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>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Message vastian0988 on Discord for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/
>>>7285599 Link to previous
Is Tehom a Jewish name?
>is a gay furry Jewish?
take a wild guess. no seriously, do it.
All gay furries are Jewish.
But I'm not Jewish.
Furries don't exist. Gays don't exist. All gay furries are Jewish.
you failed to link the previous thread in the header, you failed
You've got to be a special kind of desperate to summon that creepy thing.
which sfw dad is most likely to fall into depravity and start drawing lolishit or something out of nowhere
>literally drew naked loli
A lot of DADs already do, they're just not retarded enough to post it
I will NOW follow your posts.
My art is kinda ugly :(
You can get better.
my art is kinda ugly but it's gotten better with practice. if I continue to practice, it will get even better :)
That's the spirit :-)
the problem with a lot of the usual anti-/dad/ rhetoric I see is that it also applies to virtually every other art community that isn't segregated by ability. if you get enough people, which could be as few as ~150 (which is about what we've had for a while in terms of concurrent users), a good majority are either going to quit eventually, be extremely inconsistent and make little progress, or be consistent with poor methods and make little progress. you find this in other endeavors as well, not just art-related ones. most people do not make it (by their own standards) or make minimal progress. it's effectively a constant in human behavior.
I would be drawing so much porn right now If I wasn't comically shit.
but you draw other things that are shit? why arbitrarily draw the line (no pun intended) at porn?
nicest and meanest /dad/s:
I think It's more embarrassing to draw naked stickman. It's easier to miss the mark as well because eroticism is starting with anatomy and then skewing it to be more appealing. And because they're naked you can't hide structures behind baggy clothes.
All of the DADs are nice people. I am the nicest among 'em.
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>All of the DADs are nice people
>nicest /dad/s:
Me! (when I'm not having an autistic meltdown)
>meanest /dad/s:
Me! (when I am having an autistic meltdown), my rivals, cheaters, dads that talk shit about other dads in discord, dads that kinkshame other dads (there's literally nothing wrong with being a MAP or a zoo)
Sick faggot
You went straight to my meanest /dad/s list, congrats.
This wasn't Ironic I believe in this wholeheartedly.
>my art is kinda ugly but it's gotten better with practice. if I continue to practice, it will get even better :)
Any tips on practicing sexiness / appeal?
I know that old adage about just copying what better artists do, but I don't even know why their art looks more sexy and appealing, I just know it does. And that's hardly good enough to use their methods in my own works.
I wouldn't really be able to provide any good advice besides the generic stuff you've probably heard already, but perhaps another anon here can help. that said, it might be good to specify your interests, as perhaps people's advice would differ to some extent depending on if you're exclusively interested in male figures, or female figures, or something else. also the style in which you work. maybe just showing your work would help, but I can understand if you have reservations about that.
Obviously, DAD isnt Improve Art Daily, it's just Submit Work Timely. DAD isn't going to help you improve, other than building a habit, it may even habituate stagnation. It's up to you to challenge yourself, not busy yourself with fads others have come up with.
No, it’s more like a long tried out social experiment started by a guy who vanished like the last airbender. If you have to force yourself to draw to make it a habit then it’s not for you. You can’t force a dog to drink water.
Also, I want to remind you all, that LAS - last artist standing was really meant to be an elimination challenge. It was never meant to be a habit tracker.
>DAD isnt Improve Art Daily
no one has ever said otherwise
What do you mean by 'for you'? Can drawing only be done habitually?
That's not relevant. DAD works differently to LAS and can help you build a habit. DAD fulfills its own intent.
Sure, but I say that hyperbolically, to suggest that even years of 'Doing Art Daily' will not guarantee improvement. Anyway, some tourists seem to expect as such.
>Sure, but I say that hyperbolically, to suggest that even years of 'Doing Art Daily' will not guarantee improvement. Anyway, some tourists seem to expect as such.
sorry if I came off as a dick in my OP, and I don't mean to be one here either, but to be charitable, I think if you were to press people long enough and/or with the right facts, they would say/concede/admit that drawing/painting/doing art every day does not in fact guarantee improvement. rather that it increases the likelihood of improvement, as you simply afford yourself more instances to experiment and try to apply intellectual knowledge to your art and see and correct your mistakes. pretty much everyone knows of Chris Chan and his art, and there are other famous d/ic/ks or internet artists who we've seen in a similar boat in spite of consistent drawing for years. perhaps I'm wrong in some cases though, I don't know.
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>What do you mean by 'for you'? Can drawing only be done habitually?

