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>concept art vs final result
almost the same shit, 2 shit designs. they got exactly what they deserve, failure
left armor looks a lot cooler. especially the guts on the stomach
I feel like a big part of the problem was a bunch of "helpful suggestions" from the execs between A and B. The skill of execution is highly technical in both, yet the art direction becomes much more explicitly distasteful in the 3d model. Another case of "get out of the way and let the creatives work"
From bulky armor and potentially augmented soldier to michelin man with purple lipstick
>majority of the stomach is blocked by the gun
They had nothing to work with. The rest of the design looks pretty much the same but was changed for minor technical reasons. Like the armor being attached to the head would be harder to rig and animate.

A lot of the concept art is vague and unusable.. Like the arms are flat and undetailed. It's unclear what material it's even suppose to be or how it connects at the wrist and hand.
it adds some visual interest
Dude, this is not the image they were looking at where they were creating the 3d, there are technical charts that are used for that, technical charts are specific and if they are not the 3d guys will eat you alive.
>especially the guts on the stomach
I'm so glad 99% of you will never make it
nta, but what's your problem with guts? just curious.
Libtroons hate beauty and everything will look gay and retarded until they die
agreed. good taste is like 95% of it.
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>I'm so glad 99% of you will never make it
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The silhouette is completely different. She went from top heavy into humpty dumpty. The worst part is the shoulder plates being halfway up her face
>concept art is still a fat nigger with a septum piercing
The bar is under ground
are the red lines supposed to mean something?
I outlined the silhouette differences, you can see how the chest plate flares out and there's a difference in forearm vs upper arm width in the first picture compared to the model. There's also more going on up top. I also marked the chin, look at where it ends compared to the shoulder plates
also nta, but why would armor have soft stuff mimicking guts at the belly region? Stupid design idea that should have been discarded along with the tiny red flags.
Let's see your OC nigger
idk what the idea was, obviously, but what if it's not soft guts but some sort of pipes that look like guts and the chick isn't 100% flesh? There are pipes in same yellow colors sticking out near the shoulder
I'm guessing the idea was just
>dude scifi has like wires and shit right?
I'd say the shoulders are the most egregious change, but it's all horrible. the base design was bad. the end result was bad. everything here is fucking bad. like if you have a piece of shit then piss on it so it's a piss and shit smoothie, the original shit doesn't suddenly become good just because you managed to make it worse.
everyone that worked on the game deserves to never find industry work again.
This wouldn't be as bad if they at least gave the creature a pose that doesn't breathe "I'm tired of life".
What were they thinking?
>everyone that worked on the game deserves to never find industry work again.
Only grunts will suffer... maybe not even them, and that will be the end of it.
already made it, keep seething and jacking off to anime porn
getting 1 $8 commission isn't making it.
>Only grunts will suffer
Concept artists are the grunts, it's the art directors who'll be safe
Still shit
this is the lead character designer for concord's art btw
just say you can't make money with your scribbles, the fact you said 8 dollar commissions shows it.
its things like this that make me think wagmi
>Dude, this is not the image they were looking at
And you know this because you were the 3d modeler?
>there are technical charts that are used for that
As a concept artist working in the video game inudstry, I can tell you that no, no there is not. Characters have become too complex since the 90s to do 2d character turn arounds in t-poses or whatever and expect the details to all align perfectly. Usually you get a frontal and back image and that's it
I tried to play but I kept getting mass reported for asking if there was a skin/legal mod to make them white.
not to mention having "technical drawings" wouldn't address the issues at hand here dealing with the rigid nature of the armor and the ability to animate it. There's a reason the helmet was changed since moving the head around in it when it's attached to the main body would be a massive issue.
looking at this again and the og seems to have a visor fixed to the helmets forehead
thank god we have another concord thread, 3 simply isn't enough
yeah it makes no sense because it doesn't look like it slides down at all either. it's just a visor on their forehead.
i thought it was supposed to be a light
>And you know this because you were the 3d modeler?
And you know it is the image they were looking at because you were the 3d modeler, then?
>As a concept artist working in the video game inudstry, I can tell you that no, no there is not.
> Usually you get a frontal and back image and that's it
Can you decide which is it? you have to work from what ever half torso the concept artist toss at you, or do you get a turn around?
Not like anyone in this trash heap is drawing, much more satisfying to just criticize people who do draw
> much more satisfying to just criticize people who do draw
...and not get spammed with pyw
>also nta, but why would armor have soft stuff mimicking guts at the belly region? Stupid design idea that should have been discarded along with the tiny red flags.
ngmi retard
this is why the japs will always be superior
the rule of cool always wins
>thinks the guts thing is 'cool' peak design

