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people really doxxing themselves every time they do a commission? how do anonymous feel about this?
pseudonyms are not illegal i think its more an issue of internet artists lacking the mental capacity to set up payment methods without using their govvy
what good options are even out there? vgen?
Cryptocurrency is the only option I'm aware of.
He said good options
Probably kofi
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>get doxxed
>doxx the customer back
>He loses his job
>I'm self employed

>I get fired anyway
>What the fuck
paid for a domain on njalla in bitcoin. "fees" came out to be around 60%, all things included. not the end of the world but but still stupid. do artists normally charge less?
You should be asking degenerate fucks how they feel about this. For example, the hyper futa guys, I wonder how they feel about this, prolly the same as 2nd panel in OP's pic?
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more like deadname
Jokes on them. I can't even give my art away for free
this happened to me once, so now I use Cashapp. Good thing my friends and family know that I'm a cartoon freak
That’s not how you spell “real.”
I donated to NaturalHypertrophy's Kofi and learned his real name. Looked him up to find him on a podcast about french people on soundcloud. It's weird.
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I use Kofi connected to Stripe. It works really well as you have can have a public profile with no personal information displayed.
However, it does require you enter a support phone that unfortunately showed up in my online bank statement when I donated to myself as a test.
Why are you retards like this?
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How can an artist remain anonymous and not dox themselves? Asking for a friend.
Never used that before, what do you see when someone gives you a donation?
What do they see when you do a commission?
I heard DeviantArt works too, as they are the intermediary.
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>how do anonymous feel about this?
I wish everyone who's caused this to happen a very unpleasant day.
The majority of working adults have no need to hide their real name from anyone they’re doing a business transaction with.
The issue is if you know their legal name you can search court records in their city/state if you’ve ever been in trouble with the law.
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What could they even do with your info?
if they're an american:
>get their name via paypal info
>scroll through their twitter feed until you find a "IT'S MY BIRTHDAY GUYS! :DDDD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :DDD" post
>go to whitepages gov
>enter their name and birth date
>you now know where they live, among other personal info
on it's face, you can't do much with the name, but it's a #1 reason someone gets compromised
This is literally why i dont do furry commissions anymore. I have a presence online with my real name which i do professional commissions with and a minir following so i would be easy to find. Any furry who wanted to could easily out me as a weirdo fetish artist. Its a shame though because i did enjoy doing them on the side, but i dont wanna dox myself each time
I used to wondered on how do people get doxxed let alone artists, but shit like this makes sense now. all those artist that got doxxed were from past commissioners due to some vendetta or parasocial shit. especially if you first started as an /ic/ shitter and made a few schizos mad here. they would commission you, see your legal name, and dox you out of some spite/pure vendetta. They won't care because you received many commissions in the past, so you won't know who doxxed you.
It's also pretty easy to scour dataleaks if you've used the same email in multiple places
people get leaked by employees of the companies they entrust their data to
they are, you need to register your pseudonym and tie it your legal name either as a dba or a business registered to your name
Your clients already know your address. They don't need to look it up. Your name and address are in the transaction details.
What now? Invite them to a tea party?
>The majority of working adults have no need to hide their real name from anyone they’re doing a business transaction with.
The majority of working adults don't need to deal with terminally online deviants who are one perceived sleight away from dedicating all of their energy towards pestering and harassing them.
I made a business paypal for this purpose.
no normal person actually cares.
Yes, a customer is a customer. They're already kind enough to support my business, why should I be weary of them? Keep politics off your blog and you'll never have an issue. If you can't manage to do even that then you're just not gonna make it in life.
T. used to run an etsy store
Good thing I'm not a criminal.
People who are terminally online don't have money and if they do then maybe rethink the type of audience you're selling to. Or better yet just lay off the polishits
>People who are terminally online don't have money
Actual retard moment. Terminally online people have the most disposable income and are most likely to pay an online artist in the first place precisely because that's the primary sphere of their existence.
>"People who are terminally online don't have money"
>he doesn't know.
this is why you pay with google play gift cards good morning saar
>and if they do then maybe rethink the type of audience you're selling to.
Learn to read.
oh yeah sure i can see in the future and tell which commission is a mine trap, as can everyone else
>i-if I'm wrong that means you're doing it wrong
You know we can all tell you never earned money from your art, right?
that doesn't even make sense, you made an objective statement
>People who are terminally online don't have money
who you sell to has exactly zero effect on if a certain group has money and selling to a group with less money and inclination to pay you is just regarded
>americans don't have money and if they do maybe you should sell to philippinos and brazilians instead
>retard thinks you can control which audience you have
The majority of working adults are brainless bovine slaves barely worth their weight in meat
People can see your real name when they tip you? Now I'm glad noone did until now
yep, pretty fucked huh? That retarded anon, is an example of what shitters would do if they hold such info. they will do all sorts of things if you piss off a certain schizo.
use a payment systems that allows you to put it under a business/company name.
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Thats why I'm always nice to every anon when posting my work, even if they're rude
Not gonna bother reading any of this. Have fun being poor
>gets called a retard for saying dumbass bull shit
>n-not reading
not surprised.
do you know how many abnormal people there are on the internet