Did this girl need to be forced to have 600 day streaks to draw a 2hu with chalk on the sidewalk? Did she need to be governed by a nodraw administrator with rules that she must post at least 30 minutes worth of chalk drawing per day or be subjugated to, dare I say, lose a streak? Did she need to eliminate the competition beside her (also having fun drawing) in order to be the last artist crouching?

No! Matter of fact, she loves to draw, she loves what shes drawing, and she'll keep drawing no matter what. Best part is...she doesn't need a social experiment website to do that.
>That's not relevant.
It is very relevant. I'm one of the few here remaining who is not afraid to speak up about obvious things. At its core, that's what its intended purpose was and will always be, repurposed or not.
>if you were to press people long enough and/or with the right facts, they would say/concede/admit that drawing/painting/doing art every day does not in fact guarantee improvement. rather that it increases the likelihood of improvement
Agreed. Was this you (>>7293230)?

>No! Matter of fact, she loves to draw, she loves what shes drawing, and she'll keep drawing no matter what.
Sure, people that love drawing exist and naturally, habitually draw. Would you consider this talent? Or, by 'not for you' do you mean people who don't have this love for drawing should quit immediately? Or am I missing your point entirely?
>Would you consider this talent?
I would call it an affinity than a talent. It's like when you tell a newbie to draw the old dude sitting in a chair in KtD it's really more of a shit test to see if you actually like moving your hand on paper or not. If you bleed our your eyes during that exercise then yeah, you should quit immediately. Everyone else who normally wants to get into drawing would already have some little book beside KTD ready to copy out of because they want to draw miku or whatever.
>was this you?
Do you think it's possible to build a love for drawing? Say, you had to grit through that exercise to get it done, but loved the result and wanted to draw more. And upon drawing more realizing it wasn't so bad (maybe you had to grit through multiple works before your first 'good' drawing)?

I had somewhat the opposite experience: I'd already doodled random stuff for years as a kid but no copies, did that exercise and had horrible results (btw, it's from Right Side of the Brain, not KtD). I still kept doodling but never took art seriously until many years later.
>visit dad for the first time
>46 posts
>0 submissions
sweet thread you fags got here
thanks man
Yeah but there is building a love for it and then there is taking a pen out and drawing stick men on the corners of your math book to make an animation just because you want to draw. I really don’t think wanting to draw should be a learned forced thing. Brute force is applied when you want to take it seriously but only after you’ve already been drawing.

We don’t have to imagine someone brute forcing themselves to learn to draw as we can clearly see a living example here—the very concept of this repurposed thread is that.
bro we post our art on the website... this thread has been overrun with shizoposters for the past 6 or so months
I agree with your more nuanced opinion now. I've seen similar corroborated in older books on art. Though, due to their age, they would say talents (affinities) should be weeded out from apprentices of masters, and attack the effectiveness of modern art schools.
Um, Cysticbros what the fuck is going on?
Idk, our response?
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lurking in the shadows, plotting. always, ALWAYS, keep one eye open.
Master study? For what? I've gained so many sovls from months of noob study.
quantity vs quality
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I mean she probably doesn’t draw everyday. Some days I draw for hours because I genuinely want to others I have to force myself so I can still try to learn and improve so when I do feel more motivated I can actually draw what I want to.
Fuck how did they find out? He was so secretive with it
You can apply this sort of train of thought towards anything, that requires a routine to get better at.
Let's face it without a consistent routine, you'll obviously be worse than someone who practices every day. I will agree though that drawing every day is not quite necessary, you can do it weekly or maybe monthly (if you exercise once a month, I doubt you will get any gains) but anyways that's a routine and having a habit is way better for consistency. Personally, when I became weekly after drawing every day for somewhere around a year(maybe more), I definitely got better, just because I didn't feel pressured to draw when I didn't want to.
If a person doesn't have a habit for drawing, I would definitely recommend DAD, since It helped me a lot, but once you start caring about your streak or obsess over some made up rank that doesn't mean shit, then well... reconsider.
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It's always funny to read these paragraphs written by No-draw, Non-DADs justifying their laziness. The only way to get good at drawing is to draw. Draw more with effective study method = git gud faster. It's just that simple.
If you can't draw daily then change the frequency to weekly. You will get left behind btw.
b-but my carpal tunnel doesn't let me study!
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>Carpal Tunnel
LOL. Imagine being so weak that you get hurt by drawing LMAO! I am literally a nerd, and I can draw 4 hours a day without any issue for the last 2 years.
@Carpal tunnel "victims" there must be something wrong about how you hold the stylus. Fix it.
Just had the coolest dream. It was basically the 2018 Worlds League of Legends RISE music video except it was me killing everyone on page 1.
Meanest dad is 9099damage
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My current favourite DADs in no particular order:
Not Important