you're sure to make it, bud
so are you gonna prove it or are we just supposed to take your word for it? because I also made it. I'm actually one of the highest grossing artists in the US.
nothing says rule of cool like having your shittubes on the outside of your body.
he got the job through nepotism, there's no way you can go from drawing like a retard to lead character designer in 4 years. lead designer is 10+ years of work experience
The concept art is so mch better holy smokes. The helmet, the yellow tubes, the shape of the armor
You are no different from the devs who think baloon ppl is what gamers want to play as. Just look around outside 4chan and you'll see that many liked the guts design element.
>bro me and my friends all liked this horrendously ugly shit!
You must love playing as an inflated balloon tranny
You're so fucking retarded
If I'm retarded, you are in Guinness book as the most retarded person on the planet.
you'd be surprised by how many pros post here
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Deathguard reject.
The color scheme the and the toned down grossness is the aesthethic of the chaos god's blessing. All I see is a bootleg chaos space marine.
The body+ healer being bloated and diseased is too metal for this game.
Soft hydraulic or pneumatic artificial muscle.
After days of meditation on the matter I have realize that this is 90% just the materials used on the 3D model. Rights armor looks like plastic. The other 10% is the lipstick.
It's a complete coincidence that he is Jewish.
this design looks familiar... isn't it the Merc guy
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It gets to the point where people need to experiment to stand out. I guarantee you'd complain if it was just another generic space marine armor set that only looked """functional""".
>many liked the guts design element
No doubt. Coincidentally, there are a lot of stupid cunts in this world
I'm sure concord devs said this too about people who didn't want to play as inflated trannies.
For context:
She is supposed to hail from the world where people run through falling space debris to get dibs(hence the flags) on ship wrecks and such.
Her armor is way too pristine for that.
I don't know what this game's about. Hell I didn't even know it existed until /v/ and /pol/ started victory lapping with it through every fucking board.
thanks for the confirmation that every thread posted about this dei slop is just the artists trying to pretend people actually totally like the art style.
looks awful, prone to piercing damage in a shooting game, there's a reason why boston dynamics is ditching hydraulics they are retarded.
can you explain what exactly hydraulic muscles in the shape of intestines are going to do, and why you would want them exposed? I assume you're the retard that came up with the concept, so would be interesting to hear your thought process.
>piercing damage
kevlar's pretty bullet resistant my man. also there's even prototypes with non-newtonian liquids that solidify on impact to spread the force even better wile being flexible, but i think gas filled hoses would fare better.
I hope you guys who question the practicality of the suits were not part of the crowd cheering the lewd redesigns.
No one noticed this is a shitty Doom guy knock off?
>lewd redesigns
which redesigns were lewd?
okay but do you understand that a hydraulic tube shaped like an intestine on your abdomen won't do anything? what's going to happen when it contracts exactly?
lots of them, here is one
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I remember when trolling wasn't quite this easy.
it might not look too plausible, but i think it could be made to help carry that upper armor. the "intestines" could be made to either curl or straighten when internal pressure is increased, evolution algorithms could be used to compute best shapes for them, making them look organic like
for example this rocket engine. looks like some giger shit but it's completely generated.
these are pretty cool desu
high tier functionality and very practical in a shooting game, high defense from bullets
that's not similar at all. jesus christ the amount of ass pull going on is next level.
the idea was just intestines to look cool. the designer is retarded enough to think a literal shit tube is cool design.
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That "artist" is a fucking looser. His Deviantart is completely IA stuff of Street Fighter without zero talent of making something new.