dude, people get falsely arrested for stuff all the time and aren’t charged for it but it stays up on the court records
so is crypto the only viable option? How likely are normies willing to acquiesce?
>tfw used the same email for multiple stuff, including the handle
I guess I will still take the risk.
A faceless literally-who artist isn't a doxxing target. Quit being a lolcow and stop posting your stupid opinions on your art accounts.
I tried to pay an artist through crypto once.
Every single "main-stream" web company that listed the currency wanted me to send them a photo of my id and use a fucking face scan application before I was allowed to purchase it.
Fuck that noise.
Not that anon, kek whats up with that? That kinda defeats the whole point of crypto, doesn't it?
well you're clearly dealing with something that's regulated as a bank, so that shouldn't be surprising. and it doesn't entirely defeat the point, the recipient doesn't get to know anything about you, just the glowies
use a Google Voice phone number
Why is everyone ignoring this extremely obvious and simple answer.
You can even make one as a commissioner to pay.
be a you have to submit a tax form once you make $400 and then the irs asks what the fuck CumflationMaster69
>be a you have to submit a tax form once you make $400
Thats barely anything desu
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It's actually $600 but yes
What the fuck $600 is barely anything, this level of kikery is ridiculous
It used to be way more than that if I remember correctly
Israel and Ukraine aren't going to fund themselves, goy
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Funding for endless foreign wars to defend YHWH's chosen doesn't come from thin air, anti-semite.
feds were such cunts for doing this during covid, it used to be a much more reasonable $2000 - which meant you could actually do a side gig up until that amount before dealing with taxes.

Now there's almost no point for westerners with a white collar job because you get a 40% deduction between vendor rates and taxes after like 3 commissions. enjoy the $60 you make on your $100 commission it probably works out to minimum wage
the switch was before either war
>Now there's almost no point for westerners with a white collar job because you get a 40% deduction between vendor rates and taxes after like 3 commissions.
how the fuck does anyone make money off paypal comms then?
they charge super high because they can or they live outside the US
Yes, but it doesn't display your real name at commissioner's end
It started last year
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what about becoming a virtual citizen in estonia?
youre right, the bill that changed it was in 2021 (thanks biden), but it wasn't rolled out until 2023.
also i could have sworn that the limit for taxable income on gig work was lowered to $400 recently too.
It was
wasn't it 2k or something pre covid
You do it for your waifu, pussy
Those are called "KYC" (short for "know your customer"). There are some places that don't require it. Monero, being intended for privacy, has some places that don't. But most other major cryptocurrencies like btc and eth do. Those two are absolutely retarded to use for transactions though since their value is unstable as shit. Same with any kind of memecoin - those are really just speculative.

A few shithole countries banned monero, every couple months i try to peek what's actually for sale using it but it's usually just europeans and russians selling meat, belts, tshirts, crypto-mining/techy and weed-related stuff.
Isn't NSFW verboten on Ko-Fi?
lol just use a paypal account you absolute fucking morons
99% of artists use that. it lets you input a company name which is what appears in the client's bank statement. i will say that most clients dgaf though and dox themselves
Ko-Fi does not allow NSFW and they are VERY malicious about it. If you do NSFW (even off site) they will report it to your payment processor and try to get you a lifetime ban.