I get happy to see them keep up their streaks :)
source? i have a hard time imagining it
It was revealed to me in a dream.
hmmmm convincing enough. mods ban this guy
Silly anon, you forgot about me!
The Concord budget would've been better spent on Cystic.
Thank you for the kind words, it means a lot even if I don't think I'm very good.
Thanks Anon :)
It's true, I am him. I fart on my roommates dog and eat twinkies with mayonnaise
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Why I'm not listed?
>not on the list
You BITCH!!!
Okay but seriously, what the fuck is your problem?
>not part of the (que/ti)er list
'nother dub
That design reminds me of FF-13's final boss.
I wish more dads would post their autistic blogposts in their descriptions
I don't
stop invalidating my lived experience, bigot
I wouldn't invalidate it, if you explained it in an autistic blogpost :3
no :3
Okay but why don't you avatarpost anymore
I blogpost here but the Janny hates me. (Despite letting everyone else post here showing clear bias and abuse of power) I firmly believe It's due to jealousy and lack of talent. Coping that moderating a drawing forum is as valid as the act of drawing.(It is not) Nevermind though just another stepping stone on my journey of greatness.
I hope my two sentence bitching and quips suffice
Sent :)
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hmph, I guess pedos *do* get what's coming to them in the end

159 streak
dad mod - 0 in over 900 days
sorry my math is off

that’s 1022 days no drawing
A step closer to page 1. Slowly but surely.
being page 1 would be too much pressure
if you're a pussy ass, sure
i am a pussy ass
Page 1 here
I will drop my streak tomorrow.
Congratulations rook.
don't come to school tomorrow vibes, are you ok
The Aura guy would benefit greatly from minimal anatomy study, even if it's just 10 minutes on a single body part before he draws his figures. He'd quickly start seeing the form and applying the knowledge. Right now, from 600 figures, he's only gotten slightly better line control, maybe gotten faster, maybe retaining poses.
Dachoppa vibes
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Cool design right
I can see the resemblance. Smt has some amazing monster designs. Take a gander.
Kazuma Kaneko Graphics - Pandemonium Demon Compilation Vol.1
Kazuma Kaneko Graphics - Pandemonium Demon Compilation Vol.2
Kazuma Kaneko Graphics - Pandemonium Character Compilation
You won't.
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I'm so close to moving objects in my mind rn and seeing the lines It's like I'm edging.
never goon
nah that's you
>my works suck, my lines suck
>it's like i don't know how to draw
I don't understand this behavior.
...you don't understand how someone could be unhappy with their drawings? What are you trying to say Anon?
anon has a good and healthy relationship with his work :oo
it's either casual discussion or attention-seeking, the latter taking two forms. the first stemming from a(n unconscious) desire for consoling from someone, the second from an inflated ego which simply wants people to notice them, talk about them.
God I just love having those moments where I get to be sad and wallow in self-pity. Like singing along to Japanese suicide songs or other depressive songs (Currently in my One More Light- Linkin Park phase) it just makes me feel so happy doing it.
I laughed so hard at that minions pic btw.
i used to write descriptions similar to that. mostly out of frustration. i like to add my thoughts on my current work in the description so stuff like that usually came up, though i try to avoid adding anything ridiculous like that now. i'm not all that frustrated with it anymore
wow. me too
I like you and I like your post. I wish I could be your friend.
can't tell if you're being serious
Same. I recommend you Kinoko Teikoku and my dead girlfriend
Fuck, my art is dog shit man.
I love you kachi
Shit, my art is man fuck dog
forced dead meme forced by a faggot
rude. true, but rude.
based picks
no they're not. also fuck you.
best meme
>What are you trying to say Anon?
I am a bit of an autist so I just want opinions from normal people :+). When I made some bad art, I spend 10 mins to look and notice what's bad about it, and move on.
>desire for consoling from someone
fair :-)
>though i try to avoid adding anything ridiculous like that now. i'm not all that frustrated with it anymore
That shows maturity friend.
I've seen a couple people do them, they're great
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Pussy ass LIAR!!!
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kill liars!
kill liars!
kill liars!
Cystic didn’t do nuffin
What the fuck? 5 years how am I supposed to catch up with that? It would take me ten years if they switched to every other day today.
the time will pass anyways
my mental illness causes me to become obsessed with dad buttholes. It's not my fault
homosexuality is a mental illness, thank you for your honesty
Aprreciating male beauty is not gay.