>April of this year
>Same person
I want to kill myself. The industry is really all about connections. Skill plays such a little part. FML
>The industry is really all about connections
he doesn't have a job in the industry though.
I don't think that's an industry artist? That's just some guy doing designs. I don't know why you're so upset
>kevlar holding hydraulic fluid
kek nothing is more of a pain in the ass to work with than high pressure stuff

I don't care about lewdness or practicality in my characters I care about fun and magic, scifi was a mistake meme engineering. Bring back ritualistic fantasy.

this is shit and not lewd just poor taste
he's working on finance in a tech company iirc
pyw and ill tell you if youre not getting into the industry because of skills or connections
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Makes me think we're all gonna make it bros
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You might shit on Anon for his less than consumable visual product creation that isn't suited for retarded consumers, but i'd give him a job as a caricaturist.
Too bad even caricatures are dying out. Now it's make everything "beautiful" or don't even bother, because consumers must consume.
If talent like yours remains unemployed I can't even begin to imagine what my chances are...
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>>7293455 :)
>consumers must consume
do you know what the average caricaturist does
>shitty doomguy/quakeguy clone BUT BLACKWAHMIN
this whole thing was bad concept to even worse execution
dogshit all around
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>Too bad even caricatures are dying out. Now it's make everything "beautiful"
You're going to tell me, no?
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>not good enough to be a concept artist
>too good to be lead concept artist
i dont get it
Took me a second but I guess the joke is that they'll hang themselves
looks cool, kind of scary too
What is even the purpose of doing the concept art if the 3D people are going to fuck it up anyways. It's the same for Disney.
2nd panel the door
Two ugly fat retarded nigger designs.
Better then fat retarded niggers
No one likes ugly woke shit retard.
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its called SOVL you faggot
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Wasnt this the original design?
Artstation and it's consequences has been a disaster for the human race
>why would armor have soft stuff mimicking guts at the belly region?
because it looks cool?
his dream came true, finally all the clout chasing paid off
looking at his videos , yeah ur right lmao
The concept is definitely a much better design, her head is way more proportionally sized without losing the overall bulk of the armor. The suit actually LOOKS like armor plates over some kind of insulated flight suit instead of some weird plastic cosplay. The inclusion of an actual functional looking helmet really helps.
Still can't get over the pastel mint green and bright yellow with highly saturated violet stripes though. If they want that kinda grungy well-worn military spacesuit kinda vibe they should move that green more towards OD green. Keep the hoses, they give the suit a more functional technical look like the coolant and air lines of real space suits, reinforce that by making the guts pattern symmetrical and end in some kind of chest pack or clearly feeding into the backpack.
Instead of that mustard yellow color they could either be two-toned or maybe give them that gold foil color reminiscent of current space tech.
Maybe turn that violet strip on the helmet into some kind of flood lamp, if they just had to keep the violet color make it violet/rainbowy tinted coated glass, that's a real thing and looks cool while having an obvious purpose.
The original design is painfully generic.
The base design would be cool as goons in a moebius style fantasy/sci fi setting especially if it wasn't an ethnic woman.
No. That was a redesign from like a week after the game came out
No it doesn't. You won't get an industry job again. You failed horribly.
No it doesn't. The only way that works is if it's some kind of cyborg.
It's just the concept artist trying to defend zer bad design.
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I think this dude has actually good takes and designs, what's your opinion faggs?
>stupid Plague Doctor meme design.
And exposed needles like that is really stupid.
>46mins ago
kek buy an ad, tyler
ayo what weg is this?
Sorry but this is trash no matter how you dress it.
To put it simply; healers should NEVER look bulky or tanky, that's just bad design philosophy.
Holy fucking shit this is bad
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going in the right direction, both of these alts have some charisma but they still need revisions
You're making the character fat, okay, but lean into it, give them fatass swagger, dont just make them look like they need to lose weight, make them look like there's no other shape they could ever be in
>healers should NEVER look bulky or tanky,
what if they're tanky healers?
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>Slaps your ass
left looks like a carl from jimmy neutron grabbing random shit from around the house to make an improvised battle costume. his dad's coat, mom's oven mits, etc.
the middle looks like pablo escobar cosplaying mercy
the right is just a shitty overplayed plague doctor meme.
I hate all three desu
Tanky healers should look like this >>7307624
Bulkyness like this >>7307391 implies, at a glance at least, that their role is combat focused
wait, tubby is supposed to be a fucking medic???
A hag maxxed healer would be cool if done well
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basic infantry looked just as bulky. character design is relative to other characters in the same game.
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compared to tanky units, medics weren't bulky.
Return to the bulky era. Everything has been being shrunk and toned down. Needs more chunk and dialed up.
Look at that fuckin shield, the subtle off-white color, the tasteful thickness of it. My god it even has a caduceus.
starcraft and warhammer still exist, you can go play them right now.
There was an era when that was considered to be peak and things were cool.
Then you had the realismfags bitching about how much the weapons would weigh and how it was unrealistic, and then the diversitytards capitalized on that to try to push their bullshit.

