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How do i learn how to draw proper hyper? (Picrel is not mine) i already know how to draw decently but i decided to get on hyper big hot stuff like hyper bodies, genitalia, sex and penetration too, i'm also interested on doing insane amounts of fluids for that same purpose
Would appreciate any tips for it, please share whatever knowledge you can. extra points if its some solid resources like pdfs or books, that would be the cherry on top
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>"what the brush it is? Please ignore the subject!"
with ridiculous and obscure things like hyper," there is no "proper". "proper" in your head is just what you see as the best version of it.

so if you want to draw like this picture, then go look for more from that artist and copy what they do until you're following the patterns they do in stuff and making yours look similar to theirs.

for an easy example, if you're into dorse rule 34, there is no proper way, template, or guide to draw "dorse". it's a madeup thing. so, what you do is instead look at what it is from the particular pictures you like that make you like it. with dorse as an example, you'd draw elongated mouths, big lips, upward-pointed nose, thick neck, etc. see what i mean?

in hyper, you just see what it is you like. if you ask me, it's even easier than dorse. just looks like you draw porn, then over-inflate their ass and tits. if anything, it's even easier than that. sketch out the humongous tits and ass, and you hardly have to draw anything else at all as you can see by your own pic.
>proper hyper
might help if you explain what this is
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>dorse rule 34
every day we stray further from God
exaggerated proportions, genitalia, butts and tits
i mean i havent tried to do a single sketch of it yet but it doesn't look as simple as you say, that's why i asked for help
maybe that means i need to study more? idk
I hope when I'm int I can feel that much form
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>exaggerated proportions
ah, then maybe studying the art of caricature might help?
hear your dick/puss, he/she never miss how to draw what u like properly, or just trace some artist what u like
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so many normies exposed to a not even so niche fetish and acting surprised, what is this, your first fucking day on the internet?
disgust and/or disappointment =/= surprise
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disappointment about what? A guy asking help in drawing stuff he likes? Disgust about what? We're on 4chan for fucking Christ, you seriously expect people to make phisosofical masterpieces? If you don't want to help OP just fuck off instead of posting useless reaction images
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>disappointment about what? Disgust about what?
>you seriously expect people to make phisosofical masterpieces?
take a guess
>If you don't want to help OP just fuck off instead of posting useless reaction images
Literal Reddit thread
>Draw a woman
>select tits and hips
>stop until peepee gets hard
>show that in twitter
Not a lot of people are taking you seriously, but assuming you're not dicking around, I can at least tell you a little bit about how I approach doing hyper artwork, as someone who's been commissioned to do it more than I'm willing to admit.

First off, get a good grasp on anatomy. Not just basic stuff, learn how things like muscles and fat are affected by gravity, being stretched, how they fall over each other, etc. Before you can stylize, you should at least have a general understanding of how bodies work in the real world, and a sense of form helps create weighty proportions that feel, well, heavy and larger than life.

Don't skimp out on learning to apply shading that looks three-dimensional, either. Understanding form also means keeping in mind curves and folds and how the light hits them to give them dimension

Hyper is inherently unrealistic, but just a hint of realism is going to make exaggerated proportions look more appealing. Even in the example you used in your initial post, the boobs aren't just two circles-- they deform under their weight, her arm squishes into them, and have shading that properly conveys this.

... or you can make everything look like it's been inflated to the point of being stiff, if that's more your style.
not OP but thanks man
i got commissioned to draw a pic of a woman with hyper tits and its out of my comfort zone, i will def take your advice into consideration
OP here
Hmm I thought this was more-in-depth but I guess it makes sense. You gotta learn how things works (in terms of anatomy, muscles and interactions of skin with things) so you can later make them bigger while still making it look appealing. Very useful advice right there man. Thank you!!!
Btw, I know a few books about anatomy and muscles that I'm reading and learning rn to finally know how to draw these parts but I have no idea about the "fat affected by gravity, being stretched, how they fall over each other, etc" part. Do you know any book that could help me with this alone?
reaction images are funny and an art form unto itself thoughever
Hyper Anon from before.

It’s not so much something you’re going to find in a chapter in a book, and more something that you can learn by drawing fat, curvy, busty, or muscular models.