Female beauty however...that's homosexual.
wanting to suck and/or fuck a guy isn't mere appreciation
it's worship?
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in some sense, sure. still gay though.
I've always thought homosexuality is a mental illness. You know he shits from there right?
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DAD - do anal daily
holy based taste
That's the ultimate form of appreciation. I am not gay btw.
DADs be like...
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'nother one bites the dust
Catch up with what? The streak is not a contest
drop your streak if it isn’t a contest then
My current streak is 0
The whole thread is non-DADs.
How's that correlated? I keep the streak for myself, that's my reason to have the streak, stop being obsessed with other people
hng... i need somebody to help me keep my streak...
nah that's you

Trust me I’m not obsessed with you if >>7297176
is true
A step closer to page 1
People cheer on you to git gud, but they never want you to get better than them. Having art friends is too prickly, so I decided to close my heart again.
I won't lie, I get a little peeved when I see people on the website not improving. Especially when they have a very clear goal/direction for their art. I see their wonky, unrealized drawings and think to myself "come on, just draw it properly."
post? names?
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You have a bright future in the ero manga industry.
Where's sneku, I'm sad.
I don't know sneku but I do know snekkuu
Winter is brining out my Doomer Arc. Think I might shitpost a lot about never getting better.
I kinda feel targeted by that comment, lol.
So in the defense of those dads that "aren't improving" or "drawing it properly" I'd like to point out that:
- Not all improvements are visible. When I'm learning how to rely less on references (which is a much faster workflow than googling every single thing) my drawings may look worse than my usual ones. And even though I'm working faster it may not show in my drawing time, because I never counted looking up refs as drawing, even though it was an integral part of it. So even though I'm improving it looks like I'm getting worse.
- It's OK to take your time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I think art journey shouldn't be treated like a race, with artist trying to go as far as quickly as possible, but like a leisure walk: it's ok to wander a bit, purposefully go off the path for a moment, experiment and enjoy yourself. I used to really push myself to get better faster, waking up at 4am just to put in some drawing hours before work and while I improved a lot, I also burned out easily. And that means breaks from drawing. In my case, when taking those into consideration, I don't think I improved faster than I would have by doing it more casually but more consistently.
Stop symbol drawing please.
Everything that isn't realism is a symbol drawing. And realism, is both time consuming and not as marketable as appealing style.
Study more anime, try to copy them more and to memorize how others draw.
Interesting. So I take a few weeks off and another cheater tried to put cheat me?
No. I won't have any of that. I will be the number DAD, and Nobody will out cheat me, and I mean NOBODY https://litter.catbox.moe/rq2kln.jpg will out cheat me. You honest DADs on page1 are destined to fail eventually. It's only a matter of time. I'm not worried about you at all. Every day the world turns, it's bringing me closer and closer to the inevitable. The day when I'm the final number 1 DAD. And I'm counting every waking minute of it.
No wonder he changed his name. Yikes.
It's called stylized drawing you fucking /beg/tard
That scalie earns more money than you! That's a fact.
what if we kissed next to everyone who get eliminated today
it would be very gay
Fuck sake. Totally forgot I drew today and accidentally went over the bare minimum.
stash it for tomorrow to upload
I've never drawn at or over the bare minimum and am page 1: who am I?
I've never drawn over the bare minimum and I'm page 3, your time is coming old man...