Cool designs don't need to be constrained to a narrow set of companies. Also warhammer is fucking garbage for reasons unrelated to the art.
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I think it looks like shit, but you do you.
Gotta agree, these look more like toys than soldiers.
I do believe some moderate bulkyness is good though, like, Helldivers-bulky.

You are the root cause of why things have gotten uglier every Current Year
ye silhouettes bad, texture is all plasticy, the colors like on the gauntlets/legs were made worse for some reason
>how dare you like things I don't like
beyonce's face.
fucking ugly braindead nigger
>I guarantee you'd complain if it was just another generic space marine armor set that only looked """functional""".
Is that what the pic is supposed to represent? Because that man's armor looks retarded. Which means you're talking out of your ass on a subject you know nothing about.
Pretty sure that picture is some kind of inside joke on this board. Someone posted a study someone did of that but they replaced it with a proko's head haha.
If that's the case, then Anon might know what he's talking about and I retract that part of my statement. Thank you.
Imagine fat sausage fingers doing battlefield surgery.
Ummmmm.. Yep, that's right folks. You get a yikes from me dawg.
Medic wears a big plastic coat, got thick gloves, and is unthreateningly round. I don't see the problem, this is good and unique design.
You trope-obsessed design-illiterate mouthbreathers just want the Red Cross plastered all over.
>Let's turn the fat sci-fi nerd into a butcher-crusader...
Makes sense.
They are really wringing Concord for those views.
at least make your bait believable.
That plugsuit chick with the fishbowl head was one of the few designs in Concord that wasn't repulsive. Didn't need fixing and his fix looks trash. Has anyone made an objectively good redesign? Not a replacement character
How much we betting that after AC shadows flops we see a shift in the DEI for the sake of DEI trend?


AAAA game btw
Kill yourself ^_^
>Not a replacement character
homie, the only way to fix their designs is complete replacements. they're all awful at every level.
>That plugsuit chick with the fishbowl head was one of the few designs in Concord that wasn't repulsive.
lmao even
Remember it's only cultural appropriation if white people do it.
> embarrassing
Embarrassing for who? Me? Because i have to witness these clowns thinking their "designs" are any better?
Most redesigns I've found online completely ignore the psychedelic sci-fi influence of the original game. They look more like regular video game character instead of something out of a Moebius comic.
Remember it's only white people who invented a system of grading the value of human lives based on how light their skin is.
She looks like a faceless mook instead of a main character.

Nah, they ignore Moebius too. After all, MOEBIUS SAID:
>Drawing a man is very different from drawing a woman. With males, you can be looser and less precise in their depiction; small imperfections can often add character. Your drawing of a woman, however, must be perfect; a single ill-placed line can dramatically age her or make her seem annoying or ugly. Then, no one buys your comic!

He was right, nobody bought their game. If they were "inspired by Moebius" then they sure as shit only took a cursory glance at his work!
Ew triggered
>Old man said old man things.
Grow up.
Ew triggered
Just posting my inoffensive opinions. It's too much for you?
Ew they actually are triggered
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>this is the art from the person trying to lecture people about character design
lmao I feel bad for anyone who listens to this clown

Ya know if they would've just gave her a cool looking mask instead of her dump fuck looking face sticking out, it would've been passable.