I was literally banned from PayPal for life after some Ko-Fi rep or whatever stalked my socials, found a single NSFW drawing and wrote emails to PayPal about me misusing their service, after which I was hit with the "You are no longer allowed to use PayPal" email.
>get raped by fees
>get raped by conversion fees
>get my bank to accept usd
>they rape me HARDER with conversion fees

I'm so tired of it. You can't fucking win, how are people making thousands a month?
This is a tranny meme.
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guess I'm never using ko-fi then
here's a compiled list anon https://warosu.org/ic/thread/7290505#p7291402
pixiv, fiverr, sketchmob, AnC, Deviantart, commiss.io, arty.ooo, patreon, crypto
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I’ve been commissioning /ss/ and diaper shit for years, never had any issues getting commissions from 4channers through PayPal.
But reminder folks, you need to manually turn off your home address when you buy something on paypal
>manually turn off your home address when you buy something on paypal

Also, I'm so tired of credit card companies and middle-man payment processors getting to impose morals on the rest of us. If person wants to commission tentacle porn, and an artist wants to accept said commission, then that should be the end of it.
If you sent a direct payment to someone else, you better go check right now and make sure PayPal didn’t automatically put in your address.
conversion fee rape is for npcs, you can ask for a better rate if you're a business and earning money, they don't want you going to a different bank
apparently it is anonymous based on what i'm reading so far, gonna be a hard sell to your clients tho
If you pay someone through PayPal, they receive your full name and home address if you have it set on your account (bonus points that the site may randomly lock your account unless/until you add them)
For some reason the option to select that an order doesn't include physical items that require shipping comes AFTER payment, instead of during invoice creation.
Use Stripe instead
just make a business profile under paypal or use cashapp bros
Ko-fi doxxed me the last time I used it. I certainly don't recommend.
unless you have a government registered business owning your bank account, paypal will still show your name anon. I suggest trying it out with a friend's paypal just to be safe in case it shows your address too
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I have thought about that briefly when I'm asking an artist to draw my OC getting taken from behind and with a dick in each hand and one in her mouth.
The other thing to note is social media using your email contacts to make suggestions to add to your friends list. So someone could get your instagram or twitter suggested to them if you use your primary email for comms
stripe literally gives them your phone number on the statement
if only your phone number is given than that's good, because phone numbers change constantly Just your phone number alone won't give any personal info at all.
maybe for prepaid cards, you can easily look up a phone number, and that's ignoring the fact some retard can call you and give your number away to whoever
I love how i can be antisemitic on literally every board here
>Some retards randomly calling you
>They still don't know your name, address, what you look like, etc.
Honestly if it gets that bad, you can always change your phone number. I get phone calls randomly from people that previous owner of the number every now and then.
How is unconditionally supporting Israel financially antisemitic?
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unironically, plenty of actual jews hate israel THOUGH
Monero is pretty based, the biggest issue is how fucking convoluted it is to purchase it. A layman will never adapt to something so autistically inclined.
Deviantart art is a shit middleman.
See, literally nobody asked for this shit
You assholes sure like to gloat
try $20,000 or 250 transactions
About anonymity...
I wanted to write down on phone, but what I had by default was Google workspace. I'm logged in by default and I can't quite log out for some reason on phone.
I don't know if someone can look up my account because I accessed a sticky from there and I can't hide anything without going deeper. It wants me log in through the browser.
Checked the play store for notepad and moody of themb father's your data.
Google calculator! It has the privacy text thing. A calculator!
Few years ago Google got busted for letting corpos read your emails and I'm pretty sure they still read the emails anyway.
The only reason they don't do witchhunts is that people would catch on something is wrong, so they probably just target most "dangerous" people.
I mean, when was the last time there was an artist account whose politics wasn't some deranged stereotypical bullshit? When was the last timr a big account talked about Occupy Wall Street?
I believe they get quietly deplatformed if not outright hijacked.

Sorry if I read like a schizo, but phoneposting sucks

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