Been in the same spot for 3 months now...90% of DADs post daily.
Challenges should be the chance for lower streak DADs to catch up. Prestige should be counted toward streak.
>Prestige should be counted toward streak
because why? you're conflating two different variables and muddying up the whole purpose of the site.
Same spot? You don't get anything for 'moving up'.
Why not? Doing so will encourage peeps to join challenge and give 'em hope. It's just an idea.
If I reply to with you without giving you a (you) that means I win the argument
in part, as I already said, that would defeat the purpose of the site in the first place. aside from that, it would encourage people to half-ass challenges (more than they sometimes already do). the major benefit of the challenges is that they *aren't* counted towards the main competitive mechanism of the site. sure challenges have prestige and badges, but it's not like anyone is every bragging on here about how much prestige or how many badges they have. the challenges are for people who genuinely want to use them to draw something interesting and/or try to improve. by making it count towards our streaks you're diluting its value and the likely results you would otherwise get from /dad/s doing this or that challenge.
the 1000 figures challenge is a good example, people shitting out the same level of figures without studies or application, figure 1 looks the same all the way through. If they did 500 figures in a year combined with studies and trying instead of just copying 1000 figure refs they would see better results.
also people can't read that it's 10 submissions of 100 figures.
same with the 1000 faces challenge. that nigger Fence has uploaded over 30 subs of faces, which have only included a few faces at most.
>this is your brain on 1000 figures
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Aw shit, leveled up haw haw. not gonna lie when I saw my pic in the level up I thought it was in eliminations for a minute and thought I forgot to post, dayum, phew
At least tell Uzi what's wrong with these studies in your opinion and how to inprove bro.
My prescription for Urazi: copies of figures from arists with appeal and life drawing.
>what's wrong with these studies in your opinion
they're braindead copies with little learning involved. the first 100 figures shows promise, but many months and figures later there is barely any improvement. if anything the figures from this month look even stiffer, flatter and structure-less than before. urazi had a whole year to analyze and learn from figure drawing but instead just mindlessly churned out work in less than 4 months. urazi if you're reading this put more thought into your figures. you have the work ethic to be great, but grinding without any deeper thinking will get you nowhere
How are you doing /dad/, are you guys drawing for points or are you improving?
I've improved to the point that I can see the DADs who upgraded me to int in the tierlists were mistaken.
i think i've improved somewhat but i still have a long way to go
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I can draw kinky porn and beat my meat to 'em. I just don't post those. DAD helps my get better. Ty Banana.
lately i realized 'just draw' isn't working out for me, as i still can't draw what i want. i also haven't improved since 1 year ago. i've just now started to see mistakes in my old work after doing some studies of the head.
Why can't you draw what you want?
i want to draw comics but i cant create good panels/scene compositions. i dont understand how comics work
for example, i tried to draw a page of two people kissing, but the characters look awkward when i place them next to each other, or when i try to do a more interesting camera angle, i can't draw the bodies properly
Composition sense comes from mileage, as long as you're considering how you frame every drawing you do. Same with the Urazi figures discourse: put more thought into what you do when you, don't spam exercises senselessly. In your case, align your 'just drawing' to your goals.