She can take her mask off in the cinematics and such... but they just had to flaunt her ugliness.
Master Chief? You want to tell me what you're doing on that buffet?
I actually like Nicholas Kole’s art but I wish he would shut his faggot mouth up and just draw instead of trying to be some le wholesome public figure
the fuck are you talking about, concord dev?
is this supposed to be a le gotcha?
because that looks pretty good. salty retard, I'm glad you won't get industry work ever again after this colossal failure.
ok that color scheme is a bit shit. the blue and cream looks ok.
>She looks like a faceless mook instead of a main character.
I guess that would be a problem for a hero shooter, never played one...
she looks like a fucking bobblehead. there's no cohesion or proper weighting anywhere on her model.
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maybe they should have given her big tits
>maybe they should have given her big tits
many problems can be solved with this one trick, sadly it is not currently in the corpo vogue
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close enough
It's sad that this is unironically a better design
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he sure has a very promising phenotype, proper management looks
But Anon, no matter how many beautiful things you consume and delude yourself into thinking you have "taste", you're still a soulless bug man if you can't appreciate the grotesque when it's appropriate.
I get that people have different design sensibilities, but everything about this is so impractical that it's really irritating to look at.
honestly, could see this in bioshock.
that literally saves games, especially garbage ones and the the consumers of the garbage games would try to say the game is actually good(it's not) and instead of admitting it was because of the tits and coom bait that draws them in.
If i put a slot machine in my shitty game, i am not saving my shitty game, i am exploiting gambling addicts.
Ah yes, of course he hates white people. He also probably masturbates to BBC and troons.
You’re in a site where the biggest consumers of futa(troon shit) resides here.
All part of the goyim master plan of making white males into submissive femboys.
Do you think he knows that he fits the pol stereotype to a tee? Makes ya think
A stroll through this place, and I came to the conclusion that the topic of culture war fucking ruined any credible criticism of Concord. Now the truth of Concord's true failing will be drowned out by terminally online creeps.
This conversation has been rehashed several times already. The truth isn't some secret that's been lost in the sauce. It's been stated repeatedly, as a matter of fact if you actually read through this thread instead of bitching you'd see many valid points about why it failed. "Woke" just sticks because it's a heated topic and you're on 4chan.
I didn't even know this failed game existed until /pol/ and /v/ started dragging it through every board the jannies were too lazy to ban it on.
What the fuck are you talking about? The concept art is much better. Looks like a bulky black woman who has seen some shit and is in power armor. The waist is slim and flush with the chest.

The right image looks like a fat weird marshmallow lady with purple lipstick. She's standing backward a bit and so her center looks really round.
Everything about the 3D model is fucking garbage. Her head is tiny and stuck in between giant mascot sized shoulderpads. Whereas in the concept art, her head is up and over her shoulders. Like a human being.

Instead of a flat breastplate with armor underneath, they made it stick out like she's fat and the armor on her stomach looks like a puffy pad.

They made the pants puffy for no reason.
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The dumpsterfying of game aesthetics is really shit, if you disagree then please explain what your aesthetic priorities are, what emotions you like to experience when playing games, and what gets or breaks your immersion (and why.)
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A question:

If one were going to submit concept art to a game designer ,what would they expect?

A character in a natural standing pose? An action pose? A formalized static illustration more to expedite the work of modelers and skinners?

Once,in the early 00s,I was offered an "art test":design a barbarian dressed in rag tag gear, a CyberManticore, and a castle ruins in overgrown jungle. Then storyboard a fight. I got as far as starting on the jungle when I gave up,not having either the skills or the ability to deliver the test in a timely manner. I tried to envision things in the idea of anticipating the needs of whoever will have to use this as reference material for their work. This was the age of hardware acceleration being the new normal, so I figured that a low poly model would be easy to build and skin imaginatively. The barbarian was female,and I gave her gear personalities, so you could imagine what special powers it imbues on the wearer. Both were assembled in Photoshop from bits,and it shows,unfortunately.
I imagine the janitors had enough of being called Simps for the themes of the game.

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