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>There is one thing not to do, and that is simply to drift along with the daily routine, making no extra effort. You will soon find yourself middle-aged, having done nothing more than routine jobs, and being little farther along than you were years ago. The extra effort is the difference between the great mass of mediocre artists and the comparatively small group of very good ones.
>And in Art, study can never stop. You will find sketches galore in the studio of the good man, with the paint quite fresh. The mediocre artist's sketches are old and dusty.
>I have seen so many middle-aged artists still hoping, whose samples are frayed at the edges, and thumb-marked with time. Sometimes it has been a matter of years since they sat down and actually did something to give their hopes any promise. They are plodding their lives away at something they hate, and doing nothing about it. These are the men who never seem to have had a chance. The truth is, they never seized a chance.
- Andrew Loomis, Creative Illustration

/Studies/ General is all about improving your art and never settling for mediocrity. Every artist is a student, forever and ever. Anybody, from beginner to pro, can post here. Any style is accepted. Critiques are welcome and encouraged. Let's make this a productive thread!

Read the fucking sticky: http://www.alexhays.com/loomis/

Recommended Resources:

Previous thread: >>7238222
That's a nice pitcher. I thought it was a 3D render at first.
Welcome back, /stud/s.
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about an hour and a half on this. mainly just working on construction and placement of features. used an HB, nothing more.
'ello, m8
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based fun-with-a-pencil haver
Loomis and his peers drew during the easiest period in time now we have to fight against Brazilians and Chinese to draw space mercs and furry coms
That's with anything. Release a cool new locally made product, and some asshole from some shithole is able to copy said product and release it for cheaper than you could have ever produced it.
Globalism fucked with the domestic markets for a lot of things, the only categories that I can think of that were untouched are the food industries.

But, it could also be said that Loomis and crew had an easier time even then, because domestic competition was less as well. The fact that his books were considered so revolutionary for the time shows how hard it was to learn how to draw back then, thus stifling most out from competing.
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yoo that's mine
going from digital to oils
We should not let this thread die. It's the best one on this board. I'll post some of my work tomorrow.
The shadow is really pretty.
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A Zodd I did few weeks ago. Didn't draw much those last two weeks. I don't really know if I have to continue sketching what I like or start going more seriously and taking measurements, 2D shapes etc...

The only book I finished is Fun With A Pencil.
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What I'm doing is sketching only because I want to train the eye. But I'm wondering if I should not try the eye in a different way. I tend to go to fast when I'm sketching, rushing too early into the details and not really working with 2D forms.

Should I go into bargues plates to learn patience and "observation shape" ?
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Last drawing, not measurements, just sketching.

I think that I will keep sketching for plants, insects and those kind of thing. And really focus on taking measurements and working with shapes for the human body.
good work everyone
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I've decided to work my observation skill with 2D shapes. Stop I stoped sketching and used enveloppe and work only with shapes. This is my first time I think.

I didn't measure anything. I did this only with my eye. I tried to put value and not best lost in details, I failed and succeed a bit. I'm happy of the result. Not great, but I can see the benefits of this technique and it's importance for copying everything accuratly. It took me 1h30 I think. I'll continue working on that for the next weeks. But i'll take more "blocky" subject, with less details. And DRAW BIGGER TOO. KtD was right about it.
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Sorry for multiple posts.
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The ref.
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I am planning on reworking this one
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can someone please assist me in understanding whats going on? i bought picrel to mix colours:

primary yellow

i tried painting in oil for the first time and i cannot mix an orange, a warm red or a proper warm green. what am i doing wrong?
You need ultramarine and black as well.
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but why?? if i mix the primary colours i get as close to black like picrel, if i use ultramarine, will i get a proper black?

i can see ultramarine gets closer to red, kind of warmer than the cyan, if i mix it with my primary yellow, do i get a warmer green?

do i need from each a warmer variation?
this might help
As a beginner. Should I only use my eyes to get proportions right with shapes, or can I use measurements, plumb lines etc ?
if you want to improve both, practice both. do drawings with only the former, ones with only the latter, ones with both.
making me hungry!
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don't know what to draw on her chest, I'll figure it out eventually.
How can I "combine" two pictures too see my mistakes ? I don't have a digital tablet, I'm drawing in a trad way.
If the two pictures are two different pieces of paper, put then one on top of the other against a light source, like idk. a computer screen
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I'll take that as a complement, anon :)
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Dropped the ball on this study... simply ran out of time :c
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just starting to pick non-photo/video art back up recently, this is my first serious sketch in many years. looking for critique and pointers please!
Nope it was a reference on my compunter kek
meant for >>7305862
Get a reddish orange paint like Naphthol Red Light or Pyrrole Scarlet (name depends on the brand)
A mixture of Magenta plus Lemon Yellow cannot mix a masstone of very saturated Orange but its undertone is actually equally saturated.
Don't get Ultramarine Blue, that's already a redundant choice since you have Phthalo Blue and Quin Magenta already. To mix a warm green is really to just make a desaturated greenish-yellow or yellow green anyway, so do this:
>lay a glob of yellow on your palette
>mix in a very tiny amount of blue (because it has so much tinting strength) until it turns slightly greenish
>add magenta to desaturate the green into an olive green color
>add some more blue if the mixture veers too much into warm
>add more magenta if it needs to be warmed even further
>do all of this a little at a time until you mix the right color
>VERY IMPORTANT: never add titanium white, it will make your mixture chalky, unless you need a very strong tint of your hue
I cannot stress out enough how misused titanium white is among new artists
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Lately I'm inspired to study places I want to go (or to go back to).
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how do you guys approach references like the bottom one?

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