Do some gestural studies of multiple figures interacting, and work on putting figures into perspective intuitively.
Have you considered cheating?
All your problems with compositions were already solved by professional art directors in movies. I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to find a natural-looking movie scene with a pair kissing. Then you could draw that and just adjust details to make sure your characters are on model.
tried posing 3d models but i haven't thought about copying movies. seems like a good idea, thx
gesture and figure studies are what i'm planning to do next
thank you for the advice. i'll keep all this in mind
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faces again. have more angles i need to do
This is top notch advise, do it. >>7299824
Do you guys post your social media and finished pieces on 4chan?
I'm thinking about making a thread on /ic/ just for my finished illustrations and about posting there alongside dad.gallery. I think I could get some great tips there on drawing in a more appealing/marketable style and anons would probably be happy to call me out when I'm acting like a retard, which is neat. But I'm worried about anons being malicious: doxing, sending me donations just to charge them back few months later or sending false reports about me to paypal could seriously fuck me up. Thoughts?
All the time, for the lulz, because it is a hobby and I don't really care about anything.
Been here for 3 years. Just don't get involved with drama and schizoids. Nobody cares who you are really.
Wishing all dads to have a fun draw session today ^^/
You too honey!
I hope y'all die in a terrible accident and get eliminated so I can finally reach page 1
That's no way to treat other losers of the same feather. You are all chasing internet points after all. Wouldn't meant a thing if you win through some form of luck would it? Wouldn't you want to win for real?
>Wouldn't meant a thing if you win through some form of luck would it?
If it really happened and all dads except me got eliminated due to random, unrelated accidents, then it would be a clear sign that I'm The Chosen One, picked by a God.
>Wouldn't you want to win for real?
As long as you're successful, it doesn't matter how you've reached it. Bezos didn't become one of the richest people on Earth by caring about such fickle things as morals and or honesty. There is no good or evil in this world, there's only power and those too weak to see it.
nigga this is just drawing
fair enough
Everytime someone posts an Animation it makes me want to become an Animator because it looks so cool.
what’s stopping you
I wasn't born as an Animator.
who was?
prove it
I quietly draw a lot where nobody sees it and I'm getting better
>I quietly draw a lot where nobody sees it
same. most of what I draw doesn't get posted. if you're not part of a house and/or looking for critiques or comments, I'm not sure why you'd even post more than necessary for your frequency.
Because you can track and catalogue your progress? Are you only caring about frequency? You can use a piece of paper for that.
>Because you can track and catalogue your progress?
you can already do that with a sketch(book/pad) or digital folder, though. uploading excess to your /dad/ profile is just redundant at that point.
Starting a drawing and knowing that I need to post it later makes me get in my own head and I end up drawing worse
But if it's one of a few I did that day and I know I can just post whichever one works out best I relax and learn more
I can appreciate that, though personally I normally just upload whatever I first draw that's 30+ minutes of work. if you wanna get over your fear of posting shite, just post the shite and realize that nothing bad happens. no one's gonna write nasty comments, no one's gonna block you, etc. perhaps they will talk shit behind your back, but why would you care about that sort of person anyways?
It's catalogued and more accessible. More convenient in several ways than just having a folder.
I'd say do both desu, and remember to backup your art folder on a different drive too
LAS and DED both went down without warning and I know too many artists who have lost years of work when their computers died on them as well
>It's catalogued and more accessible
I'm really not trying to be adversarial, and feel free to clarify, but I still don't see how it's different or better than the alternative. in order to submit something, you already have to have it stored somewhere. if you do trad, you presumably have a sketchbook or something; or maybe just a stack of individual papers, which you can keep in a physical folder, a box, or some other sort of container. with digital, you have to save your file in some folder/location. in either case, it's already catalogued. and if you're digital, you can do a much more systematic catalogue (based on time, subject matter, medium - any variable you can think of); with the /dad/ site your submissions are merely sequential. and however detailed and systematic your catalogue is digitally, it takes mere seconds to dive into the depths of a folder, which is comparable to how long it takes to log in to your account.
Seeing trad images in thumbnail versions is helpful
Being able to link to it from anywhere, phone or computer is helpful/ useful too. People can see more context there.
not to say you're wrong, I simply ask out of curiosity, but helpful how? I'm also not sure what point that's in favor of, as you can do that on your computer as well. idk how adjustable it is on Mac, but on PC you can adjust the size of images in a given folder to see it as a "thumbnail" version.
that's a fair point
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I want him.
This…isn’t cheating. Speaking from a composition/pose stand point, there are only a finite number of poses and compositions that logically exist. Anything you’ve done, someone else has done whether you know it or not.
Getting better at art is cheating
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Stealing compositions/poses from others rather than coming up with them on your own is cheating
>rather than coming up with them on your own is cheating
No, it's not. And what I'm saying is that it doesn't matter what you "come up with on your own" because it's already been done before.
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>the world is only black and white
Why not both?
What happens If I spend 10 hours on something and It still looks shit or gets even worse? This is why I'll keep hiding behind 30minutes to cope. I really don't want to spend all day on something and have it look only 5minutes better.
have a timer and be honest to yourself.
You aren't trying to get followers or impress people on DAD. When I started out I wish I kept time, because it's been a good indicator of improvement for me when I did start keeping time.

