is she talking about?
no one in this thread is making it except me
pics or didn't happen
cute. would rape both of them
>Appeal is expression of a person's soul channeled through skill
What if you feel like something's missing from you?
It has to come from your heart, your dreams, and your soul. Take everything you are uniquely and imbue that essence into the art.
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this is based, Soul isn't about appeal but it's an expression of passion it still touches and attracts people because authentic is good.
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>I want my art to have this spark that makes me and other people enjoy looking at it
There are two layers to art. One obvious(what you can see), and the other concealed(what you can feel).
The concealed layer is the more important one; the layer of how well the piece conveyes emotions to the pieces viewer/consumer.
Focus on the concealed layer, because it is the most important one.
That said, the easiest way to convey emotion to the viewer in visual art is to have the piece tell a story.
>Any tips on practicing sexiness / appeal?
e-hentai's "how to" tag might help. You want to make art that resembles Japanese erotic "anime" drawing, right? Finding japanese art instruction translated into English will probably be difficult though. You might just have to "read" untraslated ones. Or use Google lens.
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nice, Portugal, Galicia, or...?
>white women have the same aesthetics as asians
If only...
>asian aesthetics
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>this confuses and enrages the white woman
How can you put your soul into something when it’s like reaching into a black box?
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More amemiya luna

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