My best advice would be to find some pornographic or erotic photography that fits into this niche, and do a couple observational drawings.
Oh, and if you wanna learn about how to stylize this sort of thing, ModeSecen has a pretty good guide. Let me see if I can find it for you real quick.
Well, I don't really know any good artists who specialize in hyper proportions, except maybe Jujunaught. Could you please share some great artists with this style so I can learn from them? Thank you.
Composition and story are the MOST IMPORTANT things for coom, with composition being even more highly needed for hyper. A lot of elements of hyper end up mirroring landscape painting - bob ross can be real useful to learn from if you pay attention to the essence of his advice rather than the peculiarities of his oil wet-on-wet techniques and landscape contents.
>Lets just put a nice big swell here, and an indent - some tension from her tit rubbing up against something in the room. It could be a lamp, or a coatrack, really anything you want it to be, we're just trying to give a little context for her volume, so whatever feels right to you is the right thing.
The weirdest fucking thing is that coom art is closer to "fine art" than it is to industry art. You need to actually storytell with the visual elements of the work to get people interested. You have only 2 seconds to get people interested enough in your art to spend more time. You want to NEVER be dragging your viewer off of one edge of the page, you want the composition to pull their eyes around and keep them looking at your art.

Volume and object permanence are also important. You can get away with some odd anatomy or perspective AT TIMES but if you want to be pretty damn well regarded, the actual depth of a character has to come across, and this means being able to create the illusion of that massive size.
To explain: Keeping track of say, where a hyper ass and thighs are while a character is being cumflated allows you accurately have the character doing the fucking be gripping onto the leg in a way that makes sense, even if the cum-belly hides 99% of it.

Given all this, you should:
- Do thumbnails. ALWAYS do thumbnails. Composition is key, and thumbnails allow you to plan before you commit
- Character faces are expressive. If they're hidden by the framing or the mass (such as closeups of the chest, or POV images), you better have SOME hints of emotion involved
- practice organic 3D forms
it looks bad bro
hyper always looks bad
and it's cringe faggotry
Anon, 4cuck IS reddit.
The only diferrence is that you can say the meanie negroe word
Go wild.
That's it
Get good at rendering round forms, curving forms, etc. Depth and making it convincingly 3d is important. Robert Crumb came to mind so I got this pic as a good example. He's good at showing you how round and 3d this woman is, and it's convincing.

Other than that, anatomy is important. Learn where the fat pads are, how the buttock connects to the back, etc.
Live Steve Reaction
study the best hyper artists
Study raylynn ass and abbi secraa tits
If you actually new how to draw at a decent level you would know what you have to practice.
Your question reveals your lack of knowledge.
Keep studying your fundies or give up like most of the board
All fundies and no fun makes jack a soulless moron.

The aim and what someone likes dictates what fundies are most important. There's overlap, but you would not give the same advice to someone who wants to just paint fantasy landscapes as you would someone who is deeply interested in making fantasy ARCHITECTURE. Much like that, regular coom drawing and hyper are related and overlap, but ultimately they have different skill focuses.
www.deviantart com/winterwarning
Does hyper bodies always get more attention than a "normal" sized body?
Because I've seen shitty drawings of gigantic breasts and ass get a lot of attention.
Don't draw hyper just because you think it will get you attention. It's just a niche audience who likes things and will support people due to similar interests.
Seethe hyperfag
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whoops forgot image
every part of that image looks like shit
It 100% helps if you are consciously aware of what artists are your influences and WHY you like what they do. Artists can change and become boring to you over time, and this isn't necessarily desensitization but their own art may just shift. Keeping in mind what you like, why you like it, and cataloging specific pieces for that reason will help immensely and prevent situations where you become lost and uninspired.

This isn't JUST a hyper thing, but it's really super important due to how galleries can get nuked and the limited amount of artists in the niche. You don't want to lose access to your sources of inspo, basically.
Also being able to take an old pic one of your inspirations did years ago and which you still like, and "remake it" as a new picture that mogs it is super satisfying and real way to see your own progress.
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Dude.... i like big boobs and all, but there is a limit
The ass is taking up more space than the breasts.

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