When you're starting out digitally or learning a new tool, or new subject, things are going to take hours. If you are going to restart the same thing and it makes you insecure, take pictures of attempts before you erase the whole thing and start again.
>blatant plagiarism isn't cheating because what you came up with on your own won't be 1000% novel and original
I have to disagree.
Fun fact: seeing world in a white and black way is correlated with autism.
>This is why I'll keep hiding behind 30minutes to cope
Please don't. Seeing others pull out detailed and very elaborate drawings in "30 minutes" makes me overly worried about my own slow drawing pace.
when I get to page 1 - and I will; cry about it, pussies - I'm gonna post more slop than I already do just to spite you nodraws who are NEVER gonna get even a mere glimpse of page 1 royalty.
It would be pretty crazy if carpenters or engineers never used measuring tools because It's cheating.
i am laffing irl at the thought of some diy carpenter sitting there on a slanted deck, barely held together with screws and load-bearing duct tape, malding at his neighbor who used plumb lines and T-squares and shit just sitting there on his perfectly square and sound deck. "you didn't fucking build it for real!!!!"
>no rules, just tools
Do you trace and use AI as well? If you gonna steal effort of other artists anyway, then what's stopping you at just stealing their compositions or poses?

It's a funny comparison, but a more accurate one would be a diy carpenter entering a design competition with designs obviously copied from someone else, trying to defend his work, because he used his own wood, screws and tools.
expo dees nuts
>but a more accurate one would be a diy carpenter entering a design competition with designs obviously copied from someone else
>"bastard son of bitch!!! is that a flat plane?? copier!! TRACER!!"
this is such an unserious point you're trying to make lol
...do you have problems with reading comprehension? I feel like there's some miscommunication going on between us. I just told you that complaining about carpentry tools (like the plane you mentioned) isn't an accurate analogy and that a better one would be complaining about plagiarized designs. It looks like you completely ignored that and just repeated yourself more forcefully.

Please don't tell me you act like that in real life too.
it's just not fair. drawing every day shouldn't be this easy, and yet it precisely is.
a plane, dear anon, is a design feature. it is a flat feature. a planer, would be a tool used to shape wood. in this analogy, the carpenters are at each other's throats because each deck has a flat area (the aforementioned "plane"). the intent is to demonstrate how foolish it is to quibble over a solved problem, in the analogy it is the design of a deck, in the actual discussion it is how an artist might approach a piece of art. i played along with the idea of the "competition" but in reality, the anons learning by copying just want to put cool shit in their sketchbooks and on their pages. they're not gunning for any job or commission, and the pros who are, ironically, will tell you first and foremost to copy to learn AHEM AHEM AHEM i mean -- to build a REF BOARD... yes yes, totally different you see. anyway, shut up asshole.
>blatant plagiarism
This isn't what I'm advocating for in my previous reply. Blatant plagiarism would be tracing something and saying it's yours. You can't really copy or steal or plagiarize a composition. You mean if I draw two people, one on the left, one on the right, and they are kissing in the center of the camera frame, I'm cheating (and stealing) because somewhere someone has done this before? My guy. No.
>You can't really copy or steal or plagiarize a composition
Pic related clearly stole the composition from the photographer who made Adolfs portrait.
If you did the same thing with some illustrations or movie scenes faithfully enough for the original to be recognizable, then you're stealing and plagiarizing, even if your subject matter is completely different.

I will touch him
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this is poop and i've never seen a naked lady in real life
>i've never seen a naked lady in real life
you and me both, sister. perhaps someday a (real) female /dad/ could change that. preferably an attractive one, but I wouldn't be too picky.
I don't even want to get better at art I just want a gf
get good at art and girls'll have no choice but to be with you
get better at art so you can draw yourself a gf
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those are both males, btw
and see how happy they are together?
i like seeing rook evolve into a furry
New day, new chance to draw something awesome. Are you excited?! :D
It is good to trace and steal. I don't understand why the sudden virtue signaling about stealing from other artists. Even old master steals from other artists of their time. They steal concepts, subject matters, even go as far as to steal techniques. I don't know why people of today are so dead set on reinventing the wheel when they can see what already worked and steal it for their own advantage. Even the current art Industry is filled with cheaters, they trace 3D models, photographs, photobash and they create games, movies and animations off those stolen ideas. Just realize that you are not unique or original, you are not God, you create nothing but borrow from the giants before you, that the gods and muses bless you with their ideas. Suddenly, you become humble and realize, we are mere self replicating 2D projectors.
>>you are not unique or original

You are speaking of yourself of course, and every other "just one more study" howie
>"just one more study" howie
nta, but that's a contradiction in terms
>virtue signaling
Not everything is a performance. Why are you assuming everyone is so manipulative?
>It is good to trace and steal.
It's objectively not good if you're doing commercial work. Nobody wants to commission an artist just to find that illustration they got is plagiarized and tracing is a sure way to invite drama to your social media. It's just bad business practice.
>old master
In those times there was no internet; it was easy to get away with that. It's different situation now.
>the current art Industry is filled with cheaters
And that's why there's so much drama in the art industry.
>they trace 3D models
That's fine if they're their own models and posing them on their own. Problem with tracing isn't that you trace something (although it's hard to do without it looking like trash), it's that you're stealing from others - if you're not stealing from others then tracing is ok.
>photographs, photobash
Again, context. If they use their own photos that's fine. If they steal photos from others without permission, that's not fine.
>you are not God
I'm am literally The Creator of my worlds.
>16th day of September
>147 / 16 = 9 hours and 11 minutes a day
I find that kind of work ethic really impressive. Any ideas how can I become more like Ocos?
I'm a neet, so I have the time, but I still struggle with putting in more than an hour a day
Couldn't sleep last night so I tried drawing in my head. It was really hard and I couldn't draw curved lines right.
Who will know? People in the current industry steals and cheat. Old master steals and cheats. But you, you are special, you don't steal or cheat. Do you also happen to weave your own canvas or make your own paper? Make your own brushes and grind your own paint? How about cameras, do you make your own cameras? How about you create your own being, why even paint nature or humans, they are not even your creation. Oh wait, you can't even create anything that is not anthropomorphic? You don't create humans, so why are you using human traits? Be humble, be human, you are no God.
I'm so gay I can't draw straight lines. I'm fucked.
Calm down Cystic, we get it, you're a cheater.
I don't think this guy even draws furries disappointingly
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you better believe it <3
Well I'm a foid so it isn't gay either way.
you know the deal
So yeah dad
idk what that means. I meant show tits or gtfo.
you don't talk to my woman like that *unsheaths katana*
Women have one use in life and that's posing for reference photos. AI CANNOT come quick enough.
Slow day at work
and yet they draw better than me ;_;
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If you aren't doing at least double the user average, you will not make it. 40 hours a month? 10 hours a week? That's nothing!
I would draw that much, but you ignored my pleas for help: >>7301625
Excuses to not draw after asking advice through an open ended question that would only garner answers loaded with assumptions.
Here's one: To become more like Ocos, if you don't draw enough, you must draw more.
to be fair, that's drawing time. people spend more time researching and stuff.
spoken like a true page 7
What do you mean?
>'nother day without a page1er dropping
At least the tourism industry is stable.
without Ocos their house average is less than 15
Ocos is our best friend. If we can't win with time, we'll win by making the right connections. Work smarter not harder
Someone contact that tonkers poster. This is not a drill
to say what?
I can't sleep until my dad crush uploads
I just asked Ocos directly for advice on productivity and he was cool enough to share some tips.
Here they are in case you guys are also interested.
Ocos is a cool guy. He/him has a big dick and big heart too. Nobody can convince me he's not the greatest man on DAD. If anyone calls Ocos a girl I'll personally order them a pizza with extra poison.
Hey! I want my extra poison pizza!
I can't speak for the kind of person she is behind closed doors, but Ocos does seem good at heart
Wait, are you guys memeing? Or am I really getting mogged by a fucking female??!
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fuck this shit, I gotta go draw more >:(
if Ocos isn't a man, I don't wanna be straight

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